org.isarnproject.sketches.java.TDigest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
Copyright 2016-2018 Erik Erlandson
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package org.isarnproject.sketches.java;
import java.lang.System;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.Random;
* A t-digest sketch of sampled numeric data
* Computing Extremely Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests,
* Ted Dunning and Otmar Ertl,
* https://github.com/tdunning/t-digest/blob/master/docs/t-digest-paper/histo.pdf
* import org.isarnproject.sketches.java.TDigest;
* double[] data = // data that you would like to sketch
* TDigest sketch = TDigest.sketch(data)
* // the cumulative distribution function of the sketch; cdf(x) at x = 0
* double cdf = sketch.cdf(0.0)
* // inverse of the CDF, evaluated at q = 0.5
* double cdfi = sketch.cdfInverse(0.5)
public class TDigest implements Serializable {
/** compression setting (delta in original paper) */
protected final double C;
/** maximum number of unique discrete values to track */
protected final int maxDiscrete;
/** current number of clusters */
protected int nclusters = 0;
/** total mass of data sampled so far */
protected double M = 0.0;
/** cluster centers */
protected double[] cent = null;
/** cluster masses */
protected double[] mass = null;
/** cumulative cluster masses, represented as a Fenwick Tree */
protected double[] ftre = null;
/** A new t-digest sketching structure with default compression and maximum discrete tracking. */
public TDigest() {
/** Construct a t-digest with the given compression.
* Maximum discrete tracking defaults to zero.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
public TDigest(double compression) {
this(compression, 0, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
/** Construct a t-digest with the given compression and maximum discrete tracking.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
public TDigest(double compression, int maxDiscrete) {
this(compression, maxDiscrete, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
/** Construct a t-digest with the given compression and maximum discrete tracking.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
* @param sz initial capacity to use for internal arrays. Must be > 0.
public TDigest(double compression, int maxDiscrete, int sz) {
assert compression > 0.0;
assert maxDiscrete >= 0;
assert sz > 0;
C = compression;
this.maxDiscrete = maxDiscrete;
cent = new double[sz];
mass = new double[sz];
ftre = new double[1 + sz];
// ftre is 1-based. set ftre[0] to zero just to be tidy
ftre[0] = 0.0;
* Construct a t-digest from a list of cluster centers and masses.
* Object deserialization is one of the intended use cases for this constructor.
* NOTE: This constructor assumes the 'cent' and 'mass' arrays will be owned
* by the new t-digest object. If 'cent' and 'mass' are both null then an empty cluster
* will be created.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* @param cent the list of cluster centers. Assumed to be in sorted order.
* This array is assumed to be owned by the t-digest object after construction.
* @param mass a list of cluster masses. Assumed to be parallel to centers.
* This array is assumed to be owned by the t-digest object after construction.
public TDigest(double compression, int maxDiscrete, double cent[], double mass[]) {
assert compression > 0.0;
assert maxDiscrete >= 0;
this.C = compression;
this.maxDiscrete = maxDiscrete;
assert (cent != null && mass != null) || (cent == null && mass == null);
this.nclusters = (cent != null) ? cent.length : 0;
int sz = nclusters;
if (sz == 0) {
// cent, mass and ftre cannot be zero length
this.cent = new double[sz];
this.mass = new double[sz];
} else {
this.cent = cent;
this.mass = mass;
assert cent != null && mass != null;
assert cent.length == sz;
assert cent.length == mass.length;
assert cent.length > 0;
this.ftre = new double[1 + sz];
Arrays.fill(ftre, 0, 1 + nclusters, 0.0);
this.M = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < nclusters; ++j) {
M += mass[j];
ftInc(j, mass[j]);
/** Construct a deep copy of another t-digest */
public TDigest(TDigest that) {
C = that.C;
maxDiscrete = that.maxDiscrete;
nclusters = that.nclusters;
M = that.M;
cent = Arrays.copyOf(that.cent, nclusters);
mass = Arrays.copyOf(that.mass, nclusters);
ftre = Arrays.copyOf(that.ftre, nclusters);
/** Update the sketch with a new sampled value
* @param x the new sampled value
public final void update(double x) {
update(x, 1.0);
/** Update the sketch with a new sampled value
* @param x the new sampled value
* @param w the weight (aka mass) associated with x
public final void update(double x, double w) {
updateLogic(x, w);
if ((nclusters > maxDiscrete) && (nclusters > R())) recluster();
private final void updateLogic(double x, double w) {
if (nclusters == 0) {
// clusters are empty, so (x,w) becomes the first cluster
cent[0] = x;
M = w;
mass[0] = w;
ftre[1] = w;
nclusters += 1;
if (nclusters <= maxDiscrete) {
// we are under the limit for discrete values to track
int j = Arrays.binarySearch(cent, 0, nclusters, x);
if (j >= 0) {
// landed on existing cluster: add its mass and we're done
M += w;
mass[j] += w;
ftInc(j, w);
} else {
// a new x value: insert as a new discrete cluster
newCluster(-(j + 1), x, w);
// get the index of the cluster closest to x
int j = closest(x);
if (x == cent[j]) {
// landed on existing cluster: add its mass and we're done
M += w;
mass[j] += w;
ftInc(j, w);
double m = mass[j];
// q is the quantile of the closest cluster to x
// (ftSum does the right thing (return 0) for j = 0)
double q = (ftSum(j - 1) + (m / 2.0)) / M;
// this is the upper-bound for the mass of closest cluster
double ub = C * M * q * (1.0 - q);
// dm is how much mass we're allowed to add to closest cluster
double dm = Math.min(w, Math.max(0.0, ub - m));
// rm is the remainder of the mass
double rm = w - dm;
if (dm > 0.0) {
// Add any allowable mass to closest cluster and update its center.
// It is safe to update center this way because it will remain
// between x and original center, and so cannot move out of its original
// ordering relative to its neighbors, because x is by previous logic
// closer to cent[j] than any other cluster.
double dc = dm * (x - cent[j]) / (m + dm);
cent[j] += dc;
M += dm;
mass[j] += dm;
ftInc(j, dm);
// if there is remaining mass, it becomes a new cluster
if (rm > 0.0) newCluster((x < cent[j]) ? j : j + 1, x, rm);
/** Merge another t-digest into this one.
* @param that the t-digest to merge. This t-digest is unaltered.
public final void merge(TDigest that) {
Integer[] indexes = new Integer[that.nclusters];
for (int j = 0; j < that.nclusters; ++j) indexes[j] = j;
// sort so that largest clusters are first.
// inserting large to small yields stable distribution estimations
Comparator cmp = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Integer a, Integer b) {
return (int)Math.signum(that.mass[b] - that.mass[a]);
Arrays.sort(indexes, cmp);
for (int j: indexes) update(that.cent[j], that.mass[j]);
/** Re-cluster this t-digest by reinserting its clusters in randomized order. */
public final void recluster() {
// I suspect it may be possible to improve on this fully-randomized algorithm,
// by leveraging the largest-first heuristic I use in cluster merging. See:
// http://erikerlandson.github.io/blog/2016/12/19/converging-monoid-addition-for-t-digest/
int[] indexes = new int[nclusters];
for (int j = 0; j < nclusters; ++j) indexes[j] = j;
int sz = cent.length;
double[] oldCent = cent;
double[] oldMass = mass;
cent = new double[sz];
mass = new double[sz];
for (int j: indexes) updateLogic(oldCent[j], oldMass[j]);
/** Reset this t-digest to an empty state */
public final void reset() {
nclusters = 0;
M = 0.0;
private final void newCluster(int j, double x, double w) {
double[] newCent = cent;
double[] newMass = mass;
double[] newFtre = ftre;
int sz = cent.length;
if (nclusters >= sz) {
int szinc = (int)Math.ceil(0.1 * (double)sz);
sz += szinc;
newCent = new double[sz];
newMass = new double[sz];
newFtre = new double[1 + sz];
System.arraycopy(cent, 0, newCent, 0, j);
System.arraycopy(mass, 0, newMass, 0, j);
// arraycopy can handle when cent == newCent
System.arraycopy(cent, j, newCent, 1 + j, nclusters - j);
System.arraycopy(mass, j, newMass, 1 + j, nclusters - j);
// do this after copies above
newCent[j] = x;
newMass[j] = w;
nclusters += 1;
cent = newCent;
mass = newMass;
ftre = newFtre;
Arrays.fill(ftre, 0, 1 + nclusters, 0.0);
for (int k = 0; k < nclusters; ++k) ftInc(k, mass[k]);
M += w;
private final int closest(double x) {
int j = Arrays.binarySearch(cent, 0, nclusters, x);
// exact match, return its index:
if (j >= 0) return j;
// x is not a cluster center, get its insertion index:
j = -(j + 1);
// x is to left of left-most cluster:
if (j == 0) return j;
// x is to right of right-most cluster:
if (j == nclusters) return j - 1;
// x is between two clusters, return index of closest:
double dL = x - cent[j - 1];
double dR = cent[j] - x;
return (dL < dR) ? (j - 1) : j;
/** Obtain the number of clusters in this t-digest
* @return the number of clusters in this t-digest
public final int size() {
return nclusters;
/** Obtain the total mass sampled by this t-digest
* @return the total mass
public final double mass() {
return M;
/** Obtain the compression setting for this t-digest
* @return the compression setting
public final double getCompression() {
return C;
/** Obtain the maximum discrete setting for this t-digest
* @return the maximum discrete setting
public final int getMaxDiscrete() {
return maxDiscrete;
/** Obtain a reference to this t-digest's cluster center array.
* NOTE: this array is not safe to modify, and should be used only in "read-only" mode!
* @return a reference to the cluster center array
public final double[] getCentUnsafe() {
return cent;
/** Obtain a reference to this t-digest's cluster mass array.
* NOTE: this array is not safe to modify, and should be used only in "read-only" mode!
* @return a reference to the cluster mass array
public final double[] getMassUnsafe() {
return mass;
/** Obtain a reference to this t-digest's cumulative mass array.
* This array stores the cumulative masses of clusters in Fenwick Tree format.
* NOTE: this array is not safe to modify, and should be used only in "read-only" mode!
* @return a reference to the cumulative mass array
public final double[] getFTUnsafe() {
return ftre;
/** Returns true if this t-digest is empty, false otherwise. */
public final boolean isEmpty() {
return nclusters == 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TDigest(");
for (int j = 0; j < nclusters; ++j) {
if (j > 25) {
sb.append(" ...");
if (j > 0) sb.append(", ");
.append(" -> (")
.append(", ")
return sb.toString();
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest, in
* "probability density" mode.
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double samplePDF() {
return samplePDF(ThreadLocalRandom.current());
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest, in
* "probability density" mode.
* @param prng a (pseudo) random number generator to use for the random sampling
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double samplePDF(Random prng) {
return cdfInverse(prng.nextDouble());
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest, in
* "probability mass" (i.e. discrete) mode.
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double samplePMF() {
return samplePMF(ThreadLocalRandom.current());
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest, in
* "probability mass" (i.e. discrete) mode.
* @param prng a (pseudo) random number generator to use for the random sampling
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double samplePMF(Random prng) {
return cdfDiscreteInverse(prng.nextDouble());
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest,
* using "discrete" (PMF) mode if the number of clusters ≤ maxDiscrete setting,
* and "density" (PDF) mode otherwise.
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double sample() {
return sample(ThreadLocalRandom.current());
* Perform a random sampling from the distribution as sketched by this t-digest,
* using "discrete" (PMF) mode if the number of clusters ≤ maxDiscrete setting,
* and "density" (PDF) mode otherwise.
* @param prng a (pseudo) random number generator to use for the random sampling
* @return A random number sampled from the sketched distribution
public final double sample(Random prng) {
if (nclusters <= maxDiscrete) {
return cdfDiscreteInverse(prng.nextDouble());
} else {
return cdfInverse(prng.nextDouble());
* Compute a cumulative probability (CDF) for a numeric value, from the estimated probability
* distribution represented by this t-digest sketch.
* @param x a numeric value
* @return the cumulative probability that a random sample from the distribution is ≤ x
public final double cdf(double x) {
int j1 = rcovj(x);
if (j1 < 0) return 0.0;
if (j1 >= nclusters - 1) return 1.0;
int j2 = j1 + 1;
double c1 = cent[j1];
double c2 = cent[j2];
double tm1 = mass[j1];
double tm2 = mass[j2];
double s = ftSum(j1 - 1);
double d1 = (j1 == 0) ? 0.0 : tm1 / 2.0;
double m1 = s + d1;
double m2 = m1 + (tm1 - d1) + ((j2 == nclusters - 1) ? tm2 : tm2 / 2.0);
double m = m1 + (x - c1) * (m2 - m1) / (c2 - c1);
return Math.min(m2, Math.max(m1, m)) / M;
* Compute a cumulative probability (CDF) for a numeric value, from the estimated probability
* distribution represented by this t-digest sketch, assuming sketch is "discrete"
* (e.g. if number of clusters ≤ maxDiscrete setting)
* @param x a numeric value
* @return the cumulative probability that a random sample from the distribution is ≤ x
public final double cdfDiscrete(double x) {
int j = rcovj(x);
return ftSum(j) / M;
* Compute the inverse cumulative probability (inverse-CDF) for a quantile value, from the
* estimated probability distribution represented by this t-digest sketch.
* @param q a quantile value. The value of q is expected to be on interval [0, 1]
* @return the value x such that cdf(x) = q
public final double cdfInverse(double q) {
if (q < 0.0 || q > 1.0) return Double.NaN;
if (nclusters == 0) return Double.NaN;
if (nclusters == 1) return cent[0];
double m = q * M;
int j1 = rmcovj(m);
int j2 = j1 + 1;
double c1 = cent[j1];
double c2 = cent[j2];
double tm1 = mass[j1];
double tm2 = mass[j2];
double s = ftSum(j1 - 1);
double d1 = (j1 == 0) ? 0.0 : tm1 / 2.0;
double m1 = s + d1;
double m2 = m1 + (tm1 - d1) + ((j2 == nclusters - 1) ? tm2 : tm2 / 2.0);
double x = c1 + (m - m1) * (c2 - c1) / (m2 - m1);
return Math.min(c2, Math.max(c1, x));
* Compute the inverse cumulative probability (inverse-CDF) for a quantile value, from the
* estimated probability distribution represented by this t-digest sketch,
* assuming the sketch is "discrete" (e.g. if number of clusters ≤ maxDiscrete setting)
* @param q a quantile value. The value of q is expected to be on interval [0, 1]
* @return the smallest value x such that q ≤ cdf(x)
public final double cdfDiscreteInverse(double q) {
if (q < 0.0 || q > 1.0) return Double.NaN;
if (nclusters == 0) return Double.NaN;
if (nclusters == 1) return cent[0];
double m = q * M;
int j = lmcovj(m);
return cent[j];
// returns the index of a right mass cover
// ftSum(j) <= m < ftSum(j+1)
private final int rmcovj(double m) {
assert nclusters >= 2;
assert (m >= 0.0) && (m <= M);
int beg = 0;
double mbeg = 0.0;
int end = nclusters - 1;
double mend = M;
while ((end - beg) > 1) {
int mid = (beg + end) / 2;
double mmid = ftSum(mid);
if (m >= mmid) {
beg = mid;
mbeg = mmid;
} else {
end = mid;
mend = mmid;
return beg;
// returns the index of a left mass cover
// ftSum(j-1) < m <= ftSum(j)
private final int lmcovj(double m) {
assert nclusters >= 2;
assert (m >= 0.0) && (m <= M);
int beg = -1;
double mbeg = 0.0;
int end = nclusters - 1;
double mend = M;
while ((end - beg) > 1) {
int mid = (beg + end) / 2;
double mmid = ftSum(mid);
if (m <= mmid) {
end = mid;
mend = mmid;
} else {
beg = mid;
mbeg = mmid;
return end;
// returns the left index of a right-cover
private final int rcovj(double x) {
int j = Arrays.binarySearch(cent, 0, nclusters, x);
// exact match, return its index:
if (j >= 0) return j;
// x is not a cluster center, get its insertion index:
j = -(j + 1);
// x is to left of left-most cluster:
if (j == 0) return -1;
// return the index to the left of x:
return j - 1;
// cumulative-sum algorithm for a Fenwick tree
private final double ftSum(int j) {
j += 1;
double s = 0.0;
while (j > 0) {
s += ftre[j];
j -= j & (-j); // dec by least significant nonzero bit of j
return s;
// increment algorithm for a Fenwick tree
private final void ftInc(int j, double w) {
j += 1;
while (j <= nclusters) {
ftre[j] += w;
j += j & (-j); // inc by least significant nonzero bit of j
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if (!(that instanceof TDigest)) return false;
if (this == that) return true;
TDigest rhs = (TDigest)that;
if (C != rhs.C) return false;
if (maxDiscrete != rhs.maxDiscrete) return false;
if (nclusters != rhs.nclusters) return false;
if (M != rhs.M) return false;
if (!equal(cent, rhs.cent, nclusters)) return false;
if (!equal(mass, rhs.mass, nclusters)) return false;
// if masses are equal, cumulative ftre had better also be equal
return true;
// I can't believe java just added this to Arrays in java 9
static final boolean equal(double[] lhs, double[] rhs, int n) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
if (lhs[j] != rhs[j]) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int h = nclusters;
h ^= doubleHash(M);
if (nclusters >= 1) {
h ^= doubleHash(cent[0]);
h ^= doubleHash(mass[0]);
h ^= doubleHash(ftre[1]);
if (nclusters >= 2) {
h ^= doubleHash(cent[nclusters - 1]);
h ^= doubleHash(mass[nclusters - 1]);
h ^= doubleHash(ftre[nclusters]);
if (nclusters >= 3) {
int j = nclusters / 2;
h ^= doubleHash(cent[j]);
h ^= doubleHash(mass[j]);
h ^= doubleHash(ftre[1 + j]);
return h;
// I can't believe Double doesn't provide a static method for this
static final int doubleHash(double x) {
long v = Double.doubleToLongBits(x);
return (int)(v ^ (v >>> 32));
protected final int R() {
return (int)(K / C);
* The t-digest algorithm will re-cluster itself whenever its number of clusters exceeds
* (K/delta). This value is set such that the threshold is about 10x the heuristically
* expected number of clusters for the user-specified delta value. Generally the number of
* clusters will only trigger the corresponding re-clustering threshold when data are being
* presented in a non-random order.
public static final double K = 10.0 * 50.0;
* Default value for a t-digest compression (aka delta) parameter.
* The number of clusters varies, roughly, as
* about (50/delta), when data are presented in random order
* (it may grow larger if data are not presented randomly). The default corresponds to
* an expected number of clusters of about 100.
public static final double COMPRESSION_DEFAULT = 50.0 / 100.0;
/** Default for the initial cluster array capacity */
public static final int INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 5;
/** Obtain an empty t-digest with default compression and maximum discrete tracking.
* @return a new empty t-digest
public static TDigest empty() {
* Obtain an empty t-digest.
* maxDiscrete defaults to zero.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @return a new empty t-digest
public static TDigest empty(double compression) {
return new TDigest(compression, 0, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
* Obtain an empty t-digest.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
* @return a new empty t-digest
public static TDigest empty(double compression, int maxDiscrete) {
return new TDigest(compression, maxDiscrete, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
* Obtain an empty t-digest.
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
* @param sz initial capacity to use for internal arrays. Must be > 0.
* @return a new empty t-digest
public static TDigest empty(double compression, int maxDiscrete, int sz) {
return new TDigest(compression, maxDiscrete, sz);
/** Merge the argument with smaller mass into the one with larger mass, and return
* the larger as the result.
* Note this means either (ltd) or (rtd) will be modified.
* @param ltd a t-digest
* @param rtd another t-digest
* @return if ltd has larger mass, then returns ltd.merge(rtd)
* otherwise rtd.merge(ltd)
public static TDigest merge(TDigest ltd, TDigest rtd) {
if (ltd.size() < rtd.size()) return merge(rtd, ltd);
if (rtd.size() == 0) return ltd;
if (rtd.size() == 1) {
ltd.update(rtd.cent[0], rtd.mass[0]);
return ltd;
if (rtd.mass() < ltd.mass()) {
return ltd;
} else {
return rtd;
* Sketch data using a t-digest with default compression and maximum discrete tracking.
* @param data the data to sketch
* @return a t-digest sketch of the data
public static TDigest sketch(double[] data) {
* Sketch data using a t-digest.
* maxDiscrete defaults to zero.
* @param data the data to sketch
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @return a t-digest sketch of the data
public static TDigest sketch(double[] data, double compression) {
return sketch(data, compression, 0, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
* Sketch data using a t-digest.
* @param data the data to sketch
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
* @return a t-digest sketch of the data
public static TDigest sketch(double[] data, double compression, int maxDiscrete) {
return sketch(data, compression, maxDiscrete, INIT_SIZE_DEFAULT);
* Sketch data using a t-digest.
* @param data the data to sketch
* @param compression sketching compression setting. Higher = more compression.
* Must be > 0.
* @param maxDiscrete maximum number of unique discrete values to track. Must be ≥ 0.
* If this number of values is exceeded, the sketch will begin to operate in
* normal continuous mode.
* @param sz initial capacity to use for internal arrays. Must be > 0.
* @return a t-digest sketch of the data
public static TDigest sketch(double[] data, double compression, int maxDiscrete, int sz) {
TDigest td = empty(compression, maxDiscrete, sz);
for (double x: data) td.update(x, 1.0);
if (td.size() > maxDiscrete) td.recluster();
return td;
static void intShuffle(int[] data) {
intShuffle(data, 0, data.length);
static void intShuffle(int[] data, int end) {
intShuffle(data, 0, end);
static void intShuffle(int[] data, int beg, int end) {
ThreadLocalRandom rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
end -= 1;
while (end > beg) {
int r = rnd.nextInt(beg, end);
int d = data[end];
data[end] = data[r];
data[r] = d;
end -= 1;
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