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org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox.ObservationKbox2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.kbox;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.h2gis.utilities.SpatialResultSet;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.engine.IModelingEngine;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.knowledge.IConcept;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.knowledge.IObservation;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.modelling.IModel;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.modelling.resolution.IResolutionScope;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.monitoring.IMonitor;
import org.integratedmodelling.api.time.ITemporalExtent;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.beans.Model;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.beans.Observation;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.beans.requests.ObservationQuery;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.configuration.KLAB;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.model.Models;
import org.integratedmodelling.common.utils.Escape;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.SQL;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.h2.H2Kbox;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.kbox.sql.h2.schema.CompoundSchema;
import org.integratedmodelling.engine.modelling.resolver.ResolutionScope;
import org.integratedmodelling.exceptions.KlabException;
import org.integratedmodelling.exceptions.KlabRuntimeException;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;

public class ObservationKbox2 extends ObservableKbox {

    private static ObservationKbox2 _this;
    private boolean                 workRemotely = false;

    public static ObservationKbox2 get() {

        if (_this == null) {
                    + KBOX_VERSION, new ObservationKbox2("observations2_" + KBOX_VERSION, KLAB.ENGINE
            _this = (ObservationKbox2) H2Kbox.get("observations2_" + KBOX_VERSION);
        return _this;

    private ObservationKbox2(String name, IMonitor monitor) {

        super(name, monitor);

        setSchema(Observation.class, new CompoundSchema(Observation.class) {

            public String getTableName() {
                return getMainTableId();

            public String getCreateSQL() {
                String ret = "CREATE TABLE observation ("
                        + "oid LONG, "
                        + "serverid VARCHAR(64), "
                        + "id VARCHAR(256), "
                        + "name VARCHAR(256), "
                        + "namespaceid VARCHAR(128), "
                        + "projectid VARCHAR(128), "
                        + "typeid LONG, "
                        + "otypeid LONG, "
                        + "isprivate BOOLEAN, "
                        + "isresolved BOOLEAN, "
                        + "isreification BOOLEAN, "
                        + "inscenario BOOLEAN, "
                        + "hasdirectobjects BOOLEAN, "
                        + "hasdirectdata BOOLEAN, "
                        + "timestart LONG, "
                        + "timeend LONG, "
                        + "isspatial BOOLEAN, "
                        + "istemporal BOOLEAN, "
                        + "timemultiplicity LONG, "
                        + "spacemultiplicity LONG, "
                        + "scalemultiplicity LONG, "
                        + "dereifyingattribute VARCHAR(256), "
                        + "space GEOMETRY, "
                        + "); "
                        + "CREATE INDEX model_oid_index ON model(oid); "
                        + "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX model_space ON model(space);";

                return ret;


        setSerializer(Observation.class, new Serializer() {

            private String cn(Object o) {
                return o == null ? "" : o.toString();

            public String serialize(Observation model, Schema schema, long primaryKey, long foreignKey) {

                // long tid = requireConceptId(model.getObservableConcept());
                // long oid = requireConceptId(model.getObservationConcept());

                String ret = "INSERT INTO observation VALUES ("
                        + primaryKey + ", "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getServerId()) + "', "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getId()) + "', "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getName()) + "', "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getNamespaceId()) + "', "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getProjectId()) + "', "
                // + tid + ", "
                // + oid + ", "
                // + (model.isPrivateModel() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isResolved() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isReification() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isInScenario() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isHasDirectObjects() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isHasDirectData() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + model.getTimeStart() + ", "
                // + model.getTimeEnd() + ", "
                // + (model.isSpatial() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + (model.isTemporal() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") + ", "
                // + model.getTimeMultiplicity() + ", "
                // + model.getSpaceMultiplicity() + ", "
                // + model.getScaleMultiplicity() + ", "
                // + "'" + cn(model.getDereifyingAttribute()) + "', "
                // + "'"
                // + (model.getShape() == null
                // ? "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY"
                // : model.getShape().getStandardizedGeometry().toString())
                // + "'"
                        + ");";

                if (model.getMetadata() != null && model.getMetadata().getData().size() > 0) {
                    storeMetadataFor(primaryKey, model.getMetadata());

                return ret;

     * Pass the output of queryModelData to a contextual prioritizer and return the ranked
     * list of IModels. If we're a personal engine, also broadcast the query to the
     * network and merge results before returning.
     * @param observable
     * @param context
     * @return models resulting from query, best first.
     * @throws KlabException
    public List query(IConcept observable, IResolutionScope context)
            throws KlabException {
        // IModelPrioritizer prioritizer = context.getPrioritizer2();
        // ModelQueryResult ret = new ModelQueryResult(prioritizer, ((ResolutionScope)
        // context).getMonitor());
        Set local = new HashSet<>();

        ObservationQueryResult ret = new ObservationQueryResult(((ResolutionScope) context).getMonitor());

         * only query locally if we've seen a model before.
        if (database.hasTable("observation")) {
            for (Observation md : queryObservations(observable, context)) {

         * If we're a modeling engine, dispatch the request to all nodes that allow it,
         * which we do simply by using the result list as a distributed operation.
        if (KLAB.ENGINE instanceof IModelingEngine && workRemotely) {

            ObservationQuery mquery = new ObservationQuery();
                    .adapt(observable, org.integratedmodelling.common.beans.Observable.class));
            mquery.setContext(KLAB.MFACTORY.adapt(context, org.integratedmodelling.common.beans.Scope.class));

            KLAB.ENGINE.getNetwork().broadcast(ret, ((ResolutionScope) context).getMonitor());

        return ret;

     * Find and deserialize all modeldata matching the parameters. Do not rank or
     * anything.
     * @param observable
     * @param context
     * @throws KlabException
    public List queryObservations(IConcept observable, IResolutionScope context)
            throws KlabException {

        List ret = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return ret;

        String query = "SELECT observation.oid FROM observation WHERE ";
        String typequery = observableQuery(observable, context);

        if (typequery == null) {
            return ret;

        query += "(" + scopeQuery(context, observable) + ")";
        query += " AND (" + typequery + ")";
        if (context.getScale().getSpace() != null) {
            String sq = spaceQuery(context.getScale().getSpace());
            if (!sq.isEmpty()) {
                query += " AND (" + sq + ")";

        String tquery = timeQuery(context.getScale().getTime());
        if (!tquery.isEmpty()) {
            query += " AND (" + tquery + ");";

        final List oids = database.queryIds(query);

        for (long l : oids) {
            Observation model = retrieveModel(l);
            if (model != null) {
            } else {
                KLAB.warn("kbox is out of sync with knowledge base");

        // + ": model query for "
        // + (context.isForInstantiation() ? "instantiation of " : "explanation of ") +
        // observable
        // + " found "
        // + (ret.size() == 1 ? ret.get(0).getName() : (ret.size() + " models")));

        return ret;

    private String observableQuery(IConcept observable, IResolutionScope context) {
        Set ids = this.getCompatibleTypeIds(observable, context);
        if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        String ret = "";
        for (long id : ids) {
            ret += (ret.isEmpty() ? "" : ", ") + id;
        return "typeid IN (" + ret + ")";

     * select models that are [instantiators if required] AND:] [private and in the home
     * namespace if not dummy OR] (non-private and non-scenario) OR (in any of the
     * scenarios in the context).
    private String scopeQuery(IResolutionScope context, IConcept observable) {

        String ret = "";

        String namespaceId = context.getResolutionNamespace() == null ? DUMMY_NAMESPACE_ID
                : context.getResolutionNamespace().getId();
        if (!namespaceId.equals(DUMMY_NAMESPACE_ID)) {
            // ret += "(observation.isprivate AND observation.namespaceid = '" + namespaceId
            // + "')";
            ret += "(observation.namespaceid = '" + namespaceId + "')";

        ret += (ret.isEmpty() ? "" : " OR ") + "((NOT observation.isprivate) AND (NOT observation.inscenario))";

        if (context.getScenarios() != null && context.getScenarios().size() > 0) {
            ret += " OR (" + joinStringConditions("observation.namespaceid", context.getScenarios(), "OR") + ")";

        return ret;

     * select models that intersect the given space or have no space at all.
    private String spaceQuery(ISpatialExtent space) {
        if (space.getExtent().getShape().isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        return " && '"
                + ((IGeometricShape) (space.getExtent().getShape())).getStandardizedGeometry()
                + "' OR ST_IsEmpty(";

     * Entirely TODO. For initialization we should use time only to select for most
     * current info - either closer to the context or to today if time is null. For
     * dynamic models we should either not have a context or cover the context. Guess this
     * is the job of the prioritizer, and we should simply let anything through except
     * when we look for process models.
    private String timeQuery(ITemporalExtent time) {

        String ret = "";
        boolean checkBoundaries = false;
        if (time != null && checkBoundaries) {
            ret = "(timestart == -1 AND timeend == -1) OR (";
            long start = time.getStart() == null ? -1 : time.getStart().getMillis();
            long end = time.getEnd() == null ? -1 : time.getEnd().getMillis();
            if (start > 0 && end > 0) {
                ret += "timestart >= " + start + " AND timeend <= " + end;
            } else if (start > 0) {
                ret += "timestart >= " + start;
            } else if (end > 0) {
                ret += "timeend <= " + end;
            ret += ")";
        return ret;

    public List retrieveAll() throws KlabException {

        List ret = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return ret;
        for (long oid : database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation;")) {
        return ret;

    public Observation retrieveModel(long oid) throws KlabException {

        final Observation ret = new Observation();

        database.query("SELECT * FROM observation WHERE oid = " + oid, new SQL.SimpleResultHandler() {
            public void onRow(ResultSet rs) {

                try {

                    SpatialResultSet srs = rs.unwrap(SpatialResultSet.class);

                    long tyid = srs.getLong(7);
                    long obid = srs.getLong(8);

                    IConcept mtype = getType(tyid);
                    IConcept otype = getType(obid);

                    if (mtype == null || otype == null) {

                    // ret.setObservableConcept(mtype);
                    // ret.setObservationConcept(otype);
                    // ret.setObservable(getTypeDefinition(tyid));
                    // ret.setObservationType(getTypeDefinition(obid));
                    // ret.setServerId(nullify(srs.getString(2)));
                    // ret.setId(srs.getString(3));
                    // ret.setName(srs.getString(4));
                    // ret.setNamespaceId(srs.getString(5));
                    // ret.setProjectId(nullify(srs.getString(6)));
                    // ret.setPrivateModel(srs.getBoolean(9));
                    // ret.setResolved(srs.getBoolean(10));
                    // ret.setReification(srs.getBoolean(11));
                    // ret.setInScenario(srs.getBoolean(12));
                    // ret.setHasDirectObjects(srs.getBoolean(13));
                    // ret.setHasDirectData(srs.getBoolean(14));
                    // ret.setTimeStart(srs.getLong(15));
                    // ret.setTimeEnd(srs.getLong(16));
                    // ret.setSpatial(srs.getBoolean(17));
                    // ret.setTemporal(srs.getBoolean(18));
                    // ret.setTimeMultiplicity(srs.getLong(19));
                    // ret.setSpaceMultiplicity(srs.getLong(20));
                    // ret.setScaleMultiplicity(srs.getLong(21));
                    // ret.setDereifyingAttribute(nullify(srs.getString(22)));

                    Geometry geometry = srs.getGeometry(23);
                    if (!geometry.isEmpty()) {
                        // ret.setShape(new ShapeValue(geometry,
                        // Geospace.get().getDefaultCRS())); // +
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    throw new KlabRuntimeException(e);



        return ret;

    protected String getMainTableId() {
        return "observation";

     * @param name
     * @return true if model with given id exists in database
     * @throws KlabException
    public boolean hasModel(String name) throws KlabException {

        if (!database.hasTable("observation")) {
            return false;

        return database.queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation WHERE name = '" + name + "';").size() > 0;

    protected int deleteAllObjectsWithNamespace(String namespaceId) throws KlabException {
        int n = 0;
        for (long oid : database
                .queryIds("SELECT oid FROM observation where namespaceid = '" + Escape.forSQL(namespaceId)
                        + "';")) {
        return n;

    protected void deleteObjectWithId(long id) throws KlabException {
        database.execute("DELETE FROM observation WHERE oid = " + id);

    public long store(Object o) throws KlabException {

        ArrayList toStore = new ArrayList<>();

        if (o instanceof IObservation) {

  "storing observation " + ((IModel) o).getName());

            for (Model data : Models.inferModels((IModel) o, monitor)) {

        } else {

        long ret = -1;
        for (Object obj : toStore) {
            long r =;
            if (ret < 0)
                ret = r;

        return ret;

    public static final String DUMMY_NAMESPACE_ID = "DUMMY_SEARCH_NS";
