org.jgroups.util.Table Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jgroups.util;
import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* A store for elements (typically messages) to be retransmitted or delivered. Used on sender and receiver side,
* as a replacement for HashMap. Table should use less memory than HashMap, as HashMap.Entry has 4 fields,
* plus arrays for storage.
* Table maintains a matrix (an array of arrays) of elements, which are stored in the matrix by mapping
* their seqno to an index. E.g. when we have 10 rows of 1000 elements each, and first_seqno is 3000, then an element
* with seqno=5600, will be stored in the 3rd row, at index 600.
* Rows are removed when all elements in that row have been received.
* Table started out as a copy of RetransmitTable, but is synchronized and maintains its own low, hd and hr
* pointers, so it can be used as a replacement for NakReceiverWindow. The idea is to put messages into Table,
* deliver them in order of seqnos, and periodically scan over all tables in NAKACK2 to do retransmission.
* @author Bela Ban
* @version 3.1
public class Table {
protected final int num_rows;
/** Must be a power of 2 for efficient modular arithmetic **/
protected final int elements_per_row;
protected final double resize_factor;
protected T[][] matrix;
/** The first seqno, at matrix[0][0] */
protected long offset;
protected int size;
/** The highest seqno purged */
protected long low;
/** The highest received seqno */
protected long hr;
/** The highest delivered (= removed) seqno */
protected long hd;
/** Time (in nanoseconds) after which a compaction should take place. 0 disables compaction */
protected long max_compaction_time=TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
/** The time when the last compaction took place. If a {@link #compact()} takes place and sees that the
* last compaction is more than max_compaction_time nanoseconds ago, a compaction will take place */
protected long last_compaction_timestamp=0;
protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock();
protected final AtomicBoolean processing=new AtomicBoolean(false);
protected int num_compactions=0, num_resizes=0, num_moves=0, num_purges=0;
protected static final long DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_TIME=10000; // in milliseconds
protected static final double DEFAULT_RESIZE_FACTOR=1.2;
public interface Visitor {
* Iteration over the table, used by {@link Table#forEach(long,long,org.jgroups.util.Table.Visitor)}.
* @param seqno The current seqno
* @param element The element at matrix[row][column]
* @param row The current row
* @param column The current column
* @return True if we should continue the iteration, false if we should break out of the iteration
boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column);
public Table() {
this(5, 8192, 0, DEFAULT_RESIZE_FACTOR);
public Table(long offset) {
public Table(int num_rows, int elements_per_row, long offset) {
this(num_rows,elements_per_row, offset, DEFAULT_RESIZE_FACTOR);
public Table(int num_rows, int elements_per_row, long offset, double resize_factor) {
this(num_rows,elements_per_row, offset, resize_factor, DEFAULT_MAX_COMPACTION_TIME);
* Creates a new table
* @param num_rows the number of rows in the matrix
* @param elements_per_row the number of elements per row
* @param offset the seqno before the first seqno to be inserted. E.g. if 0 then the first seqno will be 1
* @param resize_factor teh factor with which to increase the number of rows
* @param max_compaction_time the max time in milliseconds after we attempt a compaction
public Table(int num_rows, int elements_per_row, long offset, double resize_factor, long max_compaction_time) {
this.max_compaction_time=TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(max_compaction_time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
matrix=(T[][])new Object[num_rows][];
if(resize_factor <= 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("resize_factor needs to be > 1");
public AtomicBoolean getProcessing() {return processing;}
public long getOffset() {return offset;}
public int getElementsPerRow() {return elements_per_row;}
/** Returns the total capacity in the matrix */
public int capacity() {return matrix.length * elements_per_row;}
public int getNumCompactions() {return num_compactions;}
public int getNumMoves() {return num_moves;}
public int getNumResizes() {return num_resizes;}
public int getNumPurges() {return num_purges;}
/** Returns the numbers of elements in the table */
public int size() {return size;}
public boolean isEmpty() {return size <= 0;}
public long getLow() {return low;}
public long getHighestDelivered() {return hd;}
public long getHighestReceived() {return hr;}
public long getMaxCompactionTime() {return max_compaction_time;}
public void setMaxCompactionTime(long max_compaction_time) {
this.max_compaction_time=TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(max_compaction_time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public int getNumRows() {return matrix.length;}
public void resetStats() {num_compactions=num_moves=num_resizes=num_purges=0;}
/** Returns the highest deliverable (= removable) seqno. This may be higher than {@link #getHighestDelivered()},
* e.g. if elements have been added but not yet removed */
public long getHighestDeliverable() {
HighestDeliverable visitor=new HighestDeliverable();
try {
forEach(hd+1, hr, visitor);
long retval=visitor.getResult();
return retval == -1? hd : retval;
finally {
* Only used internally by JGroups on a state transfer. Please don't use this in application code, or you're on
* your own !
* @param seqno
public void setHighestDelivered(long seqno) {
try {
finally {
* Adds an element if the element at the given index is null. Returns true if no element existed at the given index,
* else returns false and doesn't set the element.
* @param seqno
* @param element
* @return True if the element at the computed index was null, else false
public boolean add(long seqno, T element) {
try {
return _add(seqno, element, true, null);
finally {
* Adds an element if the element at the given index is null. Returns true if no element existed at the given index,
* else returns false and doesn't set the element.
* @param seqno
* @param element
* @param remove_filter If not null, a filter used to remove all consecutive messages passing the filter
* @return True if the element at the computed index was null, else false
public boolean add(long seqno, T element, Filter remove_filter) {
try {
return _add(seqno, element, true, remove_filter);
finally {
* Adds elements from list to the table
* @param list
* @return True if at least 1 element was added successfully
public boolean add(final List> list) {
return add(list, false);
* Adds elements from list to the table, removes elements from list that were not added to the table
* @param list
* @return True if at least 1 element was added successfully. This guarantees that the list has at least 1 element
public boolean add(final List> list, boolean remove_added_elements) {
return add(list, remove_added_elements, null);
* Adds elements from the list to the table
* @param list The list of tuples of seqnos and elements. If remove_added_elements is true, if elements could
* not be added to the table (e.g. because they were already present or the seqno was < HD), those
* elements will be removed from list
* @param remove_added_elements If true, elements that could not be added to the table are removed from list
* @param const_value If non-null, this value should be used rather than the values of the list tuples
* @return True if at least 1 element was added successfully, false otherwise.
public boolean add(final List> list, boolean remove_added_elements, T const_value) {
if(list == null || list.isEmpty())
return false;
boolean added=false;
try {
// find the highest seqno (unfortunately, the list is not ordered by seqno)
long highest_seqno=findHighestSeqno(list);
if(highest_seqno != -1 && computeRow(highest_seqno) >= matrix.length)
for(Iterator> it=list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Tuple tuple=it.next();
long seqno=tuple.getVal1();
T element=const_value != null? const_value : tuple.getVal2();
if(_add(seqno, element, false, null))
else if(remove_added_elements)
return added;
finally {
* Returns an element at seqno
* @param seqno
* @return
public T get(long seqno) {
try {
if(seqno <= low || seqno > hr)
return null;
int row_index=computeRow(seqno);
if(row_index < 0 || row_index >= matrix.length)
return null;
T[] row=matrix[row_index];
if(row == null)
return null;
int index=computeIndex(seqno);
return index >= 0? row[index] : null;
finally {
* To be used only for testing; doesn't do any index or sanity checks
* @param seqno
* @return
public T _get(long seqno) {
try {
int row_index=computeRow(seqno);
if(row_index < 0 || row_index >= matrix.length)
return null;
T[] row=matrix[row_index];
if(row == null)
return null;
int index=computeIndex(seqno);
return index >= 0? row[index] : null;
finally {
public List get(long from, long to) {
try {
// boundary check: the get() has to be in range [low+1 .. hr-1]
if(from <= low) from=low+1;
if(to > hr) to=hr;
Getter getter=new Getter();
forEach(from, to, getter);
return getter.getList();
finally {
public T remove() {
return remove(true);
/** Removes the next non-null element and nulls the index if nullify=true */
public T remove(boolean nullify) {
try {
int row_index=computeRow(hd+1);
if(row_index < 0 || row_index >= matrix.length)
return null;
T[] row=matrix[row_index];
if(row == null)
return null;
int index=computeIndex(hd+1);
if(index < 0)
return null;
T existing_element=row[index];
if(existing_element != null) {
size=Math.max(size-1, 0); // cannot be < 0 (well that would be a bug, but let's have this 2nd line of defense !)
if(nullify) {
if(hd > low)
return existing_element;
finally {
public List removeMany(boolean nullify, int max_results) {
return removeMany(null, nullify, max_results);
public List removeMany(final AtomicBoolean processing, boolean nullify, int max_results) {
return removeMany(processing, nullify, max_results, null);
* Removes between 0 and max_results elements from the table and returns them in a list. If filter is non-null,
* only elements which the filter accepts are returned. Note that elements are always removed from the table,
* but may or may not get added to the returned list.
* @return A list of element. A null list means no more elements are in the table and processing (if set)
* will be set to false
public List removeMany(final AtomicBoolean processing, boolean nullify, int max_results, Filter filter) {
try {
Remover remover=new Remover(nullify, max_results, filter);
forEach(hd+1, hr, remover);
List retval=remover.getList();
if(processing != null && (retval == null || retval.isEmpty()))
return retval;
finally {
* Removes all elements less than or equal to seqno from the table. Does this by nulling entire rows in the matrix
* and nulling all elements < index(seqno) of the first row that cannot be removed
* @param seqno
public void purge(long seqno) {
purge(seqno, false);
* Removes all elements less than or equal to seqno from the table. Does this by nulling entire rows in the matrix
* and nulling all elements < index(seqno) of the first row that cannot be removed.
* @param seqno All elements <= seqno will be nulled
* @param force If true, we only ensure that seqno <= hr, but don't care about hd, and set hd=low=seqno.
public void purge(long seqno, boolean force) {
try {
if(seqno <= low)
if(force) {
if(seqno > hr)
else {
if(seqno > hd) // we cannot be higher than the highest removed seqno
int start_row=computeRow(low), end_row=computeRow(seqno);
if(start_row < 0) start_row=0;
if(end_row < 0)
for(int i=start_row; i < end_row; i++) // Null all rows which can be fully removed
if(matrix[end_row] != null) {
int index=computeIndex(seqno);
for(int i=0; i <= index; i++) // null all elements up to and including seqno in the given row
if(seqno > low)
if(force) {
if(seqno > hd)
if(max_compaction_time <= 0) // see if compaction should be triggered
long current_time=System.nanoTime();
if(last_compaction_timestamp > 0) {
if(current_time - last_compaction_timestamp >= max_compaction_time) {
else // the first time we don't do a compaction
finally {
public void compact() {
try {
finally {
* Iterates over the matrix with range [from .. to] (including from and to), and calls
* {@link Visitor#visit(long,Object,int,int)}. If the visit() method returns false, the iteration is terminated.
* This method must be called with the lock held
* @param from The starting seqno
* @param to The ending seqno, the range is [from .. to] including from and to
* @param visitor An instance of Visitor
public void forEach(long from, long to, Visitor visitor) {
if(from > to)
int row=computeRow(from), column=computeIndex(from);
int distance=(int)(to - from +1);
T[] current_row=row+1 > matrix.length? null : matrix[row];
for(int i=0; i < distance; i++) {
T element=current_row == null? null : current_row[column];
if(!visitor.visit(from, element, row, column))
if(++column >= elements_per_row) {
current_row=row+1 > matrix.length? null : matrix[row];
protected boolean _add(long seqno, T element, boolean check_if_resize_needed, Filter remove_filter) {
if(seqno <= hd)
return false;
int row_index=computeRow(seqno);
if(check_if_resize_needed && row_index >= matrix.length) {
T[] row=getRow(row_index);
int index=computeIndex(seqno);
T existing_element=row[index];
if(existing_element == null) {
if(seqno > hr)
if(remove_filter != null && hd +1 == seqno)
forEach(hd+1, hr, new RemoverOnAdd(remove_filter));
return true;
return false;
// list must not be null or empty
protected long findHighestSeqno(List> list) {
long seqno=-1;
for(Tuple tuple: list) {
Long val=tuple.getVal1();
if(val != null && val > seqno)
return seqno;
/** Moves rows down the matrix, by removing purged rows. If resizing to accommodate seqno is still needed, computes
* a new size. Then either moves existing rows down, or copies them into a new array (if resizing took place).
* The lock must be held by the caller of resize(). */
protected void resize(long seqno) {
int num_rows_to_purge=computeRow(low);
int row_index=computeRow(seqno) - num_rows_to_purge;
if(row_index < 0)
int new_size=Math.max(row_index +1, matrix.length);
if(new_size > matrix.length) {
T[][] new_matrix=(T[][])new Object[new_size][];
System.arraycopy(matrix, num_rows_to_purge, new_matrix, 0, matrix.length - num_rows_to_purge);
else if(num_rows_to_purge > 0) {
offset+=(num_rows_to_purge * elements_per_row);
/** Moves contents of matrix num_rows down. Avoids a System.arraycopy(). Caller must hold the lock. */
protected void move(int num_rows) {
if(num_rows <= 0 || num_rows > matrix.length)
int target_index=0;
for(int i=num_rows; i < matrix.length; i++)
for(int i=matrix.length - num_rows; i < matrix.length; i++)
* Moves the contents of matrix down by the number of purged rows and resizes the matrix accordingly. The
* capacity of the matrix should be size * resize_factor. Caller must hold the lock.
protected void _compact() {
// This is the range we need to copy into the new matrix (including from and to)
int from=computeRow(low), to=computeRow(hr);
int range=to - from +1; // e.g. from=3, to=5, new_size has to be [3 .. 5] (=3)
int new_size=(int)Math.max(range * resize_factor, range +1);
new_size=Math.max(new_size, num_rows); // don't fall below the initial size defined
if(new_size < matrix.length) {
T[][] new_matrix=(T[][])new Object[new_size][];
System.arraycopy(matrix, from, new_matrix, 0, range);
offset+=from * elements_per_row;
/** Iterate from low to hr and add up non-null values. Caller must hold the lock. */
public int computeSize() {
Counter non_null_counter=new Counter();
forEach(hd+1, hr, non_null_counter);
return non_null_counter.getResult();
/** Returns the number of null elements in the range [hd+1 .. hr-1] excluding hd and hr */
public int getNumMissing() {
try {
return (int)(hr - hd - size);
finally {
* Returns a list of missing (= null) elements
* @return A SeqnoList of missing messages, or null if no messages are missing
public SeqnoList getMissing() {
return getMissing(0);
* Returns a list of missing messages
* @param max_msgs If > 0, the max number of missing messages to be returned (oldest first), else no limit
* @return A SeqnoList of missing messages, or null if no messages are missing
public SeqnoList getMissing(int max_msgs) {
try {
if(size == 0)
return null;
long start_seqno=getHighestDeliverable() +1;
int capacity=(int)(hr - start_seqno);
int max_size=max_msgs > 0? Math.min(max_msgs, capacity) : capacity;
if(max_size <= 0)
return null;
Missing missing=new Missing(start_seqno, capacity, max_size);
forEach(start_seqno, hr-1, missing);
return missing.getMissingElements();
finally {
public long[] getDigest() {
try {
return new long[]{hd,hr};
finally {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
sb.append("[" + low + " | " + hd + " | " + hr + "] (" + size() +
" elements, " + getNumMissing() + " missing)");
return sb.toString();
/** Dumps the seqnos in the table as a list */
public String dump() {
try {
Dump dump=new Dump();
forEach(low, hr, dump);
return dump.getResult();
finally {
* Returns a row. Creates a new row and inserts it at index if the row at index doesn't exist
* @param index
* @return A row
protected T[] getRow(int index) {
T[] row=matrix[index];
if(row == null) {
row=(T[])new Object[elements_per_row];
return row;
/** Computes and returns the row index for seqno. The caller must hold the lock. */
// Note that seqno-offset is never > Integer.MAX_VALUE and thus doesn't overflow into a negative long,
// as offset is always adjusted in resize() or compact(). Even if it was negative, callers of computeRow() will
// ignore the result or throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception
protected int computeRow(long seqno) {
int diff=(int)(seqno-offset);
if(diff < 0) return diff;
return diff / elements_per_row;
/** Computes and returns the index within a row for seqno */
// Note that seqno-offset is never > Integer.MAX_VALUE and thus doesn't overflow into a negative long,
// as offset is always adjusted in resize() or compact(). Even if it was negative, callers of computeIndex() will
// ignore the result or throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception
protected int computeIndex(long seqno) {
int diff=(int)(seqno - offset);
if(diff < 0)
return diff;
return diff & (elements_per_row - 1); // same as mod, but (apparently, I'm told) more efficient
protected class Counter implements Visitor {
protected int result=0;
public int getResult() {return result;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element != null)
return true;
protected class Getter implements Visitor {
protected List list;
public List getList() {return list;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element != null) {
if(list == null)
list=new LinkedList();
return true;
protected class Remover implements Visitor {
protected final boolean nullify;
protected final int max_results;
protected List list;
protected int num_results;
protected final Filter filter;
public Remover(boolean nullify, int max_results) {
this(nullify, max_results, null);
public Remover(boolean nullify, int max_results, Filter filter) {
public List getList() {return list;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element != null) {
if(filter == null || filter.accept(element)) {
if(list == null)
list=new LinkedList();
if(seqno > hd)
size=Math.max(size-1, 0); // cannot be < 0 (well that would be a bug, but let's have this 2nd line of defense !)
if(nullify) {
// if we're nulling the last element of a row, null the row as well
if(column == elements_per_row-1)
if(seqno > low)
return max_results == 0 || num_results < max_results;
return false;
protected class RemoverOnAdd implements Visitor {
protected final Filter filter;
public RemoverOnAdd(Filter remover) {
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element == null || !filter.accept(element))
return false;
if(seqno > hd)
size=Math.max(size-1, 0); // cannot be < 0 (well that would be a bug, but let's have this 2nd line of defense !)
return true;
protected class Dump implements Visitor {
protected final StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
protected boolean first=true;
protected String getResult() {return sb.toString();}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element != null) {
sb.append(", ");
return true;
/* protected class Missing implements Visitor {
protected SeqnoList missing_elements;
protected long last_missing=-1; // last missing seqno
protected SeqnoList getMissingElements() {return missing_elements;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element == null) {
if(last_missing == -1)
else {
if(last_missing == -1) {
else {
long tmp=seqno-1;
if(missing_elements == null)
missing_elements=new SeqnoList();
if(tmp - last_missing > 0) {
missing_elements.add(last_missing, tmp);
else {
return true;
protected class Missing implements Visitor {
protected final SeqnoList missing_elements;
protected final int max_num_msgs;
protected int num_msgs;
protected Missing(long start, int capacity, int max_number_of_msgs) {
missing_elements=new SeqnoList(capacity, start);
protected SeqnoList getMissingElements() {return missing_elements;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element == null) {
if(++num_msgs > max_num_msgs)
return false;
return true;
protected class HighestDeliverable implements Visitor {
protected long highest_deliverable=-1;
public long getResult() {return highest_deliverable;}
public boolean visit(long seqno, T element, int row, int column) {
if(element == null)
return false;
return true;
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