org.jgroups.protocols.SASL Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jgroups.protocols;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext;
import javax.security.sasl.SaslClientFactory;
import javax.security.sasl.SaslException;
import javax.security.sasl.SaslServerFactory;
import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.Event;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Property;
import org.jgroups.auth.sasl.SaslClientCallbackHandler;
import org.jgroups.auth.sasl.SaslClientContext;
import org.jgroups.auth.sasl.SaslContext;
import org.jgroups.auth.sasl.SaslServerContext;
import org.jgroups.auth.sasl.SaslUtils;
import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator;
import org.jgroups.conf.PropertyConverters;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS.GmsHeader;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.JoinRsp;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch;
* The SASL protocol implements authentication and, if requested by the mech, encryption
* @author Tristan Tarrant
@MBean(description = "Provides SASL authentication")
public class SASL extends Protocol {
public static final short GMS_ID = ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(GMS.class);
public static final short SASL_ID = ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(SASL.class);
public static final String SASL_PROTOCOL_NAME = "jgroups";
@Property(name = "login_module_name", description = "The name of the JAAS login module to use to obtain a subject for creating the SASL client and server (optional). Only required by some SASL mechs (e.g. GSSAPI)")
protected String login_module_name;
@Property(name = "client_name", description = "The name to use when a node is acting as a client (i.e. it is not the coordinator. Will also be used to obtain the subject if using a JAAS login module")
protected String client_name;
@Property(name = "client_password", description = "The password to use when a node is acting as a client (i.e. it is not the coordinator. Will also be used to obtain the subject if using a JAAS login module", exposeAsManagedAttribute = false)
protected String client_password;
@Property(name = "mech", description = "The name of the mech to require for authentication. Can be any mech supported by your local SASL provider. The JDK comes standard with CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, NTLM")
protected String mech;
@Property(name = "sasl_props", description = "Properties specific to the chosen mech", converter = PropertyConverters.StringProperties.class)
protected Map sasl_props = new HashMap();
@Property(name = "server_name", description = "The fully qualified server name")
protected String server_name;
@Property(name = "timeout", description = "How long to wait (in ms) for a response to a challenge")
protected long timeout = 5000;
@Property(name = "client_callback_handler", description = "The CallbackHandler to use when a node acts as a client (i.e. it is not the coordinator")
protected CallbackHandler client_callback_handler;
@Property(name = "server_callback_handler", description = "The CallbackHandler to use when a node acts as a server (i.e. it is the coordinator")
protected CallbackHandler server_callback_handler;
protected Subject client_subject;
protected Subject server_subject;
protected Address local_addr;
protected final Map sasl_context = new HashMap();
private SaslServerFactory saslServerFactory;
private SaslClientFactory saslClientFactory;
public SASL() {
name = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
@Property(name = "client_callback_handler_class")
public void setClientCallbackHandlerClass(String handlerClass) throws Exception {
client_callback_handler = Class.forName(handlerClass).asSubclass(CallbackHandler.class).newInstance();
public String getClientCallbackHandlerClass() {
return client_callback_handler != null ? client_callback_handler.getClass().getName() : null;
public CallbackHandler getClientCallbackHandler() {
return client_callback_handler;
public void setClientCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler client_callback_handler) {
this.client_callback_handler = client_callback_handler;
@Property(name = "server_callback_handler_class")
public void setServerCallbackHandlerClass(String handlerClass) throws Exception {
server_callback_handler = Class.forName(handlerClass).asSubclass(CallbackHandler.class).newInstance();
public String getServerCallbackHandlerClass() {
return server_callback_handler != null ? server_callback_handler.getClass().getName() : null;
public CallbackHandler getServerCallbackHandler() {
return server_callback_handler;
public void setServerCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler server_callback_handler) {
this.server_callback_handler = server_callback_handler;
public void setLoginModuleName(String login_module_name) {
this.login_module_name = login_module_name;
public String getLoginModulename() {
return login_module_name;
public void setMech(String mech) {
this.mech = mech;
public String getMech() {
return mech;
public void setSaslProps(Map sasl_props) {
this.sasl_props = sasl_props;
public Map getSaslProps() {
return sasl_props;
public void setClientSubject(Subject client_subject) {
this.client_subject = client_subject;
public Subject getClientSubject() {
return client_subject;
public void setServerSubject(Subject server_subject) {
this.server_subject = server_subject;
public Subject getServerSubject() {
return server_subject;
public void setServerName(String server_name) {
this.server_name = server_name;
public String getServerName(String server_name) {
return server_name;
public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
public long getTimeout() {
return timeout;
public Address getAddress() {
return local_addr;
public void init() throws Exception {
saslServerFactory = SaslUtils.getSaslServerFactory(mech, sasl_props);
saslClientFactory = SaslUtils.getSaslClientFactory(mech, sasl_props);
char[] client_password_chars = client_password == null ? new char[]{} : client_password.toCharArray();
if (client_callback_handler == null && client_password != null) {
client_callback_handler = new SaslClientCallbackHandler(client_name, client_password_chars);
if (server_subject == null && login_module_name != null) {
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(login_module_name);
server_subject = lc.getSubject();
if (client_subject == null && login_module_name != null) {
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(login_module_name, new SaslClientCallbackHandler(client_name, client_password_chars));
client_subject = lc.getSubject();
public void stop() {
public void destroy() {
private void cleanup() {
for(SaslContext context : sasl_context.values()) {
public Object up(Event evt) {
if (evt.getType() == Event.MSG) {
Message msg = (Message) evt.getArg();
SaslHeader saslHeader = (SaslHeader) msg.getHeader(SASL_ID);
GmsHeader gmsHeader = (GmsHeader) msg.getHeader(GMS_ID);
if (needsAuthentication(gmsHeader)) {
if (saslHeader == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Found GMS join or merge request but no SASL header");
if (!serverChallenge(gmsHeader, saslHeader, msg))
return null; // failed auth, don't pass up
} else if (saslHeader != null) {
Address remoteAddress = msg.getSrc();
SaslContext saslContext = sasl_context.get(remoteAddress);
if (saslContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Cannot find server context to challenge SASL request from %s", remoteAddress.toString()));
switch (saslHeader.getType()) {
try {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: received CHALLENGE from %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
// the response computed can be null if the challenge-response cycle has ended
Message response = saslContext.nextMessage(remoteAddress, saslHeader);
if (response != null) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: sending RESPONSE to %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, response));
} else {
if (!saslContext.isSuccessful()) {
throw new SaslException("computed response is null but challenge-response cycle not complete!");
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: authentication complete from %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
} catch (SaslException e) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
log.warn("failed to validate CHALLENGE from " + remoteAddress + ", token", e);
try {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: received RESPONSE from %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
Message challenge = saslContext.nextMessage(remoteAddress, saslHeader);
// the challenge computed can be null if the challenge-response cycle has ended
if (challenge != null) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: sending CHALLENGE to %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, challenge));
} else {
if (!saslContext.isSuccessful()) {
throw new SaslException("computed challenge is null but challenge-response cycle not complete!");
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("%s: authentication complete from %s", getAddress(), remoteAddress);
} catch (SaslException e) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
log.warn("failed to validate RESPONSE from " + remoteAddress + ", token", e);
return null;
return up_prot.up(evt);
private void disposeContext(Address address) {
SaslContext context = sasl_context.remove(address);
if (context != null) {
public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
for (Message msg : batch) {
// If we have a join or merge request --> authenticate, else pass up
GmsHeader gmsHeader = (GmsHeader) msg.getHeader(GMS_ID);
if (needsAuthentication(gmsHeader)) {
SaslHeader saslHeader = (SaslHeader) msg.getHeader(id);
if (saslHeader == null) {
log.warn("Found GMS join or merge request but no SASL header");
sendRejectionMessage(gmsHeader.getType(), batch.sender(), "join or merge without an SASL header");
} else if (!serverChallenge(gmsHeader, saslHeader, msg)) // authentication failed
batch.remove(msg); // don't pass up
if (!batch.isEmpty())
public Object down(Event evt) {
switch (evt.getType()) {
local_addr = (Address) evt.getArg();
case Event.MSG:
Message msg = (Message) evt.getArg();
GmsHeader hdr = (GmsHeader) msg.getHeader(GMS_ID);
if (needsAuthentication(hdr)) {
// We are a client who needs to authenticate
SaslClientContext ctx = null;
Address remoteAddress = msg.getDest();
try {
ctx = new SaslClientContext(saslClientFactory, mech, server_name != null ? server_name : remoteAddress.toString(), client_callback_handler, sasl_props, client_subject);
sasl_context.put(remoteAddress, ctx);
ctx.addHeader(msg, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (ctx != null) {
throw new SecurityException(e);
return down_prot.down(evt);
protected static boolean needsAuthentication(GmsHeader hdr) {
return (hdr != null)
&& (hdr.getType() == GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ || hdr.getType() == GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER || hdr
.getType() == GmsHeader.MERGE_REQ);
protected boolean serverChallenge(GmsHeader gmsHeader, SaslHeader saslHeader, Message msg) {
switch (gmsHeader.getType()) {
case GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ:
case GmsHeader.MERGE_REQ:
Address remoteAddress = msg.getSrc();
SaslServerContext ctx = null;
try {
ctx = new SaslServerContext(saslServerFactory, mech, server_name != null ? server_name : local_addr.toString(), server_callback_handler, sasl_props, server_subject);
sasl_context.put(remoteAddress, ctx);
this.getDownProtocol().down(new Event(Event.MSG, ctx.nextMessage(remoteAddress, saslHeader)));
if (ctx.isSuccessful()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Authentication successful for %s", ctx.getAuthorizationID());
return true;
} else {
log.warn("failed to validate SaslHeader from %s, header: %s", msg.getSrc(), saslHeader);
sendRejectionMessage(gmsHeader.getType(), msg.getSrc(), "authentication failed");
return false;
} catch (SaslException e) {
log.warn("failed to validate SaslHeader from %s, header: %s", msg.getSrc(), saslHeader);
sendRejectionMessage(gmsHeader.getType(), msg.getSrc(), "authentication failed");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
} finally {
if (ctx != null && !ctx.needsWrapping()) {
return true; // pass up
protected void sendRejectionMessage(byte type, Address dest, String error_msg) {
switch (type) {
case GmsHeader.JOIN_REQ:
sendJoinRejectionMessage(dest, error_msg);
case GmsHeader.MERGE_REQ:
log.error("type " + type + " unknown");
protected void sendJoinRejectionMessage(Address dest, String error_msg) {
if (dest == null)
JoinRsp joinRes = new JoinRsp(error_msg); // specify the error message on the JoinRsp
Message msg = new Message(dest).putHeader(GMS_ID, new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.JOIN_RSP)).setBuffer(
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
protected void sendMergeRejectionMessage(Address dest) {
Message msg = new Message(dest).setFlag(Message.Flag.OOB);
GmsHeader hdr = new GmsHeader(GmsHeader.MERGE_RSP);
msg.putHeader(GMS_ID, hdr);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("merge response=" + hdr);
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
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