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org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 9.1.7.Final
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package org.jgroups.protocols;

import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.Event;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.View;
import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean;
import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Property;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

 * Fragmentation layer. Fragments messages larger than FRAG_SIZE into smaller
 * packets. Reassembles fragmented packets into bigger ones. The fragmentation
 * number is added to the messages as a header (and removed at the receiving side).

* Contrary to {@link org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2}, FRAG marshals the entire message (including the headers) into * a byte[] buffer and the fragments that buffer. Because {@link org.jgroups.Message#size()} is called rather than * {@link org.jgroups.Message#getLength()}, and because of the overhead of marshalling, this will be slower than * FRAG2. *

* Each fragment is identified by (a) the sender (part of the message to which * the header is appended), (b) the fragmentation ID (which is unique per FRAG * layer (monotonically increasing) and (c) the fragement ID which ranges from 0 * to number_of_fragments-1. *

* Requirement: lossless delivery (e.g. NAK, ACK). No requirement on ordering. * Works for both unicast and multicast messages. * * @author Bela Ban * @author Filip Hanik */ @MBean(description="Fragments messages larger than fragmentation size into smaller packets") public class FRAG extends Protocol { /* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */ @Property(description="The max number of bytes in a message. Larger messages will be fragmented. Default is 8192 bytes") private int frag_size=8192; // conservative value /* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Contains a frag table per sender, this way it becomes easier to clean up if a sender leaves or crashes */ private final FragmentationList fragment_list=new FragmentationList(); private final AtomicInteger curr_id=new AtomicInteger(1); private final List

members=new ArrayList<>(11); @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of sent messages") long num_sent_msgs=0; @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of sent fragments") long num_sent_frags=0; @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of received messages") long num_received_msgs=0; @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of received fragments") long num_received_frags=0; public int getFragSize() {return frag_size;} public void setFragSize(int s) {frag_size=s;} public long getNumberOfSentMessages() {return num_sent_msgs;} public long getNumberOfSentFragments() {return num_sent_frags;} public long getNumberOfReceivedMessages() {return num_received_msgs;} public long getNumberOfReceivedFragments() {return num_received_frags;} public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); Map info=new HashMap<>(1); info.put("frag_size", frag_size); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.CONFIG, info)); } public void resetStats() { super.resetStats(); num_sent_msgs=num_sent_frags=num_received_msgs=num_received_frags=0; } /** * Fragment a packet if larger than frag_size (add a header). Otherwise just pass down. Only * add a header if framentation is needed ! */ public Object down(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange(evt.getArg()); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); // Pass on to the layer below us } public Object down(Message msg) { long size=msg.size(); num_sent_msgs++; if(size > frag_size) { if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("message size is "); sb.append(size).append(", will fragment (frag_size=").append(frag_size).append(')'); log.trace(sb.toString()); } fragment(msg, size); // Fragment and pass down return null; } return down_prot.down(msg); } /** * If event is a message, if it is fragmented, re-assemble fragments into big message and pass up the stack. */ public Object up(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange(evt.getArg()); break; } return up_prot.up(evt); // Pass up to the layer above us by default } public Object up(Message msg) { FragHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg, hdr); if(assembled_msg != null) up_prot.up(assembled_msg); return null; } else { num_received_msgs++; } return up_prot.up(msg); } public void up(MessageBatch batch) { for(Message msg: batch) { FragHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg,hdr); if(assembled_msg != null) // the reassembled msg has to be add in the right place (, // and canot be added to the tail of the batch ! batch.replace(msg, assembled_msg); else batch.remove(msg); } } if(!batch.isEmpty()) up_prot.up(batch); } private void handleViewChange(View view) { List
new_mbrs=view.getMembers(); List
left_mbrs=Util.determineLeftMembers(members, new_mbrs); members.clear(); members.addAll(new_mbrs); for(Address mbr: left_mbrs){ // the new view doesn't contain the sender, it must have left, // hence we will clear all of itsfragmentation tables fragment_list.remove(mbr); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("[VIEW_CHANGE] removed " + mbr + " from fragmentation table"); } } /** * Send all fragments as separate messages (with same ID !). * Example: *
     * Given the generated ID is 2344, number of fragments=3, message {dst,src,buf}
     * would be fragmented into:

* [2344,3,0]{dst,src,buf1}, * [2344,3,1]{dst,src,buf2} and * [2344,3,2]{dst,src,buf3} *

*/ private void fragment(Message msg, long size) { Address dest=msg.getDest(), src=msg.getSrc(); long frag_id=curr_id.getAndIncrement(); // used as seqnos int num_frags; try { // write message into a byte buffer and fragment it ByteArrayDataOutputStream dos=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream((int)(size + 50)); msg.writeTo(dos); byte[] buffer=dos.buffer(); byte[][] fragments=Util.fragmentBuffer(buffer, frag_size, dos.position()); num_frags=fragments.length; num_sent_frags+=num_frags; if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("fragmenting packet to ").append(dest != null ? dest.toString() : "") .append(" (size=").append(buffer.length).append(") into ").append(num_frags) .append(" fragment(s) [frag_size=").append(frag_size).append(']'); log.trace(sb.toString()); } for(int i=0; i < num_frags; i++) { Message frag_msg=new Message(dest, fragments[i]).src(src); FragHeader hdr=new FragHeader(frag_id, i, num_frags); frag_msg.putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(frag_msg); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(Util.getMessage("ExceptionOccurredTryingToFragmentMessage"), e); } } /** * 1. Get all the fragment buffers * 2. When all are received -> Assemble them into one big buffer * 3. Read headers and byte buffer from big buffer * 4. Set headers and buffer in msg * 5. Pass msg up the stack */ private Message unfragment(Message msg, FragHeader hdr) { Address sender=msg.getSrc(); FragmentationTable frag_table=fragment_list.get(sender); if(frag_table == null) { frag_table=new FragmentationTable(sender); try { fragment_list.add(sender, frag_table); } catch(IllegalArgumentException x) { // the entry has already been added, probably in parallel from another thread frag_table=fragment_list.get(sender); } } num_received_frags++; byte[] buf=frag_table.add(, hdr.frag_id, hdr.num_frags, msg.getBuffer()); if(buf == null) return null; try { DataInput in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf); Message assembled_msg=new Message(false); assembled_msg.readFrom(in); assembled_msg.setSrc(sender); // needed ? YES, because fragments have a null src !! if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("assembled_msg is " + assembled_msg); num_received_msgs++; return assembled_msg; } catch(Exception e) { log.error(Util.getMessage("FailedUnfragmentingAMessage"), e); return null; } } /** * A fragmentation list keeps a list of fragmentation tables * sorted by an Address ( the sender ). * This way, if the sender disappears or leaves the group half way * sending the content, we can simply remove this members fragmentation * table and clean up the memory of the receiver. * We do not have to do the same for the sender, since the sender doesn't keep a fragmentation table */ static class FragmentationList { /* initialize the hashtable to hold all the fragmentation tables * 11 is the best growth capacity to start with
* HashMap */ private final HashMap frag_tables=new HashMap<>(11); /** * Adds a fragmentation table for this particular sender * If this sender already has a fragmentation table, an IllegalArgumentException * will be thrown. * @param sender - the address of the sender, cannot be null * @param table - the fragmentation table of this sender, cannot be null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an entry for this sender already exist */ public void add(Address sender, FragmentationTable table) throws IllegalArgumentException { synchronized(frag_tables) { FragmentationTable healthCheck=frag_tables.get(sender); if(healthCheck == null) { frag_tables.put(sender, table); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sender <" + sender + "> already exists in the fragementation list"); } } } /** * returns a fragmentation table for this sender * returns null if the sender doesn't have a fragmentation table * @return the fragmentation table for this sender, or null if no table exist */ public FragmentationTable get(Address sender) { synchronized(frag_tables) { return frag_tables.get(sender); } } /** * returns true if this sender already holds a * fragmentation for this sender, false otherwise * @param sender - the sender, cannot be null * @return true if this sender already has a fragmentation table */ public boolean containsSender(Address sender) { synchronized(frag_tables) { return frag_tables.containsKey(sender); } } /** * removes the fragmentation table from the list. * after this operation, the fragementation list will no longer * hold a reference to this sender's fragmentation table * @param sender - the sender who's fragmentation table you wish to remove, cannot be null * @return true if the table was removed, false if the sender doesn't have an entry */ public boolean remove(Address sender) { synchronized(frag_tables) { boolean result=containsSender(sender); frag_tables.remove(sender); return result; } } /** * returns a list of all the senders that have fragmentation tables opened. * @return an array of all the senders in the fragmentation list */ public Address[] getSenders() { Address[] result; int index=0; synchronized(frag_tables) { result=new Address[frag_tables.size()]; for(Iterator
it=frag_tables.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result[index++]; } } return result; } public String toString() { StringBuilder buf=new StringBuilder("Fragmentation list contains "); synchronized(frag_tables) { buf.append(frag_tables.size()).append(" tables\n"); for(Iterator> it=frag_tables.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry; buf.append(entry.getKey()).append(": " ).append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } } return buf.toString(); } } /** * Keeps track of the fragments that are received. * Reassembles fragements into entire messages when all fragments have been received. * The fragmentation holds a an array of byte arrays for a unique sender * The first dimension of the array is the order of the fragmentation, in case the arrive out of order */ static class FragmentationTable { private final Address sender; /* the hashtable that holds the fragmentation entries for this sender*/ private final Map table=new HashMap<>(11); // keys: frag_ids, vals: Entrys FragmentationTable(Address sender) { this.sender=sender; } /** * inner class represents an entry for a message * each entry holds an array of byte arrays sorted * once all the byte buffer entries have been filled * the fragmentation is considered complete. */ static class FragEntry { //the total number of fragment in this message int tot_frags=0; // each fragment is a byte buffer byte[] fragments[]=null; //the number of fragments we have received int number_of_frags_recvd=0; // the message ID long msg_id=-1; /** * Creates a new entry * * @param tot_frags the number of fragments to expect for this message */ FragEntry(long msg_id, int tot_frags) { this.msg_id=msg_id; this.tot_frags=tot_frags; fragments=new byte[tot_frags][]; for(int i=0; i < tot_frags; i++) { fragments[i]=null; } } /** * adds on fragmentation buffer to the message * * @param frag_id the number of the fragment being added 0..(tot_num_of_frags - 1) * @param frag the byte buffer containing the data for this fragmentation, should not be null */ public void set(int frag_id, byte[] frag) { fragments[frag_id]=frag; number_of_frags_recvd++; } /** * returns true if this fragmentation is complete * ie, all fragmentations have been received for this buffer */ public boolean isComplete() { /*first make the simple check*/ if(number_of_frags_recvd < tot_frags) { return false; } /*then double check just in case*/ for(int i=0; i < fragments.length; i++) { if(fragments[i] == null) return false; } /*all fragmentations have been received*/ return true; } /** * Assembles all the fragmentations into one buffer * this method does not check if the fragmentation is complete * * @return the complete message in one buffer */ public byte[] assembleBuffer() { return Util.defragmentBuffer(fragments); } /** * debug only */ public String toString() { StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder(); ret.append("[tot_frags=").append(tot_frags).append(", number_of_frags_recvd=").append(number_of_frags_recvd).append(']'); return ret.toString(); } public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } } /** * Creates a new entry if not yet present. Adds the fragment. If all fragements for a given message have been * received, an entire message is reassembled and returned. Otherwise null is returned. * * @param id - the message ID, unique for a sender * @param frag_id the index of this fragmentation (0..tot_frags-1) * @param tot_frags the total number of fragmentations expected * @param fragment - the byte buffer for this fragment */ public synchronized byte[] add(long id, int frag_id, int tot_frags, byte[] fragment) { byte[] retval=null; // initialize the return value to default not complete FragEntry e=table.get(id); if(e == null) { // Create new entry if not yet present e=new FragEntry(id, tot_frags); table.put(id,e); } e.set(frag_id, fragment); if(e.isComplete()) { retval=e.assembleBuffer(); table.remove(id); } return retval; } public String toString() { StringBuilder buf=new StringBuilder("Fragmentation Table Sender:").append(sender).append("\n\t"); for(FragEntry entry: table.values()) { int count=0; for(int i=0; i < entry.fragments.length; i++) { if(entry.fragments[i] != null) count++; } buf.append("Message ID:").append(entry.msg_id).append("\n\t"); buf.append("Total Frags:").append(entry.tot_frags).append("\n\t"); buf.append("Frags Received:").append(count).append("\n\n"); } return buf.toString(); } } }

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