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org.jaitools.jiffle.parser.CheckFunctionCalls Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// $ANTLR 3.3 Nov 30, 2010 12:46:29 org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g 2012-10-10 10:44:33

package org.jaitools.jiffle.parser;

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
  * Checks function calls in the primary AST.
  * @author Michael Bedward
public class CheckFunctionCalls extends TreeFilter {
    public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] {
    public static final int EOF=-1;
    public static final int ABS_POS=4;
    public static final int BAND_REF=5;
    public static final int BLOCK=6;
    public static final int CON_CALL=7;
    public static final int DECL=8;
    public static final int DECLARED_LIST=9;
    public static final int EXPR_LIST=10;
    public static final int FUNC_CALL=11;
    public static final int IMAGE_POS=12;
    public static final int JIFFLE_OPTION=13;
    public static final int PAR=14;
    public static final int PIXEL_REF=15;
    public static final int POSTFIX=16;
    public static final int PREFIX=17;
    public static final int REL_POS=18;
    public static final int SEQUENCE=19;
    public static final int VAR_DEST=20;
    public static final int VAR_IMAGE_SCOPE=21;
    public static final int VAR_SOURCE=22;
    public static final int CONSTANT=23;
    public static final int IMAGE_WRITE=24;
    public static final int LIST_NEW=25;
    public static final int VAR_IMAGE=26;
    public static final int VAR_PIXEL_SCOPE=27;
    public static final int VAR_PROVIDED=28;
    public static final int VAR_LOOP=29;
    public static final int VAR_LIST=30;
    public static final int OPTIONS=31;
    public static final int LCURLY=32;
    public static final int RCURLY=33;
    public static final int ID=34;
    public static final int EQ=35;
    public static final int SEMI=36;
    public static final int IMAGES=37;
    public static final int READ=38;
    public static final int WRITE=39;
    public static final int INIT=40;
    public static final int WHILE=41;
    public static final int LPAR=42;
    public static final int RPAR=43;
    public static final int UNTIL=44;
    public static final int FOREACH=45;
    public static final int IN=46;
    public static final int IF=47;
    public static final int ELSE=48;
    public static final int BREAKIF=49;
    public static final int BREAK=50;
    public static final int COMMA=51;
    public static final int COLON=52;
    public static final int CON=53;
    public static final int APPEND=54;
    public static final int TIMESEQ=55;
    public static final int DIVEQ=56;
    public static final int MODEQ=57;
    public static final int PLUSEQ=58;
    public static final int MINUSEQ=59;
    public static final int QUESTION=60;
    public static final int OR=61;
    public static final int XOR=62;
    public static final int AND=63;
    public static final int LOGICALEQ=64;
    public static final int NE=65;
    public static final int GT=66;
    public static final int GE=67;
    public static final int LE=68;
    public static final int LT=69;
    public static final int PLUS=70;
    public static final int MINUS=71;
    public static final int TIMES=72;
    public static final int DIV=73;
    public static final int MOD=74;
    public static final int NOT=75;
    public static final int INCR=76;
    public static final int DECR=77;
    public static final int POW=78;
    public static final int LSQUARE=79;
    public static final int RSQUARE=80;
    public static final int ABS_POS_PREFIX=81;
    public static final int INT_LITERAL=82;
    public static final int FLOAT_LITERAL=83;
    public static final int TRUE=84;
    public static final int FALSE=85;
    public static final int NULL=86;
    public static final int COMMENT=87;
    public static final int INT_TYPE=88;
    public static final int FLOAT_TYPE=89;
    public static final int DOUBLE_TYPE=90;
    public static final int BOOLEAN_TYPE=91;
    public static final int Letter=92;
    public static final int UNDERSCORE=93;
    public static final int Digit=94;
    public static final int Dot=95;
    public static final int NonZeroDigit=96;
    public static final int FloatExp=97;
    public static final int WS=98;
    public static final int ESC_SEQ=99;
    public static final int CHAR=100;
    public static final int HEX_DIGIT=101;
    public static final int UNICODE_ESC=102;
    public static final int OCTAL_ESC=103;

    // delegates
    // delegators

        public CheckFunctionCalls(TreeNodeStream input) {
            this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
        public CheckFunctionCalls(TreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) {
            super(input, state);

    public String[] getTokenNames() { return CheckFunctionCalls.tokenNames; }
    public String getGrammarFileName() { return "org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g"; }

    private MessageTable msgTable;

    public CheckFunctionCalls(TreeNodeStream input, MessageTable msgTable) {
        if (msgTable == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "msgTable should not be null" );
        this.msgTable = msgTable;

    // $ANTLR start "topdown"
    // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:53:1: topdown : functionCall ;
    public final void topdown() throws RecognitionException {
        try {
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:53:9: ( functionCall )
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:53:11: functionCall

            if (state.failed) return ;


        catch (RecognitionException re) {
        finally {
        return ;
    // $ANTLR end "topdown"

    // $ANTLR start "functionCall"
    // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:57:1: functionCall : ^( FUNC_CALL ID expressionList ) ;
    public final void functionCall() throws RecognitionException {
        CommonTree ID1=null;
        List expressionList2 = null;

        try {
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:57:17: ( ^( FUNC_CALL ID expressionList ) )
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:57:19: ^( FUNC_CALL ID expressionList )
            match(input,FUNC_CALL,FOLLOW_FUNC_CALL_in_functionCall93); if (state.failed) return ;

            match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return ;
            ID1=(CommonTree)match(input,ID,FOLLOW_ID_in_functionCall95); if (state.failed) return ;

            if (state.failed) return ;

            match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return ;
            if ( state.backtracking==1 ) {

                                  if (!FunctionLookup.isDefined((ID1!=null?ID1.getText():null), expressionList2)) {
                                      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                      int k = 0;
                                      for (String s : expressionList2) {
                                          if (++k < expressionList2.size()) {
                                              sb.append(", ");
                                      msgTable.add(sb.toString(), Message.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION);


        catch (RecognitionException re) {
        finally {
        return ;
    // $ANTLR end "functionCall"

    // $ANTLR start "expressionList"
    // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:77:1: expressionList returns [List argTypes] : ^( EXPR_LIST (e= . )* ) ;
    public final List expressionList() throws RecognitionException {
        List argTypes = null;

        CommonTree e=null;

         argTypes = new ArrayList(); 
        try {
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:79:17: ( ^( EXPR_LIST (e= . )* ) )
            // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:79:19: ^( EXPR_LIST (e= . )* )
            match(input,EXPR_LIST,FOLLOW_EXPR_LIST_in_expressionList167); if (state.failed) return argTypes;

            if ( input.LA(1)==Token.DOWN ) {
                match(input, Token.DOWN, null); if (state.failed) return argTypes;
                // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:79:31: (e= . )*
                do {
                    int alt1=2;
                    switch ( input.LA(1) ) {
                    case ABS_POS:
                    case BAND_REF:
                    case BLOCK:
                    case CON_CALL:
                    case DECL:
                    case DECLARED_LIST:
                    case EXPR_LIST:
                    case FUNC_CALL:
                    case IMAGE_POS:
                    case JIFFLE_OPTION:
                    case PAR:
                    case PIXEL_REF:
                    case POSTFIX:
                    case PREFIX:
                    case REL_POS:
                    case SEQUENCE:
                    case VAR_DEST:
                    case VAR_IMAGE_SCOPE:
                    case VAR_SOURCE:
                    case CONSTANT:
                    case IMAGE_WRITE:
                    case LIST_NEW:
                    case VAR_IMAGE:
                    case VAR_PIXEL_SCOPE:
                    case VAR_PROVIDED:
                    case VAR_LOOP:
                    case VAR_LIST:
                    case OPTIONS:
                    case LCURLY:
                    case RCURLY:
                    case ID:
                    case EQ:
                    case SEMI:
                    case IMAGES:
                    case READ:
                    case WRITE:
                    case INIT:
                    case WHILE:
                    case LPAR:
                    case RPAR:
                    case UNTIL:
                    case FOREACH:
                    case IN:
                    case IF:
                    case ELSE:
                    case BREAKIF:
                    case BREAK:
                    case COMMA:
                    case COLON:
                    case CON:
                    case APPEND:
                    case TIMESEQ:
                    case DIVEQ:
                    case MODEQ:
                    case PLUSEQ:
                    case MINUSEQ:
                    case QUESTION:
                    case OR:
                    case XOR:
                    case AND:
                    case LOGICALEQ:
                    case NE:
                    case GT:
                    case GE:
                    case LE:
                    case LT:
                    case PLUS:
                    case MINUS:
                    case TIMES:
                    case DIV:
                    case MOD:
                    case NOT:
                    case INCR:
                    case DECR:
                    case POW:
                    case LSQUARE:
                    case RSQUARE:
                    case ABS_POS_PREFIX:
                    case INT_LITERAL:
                    case FLOAT_LITERAL:
                    case TRUE:
                    case FALSE:
                    case NULL:
                    case COMMENT:
                    case INT_TYPE:
                    case FLOAT_TYPE:
                    case DOUBLE_TYPE:
                    case BOOLEAN_TYPE:
                    case Letter:
                    case UNDERSCORE:
                    case Digit:
                    case Dot:
                    case NonZeroDigit:
                    case FloatExp:
                    case WS:
                    case ESC_SEQ:
                    case CHAR:
                    case HEX_DIGIT:
                    case UNICODE_ESC:
                    case OCTAL_ESC:


                    switch (alt1) {
                	case 1 :
                	    // org/jaitools/jiffle/parser/CheckFunctionCalls.g:79:32: e= .
                	    matchAny(input); if (state.failed) return argTypes;
                	    if ( state.backtracking==1 ) {
                	                              int ttype = e.getToken().getType();
                	                              argTypes.add(ttype == VAR_LIST || ttype == DECLARED_LIST ? "List" : "D");


                	default :
                	    break loop1;
                } while (true);

                match(input, Token.UP, null); if (state.failed) return argTypes;


        catch (RecognitionException re) {
        finally {
        return argTypes;
    // $ANTLR end "expressionList"

    // Delegated rules


    public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionCall_in_topdown71 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L});
    public static final BitSet FOLLOW_FUNC_CALL_in_functionCall93 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L});
    public static final BitSet FOLLOW_ID_in_functionCall95 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000400L});
    public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expressionList_in_functionCall97 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000008L});
    public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EXPR_LIST_in_expressionList167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000004L});


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