infinispan.com.mchange.v2.log.MLevel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Distributed as part of mchange-commons-java 0.2.7
* Copyright (C) 2014 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of EITHER:
* 1) The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation
* OR
* 2) The Eclipse Public License (EPL), version 1.0
* You may choose which license to accept if you wish to redistribute
* or modify this work. You may offer derivatives of this work
* under the license you have chosen, or you may provide the same
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* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* EPL v1.0: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php
package com.mchange.v2.log;
import java.util.*;
public final class MLevel
public final static MLevel ALL;
public final static MLevel CONFIG;
public final static MLevel FINE;
public final static MLevel FINER;
public final static MLevel FINEST;
public final static MLevel INFO;
public final static MLevel OFF;
public final static MLevel SEVERE;
public final static MLevel WARNING;
private final static Map integersToMLevels;
private final static Map namesToMLevels;
private final static int ALL_INTVAL = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private final static int CONFIG_INTVAL = 700;
private final static int FINE_INTVAL = 500;
private final static int FINER_INTVAL = 400;
private final static int FINEST_INTVAL = 300;
private final static int INFO_INTVAL = 800;
private final static int OFF_INTVAL = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private final static int SEVERE_INTVAL = 1000;
private final static int WARNING_INTVAL = 900;
public static MLevel fromIntValue(int intval)
{ return (MLevel) integersToMLevels.get( new Integer( intval ) ); }
public static MLevel fromSeverity(String name)
{ return (MLevel) namesToMLevels.get( name ); }
Class lvlClass;
boolean jdk14api; //not just jdk14 -- it is possible for the api to be present with older vms
lvlClass = Class.forName( "java.util.logging.Level" );
jdk14api = true;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e )
lvlClass = null;
jdk14api = false;
MLevel all;
MLevel config;
MLevel fine;
MLevel finer;
MLevel finest;
MLevel info;
MLevel off;
MLevel severe;
MLevel warning;
// numeric values match the intvalues from java.util.logging.Level
all = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("ALL").get(null) : null), ALL_INTVAL, "ALL" );
config = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("CONFIG").get(null) : null), CONFIG_INTVAL, "CONFIG" );
fine = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("FINE").get(null) : null), FINE_INTVAL, "FINE" );
finer = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("FINER").get(null) : null), FINER_INTVAL, "FINER" );
finest = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("FINEST").get(null) : null), FINEST_INTVAL, "FINEST" );
info = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("INFO").get(null) : null), INFO_INTVAL, "INFO" );
off = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("OFF").get(null) : null), OFF_INTVAL, "OFF" );
severe = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("SEVERE").get(null) : null), SEVERE_INTVAL, "SEVERE" );
warning = new MLevel( (jdk14api ? lvlClass.getField("WARNING").get(null) : null), WARNING_INTVAL, "WARNING" );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new InternalError("Huh? java.util.logging.Level is here, but not its expected public fields?");
ALL = all;
CONFIG = config;
FINE = fine;
FINER = finer;
FINEST = finest;
INFO = info;
OFF = off;
SEVERE = severe;
WARNING = warning;
Map tmp = new HashMap();
tmp.put( new Integer(all.intValue()), all);
tmp.put( new Integer(config.intValue()), config);
tmp.put( new Integer(fine.intValue()), fine);
tmp.put( new Integer(finer.intValue()), finer);
tmp.put( new Integer(finest.intValue()), finest);
tmp.put( new Integer(info.intValue()), info);
tmp.put( new Integer(off.intValue()), off);
tmp.put( new Integer(severe.intValue()), severe);
tmp.put( new Integer(warning.intValue()), warning);
integersToMLevels = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmp );
tmp = new HashMap();
tmp.put( all.getSeverity(), all);
tmp.put( config.getSeverity(), config);
tmp.put( fine.getSeverity(), fine);
tmp.put( finer.getSeverity(), finer);
tmp.put( finest.getSeverity(), finest);
tmp.put( info.getSeverity(), info);
tmp.put( off.getSeverity(), off);
tmp.put( severe.getSeverity(), severe);
tmp.put( warning.getSeverity(), warning);
namesToMLevels = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmp );
Object level;
int intval;
String lvlstring;
public int intValue()
{ return intval; }
public Object asJdk14Level()
{ return level; }
public String getSeverity()
{ return lvlstring; }
public String toString()
{ return this.getClass().getName() + this.getLineHeader(); }
public String getLineHeader()
{ return "[" + lvlstring + ']';}
public boolean isLoggable( MLevel filterLevel )
{ return this.intval >= filterLevel.intval; }
private MLevel(Object level, int intval, String lvlstring)
this.level = level;
this.intval = intval;
this.lvlstring = lvlstring;
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