clj_http.core__init.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 1^ clj_http/core__init java/lang/Object load ()V const__0 Lclojure/lang/Var; clojure/lang/Var
getRawRoot ()Ljava/lang/Object;
clojure/lang/IFn const__1 Lclojure/lang/AFn; invoke &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; #clj_http/core$loading__4910__auto__
clojure/lang/Symbol " const__2 $ % equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ' (
# ) clj_http/core$fn__764 +
, java/util/concurrent/Callable . clojure/lang/LockingTransaction 0 runInTransaction 3(Ljava/util/concurrent/Callable;)Ljava/lang/Object; 2 3
1 4 const__3 6 7 const__12 9 : clojure/lang/IPersistentMap < setMeta (Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)V > ?
@ clj_http/core$parse_headers B
C bindRoot (Ljava/lang/Object;)V E F
G const__13 I J const__16 L M clj_http/core$set_client_param O
P const__17 R S const__20 U V )clj_http/core$make_proxy_method_with_body X
Y const__21 [ \ const__23 ^ _ const__24 Lclojure/lang/Keyword; a b c const__25 e f const__27 h i const__28 k b l const__29 n o const__31 q r const__32 t b u const__33 w x const__35 z { const__36 } b ~ const__37 ? ? const__39 ? ? const__40 ? b ? const__41 ? ?
setDynamic (Z)Lclojure/lang/Var; ? ?
? const__44 ? ? const__45 ? ? const__49 ? ? clj_http/core$set_routing ?
? const__50 ? ? const__53 ? ? clj_http/core$maybe_force_proxy ?
? const__54 ? ? const__57 ? ? clj_http/core$cookie_spec ?
? const__58 ? ? const__61 ? ? !clj_http/core$cookie_spec_factory ?
? const__62 ? ? const__65 ? ? %clj_http/core$add_client_params_BANG_ ?
? const__66 ? ? const__69 ? ? clj_http/core$coerce_body_entity ?
? const__70 ? ? const__73 ? ? clj_http/core$print_debug_BANG_ ?
? const__74 ? ? const__77 ? ? clj_http/core$http_request_for ?
? const__78 ? ? const__81 ? ? clj_http/core$request ?
? const__4 const__5 const__6 Ljava/lang/Object; const__7 const__8 const__9 const__10 const__11 const__14 const__15 const__18 const__19 const__22 const__26 const__30 const__34 const__38 const__42 const__43 const__46 const__47 const__48 const__51 const__52 const__55 const__56 const__59 const__60 const__63 const__64 const__67 const__68 const__71 const__72 const__75 const__76 const__79 const__80 __init0 clojure.core in-ns clojure/lang/RT var 8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Var;
clj-http.core intern ;(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Symbol;
# clojure/lang/IObj doc keyword <(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lclojure/lang/Keyword; !
" *Core HTTP request/response implementation.$ map 2([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;&'
( withMeta 2(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)Lclojure/lang/IObj;*+, clojure/lang/AFn.
parse-headers0 file2 clojure/lang/Keyword4 ? b 6 column8 ? b : java/lang/Integer< valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;>?
=@ ? ? B lineD ? b F ? ? H arglistsJ ? b L headersN tagP HeaderIteratorR vector 5([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentVector;TU
V java/util/ArraysX asList %([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;Z[
Y\ clojure/lang/PersistentList^ create 0(Ljava/util/List;)Lclojure/lang/IPersistentList;`a
_b ? ? d ? b f ?Takes a HeaderIterator and returns a map of names to values.
If a name appears more than once (like `set-cookie`) then the value
will be a vector containing the values in the order they appeared
in the headers.h clj_http/core.cljj set-client-paraml ? ? n clientp
HttpClientr keyt valv ? ? x make-proxy-method-with-bodyz ? ? | method~ ? ? ? proxy-delete-with-body? ? ? ? delete? proxy-get-with-body? ? ? ? get? proxy-copy-with-body? ? ? ? copy? proxy-move-with-body? ? ? ? move? proxy-patch-with-body? ? ? ? patch? *cookie-store*? ? ? ? dynamic? ? b ? java/lang/Boolean? TRUE Ljava/lang/Boolean;?? ?? set-routing? ? ? ? DefaultHttpClient? ? ? ? private? ? b ? TUse ProxySelectorRoutePlanner to choose proxy sensible based on
http.nonProxyHosts? maybe-force-proxy? ? ? ? request? HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase?
proxy-port? ? ? ? cookie-spec? ? ? ? f? ? ? ? ?Create an instance of a
org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BrowserCompatSpec with a validate
function that you pass in. This function takes two parameters, a
cookie and an origin.? cookie-spec-factory? ? ? ? ? ? ?Create an instance of a org.apache.http.cookie.CookieSpecFactory
with a newInstance implementation that returns a cookie
specification with a validate function that you pass in. The
function takes two parameters: cookie and origin.? add-client-params!? ? ? http-client? kvs? ? ? ?Add various client params to the http-client object, if needed.? coerce-body-entity? ? ? keys? as? http-entity?
HttpEntity? conn-mgr? ClientConnectionManager? ? ? ?Coerce the http-entity from an HttpResponse to either a byte-array, or a
stream that closes itself and the connection manager when closed.? print-debug!? ? ?
debug-body body req http-req ? =Print out debugging information to *out* for a given request.
http-request-for ? request-method http-url String ? GProvides the HttpRequest object for a particular request-method and url ? scheme server-name server-port uri" query-string$ multipart& debug( socket-timeout* conn-timeout, insecure?.
save-request?0 cookie-store2
retry-handler4 response-interceptor6 digest-auth8 connection-manager:
? >Executes the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and
returns the Ring response map corresponding to the resulting HTTP response.
Note that where Ring uses InputStreams for the request and response bodies,
the clj-http uses ByteArrays for the bodies.@
C clj_http.core__initE java/lang/ClassG forName %(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;IJ
HK getClassLoader ()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;MN
HO clojure/lang/CompilerQ pushNSandLoader (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)VST
W popThreadBindingsY
Z Code LineNumberTable ! R $ 6 ? b ? b ? ? ? b ? ? ? b ? ? ? b 9 I ? ? ? ? L R ? ? ? ? U [ ? ? ^ a b e ? ? h k b n ? ? q t b w ? ? z } b ? ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? ? b ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? \ ` $?
? ? ? ? ? Y? ? ? ! ? ? #? &? *? ? W? ,Y? -? /? 5W? 8Y? ;? =? AY? CY? D? H? KY? N? =? AY? PY? Q? H? TY? W? =? AY? YY? Z? H? ]Y? `? =? AY? T? ? ? d? ? H? gY? j? =? AY? T? ? ? m? ? H? pY? s? =? AY? T? ? ? v? ? H? yY? |? =? AY? T? ? ? ? ? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? T? ? ? ?? ? H? ?? ?Y? ?? =? AY? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ?? H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ȶ H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? Ѷ H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ڶ H? ?Y? ?? =? AY? ?Y? ? H? ] *
4 ? > ? ? ? @ ? A! B \ ?
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