org.infinispan.topology.ClusterCacheStatus Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.topology;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.Immutables;
import org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityMode;
import org.infinispan.partitionhandling.impl.AvailabilityStrategy;
import org.infinispan.partitionhandling.impl.AvailabilityStrategyContext;
import org.infinispan.registry.impl.ClusterRegistryImpl;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Transport;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory.CLUSTER;
* Keeps track of a cache's status: members, current/pending consistent hashes, and rebalance status
* @author Dan Berindei
* @since 5.2
public class ClusterCacheStatus implements AvailabilityStrategyContext {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterCacheStatus.class);
private static boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
private final String cacheName;
private final AvailabilityStrategy availabilityStrategy;
private final ClusterTopologyManager clusterTopologyManager;
private Transport transport;
// Minimal cache clustering configuration
private volatile CacheJoinInfo joinInfo;
// Cache members, some of which may not have received state yet
private volatile List expectedMembers;
// Capacity factors for all the members
private volatile Map capacityFactors;
// Cache members that have not yet received state. Always included in the members list.
private volatile List joiners;
// Cache topology. Its consistent hashes contain only members that did receive/are receiving state
// The members of both consistent hashes must be included in the members list.
private volatile CacheTopology currentTopology;
private volatile CacheTopology stableTopology;
private volatile AvailabilityMode availabilityMode = AvailabilityMode.AVAILABLE;
private volatile List queuedRebalanceMembers;
private volatile boolean rebalancingEnabled = true;
private volatile RebalanceConfirmationCollector rebalanceConfirmationCollector;
public ClusterCacheStatus(String cacheName, AvailabilityStrategy availabilityStrategy,
ClusterTopologyManager clusterTopologyManager, Transport transport) {
this.cacheName = cacheName;
this.availabilityStrategy = availabilityStrategy;
this.clusterTopologyManager = clusterTopologyManager;
this.transport = transport;
this.currentTopology = null;
this.stableTopology = null;
this.expectedMembers = Collections.emptyList();
this.capacityFactors = Collections.emptyMap();
this.joiners = Collections.emptyList();
if (trace) log.tracef("Cache %s initialized", cacheName);
public CacheJoinInfo getJoinInfo() {
return joinInfo;
public List getExpectedMembers() {
return expectedMembers;
public void queueRebalance(List newMembers) {
synchronized (this) {
if (newMembers != null && !newMembers.isEmpty()) {
log.debugf("Queueing rebalance for cache %s with members %s", cacheName, newMembers);
queuedRebalanceMembers = newMembers;
public boolean isTotalOrder() {
return joinInfo.isTotalOrder();
public boolean isDistributed() {
return joinInfo.isDistributed();
public Map getCapacityFactors() {
return capacityFactors;
public CacheTopology getCurrentTopology() {
return currentTopology;
public CacheTopology getStableTopology() {
return stableTopology;
public AvailabilityMode getAvailabilityMode() {
return availabilityMode;
public void updateAvailabilityMode(List actualMembers, AvailabilityMode newAvailabilityMode,
boolean cancelRebalance) {
synchronized (this) {
boolean modeChanged = setAvailabilityMode(newAvailabilityMode);
if (modeChanged || !actualMembers.equals(currentTopology.getActualMembers())) {
log.debugf("Updating availability for cache %s to %s", cacheName, newAvailabilityMode);
ConsistentHash newPendingCH = currentTopology.getPendingCH();
if (cancelRebalance) {
newPendingCH = null;
if (isRebalanceInProgress()) {
CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(currentTopology.getTopologyId() + 1,
currentTopology.getRebalanceId(), currentTopology.getCurrentCH(), newPendingCH, actualMembers);
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastTopologyUpdate(cacheName, newTopology, newAvailabilityMode,
isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
public void updateTopologiesAfterMerge(CacheTopology currentTopology, CacheTopology stableTopology, AvailabilityMode availabilityMode) {
// This method must be called while holding the lock anyway
synchronized (this) {
log.debugf("Updating topologies after merge for cache %s, current topology = %s, stable topology = %s, " +
"availability mode = %s",
cacheName, currentTopology, stableTopology, availabilityMode);
this.currentTopology = currentTopology;
this.stableTopology = stableTopology;
this.availabilityMode = availabilityMode;
if (currentTopology != null) {
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastTopologyUpdate(cacheName, currentTopology, availabilityMode, isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
if (stableTopology != null) {
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastStableTopologyUpdate(cacheName, stableTopology, isTotalOrder(),
* @return {@code true} if the joiner was not already a member, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean addMember(Address joiner, CacheJoinInfo joinInfo) {
synchronized (this) {
if (expectedMembers.contains(joiner)) {
return false;
if (this.joinInfo == null) {
this.joinInfo = joinInfo;
HashMap newCapacityFactors = new HashMap(capacityFactors);
newCapacityFactors.put(joiner, joinInfo.getCapacityFactor());
capacityFactors = Immutables.immutableMapWrap(newCapacityFactors);
expectedMembers = immutableAdd(expectedMembers, joiner);
joiners = immutableAdd(joiners, joiner);
if (trace) log.tracef("Added joiner %s to cache %s: members = %s, joiners = %s", joiner, cacheName,
expectedMembers, joiners);
return true;
* @return {@code true} if the leaver was a member, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean removeMember(Address leaver) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!expectedMembers.contains(leaver)) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Trying to remove node %s from cache %s, but it is not a member: " +
"members = %s", leaver, cacheName, expectedMembers);
return false;
expectedMembers = immutableRemove(expectedMembers, leaver);
HashMap newCapacityFactors = new HashMap(capacityFactors);
capacityFactors = Immutables.immutableMapWrap(newCapacityFactors);
joiners = immutableRemove(joiners, leaver);
if (trace) log.tracef("Removed node %s from cache %s: members = %s, joiners = %s", leaver,
cacheName, expectedMembers, joiners);
return true;
* @return {@code true} if the members list has changed, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean retainMembers(List newClusterMembers) {
synchronized (this) {
if (newClusterMembers.containsAll(expectedMembers)) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Cluster members updated for cache %s, no abrupt leavers detected: " +
"cache members = %s. Existing members = %s", cacheName, newClusterMembers, expectedMembers);
return false;
expectedMembers = immutableRetainAll(expectedMembers, newClusterMembers);
joiners = immutableRetainAll(joiners, newClusterMembers);
if (trace) log.tracef("Cluster members updated for cache %s: members = %s, joiners = %s", cacheName,
expectedMembers, joiners);
return true;
private void setCurrentTopology(CacheTopology newTopology) {
synchronized (this) {
this.currentTopology = newTopology;
// update the joiners list
if (newTopology != null) {
joiners = immutableRemoveAll(expectedMembers, newTopology.getCurrentCH().getMembers());
if (trace) log.tracef("Cache %s topology updated: %s, members = %s, joiners = %s",
cacheName, currentTopology, expectedMembers, joiners);
if (newTopology != null) {
private void setStableTopology(CacheTopology newTopology) {
synchronized (this) {
this.stableTopology = newTopology;
if (trace) log.tracef("Cache %s stable topology updated: members = %s, joiners = %s, topology = %s",
cacheName, expectedMembers, joiners, newTopology);
private boolean needConsistentHashUpdate() {
// The list of current members is always included in the list of pending members,
// so we only need to check one list.
// Also returns false if both CHs are null
return !expectedMembers.equals(currentTopology.getMembers());
private List pruneInvalidMembers(List possibleMembers) {
return immutableRetainAll(possibleMembers, expectedMembers);
public boolean isRebalanceInProgress() {
return rebalanceConfirmationCollector != null;
public RebalancingStatus getRebalancingStatus() {
if (!isRebalanceEnabled()) {
return RebalancingStatus.SUSPENDED;
} else if (isRebalanceInProgress()) {
return RebalancingStatus.IN_PROGRESS;
} else if (queuedRebalanceMembers != null) {
return RebalancingStatus.PENDING;
} else {
return RebalancingStatus.COMPLETE;
* @return {@code true} if a rebalance was started, {@code false} if a rebalance was already in progress
private boolean initRebalanceConfirmationCollector(CacheTopology newTopology) {
synchronized (this) {
if (rebalanceConfirmationCollector != null)
return false;
rebalanceConfirmationCollector = new RebalanceConfirmationCollector(cacheName, newTopology.getTopologyId(),
return true;
public void doConfirmRebalance(Address member, int receivedTopologyId) throws Exception {
synchronized (this) {
if (rebalanceConfirmationCollector == null) {
throw new CacheException(String.format("Received invalid rebalance confirmation from %s " +
"for cache %s, we don't have a rebalance in progress", member, cacheName));
boolean rebalanceCompleted = rebalanceConfirmationCollector.confirmRebalance(member, receivedTopologyId);
if (rebalanceCompleted) {
* Should be called after the members list was updated in any other way ({@link #removeMember(Address)},
* {@link #retainMembers} etc.)
* @return {@code true} if the rebalance was confirmed with this update, {@code false} if more confirmations
* are needed or if the rebalance was already confirmed in another way (e.g. the last member confirmed)
private boolean updateRebalanceMembers() {
synchronized (this) {
if (rebalanceConfirmationCollector == null)
return false;
// We rely on the AvailabilityStrategy updating the current topology beforehand.
return rebalanceConfirmationCollector.updateMembers(currentTopology.getMembers());
public void doHandleClusterView() throws Exception {
synchronized (this) {
// TODO Clean up ClusterCacheStatus instances once they no longer have any members
if (currentTopology == null)
List newClusterMembers = transport.getMembers();
boolean cacheMembersModified = retainMembers(newClusterMembers);
availabilityStrategy.onClusterViewChange(this, newClusterMembers);
if (cacheMembersModified) {
boolean rebalanceCompleted = updateRebalanceMembers();
if (rebalanceCompleted) {
private void endRebalance() {
synchronized (this) {
CacheTopology currentTopology = getCurrentTopology();
if (currentTopology == null) {
log.tracef("Rebalance finished because there are no more members in cache %s", cacheName);
int currentTopologyId = currentTopology.getTopologyId();
CLUSTER.clusterWideRebalanceCompleted(cacheName, currentTopologyId);
int newTopologyId = currentTopologyId + 1;
ConsistentHash newCurrentCH = currentTopology.getPendingCH();
CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(newTopologyId, currentTopology.getRebalanceId(),
newCurrentCH, null, newCurrentCH.getMembers());
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastTopologyUpdate(cacheName, newTopology, availabilityMode,
isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
private void removeRebalanceConfirmationCollector() {
synchronized (this) {
if (rebalanceConfirmationCollector == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't end rebalance, there is no rebalance in progress");
rebalanceConfirmationCollector = null;
public void updateCurrentTopology(List newMembers) {
synchronized (this) {
// The current topology might be null just after a joiner became the coordinator
if (currentTopology == null) {
ConsistentHashFactory consistentHashFactory = getJoinInfo().getConsistentHashFactory();
int topologyId = currentTopology.getTopologyId();
int rebalanceId = currentTopology.getRebalanceId();
ConsistentHash currentCH = currentTopology.getCurrentCH();
ConsistentHash pendingCH = currentTopology.getPendingCH();
if (!needConsistentHashUpdate()) {
log.tracef("Cache %s members list was updated, but the cache topology doesn't need to change: %s",
cacheName, currentTopology);
if (newMembers.isEmpty()) {
log.tracef("Cache %s no longer has any members, removing topology", cacheName);
if (isRebalanceInProgress()) {
// TODO Remove the cache from the cache status map in ClusterTopologyManagerImpl instead
List newCurrentMembers = pruneInvalidMembers(currentCH.getMembers());
ConsistentHash newCurrentCH;
List actualMembers;
ConsistentHash newPendingCH = null;
if (newCurrentMembers.isEmpty()) {
// All the current members left, try to replace them with the joiners
log.tracef("All current members left, re-initializing status for cache %s", cacheName);
if (isRebalanceInProgress()) {
newCurrentMembers = getExpectedMembers();
actualMembers = newCurrentMembers;
newCurrentCH = joinInfo.getConsistentHashFactory().create(
joinInfo.getHashFunction(), joinInfo.getNumOwners(), joinInfo.getNumSegments(),
newCurrentMembers, getCapacityFactors());
} else {
// ReplicatedConsistentHashFactory allocates segments to all its members, so we can't add any members here
newCurrentCH = consistentHashFactory.updateMembers(currentCH, newCurrentMembers, getCapacityFactors());
actualMembers = newCurrentMembers;
if (pendingCH != null) {
List newPendingMembers = pruneInvalidMembers(pendingCH.getMembers());
newPendingCH = consistentHashFactory.updateMembers(pendingCH, newPendingMembers, getCapacityFactors());
actualMembers = newPendingMembers;
CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(topologyId + 1, rebalanceId, newCurrentCH, newPendingCH,
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastTopologyUpdate(cacheName, newTopology, availabilityMode,
isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
private boolean setAvailabilityMode(AvailabilityMode newAvailabilityMode) {
if (newAvailabilityMode == availabilityMode)
return false;
log.tracef("Cache %s availability changed: %s -> %s", cacheName, availabilityMode, newAvailabilityMode);
availabilityMode = newAvailabilityMode;
return true;
// Helpers for working with immutable lists
private List immutableAdd(List list, T element) {
List result = new ArrayList(list);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
private List immutableRemove(List list, T element) {
List result = new ArrayList(list);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
private List immutableRemoveAll(List list, List otherList) {
List result = new ArrayList(list);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
private List immutableRetainAll(List list, List otherList) {
List result = new ArrayList(list);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
public String toString() {
return "ClusterCacheStatus{" +
"cacheName='" + cacheName + '\'' +
", members=" + expectedMembers +
", joiners=" + joiners +
", currentTopology=" + currentTopology +
", rebalanceConfirmationCollector=" + rebalanceConfirmationCollector +
public void doMergePartitions(Map statusResponses,
List clusterMembers, boolean isMergeView) throws Exception {
synchronized (this) {
if (statusResponses.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Should have at least one current topology");
try {
HashMap joinInfos = new HashMap<>();
Set currentTopologies = new HashSet<>();
Set stableTopologies = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry e : statusResponses.entrySet()) {
Address sender = e.getKey();
CacheStatusResponse response = e.getValue();
joinInfos.put(sender, response.getCacheJoinInfo());
if (response.getCacheTopology() != null) {
if (response.getStableTopology() != null) {
log.debugf("Recovered %d partition(s) for cache %s: %s", currentTopologies.size(), cacheName, currentTopologies);
recoverMembers(joinInfos, currentTopologies, stableTopologies);
// TODO Should automatically detect when the coordinator has left and there is only one partition
// and continue any in-progress rebalance without resetting the cache topology.
availabilityStrategy.onPartitionMerge(this, statusResponses.values());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.failedToRecoverCacheState(cacheName, e);
private void recoverMembers(Map joinInfos,
Collection currentTopologies, Collection stableTopologies) {
expectedMembers = Collections.emptyList();
// Try to preserve the member order at least for the first partition
for (CacheTopology topology : stableTopologies) {
addMembers(topology.getMembers(), joinInfos);
for (CacheTopology topology : currentTopologies) {
addMembers(topology.getMembers(), joinInfos);
// Add the joiners that are not part of any topology at the end
for (Map.Entry e : joinInfos.entrySet()) {
if (!expectedMembers.contains(e.getKey())) {
addMember(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
private void addMembers(Collection membersToAdd, Map joinInfos) {
for (Address member : membersToAdd) {
if (!expectedMembers.contains(member)) {
CacheJoinInfo joinInfo = joinInfos.get(member);
// Some members of the stable/current topology may not be members any more
if (joinInfo != null) {
addMember(member, joinInfo);
public String getCacheName() {
return cacheName;
public CacheStatusResponse doJoin(Address joiner, CacheJoinInfo joinInfo) throws Exception {
boolean isFirstMember;
CacheTopology topologyBeforeRebalance;
synchronized (this) {
isFirstMember = getCurrentTopology() == null;
boolean memberJoined = addMember(joiner, joinInfo);
if (!isFirstMember && !memberJoined) {
if (trace) log.tracef("Trying to add node %s to cache %s, but it is already a member: " +
"members = %s, joiners = %s", joiner, cacheName, expectedMembers, joiners);
return new CacheStatusResponse(null, currentTopology, stableTopology, availabilityMode);
if (isFirstMember) {
// This node was the first to join. We need to install the initial CH
CacheTopology initialTopology = createInitialCacheTopology();
// Don't need to broadcast the initial CH update, just return the cache topology to the joiner
// But we do need to broadcast the initial topology as the stable topology
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastStableTopologyUpdate(cacheName, initialTopology, isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
topologyBeforeRebalance = getCurrentTopology();
availabilityStrategy.onJoin(this, joiner);
return new CacheStatusResponse(null, topologyBeforeRebalance, stableTopology, availabilityMode);
protected CacheTopology createInitialCacheTopology() {
log.tracef("Initializing status for cache %s", cacheName);
List initialMembers = getExpectedMembers();
ConsistentHash initialCH = joinInfo.getConsistentHashFactory().create(
joinInfo.getHashFunction(), joinInfo.getNumOwners(), joinInfo.getNumSegments(),
initialMembers, getCapacityFactors());
CacheTopology initialTopology = new CacheTopology(0, 0, initialCH, null, initialMembers);
return initialTopology;
public void doLeave(Address leaver) throws Exception {
synchronized (this) {
// TODO Clean up ClusterCacheStatus instances once they no longer have any members
if (currentTopology == null)
boolean actualLeaver = removeMember(leaver);
if (!actualLeaver)
availabilityStrategy.onGracefulLeave(this, leaver);
boolean rebalanceCompleted = updateRebalanceMembers();
if (rebalanceCompleted) {
public void startQueuedRebalance() {
synchronized (this) {
if (queuedRebalanceMembers == null) {
// We don't have a queued rebalance. We may need to broadcast a stable topology update
if (stableTopology == null || stableTopology.getTopologyId() < currentTopology.getTopologyId()) {
stableTopology = currentTopology;
log.tracef("Updating stable topology for cache %s: %s", cacheName, stableTopology);
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastStableTopologyUpdate(cacheName, stableTopology, isTotalOrder(), isDistributed());
CacheTopology cacheTopology = getCurrentTopology();
if (!isRebalanceEnabled() && !cacheName.equals(ClusterRegistryImpl.GLOBAL_REGISTRY_CACHE_NAME)) {
log.tracef("Postponing rebalance for cache %s, rebalancing is disabled", cacheName);
if (isRebalanceInProgress()) {
log.tracef("Postponing rebalance for cache %s, there's already a rebalance in progress: %s",
cacheName, rebalanceConfirmationCollector);
if (queuedRebalanceMembers.isEmpty()) {
log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, it doesn't have any member", cacheName);
List newMembers = new ArrayList(queuedRebalanceMembers);
queuedRebalanceMembers = null;
log.tracef("Rebalancing consistent hash for cache %s, members are %s", cacheName, newMembers);
if (cacheTopology == null) {
int newTopologyId = cacheTopology.getTopologyId() + 1;
int newRebalanceId = cacheTopology.getRebalanceId() + 1;
ConsistentHash currentCH = cacheTopology.getCurrentCH();
if (currentCH == null) {
// There was one node in the cache before, and it left after the rebalance was triggered
// but before the rebalance actually started.
log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, it doesn't have a consistent hash", cacheName);
if (!expectedMembers.containsAll(newMembers)) {
log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, we have new leavers: %s", cacheName, newMembers);
ConsistentHashFactory chFactory = getJoinInfo().getConsistentHashFactory();
// This update will only add the joiners to the CH, we have already checked that we don't have leavers
ConsistentHash updatedMembersCH = chFactory.updateMembers(currentCH, newMembers, getCapacityFactors());
ConsistentHash balancedCH = chFactory.rebalance(updatedMembersCH);
if (balancedCH.equals(currentCH)) {
log.tracef("The balanced CH is the same as the current CH, not rebalancing");
CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(newTopologyId, newRebalanceId, currentCH, balancedCH,
log.tracef("Updating cache %s topology for rebalance: %s", cacheName, newTopology);
clusterTopologyManager.broadcastRebalanceStart(cacheName, this.getCurrentTopology(), this.isTotalOrder(), this.isDistributed());
public boolean isRebalanceEnabled() {
return rebalancingEnabled && clusterTopologyManager.isRebalancingEnabled();
public void setRebalanceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (this) {
rebalancingEnabled = enabled;
if (rebalancingEnabled) {
log.debugf("Rebalancing is now enabled for cache %s", cacheName);
} else {
log.debugf("Rebalancing is now disabled for cache %s", cacheName);
public void forceRebalance() {
public void forceAvailabilityMode(AvailabilityMode newAvailabilityMode) {
availabilityStrategy.onManualAvailabilityChange(this, newAvailabilityMode);
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