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package org.infinispan.util.logging;
import org.infinispan.IllegalLifecycleStateException;
import org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.PrepareCommand;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException;
import org.infinispan.commons.marshall.AdvancedExternalizer;
import org.infinispan.commons.util.TypedProperties;
import org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException;
import org.infinispan.lifecycle.ComponentStatus;
import org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException;
import org.infinispan.remoting.RemoteException;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.Response;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException;
import org.infinispan.topology.CacheTopology;
import org.infinispan.transaction.LockingMode;
import org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionMode;
import org.infinispan.transaction.impl.LocalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.recovery.RecoveryAwareRemoteTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.recovery.RecoveryAwareTransaction;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger;
import org.jgroups.View;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.*;
* Infinispan's log abstraction layer on top of JBoss Logging.
* It contains explicit methods for all INFO or above levels so that they can
* be internationalized. For the core module, message ids ranging from 0001
* to 0900 inclusively have been reserved.
* Log log = LogFactory.getLog( getClass() ); The above will get
* you an instance of Log, which can be used to generate log messages
* either via JBoss Logging which then can delegate to Log4J (if the libraries
* are present) or (if not) the built-in JDK logger.
* In addition to the 6 log levels available, this framework also supports
* parameter interpolation, similar to the JDKs {@link String#format(String, Object...)}
* method. What this means is, that the following block:
* if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("This is a message " + message + " and some other value is " + value); }
* ... could be replaced with ...
* if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.tracef("This is a message %s and some other value is %s", message, value);
* This greatly enhances code readability.
* If you are passing a Throwable, note that this should be passed in
* before the vararg parameter list.
* @author Manik Surtani
* @since 4.0
* @private
@MessageLogger(projectCode = "ISPN")
public interface Log extends BasicLogger {
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to load %s from cache loader", id = 1)
void unableToLoadFromCacheLoader(Object key, @Cause PersistenceException cle);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Field %s not found!!", id = 2)
void fieldNotFound(String fieldName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Property %s could not be replaced as intended!", id = 3)
void propertyCouldNotBeReplaced(String line);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error reading properties", id = 4)
void errorReadingProperties(@Cause IOException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Detected write skew on key [%s]. Another process has changed the entry since we last read it! Unable to copy entry for update.", id = 5)
void unableToCopyEntryForUpdate(Object key);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Failed remote execution on node %s", id = 6)
void remoteExecutionFailed(Address address, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Failed local execution ", id = 7)
void localExecutionFailed(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Can not select %s random members for %s", id = 8)
void cannotSelectRandomMembers(int numNeeded, List members);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "DistributionManager not yet joined the cluster. Cannot do anything about other concurrent joiners.", id = 14)
void distributionManagerNotJoined();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "DistributionManager not started after waiting up to 5 minutes! Not rehashing!", id = 15)
void distributionManagerNotStarted();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Problem %s encountered when applying state for key %s!", id = 16)
void problemApplyingStateForKey(String msg, Object key, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to apply prepare %s", id = 18)
void unableToApplyPrepare(PrepareCommand pc, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Couldn't acquire shared lock", id = 19)
void couldNotAcquireSharedLock();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Expected just one response; got %s", id = 21)
void expectedJustOneResponse(Map lr);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "wakeUpInterval is <= 0, not starting expired purge thread", id = 25)
void notStartingEvictionThread();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Caught exception purging data container!", id = 26)
void exceptionPurgingDataContainer(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not acquire lock for eviction of %s", id = 27)
void couldNotAcquireLockForEviction(Object key, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to passivate entry under %s", id = 28)
void unableToPassivateEntry(Object key, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Passivating all entries to disk", id = 29)
void passivatingAllEntries();
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Passivated %d entries in %s", id = 30)
void passivatedEntries(int numEntries, String duration);
@LogMessage(level = TRACE)
@Message(value = "MBeans were successfully registered to the platform MBean server.", id = 31)
void mbeansSuccessfullyRegistered();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Problems un-registering MBeans", id = 32)
void problemsUnregisteringMBeans(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to unregister Cache MBeans with pattern %s", id = 33)
void unableToUnregisterMBeanWithPattern(String pattern, @Cause MBeanRegistrationException e);
@Message(value = "There's already a JMX MBean instance %s already registered under " +
"'%s' JMX domain. If you want to allow multiple instances configured " +
"with same JMX domain enable 'allowDuplicateDomains' attribute in " +
"'globalJmxStatistics' config element", id = 34)
JmxDomainConflictException jmxMBeanAlreadyRegistered(String mBeanName, String jmxDomain);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not reflect field description of this class. Was it removed?", id = 35)
void couldNotFindDescriptionField();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Did not find attribute %s", id = 36)
void couldNotFindAttribute(String name);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Failed to update attribute name %s with value %s", id = 37)
void failedToUpdateAttribute(String name, Object value);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Method name %s doesn't start with \"get\", \"set\", or \"is\" " +
"but is annotated with @ManagedAttribute: will be ignored", id = 38)
void ignoringManagedAttribute(String methodName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Method %s must have a valid return type and zero parameters", id = 39)
void invalidManagedAttributeMethod(String methodName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Not adding annotated method %s since we already have read attribute", id = 40)
void readManagedAttributeAlreadyPresent(Method m);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Not adding annotated method %s since we already have writable attribute", id = 41)
void writeManagedAttributeAlreadyPresent(String methodName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Did not find queried attribute with name %s", id = 42)
void queriedAttributeNotFound(String attributeName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Exception while writing value for attribute %s", id = 43)
void errorWritingValueForAttribute(String attributeName, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not invoke set on attribute %s with value %s", id = 44)
void couldNotInvokeSetOnAttribute(String attributeName, Object value);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Problems encountered while purging expired", id = 45)
void problemPurgingExpired(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unknown responses from remote cache: %s", id = 46)
void unknownResponsesFromRemoteCache(Collection responses);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error while doing remote call", id = 47)
void errorDoingRemoteCall(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Interrupted or timeout while waiting for AsyncCacheWriter worker threads to push all state to the decorated store", id = 48)
void interruptedWaitingAsyncStorePush(@Cause InterruptedException e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error", id = 51)
void unexpectedErrorInAsyncProcessor(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Interrupted on acquireLock for %d milliseconds!", id = 52)
void interruptedAcquiringLock(long ms, @Cause InterruptedException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to process some async modifications after %d retries!", id = 53)
void unableToProcessAsyncModifications(int retries);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error in AsyncStoreCoordinator thread. AsyncCacheWriter is dead!", id = 55)
void unexpectedErrorInAsyncStoreCoordinator(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Exception reported changing cache active status", id = 58)
void errorChangingSingletonStoreStatus(@Cause SingletonCacheWriter.PushStateException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Had problems removing file %s", id = 59)
void problemsRemovingFile(File f);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Problems purging file %s", id = 60)
void problemsPurgingFile(File buckedFile, @Cause PersistenceException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to acquire global lock to purge cache store", id = 61)
void unableToAcquireLockToPurgeStore();
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error while reading from file: %s", id = 62)
void errorReadingFromFile(File f, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Problems creating the directory: %s", id = 64)
void problemsCreatingDirectory(File dir);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Exception while marshalling object: %s", id = 65)
void errorMarshallingObject(@Cause IOException ioe, Object obj);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unable to read version id from first two bytes of stream, barfing.", id = 66)
void unableToReadVersionId();
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Will try and wait for the cache %s to start", id = 67)
void waitForCacheToStart(String cacheName);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Cache named %s does not exist on this cache manager!", id = 68)
void namedCacheDoesNotExist(String cacheName);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Caught exception when handling command %s", id = 71)
void exceptionHandlingCommand(ReplicableCommand cmd, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Failed replicating %d elements in replication queue", id = 72)
void failedReplicatingQueue(int size, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error while replicating", id = 73)
void unexpectedErrorReplicating(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Message or message buffer is null or empty.", id = 77)
void msgOrMsgBufferEmpty();
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Starting JGroups channel %s", id = 78)
void startingJGroupsChannel(String cluster);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Channel %s local address is %s, physical addresses are %s", id = 79)
void localAndPhysicalAddress(String cluster, Address address, List physicalAddresses);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Disconnecting JGroups channel %s", id = 80)
void disconnectJGroups(String cluster);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Problem closing channel %s; setting it to null", id = 81)
void problemClosingChannel(@Cause Exception e, String cluster);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Stopping the RpcDispatcher for channel %s", id = 82)
void stoppingRpcDispatcher(String cluster);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Class [%s] cannot be cast to JGroupsChannelLookup! Not using a channel lookup.", id = 83)
void wrongTypeForJGroupsChannelLookup(String channelLookupClassName, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Errors instantiating [%s]! Not using a channel lookup.", id = 84)
void errorInstantiatingJGroupsChannelLookup(String channelLookupClassName, @Cause Exception e);
@Message(value = "Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration file: %s", id = 85)
CacheConfigurationException errorCreatingChannelFromConfigFile(String cfg, @Cause Exception e);
@Message(value = "Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration XML: %s", id = 86)
CacheConfigurationException errorCreatingChannelFromXML(String cfg, @Cause Exception e);
@Message(value = "Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration string: %s", id = 87)
CacheConfigurationException errorCreatingChannelFromConfigString(String cfg, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Unable to use any JGroups configuration mechanisms provided in properties %s. " +
"Using default JGroups configuration!", id = 88)
void unableToUseJGroupsPropertiesProvided(TypedProperties props);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "getCoordinator(): Interrupted while waiting for members to be set", id = 89)
void interruptedWaitingForCoordinator(@Cause InterruptedException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Channel not set up properly!", id = 92)
void channelNotSetUp();
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Received new, MERGED cluster view for channel %s: %s", id = 93)
void receivedMergedView(String cluster, View newView);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Received new cluster view for channel %s: %s", id = 94)
void receivedClusterView(String cluster, View newView);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error while processing a prepare in a single-phase transaction", id = 97)
void errorProcessing1pcPrepareCommand(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Exception during rollback", id = 98)
void errorRollingBack(@Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unprocessed Transaction Log Entries! = %d", id = 99)
void unprocessedTxLogEntries(int size);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Stopping, but there are %s local transactions and %s remote transactions that did not finish in time.", id = 100)
void unfinishedTransactionsRemain(int localTransactions, int remoteTransactions);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Failed synchronization registration", id = 101)
void failedSynchronizationRegistration(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to roll back global transaction %s", id = 102)
void unableToRollbackGlobalTx(GlobalTransaction gtx, @Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "A remote transaction with the given id was already registered!!!", id = 103)
void remoteTxAlreadyRegistered();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Falling back to DummyTransactionManager from Infinispan", id = 104)
void fallingBackToDummyTm();
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Failed creating initial JNDI context", id = 105)
void failedToCreateInitialCtx(@Cause NamingException e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Found WebSphere TransactionManager factory class [%s], but " +
"couldn't invoke its static 'getTransactionManager' method", id = 106)
void unableToInvokeWebsphereStaticGetTmMethod(@Cause Exception ex, String className);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Retrieving transaction manager %s", id = 107)
void retrievingTm(TransactionManager tm);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error enlisting resource", id = 108)
void errorEnlistingResource(@Cause XAException e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "beforeCompletion() failed for %s", id = 109)
void beforeCompletionFailed(Synchronization s, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unexpected error from resource manager!", id = 110)
void unexpectedErrorFromResourceManager(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "afterCompletion() failed for %s", id = 111)
void afterCompletionFailed(Synchronization s, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "exception while committing", id = 112)
void errorCommittingTx(@Cause XAException e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unbinding of DummyTransactionManager failed", id = 113)
void unbindingDummyTmFailed(@Cause NamingException e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unsupported combination (dldEnabled, recoveryEnabled, xa) = (%s, %s, %s)", id = 114)
void unsupportedTransactionConfiguration(boolean dldEnabled, boolean recoveryEnabled, boolean xa);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Recovery call will be ignored as recovery is disabled. " +
"More on recovery:", id = 115)
void recoveryIgnored();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Missing the list of prepared transactions from node %s. " +
"Received response is %s", id = 116)
void missingListPreparedTransactions(Object key, Object value);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "There's already a prepared transaction with this xid: %s. " +
"New transaction is %s. Are there two different transactions having same Xid in the cluster?", id = 117)
void preparedTxAlreadyExists(RecoveryAwareTransaction previous,
RecoveryAwareRemoteTransaction remoteTransaction);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not load module at URL %s", id = 118)
void couldNotLoadModuleAtUrl(URL url, @Cause Exception ex);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Module %s loaded, but could not be initialized", id = 119)
void couldNotInitializeModule(Object key, @Cause Exception ex);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Invocation of %s threw an exception %s. Exception is ignored.", id = 120)
void ignoringException(String methodName, String exceptionName, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unable to set value!", id = 121)
void unableToSetValue(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d", id = 122)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToInt(String value, int defaultValue);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d", id = 123)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToLong(String value, long defaultValue);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b", id = 124)
void unableToConvertStringPropertyToBoolean(String value, boolean defaultValue);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to invoke getter %s on Configuration.class!", id = 125)
void unableToInvokeGetterOnConfiguration(Method getter, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Attempted to stop() from FAILED state, but caught exception; try calling destroy()", id = 126)
void failedToCallStopAfterFailure(@Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Needed to call stop() before destroying but stop() threw exception. Proceeding to destroy", id = 127)
void stopBeforeDestroyFailed(@Cause CacheException e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Infinispan version: %s", id = 128)
void version(String version);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Received a remote call but the cache is not in STARTED state - ignoring call.", id = 129)
void cacheNotStarted();
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Caught exception! Aborting join.", id = 130)
void abortingJoin(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "%s completed join rehash in %s!", id = 131)
void joinRehashCompleted(Address self, String duration);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "%s aborted join rehash after %s!", id = 132)
void joinRehashAborted(Address self, String duration);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Attempted to register listener of class %s, but no valid, " +
"public methods annotated with method-level event annotations found! " +
"Ignoring listener.", id = 133)
void noAnnotateMethodsFoundInListener(Class> listenerClass);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Unable to invoke method %s on Object instance %s - " +
"removing this target object from list of listeners!", id = 134)
void unableToInvokeListenerMethodAndRemoveListener(Method m, Object target, @Cause Throwable e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not lock key %s in order to invalidate from L1 at node %s, skipping....", id = 135)
void unableToLockToInvalidate(Object key, Address address);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error executing command %s, writing keys %s", id = 136)
void executionError(String commandType, Collection> affectedKeys, @Cause Throwable t);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Failed invalidating remote cache", id = 137)
void failedInvalidatingRemoteCache(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Could not register object with name: %s", id = 138)
void couldNotRegisterObjectName(ObjectName objectName, @Cause InstanceAlreadyExistsException e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Infinispan configuration schema could not be resolved locally nor fetched from URL. Local path=%s, schema path=%s, schema URL=%s", id = 139)
void couldNotResolveConfigurationSchema(String localPath, String schemaPath, String schemaURL);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Lazy deserialization configuration is deprecated, please use storeAsBinary instead", id = 140)
void lazyDeserializationDeprecated();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Could not rollback prepared 1PC transaction. This transaction will be rolled back by the recovery process, if enabled. Transaction: %s", id = 141)
void couldNotRollbackPrepared1PcTransaction(LocalTransaction localTransaction, @Cause Throwable e1);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Received a key that doesn't map to this node: %s, mapped to %s", id = 143)
void keyDoesNotMapToLocalNode(Object key, Collection nodes);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Failed loading value for key %s from cache store", id = 144)
void failedLoadingValueFromCacheStore(Object key, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error invalidating keys from L1 after rehash", id = 147)
void failedToInvalidateKeys(@Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Invalid %s value of %s. It can not be higher than %s which is %s", id = 148)
void invalidTimeoutValue(Object configName1, Object value1, Object configName2, Object value2);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(value = "Fetch persistent state and purge on startup are both disabled, cache may contain stale entries on startup", id = 149)
void staleEntriesWithoutFetchPersistentStateOrPurgeOnStartup();
@LogMessage(level = FATAL)
@Message(value = "Rehash command received on non-distributed cache. All the nodes in the cluster should be using the same configuration.", id = 150)
void rehashCommandReceivedOnNonDistributedCache();
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Error flushing to file: %s", id = 151)
void errorFlushingToFileChannel(FileChannel f, @Cause Exception e);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(value = "Passivation configured without an eviction policy being selected. " +
"Only manually evicted entities will be passivated.", id = 152)
void passivationWithoutEviction();
// Warning ISPN000153 removed as per ISPN-2554
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(value = "Unable to unlock keys %2$s for transaction %1$s after they were rebalanced off node %3$s", id = 154)
void unableToUnlockRebalancedKeys(GlobalTransaction gtx, List