org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jgroups.blocks;
import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.protocols.TP;
import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.SiteAddress;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.stack.StateTransferInfo;
import org.jgroups.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* Provides synchronous and asynchronous message sending with request-response
* correlation; i.e., matching responses with the original request.
* It also offers push-style message reception (by internally using the PullPushAdapter).
* Channels are simple patterns to asynchronously send a receive messages.
* However, a significant number of communication patterns in group communication
* require synchronous communication. For example, a sender would like to send a
* message to the group and wait for all responses. Or another application would
* like to send a message to the group and wait only until the majority of the
* receivers have sent a response, or until a timeout occurred. MessageDispatcher
* offers a combination of the above pattern with other patterns.
* Used on top of channel to implement group requests. Client's {@code handle()}
* method is called when request is received. Is the equivalent of RpcProtocol on
* the application instead of protocol level.
* @author Bela Ban
public class MessageDispatcher implements RequestHandler, Closeable, ChannelListener {
protected JChannel channel;
protected RequestCorrelator corr;
protected MembershipListener membership_listener;
protected StateListener state_listener;
protected RequestHandler req_handler;
protected boolean async_dispatching;
protected boolean wrap_exceptions;
protected ProtocolAdapter prot_adapter;
protected volatile Collection
members=new HashSet<>();
protected Address local_addr;
protected final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(MessageDispatcher.class);
protected final RpcStats rpc_stats=new RpcStats(false);
protected static final RspList empty_rsplist=new RspList();
protected static final GroupRequest empty_group_request;
static {
empty_group_request=new GroupRequest<>(null, Collections.emptyList(), RequestOptions.SYNC());
public MessageDispatcher() {
public MessageDispatcher(JChannel channel) {
prot_adapter=new ProtocolAdapter();
if(channel != null) {
installUpHandler(prot_adapter, true);
public MessageDispatcher(JChannel channel, RequestHandler req_handler) {
public JChannel getChannel() {return channel;}
public RequestCorrelator getCorrelator() {return corr;}
public RequestCorrelator correlator() {return corr;}
public boolean getAsyncDispatching() {return async_dispatching;}
public boolean asyncDispatching() {return async_dispatching;}
public boolean getWrapExceptions() {return wrap_exceptions;}
public boolean wrapExceptions() {return wrap_exceptions;}
public UpHandler getProtocolAdapter() {return prot_adapter;}
public UpHandler protocolAdapter() {return prot_adapter;}
public RpcStats getRpcStats() {return rpc_stats;}
public RpcStats rpcStats() {return rpc_stats;}
public boolean getExtendedStats() {return rpc_stats.extendedStats();}
public boolean extendedStats() {return rpc_stats.extendedStats();}
public X setExtendedStats(boolean fl) {return extendedStats(fl);}
public X extendedStats(boolean fl) {rpc_stats.extendedStats(fl); return (X)this;}
public X setChannel(JChannel ch) {
if(ch == null)
return (X)this;
if(ch != null) {
if(prot_adapter == null)
prot_adapter=new ProtocolAdapter();
// Don't force installing the UpHandler so subclasses can use this method
return installUpHandler(prot_adapter, false);
public X setCorrelator(RequestCorrelator c) {return correlator(c);}
public X correlator(RequestCorrelator c) {
if(c == null)
return (X)this;
return (X)this;
public X setMembershipListener(MembershipListener l) {
return (X)this;
public X setStateListener(StateListener sl) {
return (X)this;
public X setRequestHandler(RequestHandler rh) {
return (X)this;
public X setAsynDispatching(boolean flag) {return asyncDispatching(flag);}
public X asyncDispatching(boolean flag) {
if(corr != null)
return (X)this;
public X setWrapExceptions(boolean flag) {return wrapExceptions(flag);}
public X wrapExceptions(boolean flag) {
if(corr != null)
return (X)this;
protected X setMembers(List new_mbrs) {
if(new_mbrs != null)
members=new HashSet<>(new_mbrs); // volatile write - seen by a subsequent read
return (X)this;
public X start() {
if(corr == null)
corr=createRequestCorrelator(prot_adapter, this, local_addr)
if(channel != null) {
List tmp_mbrs=channel.getView() != null ? channel.getView().getMembers() : null;
if(channel instanceof JChannel) {
TP transport=channel.getProtocolStack().getTransport();
return (X)this;
protected static RequestCorrelator createRequestCorrelator(Protocol transport, RequestHandler handler, Address local_addr) {
return new RequestCorrelator(transport, handler, local_addr);
protected void correlatorStarted() {
@Override public void close() throws IOException {stop();}
public X stop() {
if(corr != null) {
if(channel instanceof JChannel) {
TP transport=channel.getProtocolStack().getTransport();
return (X)this;
* Sets the given UpHandler as the UpHandler for the channel. If the relevant handler is already installed,
* the {@code canReplace} controls whether this method replaces it (after logging a WARN) or simply
* leaves {@code handler} uninstalled.
* Passing {@code false} as the {@code canReplace} value allows callers to use this method to install defaults
* without concern about inadvertently overriding
* @param handler the UpHandler to install
* @param canReplace {@code true} if an existing Channel upHandler can be replaced; {@code false}
* if this method shouldn't install
protected X installUpHandler(UpHandler handler, boolean canReplace) {
UpHandler existing = channel.getUpHandler();
if (existing == null)
else if(canReplace) {
log.warn("Channel already has an up handler installed (%s) but now it is being overridden", existing);
return (X)this;
* Sends a message to all members and expects responses from members in dests (if non-null).
* @param dests A list of group members from which to expect responses (if the call is blocking).
* @param data The buffer
* @param offset the offset into data
* @param length the number of bytes to send
* @param opts A set of options that govern the call. See {@link org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions} for details
* @return RspList A list of Rsp elements, or null if the RPC is asynchronous
* @throws Exception If the request cannot be sent
* @since 4.0
public RspList castMessage(Collection dests, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
return castMessage(dests, new Buffer(data, offset, length), opts);
* Sends a message to all members and expects responses from members in dests (if non-null).
* @param dests A list of group members from which to expect responses (if the call is blocking).
* @param data The message to be sent
* @param opts A set of options that govern the call. See {@link org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions} for details
* @return RspList A list of Rsp elements, or null if the RPC is asynchronous
* @throws Exception If the request cannot be sent
* @since 2.9
public RspList castMessage(final Collection dests, Buffer data, RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
GroupRequest req=cast(dests, data, opts, true);
return req != null? req.getNow(null) : null;
* Sends a message to all members and expects responses from members in dests (if non-null).
* @param dests A list of group members from which to expect responses (if the call is blocking).
* @param data The message to be sent
* @param opts A set of options that govern the call. See {@link org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions} for details
* @return CompletableFuture A future from which the results (RspList) can be retrieved, or null if the request
* was sent asynchronously
* @throws Exception If the request cannot be sent
public CompletableFuture> castMessageWithFuture(final Collection dests, Buffer data,
RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
return cast(dests,data,opts,false);
protected GroupRequest cast(final Collection dests, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
RequestOptions options, boolean block_for_results) throws Exception {
return cast(dests, new Buffer(data, offset, length), options, block_for_results);
protected GroupRequest cast(final Collection dests, Buffer data, RequestOptions options,
boolean block_for_results) throws Exception {
if(options == null) {
log.warn("request options were null, using default of sync");
List real_dests;
// we need to clone because we don't want to modify the original
if(dests != null)
real_dests=dests.stream().filter(dest -> dest instanceof SiteAddress || this.members.contains(dest))
.collect(ArrayList::new, (list,dest) -> {if(!list.contains(dest)) list.add(dest);}, (l,r) -> {});
real_dests=new ArrayList<>(members);
// Remove the local member from the target destination set if we should not deliver our own message
JChannel tmp=channel;
if((tmp != null && tmp.getDiscardOwnMessages()) || options.transientFlagSet(Message.TransientFlag.DONT_LOOPBACK)) {
if(local_addr == null)
local_addr=tmp != null? tmp.getAddress() : null;
if(real_dests.isEmpty()) {
log.trace("destination list is empty, won't send message");
return empty_group_request;
boolean sync=options.mode() != ResponseMode.GET_NONE;
boolean non_blocking=!sync || !block_for_results, anycast=options.anycasting();
updateStats(real_dests, anycast, sync, 0);
if(!sync) {
corr.sendRequest(real_dests, data, null, options);
return null;
GroupRequest req=new GroupRequest<>(corr, real_dests, options);
long start=non_blocking || !rpc_stats.extendedStats()? 0 : System.nanoTime();
req.execute(data, block_for_results);
long time=non_blocking || !rpc_stats.extendedStats()? 0 : System.nanoTime() - start;
updateStats(real_dests, anycast, true, time);
return req;
public void done(long req_id) {
* Sends a unicast message and - depending on the options - returns a result
* @param dest the target to which to send the unicast message. Must not be null.
* @param data the payload to send
* @param offset the offset at which the data starts
* @param length the number of bytes to send
* @param opts the options to be used
* @return T the result. Null if the call is asynchronous (non-blocking) or if the response is null
* @throws Exception If there was problem sending the request, processing it at the receiver, or processing
* it at the sender.
* @throws TimeoutException If the call didn't succeed within the timeout defined in options (if set)
public T sendMessage(Address dest, byte[] data, int offset, int length, RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
return sendMessage(dest, new Buffer(data, offset, length), opts);
* Sends a unicast message and - depending on the options - returns a result
* @param dest the target to which to send the unicast message. Must not be null.
* @param data the payload to send
* @param opts the options to be used
* @return T the result. Null if the call is asynchronous (non-blocking) or if the response is null
* @throws Exception If there was problem sending the request, processing it at the receiver, or processing
* it at the sender.
* @throws TimeoutException If the call didn't succeed within the timeout defined in options (if set)
public T sendMessage(Address dest, Buffer data, RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
if(dest == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("message destination is null, cannot send message");
if(opts == null) {
log.warn("request options were null, using default of sync");
// invoke an async RPC directly and return null, without creating a UnicastRequest instance
if(opts.mode() == ResponseMode.GET_NONE) {
rpc_stats.add(RpcStats.Type.UNICAST, dest, false, 0);
corr.sendUnicastRequest(dest, data, null, opts);
return null;
// now it must be a sync RPC
UnicastRequest req=new UnicastRequest<>(corr, dest, opts);
long start=!rpc_stats.extendedStats()? 0 : System.nanoTime();
try {
return req.execute(data, true);
finally {
long time=!rpc_stats.extendedStats()? 0 : System.nanoTime() - start;
rpc_stats.add(RpcStats.Type.UNICAST, dest, true, time);
* Sends a unicast message to the target defined by msg.getDest() and returns a future
* @param dest the target to which to send the unicast message. Must not be null.
* @param data the payload to send
* @param offset the offset at which the data starts
* @param length the number of bytes to send
* @param opts the options
* @return CompletableFuture A future from which the result can be fetched, or null if the call was asynchronous
* @throws Exception If there was problem sending the request, processing it at the receiver, or processing
* it at the sender. {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} will throw this exception
public CompletableFuture sendMessageWithFuture(Address dest, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
return sendMessageWithFuture(dest, new Buffer(data, offset, length), opts);
* Sends a unicast message to the target defined by msg.getDest() and returns a future
* @param dest the target to which to send the unicast message. Must not be null.
* @param data the payload to send
* @param opts the options
* @return CompletableFuture A future from which the result can be fetched, or null if the call was asynchronous
* @throws Exception If there was problem sending the request, processing it at the receiver, or processing
* it at the sender. {@link java.util.concurrent.Future#get()} will throw this exception
public CompletableFuture sendMessageWithFuture(Address dest, Buffer data, RequestOptions opts) throws Exception {
if(dest == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("message destination is null, cannot send message");
if(opts == null) {
log.warn("request options were null, using default of sync");
rpc_stats.add(RpcStats.Type.UNICAST, dest, opts.mode() != ResponseMode.GET_NONE, 0);
if(opts.mode() == ResponseMode.GET_NONE) {
corr.sendUnicastRequest(dest, data, null, opts);
return null;
// if we get here, the RPC is synchronous
UnicastRequest req=new UnicastRequest<>(corr, dest, opts);
req.execute(data, false);
return req;
/* ------------------------ RequestHandler Interface ---------------------- */
public Object handle(Message msg) throws Exception {
if(req_handler != null)
return req_handler.handle(msg);
return null;
public void handle(Message request, Response response) throws Exception {
if(req_handler != null) {
req_handler.handle(request, response);
else {
Object retval=req_handler.handle(request);
if(response != null)
response.send(retval, false);
Object retval=handle(request);
if(response != null)
response.send(retval, false);
/* ------------------ End of RequestHandler Interface----------------- */
protected void updateStats(Collection dests, boolean anycast, boolean sync, long time) {
rpc_stats.addAnycast(sync, time, dests);
rpc_stats.add(RpcStats.Type.MULTICAST, null, sync, time);
protected Object handleUpEvent(Event evt) throws Exception {
switch(evt.getType()) {
case Event.GET_APPLSTATE: // reply with GET_APPLSTATE_OK
byte[] tmp_state=null;
if(state_listener != null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream output=new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
return new StateTransferInfo(null, 0L, tmp_state);
case Event.GET_STATE_OK:
if(state_listener != null) {
StateTransferResult result=evt.getArg();
if(result.hasBuffer()) {
ByteArrayInputStream input=new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBuffer());
OutputStream os=evt.getArg();
if(state_listener != null && os != null)
InputStream is=evt.getArg();
if(state_listener != null && is!=null)
case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
View v=evt.getArg();
List new_mbrs=v.getMembers();
if(membership_listener != null)
log.trace("setting local_addr (%s) to %s", local_addr, evt.getArg());
case Event.SUSPECT:
if(membership_listener != null) {
// todo: remove in 4.1 once we've completely switched to collections
Collection c=evt.arg() instanceof Address? Collections.singletonList(evt.arg()): evt.arg();
case Event.BLOCK:
if(membership_listener != null)
case Event.UNBLOCK:
if(membership_listener != null)
return null;
public void channelConnected(JChannel channel) {
public void channelDisconnected(JChannel channel) {
public void channelClosed(JChannel channel) {
class ProtocolAdapter extends Protocol implements UpHandler {
/* ------------------------- Protocol Interface --------------------------- */
public String getName() {
return "MessageDispatcher";
* Called by channel (we registered before) when event is received. This is the UpHandler interface.
public Object up(Event evt) {
if(corr != null && !corr.receive(evt)) {
try {
return handleUpEvent(evt);
catch(Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
return null;
public Object up(Message msg) {
if(corr != null)
return null;
public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
if(corr == null)
public Object down(Event evt) {
return channel != null? channel.down(evt) : null;
public Object down(Message msg) {
if(channel != null) {
if(!(channel.isConnected() || channel.isConnecting())) {
// return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("channel is not connected");
return channel.down(msg);
return null;
/* ----------------------- End of Protocol Interface ------------------------ */