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org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox.ObservationKbox Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2007, 2015:
 * - Ferdinando Villa  - - any
 * other authors listed in @author annotations
 * All rights reserved. This file is part of the k.LAB software suite, meant to enable
 * modular, collaborative, integrated development of interoperable data and model
 * components. For details, see
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the Affero General Public License Version 3 or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any
 * warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
 * particular purpose. See the Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public License along with this
 * program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
 * 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The license is also available at:
package org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.h2gis.utilities.SpatialResultSet;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.auth.IUser;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.knowledge.IConcept;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.metadata.IMetadata;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.modelling.IDirectObserver;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.modelling.INamespace;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.modelling.IScale;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.monitoring.IMonitor;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.persistence.IKbox;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.project.IProject;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.time.ITemporalExtent;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.ConceptPair;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.command.ServiceCall;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.command.ServiceManager;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.configuration.KLAB;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.indexing.KnowledgeIndex;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.owl.Knowledge;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.utils.Escape;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.vocabulary.ObservationMetadata;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.SQL;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.h2.H2Database;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.h2.H2Kbox;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.h2.schema.CompoundSchema;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox.ObservableKbox.NamespaceSchema;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox.ObservableKbox.NamespaceSerializer;
import org.integratedmodelling.exceptions.KlabException;
import org.integratedmodelling.exceptions.KlabRuntimeException;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;

 * Kbox to hold finished observations - the ones specified with 'observe'. Supports free
 * text search (using Lucene on metadata) and automatically broadcasts the query to the
 * network. The ObservationKbox trades in ObservationMetadata, not in subject observers,
 * to prevent failures in retrieval due to projects not loaded at the engine side
 * (although only proper subject observers are stored as metadata).
 * @author ferdinando.villa
public class ObservationKbox extends H2Kbox {

    KnowledgeIndex             index;
    boolean                    needsReindex = false;

     * The kbox version, which is used to create the filesystem storage. Change this when
     * incompatible changes are made to force kbox reset.
    public static final String KBOX_VERSION = "098v3";

    static ObservationKbox     _this;

     * Return the single instance of the observation kbox.
     * @return the kbox
    public static ObservationKbox get() {

        if (_this == null) {
                    + KBOX_VERSION, new ObservationKbox("observations_" + KBOX_VERSION, KLAB.ENGINE
            _this = (ObservationKbox) H2Kbox.get("observations_" + KBOX_VERSION);
  "observation kbox created: " + _this.count() + " observations are available");
        return _this;

     * TODO - this and the one in ModelKbox
    private String timeQuery(ITemporalExtent time) {
        String ret = "";
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return ret;

     * exposed to allow preallocating connections in big imports.
    public H2Database getDatabase() {
        return this.database;

    private String spaceQuery(ISpatialExtent space) {
        return " && '"
                + ((IGeometricShape) (space.getExtent().getShape())).getStandardizedGeometry()
                + "'";

    private String observableQuery(Collection observables) {
        return joinStringConditions("observation.type", observables, "OR");

    public List query(Collection concepts, IScale scale, Collection scenarios, boolean localOnly)
            throws KlabException {

        Set local = new HashSet<>();
        List ret = new ArrayList<>();

         * only query locally if we've seen an observation before.
        for (ObservationMetadata md : queryLocal(concepts, scale, scenarios)) {
            if (local.add(md)) {

         * broadcast call for search function on network.
        // if (!localOnly && KLAB.NETWORK.isPersonal() && ((EngineNetwork)
        // KLAB.NETWORK).provides("")) {

        ServiceCall scl = null;
        // ServiceManager
        // .getServiceCall("", "type", StringUtils
        // .joinObjects(concepts, ','), "scenarios", StringUtils
        // .join(scenarios, ','), "scale", Scale.asString(scale));

        // if (scl != null) {
        // scl.setMonitor(KLAB.ENGINE.getMonitor());
        // Object mdd = ((EngineNetwork) KLAB.NETWORK).broadcast(,
        // scl.getMonitor());
        // if (mdd instanceof Collection) {
        // for (Object md : ((Collection) mdd)) {
        // if (md instanceof ObservationMetadata) {
        // if (local.add((ObservationMetadata) md)) {
        // ret.add((ObservationMetadata) md);
        // }
        // // TODO should have ranks from search somewhere
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // }

        return ret;

    public List queryLocal(Collection observable, IScale scale, Collection scenarios)
            throws KlabException {

        List ret = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return ret;
        String query = "SELECT observation.oid FROM observation WHERE (";

        // TODO query += "(" + scopeQuery(scenarios) + ")";
        query += observableQuery(observable) + ")";

        if (scale != null) {
            if (scale.getSpace() != null) {
                query += " AND (" + spaceQuery(scale.getSpace()) + ")";
            String tquery = timeQuery(scale.getTime());
            if (!tquery.isEmpty()) {
                query += " AND (" + tquery + ");";

        final List oids = database.queryIds(query);
        for (long l : oids) {
            try {
            } catch (KlabException e) {
                // ontologies do not reflect content any more: concepts not found
                KLAB.warn("kbox is out of sync with knowledge base: " + e.getMessage());
        } + " observations of " + observable + " retrieved");

        return ret;

    public List queryLocal(String queryString) throws KlabException {

        List ret = new ArrayList<>();
        Set local = new HashSet<>();

        for (IMetadata m : {
            ObservationMetadata md = new ObservationMetadata();
   = m.getString("id");
   = m.getString("name");
            md.namespaceId = m.getString("namespace");
            md.observableName = m.getString("observable");
            md.description = m.getString("description");
            md.serverId = KLAB.NAME;
            if (local.add(md)) {
        return ret;

    public List query(String freeText, boolean localOnly) throws KlabException {

        Set local = new HashSet<>();
        List ret = new ArrayList<>();

         * Quick and dirty: handle the * as a catch-all for anything stored locally;
         * otherwise if the string is a concept, we just look for observations of that
         * concept. Otherwise we move on to using the Lucene index.
        if (freeText.equals("*")) {
            return retrieveAll();
        } else if (KLAB.KM.getConcept(freeText) != null) {
            return query(Collections.singleton(KLAB.c(freeText)), null, null, localOnly);

        for (ObservationMetadata md : queryLocal(freeText)) {

         * broadcast call for search function on network.
        // if (!localOnly && KLAB.NETWORK.isPersonal() && ((EngineNetwork)
        // KLAB.NETWORK).provides("")) {

        // TODO all the rest if we have a context, too.
        ServiceCall scl = ServiceManager
                .getServiceCall("", "query-string", freeText);

        if (scl != null) {

            // scl.setMonitor(KLAB.ENGINE.getMonitor());
            // Object mdd = ((EngineNetwork) KLAB.NETWORK).broadcast(,
            // scl.getMonitor());
            // if (mdd instanceof Collection) {
            // for (Object md : ((Collection) mdd)) {
            // /*
            // * Only return those observations whose observable we recognize
            // * finished objects should come out but they don't and it's a subtlety for
            // now.
            // * FIXME see why.
            // */
            // if (md instanceof Map && ((Map) md).containsKey("observable-name")) {
            //// ObservationMetadata met = new ObservationMetadata((Map) md);
            //// if (local.add(met)) {
            //// ret.add(met);
            //// }
            // }
            // }
            // }
        // }

        return ret;

    private String joinStringConditions(String field, Collection stringValues, String operator) {

        String ret = "";

        for (Object o : stringValues) {
            ret += (ret.isEmpty() ? "" : (" " + operator + " ")) + field + " = '" + o + "'";

        return ret;

    public boolean hasObservation(String name) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return false;

        return database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation WHERE name = '" + Escape.forSQL(name) + "';")
                .size() > 0;

    public long store(Object o) throws KlabException {

        if (o instanceof IDirectObserver) {

  "storing observation " + o);

            needsReindex = true;
            deleteNamed(((IDirectObserver) o).getName());


    public String getUrnForStoredObservation(long id, IUser user) {
        return KLAB.ENGINE.getName() + ":" + user.getUsername() + ":observations:" + id;

    protected void deleteObservation(long oid) throws KlabException {
        database.execute("DELETE FROM observation WHERE oid = " + oid);
        database.execute("DELETE FROM observation WHERE fid = " + oid);
        database.execute("DELETE FROM metadata WHERE fid = " + oid);
        database.execute("DELETE FROM state WHERE fid = " + oid);
        database.execute("DELETE FROM traitpairs WHERE fid = " + oid);

    public int clearNamespace(String namespaceId) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return 0;
        int n = 0;
        for (long oid : database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation where namespaceid = '"
                + Escape.forSQL(namespaceId) + "';")) {

        database.execute("DELETE FROM namespaces where id = '" + namespaceId + "';");

        return n;

    public void deleteNamed(String name) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {

        List delenda = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long oid : database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation WHERE name ='" + Escape.forSQL(name)
                + "';")) {
        for (long oid : delenda) {

    public List retrieveAll() throws KlabException {

        List ret = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return ret;

        for (long oid : database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation;")) {
        return ret;

     * Count the observations in the db.
     * @return number of observations
    public long count() {

        try {
            if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
                return 0;
            List ret = database.queryIds("SELECT COUNT(*) from observation;");
            return ret.size() > 0 ? ret.get(0) : 0l;
        } catch (KlabException e) {
            throw new KlabRuntimeException(e);

    class ObservationSerializer implements Serializer {

        public String serialize(Object o, Schema schema, long primaryKey, long foreignKey) {

            String ret = null;

            if (o instanceof IDirectObserver) {

                IDirectObserver md = (IDirectObserver) o;

                if (((IDirectObserver) o).getObservable() == null
                        || ((IDirectObserver) o).getObservable().getType() == null) {
                    return null;

                IScale scale = md.getCoverage(KLAB.ENGINE.getMonitor());
                ISpatialExtent space = scale.getSpace();
                IProject project = md.getNamespace().getProject();
                ITemporalExtent time = scale.getTime();
                ITemporalExtent timeExtent = null;
                if (time != null) {
                    timeExtent = time.getExtent();
                // todo
                ArrayList traits = new ArrayList<>();

                ret = "INSERT INTO observation VALUES ("
                        + primaryKey + ", "
                        + 0 + ", " // TODO foreign key
                        + "'" + KLAB.NAME + "', "// + "serverid VARCHAR(64), "
                        + "'" + Escape.forSQL(md.getId()) + "', "// + "id VARCHAR(128), "
                        + "'" + Escape.forSQL(md.getName()) + "', "// + "name
                                                                   // VARCHAR(256), "
                        + "'" + Escape.forSQL(md.getNamespace().getId()) + "', "// +
                                                                                // "namespaceid
                                                                                // VARCHAR(128),
                                                                                // "
                        + "'" + (project == null ? "" : project.getId()) + "', "// +
                                                                                // "projectid
                                                                                // VARCHAR(128),
                                                                                // "
                        + "'" + ((Knowledge) md.getObservable().getType()).asText() + "', "// +
                                                                                           // "type
                                                                                           // VARCHAR(256),
                                                                                           // "
                        + (md.getNamespace().isScenario() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "// +
                                                                                    // "inscenario
                                                                                    // BOOLEAN,
                                                                                    // "
                        + (timeExtent == null ? 0l : timeExtent.getStart().getMillis()) + ", "// +
                                                                                              // "timestart
                                                                                              // LONG,
                                                                                              // "
                        + (timeExtent == null ? 0l : timeExtent.getEnd().getMillis()) + ", "// +
                                                                                            // "timeend
                                                                                            // LONG,
                                                                                            // "
                        + (time == null ? 0l : time.getMultiplicity()) + ", "// +
                                                                             // "timestep
                                                                             // LONG, "
                        + (space != null ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "// + "isspatial
                                                                   // BOOLEAN, "
                        + (time != null ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "// +
                                                                  // "istemporal BOOLEAN,
                                                                  // "
                        + (time == null ? 0l : time.getMultiplicity()) + ", "// +
                                                                             // "timemultiplicity
                                                                             // LONG, "
                        + (space == null ? 0l : space.getMultiplicity()) + ", "// +
                                                                               // "spacemultiplicity
                                                                               // LONG, "
                        + scale.getMultiplicity() + ", "// + "scalemultiplicity LONG, "
                        + "'" + (space == null ? "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY" : ((IGeometricShape) space)
                                .getStandardizedGeometry().toString())// + "space
                                                                      // GEOMETRY"
                        + "'); ";

                if (traits != null) {
                    for (ConceptPair cp : traits) {
                        ret += "\nINSERT INTO traitpairs VALUES ("
                                + primaryKey + ", "// + "fid LONG, "
                                + "'" + cp.getFirst() + "', "// + "basetrait VARCHAR(256),
                                                             // "
                                + "'" + cp.getSecond() + "', "// + "traitvalue
                                                              // VARCHAR(256)"
                                + "); ";

                if (md.getMetadata() != null) {
                    for (String s : md.getMetadata().getKeys()) {
                        // TODO

            } else if (o instanceof INamespace) {

                INamespace ns = (INamespace) o;
                ret = "INSERT INTO namespaces VALUES ('" + Escape.forSQL(ns.getId()) + "', "
                        + ns.getTimeStamp() + ", "
                        + (ns.isScenario() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ");";

            } else {
                throw new KlabRuntimeException("ObservationKbox can only store models or namespaces: "
                        + o.getClass().getSimpleName());

            return ret;

        private String cn(Object o) {
            return o == null ? "" : o.toString();

    class ObservationDeserializer implements DirectDeserializer {

        public void setKbox(IKbox h2Kbox) {

        public ObservationMetadata deserialize(ResultSet rs) {

            ObservationMetadata ret = null;
            WKBWriter wkbWriter = new WKBWriter();

            try {
                SpatialResultSet srs = rs.unwrap(SpatialResultSet.class);

                String name = rs.getString(5);
                String concept = srs.getString(8);
                Geometry geometry = srs.getGeometry(18); // "space GEOMETRY"
                if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
                    geometry = null;

                ret = new ObservationMetadata();

       = name;
       = rs.getString(4);
                ret.observableName = concept;
                ret.serverId = KLAB.NAME;
                ret.namespaceId = srs.getString(6);
                if (geometry != null) {
                    ret.geometryWKB = WKBWriter.toHex(wkbWriter.write(geometry));
                ret.start = srs.getLong(10);
                ret.end = srs.getLong(11);
                ret.step = srs.getLong(12);

                // 1 + "oid LONG, "
                // 2 + "fid LONG, "
                // 3 + "serverid VARCHAR(64), "
                // 4 + "id VARCHAR(128), "
                // 5 + "name VARCHAR(256), "
                // 6 + "namespaceid VARCHAR(128), "
                // 7 + "projectid VARCHAR(128), "
                // 8 + "type VARCHAR(256), "
                // 9 + "inscenario BOOLEAN, "
                // 10 + "timestart LONG, "
                // 11 + "timeend LONG, "
                // 12 + "timestep LONG, "
                // 13 + "isspatial BOOLEAN, "
                // 14 + "istemporal BOOLEAN, "
                // 15 + "timemultiplicity LONG, "
                // 16 + "spacemultiplicity LONG, "
                // 17 + "scalemultiplicity LONG, "
                // 18 + "space GEOMETRY"
                // TODO

            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new KlabRuntimeException(e);
            return ret;

    class ObservationSchema extends CompoundSchema {

        public ObservationSchema() {

        public String getCreateSQL() {
            return "CREATE TABLE observation ("
                    + "oid LONG PRIMARY KEY, "
                    + "fid LONG, "
                    + "serverid VARCHAR(64), "
                    + "id VARCHAR(128), "
                    + "name VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "namespaceid VARCHAR(128), "
                    + "projectid VARCHAR(128), "
                    + "type VARCHAR(1024), "
                    + "inscenario BOOLEAN, "
                    + "timestart LONG, "
                    + "timeend LONG, "
                    + "timestep LONG, "
                    + "isspatial BOOLEAN, "
                    + "istemporal BOOLEAN, "
                    + "timemultiplicity LONG, "
                    + "spacemultiplicity LONG, "
                    + "scalemultiplicity LONG, "
                    + "space GEOMETRY"
                    + "); "
                    + "CREATE TABLE state ("
                    + "fid LONG, "
                    + "type VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "ptype VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "otype VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "stype VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "ttype VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "value OTHER, "
                    + "fname VARCHAR(256)"
                    + "); "
                    + "CREATE TABLE traitpairs ("
                    + "fid LONG, "
                    + "basetrait VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "traitvalue VARCHAR(256)"
                    + "); "
                    + "CREATE TABLE metadata ("
                    + "fid LONG, "
                    + "key VARCHAR(256), "
                    + "value OTHER"
                    + ");"

                    + "CREATE INDEX observation_oid_index ON observation(oid); "
                    + "CREATE INDEX observation_fid_index ON observation(fid); "
                    + "CREATE INDEX observation_name_index ON observation(name); "
                    + "CREATE INDEX metadata_oid_index ON metadata(fid); "
                    + "CREATE INDEX traitpairs_oid_index ON traitpairs(fid); "
                    + "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX observation_space ON observation(space);";

        public String getTableName() {
            return "observation";

    public ObservationKbox(String name, IMonitor monitor) {
        super(name, monitor);
        setSerializer(IDirectObserver.class, new ObservationSerializer());
        setSerializer(INamespace.class, new NamespaceSerializer());
        setDeserializer(ObservationMetadata.class, new ObservationDeserializer());
        setSchema(IDirectObserver.class, new ObservationSchema());
        setSchema(INamespace.class, new NamespaceSchema(INamespace.class));
        try {
            index = new KnowledgeIndex(name);
        } catch (KlabException e) {
            throw new KlabRuntimeException();

     * Pass the a namespace to check if its objects need to be stored. If the stored
     * namespace record does not exist or has a timestamp older than the passed one,
     * remove all objects that belong to it and return true. Does not store a new
     * namespace record - this should be done when this has returned true and there were
     * no errors.
     * Returns: 0 if no need to refresh, 1 if it must be entirely refreshed and every
     * model and namespace record is removed from the kbox, and 2 if the models without
     * errors need to be checked again (they may be in or not).
     * @param namespace
     * @return result code
    public int removeIfOlder(INamespace namespace) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("namespaces")) {
            return 1;

        long dbTimestamp = getNamespaceTimestamp(namespace);
        long timestamp = namespace.getTimeStamp();

         * if we have stored something and we are younger than the stored ns, remove all
         * models coming from it so we can add our new ones.
        if (timestamp > dbTimestamp) {

            if (dbTimestamp > 0) {

                monitor.debug("Removing all observations in namespace " + namespace.getId());
                int removed = clearNamespace(namespace.getId());
                monitor.debug("Removed " + removed + " observations.");

            monitor.debug("Refreshing observations in " + namespace.getId() + ": stored  "
                    + new Date(dbTimestamp)
                    + " < "
                    + new Date(timestamp));

            return 1;

         * if we have not changed the source file but models had errors when stored,
         * return the conservative mode so we can check model by model and only store
         * those that are no longer in error due to external reasons.
        if (namespace != null && namespace.hasErrors()) {
            return 2;

        return 0;

     * Return 0 if namespace is not in the kbox, or the (long) timestamp of the namespace
     * if it is.
     * @return result code
     * @throws KlabException
    public long getNamespaceTimestamp(INamespace namespace) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("namespaces")) {
            return 0l;
        List ret = database.queryIds("SELECT timestamp FROM namespaces WHERE id = '"
                + Escape.forSQL(namespace.getId())
                + "';");
        return ret.size() > 0 ? ret.get(0) : 0l;

    public ObservationMetadata retrieveByName(String name) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return null;

        final ObservationDeserializer deserializer = new ObservationDeserializer();
        final ArrayList ret = new ArrayList<>();
        database.query("SELECT * FROM observation WHERE name = '" + Escape.forSQL(name)
                + "';", new SQL.SimpleResultHandler() {
                    public void onRow(ResultSet rs) {

        return ret.size() > 0 ? ret.get(0) : null;

    public ObservationMetadata deserialize(Long oid) throws KlabException {

        final ObservationDeserializer deserializer = new ObservationDeserializer();
        final ArrayList ret = new ArrayList<>();
        database.query("SELECT * FROM observation WHERE oid = " + oid, new SQL.SimpleResultHandler() {
            public void onRow(ResultSet rs) {

        return ret.size() > 0 ? ret.get(0) : null;

    private static String nullify(String string) {
        if (string == null || string.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return string;

    public void reindexLocalObservations() throws KlabException {
        if (needsReindex) {
            needsReindex = false;

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