org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferInterceptor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.infinispan.statetransfer;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import org.infinispan.commands.AbstractTopologyAffectedCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.FlagAffectedCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.TopologyAffectedCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.VisitableCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.control.LockControlCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.functional.ReadOnlyKeyCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.functional.ReadOnlyManyCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.functional.ReadWriteKeyCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.functional.ReadWriteKeyValueCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.CommitCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.PrepareCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.RollbackCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.tx.TransactionBoundaryCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.ApplyDeltaCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.ClearCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.EvictCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.InvalidateL1Command;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.PutMapCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.RemoveCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.ReplaceCommand;
import org.infinispan.commands.write.WriteCommand;
import org.infinispan.context.InvocationContext;
import org.infinispan.context.impl.FlagBitSets;
import org.infinispan.context.impl.TxInvocationContext;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start;
import org.infinispan.interceptors.BasicInvocationStage;
import org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationComposeHandler;
import org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationStage;
import org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.BaseStateTransferInterceptor;
import org.infinispan.remoting.RemoteException;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.UnsureResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException;
import org.infinispan.topology.CacheTopology;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
//todo [anistor] command forwarding breaks the rule that we have only one originator for a command. this opens now the possibility to have two threads processing incoming remote commands for the same TX
* This interceptor has two tasks:
* - If the command's topology id is higher than the current topology id,
* wait for the node to receive transaction data for the new topology id.
* - If the topology id changed during a command's execution, retry the command, but only on the
* originator (which replicates it to the new owners).
* If the cache is configured with asynchronous replication, owners cannot signal to the originator that they
* saw a new topology, so instead each owner forwards the command to all the other owners in the new topology.
* @author [email protected]
public class StateTransferInterceptor extends BaseStateTransferInterceptor {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StateTransferInterceptor.class);
private static boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
private StateTransferManager stateTransferManager;
private boolean syncCommitPhase;
private boolean defaultSynchronous;
private final AffectedKeysVisitor affectedKeysVisitor = new AffectedKeysVisitor();
private final InvocationComposeHandler handleReadCommandReturn = this::handleReadCommandReturn;
private final InvocationComposeHandler handleTxReturn = this::handleTxReturn;
private final InvocationComposeHandler handleTxWriteReturn = this::handleTxWriteReturn;
private final InvocationComposeHandler handleNonTxWriteReturn = this::handleNonTxWriteReturn;
public void init(StateTransferManager stateTransferManager) {
this.stateTransferManager = stateTransferManager;
public void start() {
syncCommitPhase = cacheConfiguration.transaction().syncCommitPhase();
defaultSynchronous = cacheConfiguration.clustering().cacheMode().isSynchronous();
public BasicInvocationStage visitPrepareCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, PrepareCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleTxCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitCommitCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, CommitCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleTxCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitRollbackCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, RollbackCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleTxCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitLockControlCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, LockControlCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleTxCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitPutKeyValueCommand(InvocationContext ctx, PutKeyValueCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitPutMapCommand(InvocationContext ctx, PutMapCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitApplyDeltaCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ApplyDeltaCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitRemoveCommand(InvocationContext ctx, RemoveCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitReplaceCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ReplaceCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitClearCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ClearCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitInvalidateCommand(InvocationContext ctx, InvalidateCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitInvalidateL1Command(InvocationContext ctx, InvalidateL1Command command)
throws Throwable {
// no need to forward this command
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitEvictCommand(InvocationContext ctx, EvictCommand command)
throws Throwable {
// it's not necessary to propagate eviction to the new owners in case of state transfer
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitGetKeyValueCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetKeyValueCommand command) throws Throwable {
return handleReadCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitGetCacheEntryCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetCacheEntryCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleReadCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitGetAllCommand(InvocationContext ctx, GetAllCommand command) throws Throwable {
return handleReadCommand(ctx, command);
private InvocationStage handleReadCommand(InvocationContext ctx, AbstractTopologyAffectedCommand command) throws Throwable {
if (isLocalOnly(command)) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
return invokeNext(ctx, command)
private BasicInvocationStage handleReadCommandReturn(BasicInvocationStage stage, InvocationContext rCtx,
VisitableCommand rCommand, Object rv, Throwable t) throws Throwable {
if (t == null)
return stage;
Throwable ce = t;
while (ce instanceof RemoteException) {
ce = ce.getCause();
final CacheTopology cacheTopology = stateTransferManager.getCacheTopology();
int currentTopologyId = cacheTopology == null ? -1 : cacheTopology.getTopologyId();
AbstractTopologyAffectedCommand cmd = (AbstractTopologyAffectedCommand) rCommand;
if (ce instanceof SuspectException) {
if (trace)
log.tracef("Retrying command because of suspected node, current topology is %d: %s",
currentTopologyId, rCommand);
// It is possible that current topology is actual but the view still contains a node that's about to leave;
// a broadcast to all nodes then can end with suspect exception, but we won't get any new topology.
// An example of this situation is when a node sends leave - topology can be installed before the new view.
// To prevent suspect exceptions use SYNCHRONOUS_IGNORE_LEAVERS response mode.
if (currentTopologyId == cmd.getTopologyId() && !cacheTopology.getActualMembers().contains(((SuspectException) ce).getSuspect())) {
// TODO: provide a test case
throw new IllegalStateException("Command was not sent with SYNCHRONOUS_IGNORE_LEAVERS?");
} else if (ce instanceof OutdatedTopologyException) {
if (trace)
log.tracef("Retrying command because of topology change, current topology is %d: %s",
currentTopologyId, cmd);
} else {
return stage;
// We increment the topology to wait for the next topology.
// Without this, we could retry the command too fast and we could get the OutdatedTopologyException again.
int newTopologyId = getNewTopologyId(ce, currentTopologyId, cmd);
CompletableFuture topologyFuture = stateTransferLock.topologyFuture(newTopologyId);
return retryWhenDone(topologyFuture, newTopologyId, rCtx, cmd)
public BasicInvocationStage visitReadWriteKeyValueCommand(InvocationContext ctx,
ReadWriteKeyValueCommand command) throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitReadWriteKeyCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ReadWriteKeyCommand command)
throws Throwable {
return handleWriteCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitReadOnlyKeyCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ReadOnlyKeyCommand command) throws Throwable {
return handleReadCommand(ctx, command);
public BasicInvocationStage visitReadOnlyManyCommand(InvocationContext ctx, ReadOnlyManyCommand command) throws Throwable {
return handleReadCommand(ctx, command);
* Special processing required for transaction commands.
private BasicInvocationStage handleTxCommand(TxInvocationContext ctx, TransactionBoundaryCommand command) throws Throwable {
if (trace) log.tracef("handleTxCommand for command %s, origin %s", command, getOrigin(ctx));
if (isLocalOnly(command)) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
return invokeNext(ctx, command)
private Address getOrigin(TxInvocationContext ctx) {
// For local commands we may not have a GlobalTransaction yet
return ctx.isOriginLocal() ? ctx.getOrigin() : ctx.getGlobalTransaction().getAddress();
private BasicInvocationStage handleTxReturn(BasicInvocationStage stage, InvocationContext ctx,
VisitableCommand command, Object rv, Throwable t) throws Throwable {
TransactionBoundaryCommand txCommand = (TransactionBoundaryCommand) command;
int retryTopologyId = -1;
int currentTopology = currentTopologyId();
if (t instanceof OutdatedTopologyException) {
// This can only happen on the originator
retryTopologyId = Math.max(currentTopology, txCommand.getTopologyId() + 1);
} else if (t != null) {
return stage;
// We need to forward the command to the new owners, if the command was asynchronous
boolean async = isTxCommandAsync(txCommand);
if (async) {
stateTransferManager.forwardCommandIfNeeded(txCommand, getAffectedKeys(ctx, txCommand), getOrigin((TxInvocationContext) ctx));
return stage;
if (ctx.isOriginLocal()) {
// On the originator, we only retry if we got an OutdatedTopologyException
// Which could be caused either by an owner leaving or by an owner having a newer topology
// No need to retry just because we have a new topology on the originator, all entries were
// wrapped anyway
if (retryTopologyId > 0) {
// Only the originator can retry the command
if (txCommand instanceof PrepareCommand) {
((PrepareCommand) txCommand).setRetriedCommand(true);
CompletableFuture transactionDataFuture = stateTransferLock.transactionDataFuture(retryTopologyId);
return retryWhenDone(transactionDataFuture, retryTopologyId, ctx, txCommand)
} else {
if (currentTopology > txCommand.getTopologyId()) {
// Signal the originator to retry
return returnWith(UnsureResponse.INSTANCE);
return stage;
private boolean isTxCommandAsync(TransactionBoundaryCommand command) {
boolean async = false;
if (command instanceof CommitCommand || command instanceof RollbackCommand) {
async = !syncCommitPhase;
} else if (command instanceof PrepareCommand) {
async = !defaultSynchronous;
return async;
protected BasicInvocationStage handleWriteCommand(InvocationContext ctx, WriteCommand command)
throws Throwable {
if (ctx.isInTxScope()) {
return handleTxWriteCommand(ctx, command);
} else {
return handleNonTxWriteCommand(ctx, command);
private BasicInvocationStage handleTxWriteCommand(InvocationContext ctx, WriteCommand command)
throws Throwable {
if (trace) log.tracef("handleTxWriteCommand for command %s, origin %s", command, ctx.getOrigin());
if (isLocalOnly(command)) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
return invokeNext(ctx, command)
private BasicInvocationStage handleTxWriteReturn(BasicInvocationStage stage, InvocationContext rCtx,
VisitableCommand rCommand, Object rv, Throwable t) throws Throwable {
int retryTopologyId = -1;
WriteCommand writeCommand = (WriteCommand) rCommand;
if (t instanceof OutdatedTopologyException) {
// This can only happen on the originator
retryTopologyId = Math.max(currentTopologyId(), writeCommand.getTopologyId() + 1);
} else if (t != null) {
throw t;
if (rCtx.isOriginLocal()) {
// On the originator, we only retry if we got an OutdatedTopologyException
// Which could be caused either by an owner leaving or by an owner having a newer topology
// No need to retry just because we have a new topology on the originator, all entries were
// wrapped anyway
if (retryTopologyId > 0) {
// Only the originator can retry the command
CompletableFuture transactionDataFuture = stateTransferLock.transactionDataFuture(retryTopologyId);
return retryWhenDone(transactionDataFuture, retryTopologyId, rCtx, writeCommand)
} else {
if (currentTopologyId() > writeCommand.getTopologyId()) {
// Signal the originator to retry
return returnWith(UnsureResponse.INSTANCE);
return stage;
* For non-tx write commands, we retry the command locally if the topology changed.
* But we only retry on the originator, and only if the command doesn't have
* the {@code CACHE_MODE_LOCAL} flag.
private BasicInvocationStage handleNonTxWriteCommand(InvocationContext ctx, WriteCommand command)
throws Throwable {
if (trace) log.tracef("handleNonTxWriteCommand for command %s, topology id %d", command, command.getTopologyId());
if (isLocalOnly(command)) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
// Only catch OutdatedTopologyExceptions on the originator
if (!ctx.isOriginLocal()) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
return invokeNext(ctx, command)
private BasicInvocationStage handleNonTxWriteReturn(BasicInvocationStage stage, InvocationContext rCtx,
VisitableCommand rCommand, Object rv, Throwable t) throws Throwable {
if (t == null)
return stage;
Throwable ce = t;
while (ce instanceof RemoteException) {
ce = ce.getCause();
if (!(ce instanceof OutdatedTopologyException) && !(ce instanceof SuspectException))
throw t;
// We increment the topology id so that updateTopologyIdAndWaitForTransactionData waits for the
// next topology.
// Without this, we could retry the command too fast and we could get the
// OutdatedTopologyException again.
int currentTopologyId = currentTopologyId();
WriteCommand writeCommand = (WriteCommand) rCommand;
if (trace)
log.tracef("Retrying command because of topology change, current topology is %d: %s",
currentTopologyId, writeCommand);
int commandTopologyId = writeCommand.getTopologyId();
int newTopologyId = getNewTopologyId(ce, currentTopologyId, writeCommand);
// In non-tx context, waiting for transaction data is equal to waiting for topology
CompletableFuture transactionDataFuture = stateTransferLock.transactionDataFuture(newTopologyId);
return retryWhenDone(transactionDataFuture, newTopologyId, rCtx, writeCommand)
private int getNewTopologyId(Throwable ce, int currentTopologyId, TopologyAffectedCommand command) {
int requestedTopologyId = command.getTopologyId() + 1;
if (ce instanceof OutdatedTopologyException) {
OutdatedTopologyException ote = (OutdatedTopologyException) ce;
if (ote.requestedTopologyId >= 0) {
requestedTopologyId = ote.requestedTopologyId;
return Math.max(currentTopologyId, requestedTopologyId);
public BasicInvocationStage handleDefault(InvocationContext ctx, VisitableCommand command)
throws Throwable {
if (command instanceof TopologyAffectedCommand) {
return handleTopologyAffectedCommand(ctx, command, ctx.getOrigin());
} else {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
private BasicInvocationStage handleTopologyAffectedCommand(InvocationContext ctx,
VisitableCommand command, Address origin) throws Throwable {
if (trace) log.tracef("handleTopologyAffectedCommand for command %s, origin %s", command, origin);
if (isLocalOnly(command)) {
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
updateTopologyId((TopologyAffectedCommand) command);
return invokeNext(ctx, command);
private boolean isLocalOnly(VisitableCommand command) {
boolean cacheModeLocal = false;
if (command instanceof FlagAffectedCommand) {
cacheModeLocal = ((FlagAffectedCommand)command).hasAnyFlag(FlagBitSets.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL);
return cacheModeLocal;
private Set
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