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org.jasig.maven.plugin.sass.AbstractSassMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
 * for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.jasig.maven.plugin.sass;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptException;

import org.apache.maven.model.FileSet;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;


 * Base for batching SASS Mojos.
public abstract class AbstractSassMojo extends AbstractMojo {

     * Sources for compilation with their destination directory containing SASS files. Allows
     * for multiple resource sources and destinations. If specified it precludes the direct
     * specification of sassSourceDirectory/relativeOutputDirectory/destination parameters.
* Example configuration *
     *      <resource>
     *          <source>
     *              <directory>${basedir}/src/main/webapp</directory>
     *              <includes>
     *                  <include>**/scss</include>
     *              </includes>
     *          </source>
     *          <relativeOutputDirectory>..</relativeOutputDirectory>
     *          <destination>${}/${}</destination>
     *      </resource>
* * @parameter */ protected List resources; /** * Defines paths where jruby will look for gems. E.g. a maven build could download * gems into ${}/rubygems and a gemPath pointed to this * directory. Finally, individual gems can be loaded via the <gems> configuration. * * @parameter default-value="${}/rubygems" */ protected String[] gemPaths = new String[0]; /** * Defines gems to be loaded before Sass/Compass. This is useful to add gems * with custom Sass functions or stylesheets. Gems that hook into Compass * are transparently added to Sass' load_path. * * @parameter */ protected String[] gems = new String[0]; /** * Build directory for the plugin. * * @parameter expression="${buildDirectory}" default-value="${}" */ protected File buildDirectory; /** * Fail the build if errors occur during compilation of sass/scss templates. * * @parameter default-value="true" */ protected boolean failOnError; /** * Defines options for Sass::Plugin.options. See * {@link } * If the value is a string it must by quoted in the maven configuration: * <cache_location>'/tmp/sass'</cache_location>
* If no options are set the default configuration set is used which is: * *
     * <unix_newlines>true</unix_newlines>
     * <cache>true</cache>
     * <always_update>true</always_update>
     * <cache_location>${}/sass_cache</cache_location>
     * <style>:expanded</style>
* * @parameter */ protected Map sassOptions = new HashMap(ImmutableMap.of( "unix_newlines", "true", "cache", "true", "always_update", "true", "style", ":expanded")); /** * Enable the use of Compass style library mixins, this emulates the * {@code --compass} commandline option of Sass. * * @parameter default-value="false" */ protected boolean useCompass; /** * Directory containing SASS files, defaults to the Maven Web application sources directory (src/main/webapp) * * @parameter default-value="${basedir}/src/main/webapp" * @required */ protected File sassSourceDirectory; /** * Defines files in the source directories to include * * Defaults to: "**/scss" * * @parameter */ protected String[] includes = new String[] { "**/scss" }; /** * Defines which of the included files in the source directories to exclude (none by default). * * @parameter */ protected String[] excludes; /** * Defines an additional path section when calculating the destination for the SCSS file. Allows, * for example "/media/skins/universality/coal/scss/portal.scss" to end up at "/media/skins/universality/coal/portal.css" * by specifying ".." * * @parameter default-value=".." */ protected String relativeOutputDirectory; /** * Where to put the compiled CSS files * * @parameter expression="${encoding}" default-value="${}/${} */ protected File destination; /** * Execute the SASS Compilation Ruby Script */ protected void executeSassScript(String sassScript) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { final Log log = this.getLog(); System.setProperty("org.jruby.embed.localcontext.scope", "threadsafe"); log.debug("Execute SASS Ruby Script:\n" + sassScript); final ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); final ScriptEngine jruby = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("jruby"); try { CompilerCallback compilerCallback = new CompilerCallback(log); jruby.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).put("compiler_callback", compilerCallback); jruby.eval(sassScript); if (failOnError && compilerCallback.hadError()) { throw new MojoFailureException("SASS compilation encountered errors (see above for details)."); } } catch (final ScriptException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to execute SASS ruby script:\n" + sassScript, e); } } protected void buildBasicSASSScript(final StringBuilder sassScript) throws MojoExecutionException { final Log log = this.getLog(); sassScript.append("require 'rubygems'\n"); if (gemPaths.length > 0) { sassScript.append("env = { 'GEM_PATH' => [\n"); for (final String gemPath : gemPaths) { sassScript.append(" '").append(gemPath).append("',\n"); } sassScript.setLength(sassScript.length() - 2); // remove trailing comma sassScript.append("\n"); sassScript.append("] }\n"); sassScript.append("env['GEM_PATH'] += ENV['GEM_PATH'] unless ENV['GEM_PATH'].nil?\n"); sassScript.append("Gem.paths = env\n"); } for (final String gem : gems) { sassScript.append("require '").append(gem).append("'\n"); } sassScript.append("require 'sass/plugin'\n"); sassScript.append("require 'java'\n"); if (this.useCompass) {"Running with Compass enabled."); sassScript.append("require 'compass'\n"); sassScript.append("require 'compass/exec'\n"); sassScript.append("Compass.add_project_configuration \n"); this.sassOptions.put("load_paths", "Compass.configuration.sass_load_paths"); // manually specify these paths sassScript.append("Compass::Frameworks.register_directory('jar:'+ File.join(Compass.base_directory, 'frameworks/compass'))\n"); sassScript.append("Compass::Frameworks.register_directory('jar:'+ File.join(Compass.base_directory, 'frameworks/blueprint'))\n"); } // Get all template locations from resources and set option 'template_location' and // 'css_location' (to override default "./public/stylesheets/sass", "./public/stylesheets") // remaining locations are added later with 'add_template_location' final Iterator> templateLocations = getTemplateLocations(); if (templateLocations.hasNext()) { Entry location =; sassOptions.put("template_location", "'" + location.getKey() + "'"); sassOptions.put("css_location", "'" + location.getValue() + "'"); } //If not explicitly set place the cache location in the target dir if (!this.sassOptions.containsKey("cache_location")) { final File sassCacheDir = new File(this.buildDirectory, "sass_cache"); final String sassCacheDirStr = sassCacheDir.toString(); this.sassOptions.put("cache_location", "'" + FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(sassCacheDirStr) + "'"); } //Add the plugin configuration options sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.options.merge!(\n"); for (final Iterator> entryItr = this.sassOptions.entrySet().iterator(); entryItr.hasNext();) { final Entry optEntry =; final String opt = optEntry.getKey(); final String value = optEntry.getValue(); sassScript.append(" :").append(opt).append(" => ").append(value); if (entryItr.hasNext()) { sassScript.append(","); } sassScript.append("\n"); } sassScript.append(")\n"); // add remaining template locations with 'add_template_location' (need to be done after options.merge) while (templateLocations.hasNext()) { Entry location =; sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.add_template_location('") .append(location.getKey()) .append("', '") .append(location.getValue()) .append("')\n"); } // set up sass compiler callback for reporting sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.on_compilation_error {|error, template, css| $compiler_callback.compilationError(error.message, template, css) }\n"); sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.on_updated_stylesheet {|template, css| $compiler_callback.updatedStylesheeet(template, css) }\n"); sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.on_template_modified {|template| $compiler_callback.templateModified(template) }\n"); sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.on_template_created {|template| $compiler_callback.templateCreated(template) }\n"); sassScript.append("Sass::Plugin.on_template_deleted {|template| $compiler_callback.templateDeleted(template) }\n"); // make ruby give use some debugging info when requested if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { sassScript.append("require 'pp'\npp Sass::Plugin.options\n"); if (useCompass) { sassScript.append("pp Compass::configuration\n"); } } } private Iterator> getTemplateLocations() { final Log log = getLog(); List r = this.resources; //If no resources specified if (r == null) { final Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.source = new FileSet(); resource.source.setDirectory(this.sassSourceDirectory.toString()); if (this.includes != null) { resource.source.setIncludes(Arrays.asList(this.includes)); } if (this.excludes != null) { resource.source.setExcludes(Arrays.asList(this.excludes)); } resource.relativeOutputDirectory = this.relativeOutputDirectory; resource.destination = this.destination; r = ImmutableList.of(resource); } List> locations = new ArrayList>(); for (final Resource source : r) { for (final Entry entry : source.getDirectoriesAndDestinations().entrySet()) {"Queing SASS Template for compile: " + entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue()); locations.add(entry); } } return locations.iterator(); } }

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