cemerick.pomegranate.aether__init.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Command-line utility for DE database managment.
???? 1S !cemerick/pomegranate/aether__init java/lang/Object load ()V const__0 Lclojure/lang/Var; clojure/lang/Var
getRawRoot ()Ljava/lang/Object;
clojure/lang/IFn const__1 Lclojure/lang/AFn; invoke &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; 1cemerick/pomegranate/aether$loading__4910__auto__
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# ) $cemerick/pomegranate/aether$fn__2717 +
, java/util/concurrent/Callable . clojure/lang/LockingTransaction 0 runInTransaction 3(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Ljava/lang/Object; 2 3
1 4 const__3 6 7 const__10 9 : clojure/lang/IPersistentMap < setMeta (Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)V > ?
@ const__11 B C user.home E java/lang/String G java/lang/System I getProperty &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; K L
J M .m2 O
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o https q $cemerick/pomegranate/aether$fn__2721 s
t clojure/lang/RT v
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w z const__20 | } const__25 ? 8cemerick/pomegranate/aether$register_wagon_factory_BANG_ ?
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? $cemerick/pomegranate/aether$fn__2733 ?
? const__26 ? ? const__29 ? ? *cemerick/pomegranate/aether$transfer_event ?
? const__30 ? ? const__33 ? ? /cemerick/pomegranate/aether$default_listener_fn ?
? const__34 ? ? const__37 ? ? -cemerick/pomegranate/aether$repository_system ?
? const__38 ? ? const__41 ? ? 7cemerick/pomegranate/aether$construct_transfer_listener ?
? const__42 ? ? const__45 ? ? .cemerick/pomegranate/aether$repository_session ?
? const__46 ? ? const__48 ? ? const__49 Lclojure/lang/Keyword; ? ? ? /org/sonatype/aether/repository/RepositoryPolicy ? UPDATE_POLICY_DAILY Ljava/lang/String; ? ? ? ? const__50 ? ? ? UPDATE_POLICY_ALWAYS ? ? ? ? const__51 ? ? ? UPDATE_POLICY_NEVER ? ? ? ? const__52 ? ? const__54 ? ? const__55 ? ? ? CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL ? ? ? ? const__56 ? ? ? CHECKSUM_POLICY_IGNORE ? ? ? ? const__57 ? ? ? CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN ? ? ? ? const__58 ? ? const__61 ? ? "cemerick/pomegranate/aether$policy ?
? const__62 ? ? const__65 ? ? (cemerick/pomegranate/aether$set_policies ?
? const__66 ? ? const__69 .cemerick/pomegranate/aether$set_authentication
const__70 const__73
const__74 const__77 +cemerick/pomegranate/aether$make_repository
const__78 const__81 !cemerick/pomegranate/aether$group
const__82" # const__85% & -cemerick/pomegranate/aether$coordinate_string(
) const__86+ , const__89. / %cemerick/pomegranate/aether$exclusion1
2 const__904 5 const__937 8 4cemerick/pomegranate/aether$normalize_exclusion_spec:
; const__94= > const__97@ A &cemerick/pomegranate/aether$dependencyC
D const__98F G
const__101I J
const__102L M
const__105O P *cemerick/pomegranate/aether$exclusion_specR
const__106U V
const__109X Y $cemerick/pomegranate/aether$dep_spec[
const__112^ _ *cemerick/pomegranate/aether$dep_spec_STAR_a
const__113d e
const__116g h +cemerick/pomegranate/aether$create_artifactj
const__117m n
const__120p q ,cemerick/pomegranate/aether$deploy_artifactss
const__121v w
const__124y z -cemerick/pomegranate/aether$install_artifacts|
const__125 ?
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const__129? ?
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const__133? ?
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const__137? ?
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const__141? ?
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const__145? ?
const__148? ? 0cemerick/pomegranate/aether$resolve_dependencies?
const__149? ?
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const__153? ?
const__156? ? )cemerick/pomegranate/aether$exclusion_EQ_?
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const__160? ? 3cemerick/pomegranate/aether$exclusions_match_QMARK_?
const__161? ?
const__164? ? )cemerick/pomegranate/aether$within_QMARK_?
const__165? ?
const__168? ? 0cemerick/pomegranate/aether$dependency_hierarchy?
? const__4 const__5 const__6 Ljava/lang/Object; const__7 const__8 const__9 const__13 const__17 const__21 const__22 const__23 const__24 const__27 const__28 const__31 const__32 const__35 const__36 const__39 const__40 const__43 const__44 const__47 const__53 const__59 const__60 const__63 const__64 const__67 const__68 const__71 const__72 const__75 const__76 const__79 const__80 const__83 const__84 const__87 const__88 const__91 const__92 const__95 const__96 const__99
const__167 __init0 clojure.core4 in-ns6 var 8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Var;89
w: cemerick.pomegranate.aether< intern ;(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Symbol;>?
#@ clojure/lang/AFnB default-local-repoD fileF keyword <(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Keyword;HI
wJ clojure/lang/KeywordL? ? N columnP? ? R java/lang/IntegerT valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;VW
UX?? Z line\? ? ^?? ` privateb? ? d java/lang/Booleanf TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;hi gj cemerick/pomegranate/aether.cljl mapn y
wo clojure.java.ioq
maven-centrals?? u centralw http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/y wagon-factories{?? } atom register-wagon-factory!??? ? arglists?? ? ? scheme?
factory-fn? vector 5([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;??
w? java/util/Arrays? asList %([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;??
?? clojure/lang/PersistentList? create 0(Ljava/util/List;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentList;??
???? ? doc?? ? ? ?Registers a new no-arg factory function for the given scheme. The function must return
an implementation of org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon.? transfer-event??? ? e? clojure/lang/IObj? tag? *org.sonatype.aether.transfer.TransferEvent? withMeta 2(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)Lclojure/lang/IObj;?????? ? default-listener-fn??? ? keys? type? method? transferred? resource? error? as? evt??? ? repository-system??? ??? ? construct-transfer-listener??? ? transfer-listener??? ? repository-session??? ?
local-repo? offline?? mirror-selector??? ? update-policies??? ? daily? always? never? checksum-policies??? ? fail? ignore? warn? policy??? ? policy-settings? enabled??? set-policies?? repo settings??
set-authentication?? obj username password
passphrase private-key-file ? )Calls the setAuthentication method on obj set-proxy!? # host% port' non-proxy-hosts) or+ proxy-? / make-repository1? 3 id5? 7 group9? ; group-artifact=? ? coordinate-stringA? C versionE &G
classifierI extensionK jarM? O ?Produces a coordinate string with a format of
given a lein-style dependency spec. :extension defaults to jar.Q exclusionS ? U optsW
? Y normalize-exclusion-spec[? ] spec_? a
? e scopeg optionali
exclusionsk compilem FALSEoi gp dep-specr? t dep-spec*v? x __init1 declared{ ? } exclusion-spec? ? ex? Exclusion?? ? hGiven an Aether Exclusion, returns a lein-style exclusion vector with the
:exclusion in its metadata.?? ? dep?
Dependency?? ? ?Given an Aether Dependency, returns a lein-style dependency vector with the
:dependency and its corresponding artifact's :file in its metadata.?? ? groupId?
artifactId?? ? bBase function for producing lein-style dependency spec vectors for dependencies
and exclusions.? create-artifact?? ? files? artifact?? ? deploy-artifacts?? ? artifacts?? ?&Deploy the artifacts kwarg to the repository kwarg.
:artifacts - a seq of artifact vectors, e.g. '[[group/artifact "1.0.0"]] or
'[[group/artifact "1.0.0"] [group/artifact "1.0.0" :extension "pom"]].
All artifacts should have the same version and group and artifact IDs.
:files - map from artifact vectors to file paths or java.io.File objects
where the file to be deployed for each artifact is to be found
:repository - {name url} | {name settings}
:url - URL of the repository
:snapshots - use snapshots versions? (default true)
:releases - use release versions? (default true)
:username - username to log in with
:password - password to log in with
:passphrase - passphrase to log in wth
:private-key-file - private key file to log in with
:update - :daily (default) | :always | :never
:checksum - :fail | :ignore | :warn (default)
:local-repo - path to the local repository (defaults to ~/.m2/repository)
:transfer-listener - same as provided to resolve-dependencies
:proxy - proxy configuration, can be nil, the host scheme and type must match
:host - proxy hostname
:type - http (default) | http | https
:port - proxy port
:non-proxy-hosts - The list of hosts to exclude from proxying, may be null
:username - username to log in with, may be null
:password - password to log in with, may be null
:passphrase - passphrase to log in wth, may be null
:private-key-file - private key file to log in with, may be null? install-artifacts?? ?? ?-Deploy the file kwarg using the coordinates kwarg to the repository kwarg.
:artifacts - same as with deploy-artifacts
:files - same as with deploy-artifacts
:local-repo - path to the local repository (defaults to ~/.m2/repository)
:transfer-listener - same as provided to resolve-dependencies? deploy?? ? coordinates? jar-file? pom-file?? ??Deploy the jar-file kwarg using the pom-file kwarg and coordinates
kwarg to the repository kwarg.
:coordinates - [group/name "version"]
:jar-file - a file pointing to the jar
:pom-file - a file pointing to the pom
:repository - {name url} | {name settings}
:url - URL of the repository
:snapshots - use snapshots versions? (default true)
:releases - use release versions? (default true)
:username - username to log in with
:password - password to log in with
:passphrase - passphrase to log in wth
:private-key-file - private key file to log in with
:update - :daily (default) | :always | :never
:checksum - :fail (default) | :ignore | :warn
:local-repo - path to the local repository (defaults to ~/.m2/repository)
:transfer-listener - same as provided to resolve-dependencies
:proxy - proxy configuration, can be nil, the host scheme and type must match
:host - proxy hostname
:type - http (default) | http | https
:port - proxy port
:non-proxy-hosts - The list of hosts to exclude from proxying, may be null
:username - username to log in with, may be null
:password - password to log in with, may be null
:passphrase - passphrase to log in wth, may be null
:private-key-file - private key file to log in with, may be null? install?? ? ? ?QInstall the jar-file kwarg using the pom-file kwarg and coordinates kwarg.
:coordinates - [group/name "version"]
:jar-file - a file pointing to the jar
:pom-file - a file pointing to the pom
:local-repo - path to the local repository (defaults to ~/.m2/repository)
:transfer-listener - same as provided to resolve-dependencies? dependency-graph?!? ? node?"? ? mirror-selector-fn?#? ? mirrors? name? url? snapshots? releases?$? ?