Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.JdbcUtil;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.configuration.TableManipulationConfiguration;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.connectionfactory.ConnectionFactory;
import org.infinispan.persistence.jdbc.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;
* @author Ryan Emerson
class OracleTableManager extends AbstractTableManager {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OracleTableManager.class, Log.class);
private static final int MAX_INDEX_IDENTIFIER_SIZE = 30;
private static final String INDEX_PREFIX = "IDX";
OracleTableManager(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TableManipulationConfiguration config, DbMetaData metaData) {
super(connectionFactory, config, metaData, LOG);
public boolean tableExists(Connection connection, TableName tableName) throws PersistenceException {
Objects.requireNonNull(tableName, "table name is mandatory");
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
String schemaPattern = tableName.getSchema() == null ? metaData.getUserName() : tableName.getSchema();
rs = metaData.getTables(null, schemaPattern, tableName.getName(), new String[]{"TABLE"});
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.tracef(e, "SQLException occurs while checking the table %s", tableName);
return false;
} finally {
protected boolean timestampIndexExists(Connection conn) throws PersistenceException {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData();
rs = meta.getIndexInfo(null, null, getTableName().toString(), false, false);
String indexName = getIndexName(false);
while ( {
if (indexName.equalsIgnoreCase(rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"))) {
return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e);
} finally {
return false;
public String getIndexName(boolean withIdentifier) {
int maxNameSize = MAX_INDEX_IDENTIFIER_SIZE - INDEX_PREFIX.length() - 1;
if (withIdentifier) {
maxNameSize -= 2;
String tableName = getTableName().toString().replace(identifierQuoteString, "");
String truncatedName = tableName.length() > maxNameSize ? tableName.substring(0, maxNameSize) : tableName;
String indexName = INDEX_PREFIX + "_" + truncatedName;
if (withIdentifier) {
return identifierQuoteString + indexName + identifierQuoteString;
return indexName;
public String getInsertRowSql() {
if (insertRowSql == null) {
insertRowSql = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (%s,%s,%s) VALUES (?,?,?)", getTableName(),
config.idColumnName(), config.timestampColumnName(), config.dataColumnName());
return insertRowSql;
public String getUpsertRowSql() {
if (upsertRowSql == null) {
upsertRowSql = String.format("MERGE INTO %1$s t " +
"USING (SELECT ? %2$s, ? %3$s, ? %4$s from dual) tmp ON (t.%2$s = tmp.%2$s) " +
"WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t.%3$s = tmp.%3$s, t.%4$s = tmp.%4$s " +
"WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (%2$s, %3$s, %4$s) VALUES (tmp.%2$s, tmp.%3$s, tmp.%4$s)",
this.getTableName(), config.idColumnName(), config.timestampColumnName(), config.dataColumnName());
return upsertRowSql;
public void prepareUpdateStatement(PreparedStatement ps, String key, long timestamp, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws SQLException {
ps.setString(1, key);
ps.setLong(2, timestamp);
// We must use BLOB here to avoid ORA-01461 caused by implicit casts on dual
ps.setBlob(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(byteBuffer.getBuf(), byteBuffer.getOffset(), byteBuffer.getLength()), byteBuffer.getLength());
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