org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.stringbased.JdbcStringBasedStore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.stringbased;
import static org.infinispan.persistence.PersistenceUtil.getExpiryTime;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.infinispan.commons.configuration.ConfiguredBy;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.Util;
import org.infinispan.filter.KeyFilter;
import org.infinispan.marshall.core.MarshalledEntry;
import org.infinispan.persistence.TaskContextImpl;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.JdbcUtil;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.TableManipulation;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.configuration.JdbcStringBasedStoreConfiguration;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.connectionfactory.ManagedConnectionFactory;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper;
import org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.TwoWayKey2StringMapper;
import org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.UnsupportedKeyTypeException;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.AdvancedLoadWriteStore;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.InitializationContext;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException;
import org.infinispan.util.KeyValuePair;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.spi.AdvancedCacheLoader} implementation that stores the entries in a database. In contrast to the
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.binary.JdbcBinaryStore}, this cache store will store each entry within a row
* in the table (rather than grouping multiple entries into an row). This assures a finer grained granularity for all
* operation, and better performance. In order to be able to store non-string keys, it relies on an {@link
* org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper}.
* Note that only the keys are stored as strings, the values are still saved as binary data. Using a character
* data type for the value column will result in unmarshalling errors.
* The actual storage table is defined through configuration {@link org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.configuration.JdbcStringBasedStoreConfiguration}. The table can
* be
* created/dropped on-the-fly, at deployment time. For more details consult javadoc for {@link
* org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.configuration.JdbcStringBasedStoreConfiguration}.
* It is recommended to use {@link JdbcStringBasedStore}} over
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.binary.JdbcBinaryStore}} whenever it is possible, as is has a better performance.
* One scenario in which this is not possible to use it though, is when you can't write an {@link org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper}} to map the
* keys to to string objects (e.g. when you don't have control over the types of the keys, for whatever reason).
* Preload.In order to support preload functionality the store needs to read the string keys from the database and transform them
* into the corresponding key objects. {@link org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper} only supports
* key to string transformation(one way); in order to be able to use preload one needs to specify an
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.TwoWayKey2StringMapper}, which extends {@link org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper} and
* allows bidirectional transformation.
* Rehashing. When a node leaves/joins, Infinispan moves around persistent state as part of rehashing process.
* For this it needs access to the underlaying key objects, so if distribution is used, the mapper needs to be an
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.TwoWayKey2StringMapper} otherwise the cache won't start (same constraint as with preloading).
* @author [email protected]
* @see org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.Key2StringMapper
* @see org.infinispan.persistence.keymappers.DefaultTwoWayKey2StringMapper
public class JdbcStringBasedStore implements AdvancedLoadWriteStore {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcStringBasedStore.class, Log.class);
private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
private JdbcStringBasedStoreConfiguration configuration;
private Key2StringMapper key2StringMapper;
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
private TableManipulation tableManipulation;
private InitializationContext ctx;
private String cacheName;
private GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration;
public void init(InitializationContext ctx) {
this.configuration = ctx.getConfiguration();
this.ctx = ctx;
cacheName = ctx.getCache().getName();
globalConfiguration = ctx.getCache().getCacheManager().getCacheManagerConfiguration();
public void start() {
if (configuration.manageConnectionFactory()) {
ConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactory.getConnectionFactory(configuration.connectionFactory().connectionFactoryClass());
factory.start(configuration.connectionFactory(), factory.getClass().getClassLoader());
try {
Object mapper = Util.loadClassStrict(configuration.key2StringMapper(),
if (mapper instanceof Key2StringMapper) key2StringMapper = (Key2StringMapper) mapper;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.errorf("Trying to instantiate %s, however it failed due to %s", configuration.key2StringMapper(),
throw new IllegalStateException("This should not happen.", e);
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Using key2StringMapper: %s", key2StringMapper.getClass().getName());
if (configuration.preload()) {
if (isDistributed()) {
public void stop() {
Throwable cause = null;
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
cause = t.getCause();
if (cause == null) cause = t;
log.debug("Exception while stopping", t);
try {
if (configuration.connectionFactory() instanceof ManagedConnectionFactory) {
log.tracef("Stopping mananged connection factory: %s", connectionFactory);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (cause == null) cause = t;
log.debug("Exception while stopping", t);
if (cause != null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Exceptions occurred while stopping store", cause);
public void write(MarshalledEntry entry) {
Connection connection = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String keyStr = key2Str(entry.getKey());
try {
connection = connectionFactory.getConnection();
String sql = tableManipulation.getSelectIdRowSql();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Running sql '%s'. Key string is '%s'", sql, keyStr);
ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, keyStr);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
if ( {
sql = tableManipulation.getUpdateRowSql();
} else {
sql = tableManipulation.getInsertRowSql();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Running sql '%s'. Key string is '%s'", sql, keyStr);
ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
updateStatement(entry, keyStr, ps);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
log.sqlFailureStoringKey(keyStr, ex);
throw new PersistenceException(String.format("Error while storing string key to database; key: '%s'", keyStr), ex);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (trace) {
log.trace("Interrupted while marshalling to store");
} finally {
public MarshalledEntry load(Object key) {
String lockingKey = key2Str(key);
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
MarshalledEntry storedValue = null;
try {
String sql = tableManipulation.getSelectRowSql();
conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, lockingKey);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
if ( {
InputStream inputStream = rs.getBinaryStream(2);
KeyValuePair icv = JdbcUtil.unmarshall(ctx.getMarshaller(), inputStream);
storedValue = ctx.getMarshalledEntryFactory().newMarshalledEntry(key, icv.getKey(), icv.getValue());
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.sqlFailureReadingKey(key, lockingKey, e);
throw new PersistenceException(String.format(
"SQL error while fetching stored entry with key: %s, lockingKey: %s",
key, lockingKey), e);
} finally {
if (storedValue != null && storedValue.getMetadata() != null &&
storedValue.getMetadata().isExpired(ctx.getTimeService().wallClockTime())) {
return null;
return storedValue;
public boolean delete(Object key) {
Connection connection = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String keyStr = key2Str(key);
try {
String sql = tableManipulation.getDeleteRowSql();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Running sql '%s' on %s", sql, keyStr);
connection = connectionFactory.getConnection();
ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, keyStr);
return ps.executeUpdate() == 1;
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new PersistenceException("Error while removing string keys from database", ex);
} finally {
public void clear() throws PersistenceException {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
String sql = tableManipulation.getDeleteAllRowsSql();
conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
int result = ps.executeUpdate();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Successfully removed %d rows.", result);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new PersistenceException("Failed clearing cache store", ex);
} finally {
public void purge(Executor executor, PurgeListener task) {
//todo we should make the notification to the purge listener here
ExecutorCompletionService ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService(executor);
Future future = ecs.submit(new Callable() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
String sql = tableManipulation.getDeleteExpiredRowsSql();
conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setLong(1, ctx.getTimeService().wallClockTime());
int result = ps.executeUpdate();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Successfully purged %d rows.", result);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new PersistenceException("Failed clearing string based JDBC store", ex);
} finally {
return null;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
public boolean contains(Object key) {
//we can do better if needed...
return load(key) != null;
public void process(final KeyFilter filter, final CacheLoaderTask task, Executor executor, final boolean fetchValue, final boolean fetchMetadata) {
ExecutorCompletionService ecs = new ExecutorCompletionService(executor);
Future future = ecs.submit(new Callable() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
String sql = tableManipulation.getLoadNonExpiredAllRowsSql();
if (trace) {
log.tracef("Running sql %s", sql);
conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
ps.setLong(1, ctx.getTimeService().wallClockTime());
rs = ps.executeQuery();
TaskContext taskContext = new TaskContextImpl();
while ( {
String keyStr = rs.getString(2);
Object key = ((TwoWayKey2StringMapper) key2StringMapper).getKeyMapping(keyStr);
if (taskContext.isStopped()) break;
if (filter != null && !filter.accept(key))
InputStream inputStream = rs.getBinaryStream(1);
MarshalledEntry entry;
if (fetchValue || fetchMetadata) {
KeyValuePair kvp = JdbcUtil.unmarshall(ctx.getMarshaller(), inputStream);
entry = ctx.getMarshalledEntryFactory().newMarshalledEntry(
key, fetchValue ? kvp.getKey() : null, fetchMetadata ? kvp.getValue() : null);
} else {
entry = ctx.getMarshalledEntryFactory().newMarshalledEntry(key, (Object)null, null);
task.processEntry(entry, taskContext);
return null;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new PersistenceException("SQL error while fetching all StoredEntries", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
public int size() {
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
conn = connectionFactory.getConnection();
String sql = tableManipulation.getCountRowsSql();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = ps.executeQuery();;
return rs.getInt(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new PersistenceException("SQL failure while integrating state into store", e);
} finally {
private void updateStatement(MarshalledEntry entry, String key, PreparedStatement ps) throws InterruptedException, SQLException {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = JdbcUtil.marshall(ctx.getMarshaller(), new KeyValuePair(entry.getValueBytes(), entry.getMetadataBytes()));
ps.setBinaryStream(1, new ByteArrayInputStream(byteBuffer.getBuf(), byteBuffer.getOffset(), byteBuffer.getLength()), byteBuffer.getLength());
ps.setLong(2, getExpiryTime(entry.getMetadata()));
ps.setString(3, key);
private String key2Str(Object key) throws PersistenceException {
if (!key2StringMapper.isSupportedType(key.getClass())) {
throw new UnsupportedKeyTypeException(key);
return key2StringMapper.getStringMapping(key);
public boolean supportsKey(Class> keyType) {
return key2StringMapper.isSupportedType(keyType);
* Keeps a reference to the connection factory for further use. Also initializes the {@link
* org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.TableManipulation} that needs connections. This method should be called when you don't
* want the store to manage the connection factory, perhaps because it is using an shared connection factory: see
* {@link org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.mixed.JdbcMixedStore} for such an example of this.
public void initializeConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) throws PersistenceException {
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
tableManipulation = new TableManipulation(configuration.table(), configuration.dialect());
public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() {
return connectionFactory;
public TableManipulation getTableManipulation() {
return tableManipulation;
private void enforceTwoWayMapper(String where) throws PersistenceException {
if (!(key2StringMapper instanceof TwoWayKey2StringMapper)) {
log.invalidKey2StringMapper(where, key2StringMapper.getClass().getName());
throw new PersistenceException(String.format("Invalid key to string mapper : %s", key2StringMapper.getClass().getName()));
public boolean isDistributed() {
return ctx.getCache().getCacheConfiguration() != null && ctx.getCache().getCacheConfiguration().clustering().cacheMode().isDistributed();
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