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conrad.genome_reference.clj Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
(ns conrad.genome-reference
    [ :as log]
    [clojure-commons.json :as cc-json])
    [java.sql Timestamp]
    [java.util Date]))

;----------------------------Helper Functions----------------------------------

(defn get-name
  "This function takes in a userID and performs an sql query getting out the
  username, and returning it."
  (:username (first (select users
                        (fields :username)
                        (where {:id id})))))

(defn get-id
  "This function takes in a username and performs an sql query which finds the
  users id, and returns it."
  (:id (first (select users
                  (fields :id)
                  (where {:username username})))))

(defn get-deleted
  "This function returns a boolean value that represents the 'deleted' field of
  the specified by uuid genome reference."
  (:deleted (first
                (select genome_reference
                    (where {:uuid uuid})))))

(defn get-full-username
  "this function appends the domain set in the config.clj to the request mapped
  (str (attrs "uid") "@" (uid-domain)))

(defn get-or-create-id
  "This function will call get-id and if it returns nil it will create a new
  user and return that id, otherwise it will just return the id."
  (let [username (get-full-username attrs)
        id       (get-id username)]
      (if (nil? id)
          (do (insert users (values {:username username}))
              (get-id username))

(defn invalid-field-exception
  "Throws an exception indicating that a request field is invalid."
  [k v]
  (IllegalArgumentException. (str "invalid value for field '" (name k) "': " v)))

(defn extract-str
  "Extracts a string value from a decoded request body, ensuring that the value
   is a string."
  [m k]
  (let [v (m k)]
    (when-not (string? v)
      (throw (invalid-field-exception k v)))

(defn extract-boolean
  "Extracts a Boolean value from a decoded request body, ensuring that the value
   is a Boolean value."
  [m k d]
  (let [v (m k)]
    (cond (nil? v)              d
          (instance? Boolean v) v
          :else                 (throw (invalid-field-exception k v)))))

(defn format-json-output
  "This function takes in a sequence and parses numbers into strings, nil
  values into empty strings, and Timestamp objects into epoch seconds into
  strings. For JSON encoding compliance."
  (success-response {:genomes
          #(assoc %
              :id               (str (:id %))
              :created_by       (or (get-name (:created_by %)) "")
              :created_on       (str (.getTime (:created_on %)))
              :last_modified_by (or (get-name (:last_modified_by %)) "")
              :last_modified_on (if (:last_modified_on %)
                                    (str (.getTime (:last_modified_on %)))

(defn uuid-gen
  "This function helps new genome reference record insertion by autogenerating
  a compliant Universal Unique ID."
  (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))

;----------------------Conrad.core Called Functions----------------------------

(defn get-all-genome-references
  "This function returns a JSON representation of the map of all the
  genome_reference table data, including 'deleted' records."
      (select genome_reference)))

(defn get-genome-references
  "This function returns a JSON representation of the map of all the
  genome_reference table data, skipping 'deleted' records."
      (select genome_reference
          (where {:deleted false}))))

(defn get-genome-references-by-username
  "This function returns a JSON representation the genome_reference table data
  in the DB that was created by the passed username. Skips 'deleted' records."
  (log/debug "Username Passed =" username)
      (select genome_reference
          (join users (= :genome_reference.created_by))
          (where {:users.username username :deleted false}))))

(defn get-genome-reference-by-uuid
  "This function returns a JSON representation of the genome_reference
  specified by the passed uuid."
      (select genome_reference
          (where {:uuid id}))))

(defn delete-genome-reference-by-uuid
  "This function updates the deleted column of the genome_reference that
  matches the passed UUID's genome_reference table to true, 'deleting' the
  (log/debug "UUID Passed =" uuid)
  (update genome_reference
      (set-fields {:deleted true})
      (where {:uuid uuid}))
  (get-genome-reference-by-uuid uuid))

(defn insert-genome-reference
  "This function adds a genome-reference to the database taking a JSON object
  containing the genome name and the path. The uuid is generated automatically,
  and the created_by info is pulled from the CAS info of the request map."
  [body attrs]
  (let [data       (cc-json/body->json body)
        uuid       (uuid-gen)
        name       (extract-str data :name)
        path       (extract-str data :path)
        created_by (get-or-create-id attrs)]
      (log/debug "JSON Object Passed=" data)
      (insert genome_reference
              (values {:uuid             uuid
                       :name             name
                       :path             path
                       :created_by       created_by
                       :last_modified_by created_by}))
      (get-genome-reference-by-uuid uuid)))

(defn modify-genome-reference
  "This function modifies an existing genome-reference in the database. It
  takes a JSON object containing the new genome name and path, and the existing
  UUID to identify it."
  [body attrs]
  (let [data             (cc-json/body->json body)
        uuid             (extract-str data :uuid)
        deleted          (:deleted data (get-deleted uuid))
        name             (extract-str data :name)
        path             (extract-str data :path)
        last_modified_by (get-or-create-id attrs)
        last_modified_on (Timestamp. (.getTime (Date.)))]
      (log/debug "JSON Object Passed=" data)
      (update genome_reference
          (where {:uuid uuid})
          (set-fields {:name             name
                       :path             path
                       :deleted          deleted
                       :last_modified_by last_modified_by
                       :last_modified_on last_modified_on}))
      (get-genome-reference-by-uuid uuid)))

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