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org.integratedmodelling.engine.geospace.kmeans.BasicKMeans Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *  Copyright (C) 2007, 2014:
 *    - Ferdinando Villa 
 *    -
 *    - any other authors listed in @author annotations
 *    All rights reserved. This file is part of the k.LAB software suite,
 *    meant to enable modular, collaborative, integrated 
 *    development of interoperable data and model components. For
 *    details, see
 *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the Affero General Public License 
 *    Version 3 or any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
 *    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the
 *    Affero General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public License
 *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 *     The license is also available at:
package org.integratedmodelling.engine.geospace.kmeans;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

 * Basic implementation of K-means clustering.  Since it's a Runnable, it's 
 * designed to be executed by a dedicated thread, but that thread
 * does not create any other threads to divide up the work.
public class BasicKMeans implements KMeans {

    // Temporary clusters used during the clustering process.  Converted to
    // an array of the simpler class Cluster at the conclusion.
    private ProtoCluster[] mProtoClusters;

    // Cache of coordinate-to-cluster distances. Number of entries = 
    // number of clusters X number of coordinates.
    private double[][] mDistanceCache;

    // Used in makeAssignments() to figure out how many moves are made
    // during each iteration -- the cluster assignment for coordinate n is
    // found in mClusterAssignments[n] where the N coordinates are numbered
    // 0 ... (N-1)
    private int[] mClusterAssignments;

    // 2D array holding the coordinates to be clustered.
    private double[][] mCoordinates;
    // The desired number of clusters and maximum number
    // of iterations.
    private int mK, mMaxIterations;
    // Seed for the random number generator used to select
    // coordinates for the initial cluster centers.
    private long mRandomSeed;

    // An array of Cluster objects: the output of k-means.
    private Cluster[] mClusters;

    // Listeners to be notified of significant happenings.
    private List mListeners = new ArrayList(1);

     * Constructor
     * @param coordinates two-dimensional array containing the coordinates to be clustered.
     * @param k  the number of desired clusters.
     * @param maxIterations the maximum number of clustering iterations.
     * @param randomSeed seed used with the random number generator.
    public BasicKMeans(double[][] coordinates, int k, int maxIterations, long randomSeed) {
        mCoordinates = coordinates;
        // Can't have more clusters than coordinates.
        mK = Math.min(k, mCoordinates.length);
        mMaxIterations = maxIterations;
        mRandomSeed = randomSeed;

     * Adds a KMeansListener to be notified of significant happenings.
     * @param l  the listener to be added.
    public void addKMeansListener(KMeansListener l) {
        synchronized (mListeners) {
            if (!mListeners.contains(l)) {

     * Removes a KMeansListener from the listener list.
     * @param l the listener to be removed.
    public void removeKMeansListener(KMeansListener l) {
        synchronized (mListeners) {

     * Posts a message to registered KMeansListeners.
     * @param message
    private void postKMeansMessage(String message) {
        if (mListeners.size() > 0) {
            synchronized (mListeners) {
                int sz = mListeners.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

     * Notifies registered listeners that k-means is complete.
     * @param clusters the output of clustering.
     * @param executionTime the number of milliseconds taken to cluster.
    private void postKMeansComplete(Cluster[] clusters, long executionTime) {
        if (mListeners.size() > 0) {
            synchronized (mListeners) {
                int sz = mListeners.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
                    mListeners.get(i).kmeansComplete(clusters, executionTime);

     * Notifies registered listeners that k-means has failed because of
     * a Throwable caught in the run method.
     * @param err 
    private void postKMeansError(Throwable err) {
        if (mListeners.size() > 0) {
            synchronized (mListeners) {
                int sz = mListeners.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {

     * Get the clusters computed by the algorithm.  This method should
     * not be called until clustering has completed successfully.
     * @return an array of Cluster objects.
    public Cluster[] getClusters() {
        return mClusters;

     * Run the clustering algorithm.
    public void run() {

        try {

            // Note the start time.
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            postKMeansMessage("K-Means clustering started");

            // Randomly initialize the cluster centers creating the
            // array mProtoClusters.

            postKMeansMessage("... centers initialized");

            // Perform the initial computation of distances.

            // Make the initial cluster assignments.

            // Number of moves in the iteration and the iteration counter.
            int moves = 0, it = 0;

            // Main Loop:
            // Two stopping criteria:
            // - no moves in makeAssignments 
            //   (moves == 0)
            // OR
            // - the maximum number of iterations has been reached
            //   (it == mMaxIterations)
            do {

                // Compute the centers of the clusters that need updating.

                // Compute the stored distances between the updated clusters and the
                // coordinates.

                // Make this iteration's assignments.
                moves = makeAssignments();


                postKMeansMessage("... iteration " + it + " moves = " + moves);

            } while (moves > 0 && it < mMaxIterations);

            // Transform the array of ProtoClusters to an array
            // of the simpler class Cluster.
            mClusters = generateFinalClusters();

            long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

            postKMeansComplete(mClusters, executionTime);

        } catch (Throwable t) {


        } finally {

            // Clean up temporary data structures used during the algorithm.


     * Randomly select coordinates to be the initial cluster centers.
    private void initCenters() {

        Random random = new Random(mRandomSeed);

        int coordCount = mCoordinates.length;

        // The array mClusterAssignments is used only to keep track of the cluster 
        // membership for each coordinate.  The method makeAssignments() uses it
        // to keep track of the number of moves.
        if (mClusterAssignments == null) {
            mClusterAssignments = new int[coordCount];
            // Initialize to -1 to indicate that they haven't been assigned yet.
            Arrays.fill(mClusterAssignments, -1);

        // Place the coordinate indices into an array and shuffle it.
        int[] indices = new int[coordCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < coordCount; i++) {
            indices[i] = i;
        for (int i = 0, m = coordCount; m > 0; i++, m--) {
            int j = i + random.nextInt(m);
            if (i != j) {
                // Swap the indices.
                indices[i] ^= indices[j];
                indices[j] ^= indices[i];
                indices[i] ^= indices[j];

        mProtoClusters = new ProtoCluster[mK];
        for (int i = 0; i < mK; i++) {
            int coordIndex = indices[i];
            mProtoClusters[i] = new ProtoCluster(mCoordinates[coordIndex], coordIndex);
            mClusterAssignments[indices[i]] = i;

     * Recompute the centers of the protoclusters with 
     * update flags set to true.
    private void computeCenters() {

        int numClusters = mProtoClusters.length;

        // Sets the update flags of the protoclusters that haven't been deleted and
        // whose memberships have changed in the iteration just completed.
        for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
            ProtoCluster cluster = mProtoClusters[c];
            if (cluster.getConsiderForAssignment()) {
                if (!cluster.isEmpty()) {
                    // This sets the protocluster's update flag to
                    // true only if its membership changed in last call
                    // to makeAssignments().  
                    // If the update flag was set, update the center.
                    if (cluster.needsUpdate()) {
                } else {
                    // When a cluster loses all of its members, it
                    // falls out of contention.  So it is possible for
                    // k-means to return fewer than k clusters.

     * Compute distances between coodinates and cluster centers,
     * storing them in the distance cache.  Only distances that
     * need to be computed are computed.  This is determined by
     * distance update flags in the protocluster objects.
    private void computeDistances() throws InsufficientMemoryException {

        int numCoords = mCoordinates.length;
        int numClusters = mProtoClusters.length;

        if (mDistanceCache == null) {
            // Explicit garbage collection to reduce likelihood of insufficient
            // memory.
            // Ensure there is enough memory available for the distances.  
            // Throw an exception if not.
            long memRequired = 8L * numCoords * numClusters;
            if (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() < memRequired) {
                throw new InsufficientMemoryException();
            // Instantiate an array to hold the distances between coordinates
            // and cluster centers
            mDistanceCache = new double[numCoords][numClusters];

        for (int coord = 0; coord < numCoords; coord++) {
            // Update the distances between the coordinate and all
            // clusters currently in contention with update flags set.
            for (int clust = 0; clust < numClusters; clust++) {
                ProtoCluster cluster = mProtoClusters[clust];
                if (cluster.getConsiderForAssignment() && cluster.needsUpdate()) {
                    mDistanceCache[coord][clust] = distance(mCoordinates[coord], cluster.getCenter());


     * Assign each coordinate to the nearest cluster.  Called once
     * per iteration.  Returns the number of coordinates that have
     * changed their cluster membership.
    private int makeAssignments() {

        int moves = 0;
        int coordCount = mCoordinates.length;

        // Checkpoint the clusters, so we'll be able to tell
        // which ones have changed after all the assignments have been
        // made.
        int numClusters = mProtoClusters.length;
        for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
            if (mProtoClusters[c].getConsiderForAssignment()) {

        // Now do the assignments.
        for (int i = 0; i < coordCount; i++) {
            int c = nearestCluster(i);
            if (mClusterAssignments[i] != c) {
                mClusterAssignments[i] = c;

        return moves;

     * Find the nearest cluster to the coordinate identified by
     * the specified index.
    private int nearestCluster(int ndx) {
        int nearest = -1;
        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int numClusters = mProtoClusters.length;
        for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
            if (mProtoClusters[c].getConsiderForAssignment()) {
                double d = mDistanceCache[ndx][c];
                if (d < min) {
                    min = d;
                    nearest = c;
        return nearest;

     * Compute the euclidean distance between the two arguments.
    private static double distance(double[] coord, double[] center) {
        int len = coord.length;
        double sumSquared = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            double v = coord[i] - center[i];
            sumSquared += v * v;
        return Math.sqrt(sumSquared);

     * Generate an array of Cluster objects from mProtoClusters.
     * @return array of Cluster object references.
    private Cluster[] generateFinalClusters() {

        int numClusters = mProtoClusters.length;

        // Convert the proto-clusters to the final Clusters.
        // - accumulate in a list.
        List clusterList = new ArrayList(numClusters);
        for (int c = 0; c < numClusters; c++) {
            ProtoCluster pcluster = mProtoClusters[c];
            if (!pcluster.isEmpty()) {
                Cluster cluster = new Cluster(pcluster.getMembership(), pcluster.getCenter());

        // - convert list to an array.
        Cluster[] clusters = new Cluster[clusterList.size()];

        return clusters;

     * Clean up items used by the clustering algorithm that are no longer needed.
    private void cleanup() {
        mProtoClusters = null;
        mDistanceCache = null;
        mClusterAssignments = null;

     * Cluster class used temporarily during clustering.  Upon completion,
     * the array of ProtoClusters is transformed into an array of
     * Clusters.
    private static class ProtoCluster {

        // The previous iteration's cluster membership and
        // the current iteration's membership.  Compared to see if the
        // cluster has changed during the last iteration.
        private int[] mPreviousMembership;
        private int[] mCurrentMembership;
        private int mCurrentSize;

        // The cluster center.
        private double[] mCenter;

        // Born true, so the first call to updateDistances() will set all the
        // distances.
        private boolean mUpdateFlag = true;
        // Whether or not this cluster takes part in the operations.
        private boolean mConsiderForAssignment = true;

         * Constructor
         * @param center  the initial cluster center.
         * @param coordIndex  the initial member. 
        ProtoCluster(double[] center, int coordIndex) {
            mCenter = (double[]) center.clone();
            // No previous membership.
            mPreviousMembership = new int[0];
            // Provide space for 10 members to be added initially.
            mCurrentMembership = new int[10];
            mCurrentSize = 0;

         * Get the members of this protocluster.
         * @return an array of coordinate indices.
        int[] getMembership() {
            return mCurrentMembership;

         * Get the protocluster's center.
         * @return
        double[] getCenter() {
            return mCenter;

         * Reduces the length of the array of current members to
         * the number of members.
        void trimCurrentMembership() {
            if (mCurrentMembership.length > mCurrentSize) {
                int[] temp = new int[mCurrentSize];
                System.arraycopy(mCurrentMembership, 0, temp, 0, mCurrentSize);
                mCurrentMembership = temp;

         * Add a coordinate to the protocluster.
         * @param ndx index of the coordinate to be added.
        void add(int ndx) {
            // Ensure there's space to add the new member.
            if (mCurrentSize == mCurrentMembership.length) {
                // If not, double the size of mCurrentMembership.
                int newCapacity = Math.max(10, 2 * mCurrentMembership.length);
                int[] temp = new int[newCapacity];
                System.arraycopy(mCurrentMembership, 0, temp, 0, mCurrentSize);
                mCurrentMembership = temp;
            // Add the index.
            mCurrentMembership[mCurrentSize++] = ndx;

         * Does the protocluster contain any members?
         * @return true if the cluster is empty.
        boolean isEmpty() {
            return mCurrentSize == 0;

         * Compares the previous and the current membership.
         * Sets the update flag to true if the membership
         * changed in the previous call to makeAssignments().
        void setUpdateFlag() {
            // Trim the current membership array length down to the
            // number of members.
            mUpdateFlag = false;
            if (mPreviousMembership.length == mCurrentSize) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentSize; i++) {
                    if (mPreviousMembership[i] != mCurrentMembership[i]) {
                        mUpdateFlag = true;
            } else { // Number of members has changed.
                mUpdateFlag = true;

         * Clears the current membership after copying it to the
         * previous membership.
        void checkPoint() {
            mPreviousMembership = mCurrentMembership;
            mCurrentMembership = new int[10];
            mCurrentSize = 0;

         * Is this protocluster currently in contention?
         * @return true if this cluster is still in the running.
        boolean getConsiderForAssignment() {
            return mConsiderForAssignment;

         * Set the flag to indicate that this protocluster is
         * in or out of contention.
         * @param b
        void setConsiderForAssignment(boolean b) {
            mConsiderForAssignment = b;

         * Get the value of the update flag.  This value is
         * used to determine whether to update the cluster center and
         * whether to recompute distances to the cluster.
         * @return the value of the update flag.
        boolean needsUpdate() {
            return mUpdateFlag;

         * Update the cluster center.
         * @param coordinates the array of coordinates.
        void updateCenter(double[][] coordinates) {
            Arrays.fill(mCenter, 0.0);
            if (mCurrentSize > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentSize; i++) {
                    double[] coord = coordinates[mCurrentMembership[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < coord.length; j++) {
                        mCenter[j] += coord[j];
                for (int i = 0; i < mCenter.length; i++) {
                    mCenter[i] /= mCurrentSize;


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