clojure.core.incubator__init.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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???? 1 clojure/core/incubator__init java/lang/Object load ()V const__0 Lclojure/lang/Var; clojure/lang/Var
getRawRoot ()Ljava/lang/Object;
clojure/lang/IFn const__1 Lclojure/lang/AFn; invoke &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ,clojure/core/incubator$loading__4910__auto__
clojure/lang/Symbol " const__2 $ % equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ' (
# ) clojure/core/incubator$fn__118 +
, java/util/concurrent/Callable . clojure/lang/LockingTransaction 0 runInTransaction 3(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Ljava/lang/Object; 2 3
1 4 const__3 6 7 const__12 9 : clojure/lang/IPersistentMap < setMeta (Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)V > ?
@ clojure/core/incubator$defmacro_ B
C bindRoot (Ljava/lang/Object;)V E F
G setMacro I
J const__13 L M const__17 O P !clojure/core/incubator$defnilsafe R
S const__18 U V const__21 X Y #clojure/core/incubator$__QMARK__GT_ [
\ const__22 ^ _ const__25 a b (clojure/core/incubator$_DOT__QMARK__DOT_ d
e const__26 g h const__29 j k 'clojure/core/incubator$__QMARK__GT__GT_ m
n const__30 p q const__33 s t clojure/core/incubator$dissoc_in v
w const__34 y z const__37 | } "clojure/core/incubator$new_by_name
? const__38 ? ? const__41 ? ? %clojure/core/incubator$seqable_QMARK_ ?
? const__4 Lclojure/lang/Keyword; const__5 const__6 Ljava/lang/Object; const__7 const__8 const__9 const__10 const__11 const__14 const__15 const__16 const__19 const__20 const__23 const__24 const__27 const__28 const__31 const__32 const__35 const__36 const__39 const__40 __init0 clojure.core ? in-ns ? clojure/lang/RT ? var 8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Var; ? ?
? ? clojure.core.incubator ? intern ;(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Symbol; ? ?
# ? clojure/lang/IObj ? doc ? keyword <(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Keyword; ? ?
? ? ?Functions/macros variants of the ones that can be found in clojure.core
(note to other contrib members: feel free to add to this lib) ? author ? Laurent Petit (and others) ? map 2([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap; ? ?
? ? withMeta 2(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)Lclojure/lang/IObj; ? ? ? ? clojure/lang/AFn ? defmacro- ? file ? clojure/lang/Keyword ? ? ? ? column ? ? ? ? java/lang/Integer ? valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer; ? ?
? ? ? ? ? line ? ? ? ? ? ? ? arglists ? ? ? ? name ? & ? decls ? vector 5([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector; ? ?
? ? java/util/Arrays ? asList %([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List; ? ?
? ? clojure/lang/PersistentList ? create 0(Ljava/util/List;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentList; ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? 0Same as defmacro but yields a private definition clojure/core/incubator.clj
defnilsafe ? ? docstring
nil-safe-name ? ? private ? ? java/lang/Boolean TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean; -?> ? ? ! x# form% forms' ? ? )Same as clojure.core/-> but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(-?> "foo" .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns "OO"
(-?> nil .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns nil
+ .?.- ? ? / ? ? 1Same as clojure.core/.. but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(.?. "foo" .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns "OO"
(.?. nil .toUpperCase (.substring 1)) returns nil
3 -?>>5 ? ? 7 ? ? 9 ?Same as clojure.core/->> but returns nil as soon as the threaded value is nil itself (thus short-circuiting any pending computation).
Examples :
(-?>> (range 5) (map inc)) returns (1 2 3 4 5)
(-?>> [] seq (map inc)) returns nil
; dissoc-in= ? ? ? mA kC ksE asG keysI ? ? K ?Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
will not be present in the new structure.M new-by-nameO ? ? Q
class-nameS argsU ? ? W >Constructs a Java object whose class is specified by a String.Y seqable?[ ? ? ] ? ? _ 6Returns true if (seq x) will succeed, false otherwise.a ?
d clojure.core.incubator__initf java/lang/Classh forName %(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;jk
il getClassLoader ()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;no
ip clojure/lang/Compilerr pushNSandLoader (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Vtu
x popThreadBindingsz
{ Code LineNumberTable ! * $ 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 L ? ? ? ? ? ? O U ? ? ? ? X ^ ? ? ? ? a g ? ? ? ? j p ? ? ? ? s y ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? ? ? ? } ? E?
? ? ? ? ? Y? ? ? ! ? ? #? &? *? ? W? ,Y? -? /? 5W? 8Y? ;? =? AY? CY? D? H? 8? ? K? 8? NY? Q? =? AY? SY? T? H? N? ? K? N? WY? Z? =? AY? \Y? ]? H? W? ? K? W? `Y? c? =? AY? eY? f? H? `? ? K? `? iY? l? =? AY? nY? o? H? i? ? K? i? rY? u? =? AY? wY? x? H? {Y? ~? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ~ *
4 [ ? ? ? % ? - ? } ? |??? ?? ?
?? ?? ?? Y?? ?SY?SY?? ?SY?S? ?? =? ? ? ̳ ?? ?? ̳ &?θ ?? ? 8и ?? ҳ ?ָ ?? ҳ ?? ?? ?? ҳ ?? ?? ?? ҳ ?? Y? Y? ?SY? ?SY? ?S? ?S? ?? ??? ?? ҳ
? Y? ?SY? Y? Y? ?SY? ?SY? ?S? ?S? ?? SYָ ?SY? ?SY?? ?SYSY? ?SY? ?SYи ?SY S? ?? ̳ ;?
? ?? ? N? ? Y? Y? ?SY? ?SY? ?S? ?S? ?? ?? ?? ҳ
? Y? ?SY? Y? Y? ?SY? ?SY? ?S? ?S? ?? SYָ ?SY? ?SY? ?SY?SY? ?SY? ?SYи ?SY S? ?? ̳ Q? ? ?? ? W? "? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? ?*
? Y? ?SY? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? SYָ ?SY? ?SY?? ?SY,SY? ?SY? ?SYи ?SY S? ?? ̳ Z?.? ?? ? `%? 0? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? ?2
? Y? ?SY? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? SYָ ?SY? ?SY?? ?SY4SY? ?SY%? ?SYи ?SY S? ?? ̳ c?6? ?? ? i-? 8? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? ?:
? Y? ?SY? Y? Y$? ?SY&? ?S? ?SY? Y$? ?SY&? ?SY? ?SY(? ?S? ?S? ?? SYָ ?SY? ?SY?? ?SY