jpos.POSPrinterConst Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// The JavaPOS library source code is now under the CPL license, which
// is an OSS Apache-like license. The complete license is located at:
// http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-cpl.html
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// POSPrinterConst
// POS Printer constants for JavaPOS Applications.
// Modification history
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1998-Feb-18 JavaPOS Release 1.2 BS
// 1998-Apr-20 JavaPOS Release 1.3 BS
// Add more PrintTwoNormal constants.
// 2003-Jun-03 JavaPOS Release 1.8 BS
// Added the following constants:
// PTR_BCS_Code128_Parsed
// 2004-Feb-27 Added cartridge constants with corect spelling. BS
// 2005-Jan-16 JavaPOS Release 1.9 BS
// Added the following constants:
// 2006-Feb-10 JavaPOS Release 1.10 BS
// Added the following constants:
package jpos;
public interface POSPrinterConst
//#### POS Printer Constants
// Printer Station Constants
public static final int PTR_S_JOURNAL = 1;
public static final int PTR_S_RECEIPT = 2;
public static final int PTR_S_SLIP = 4;
public static final int PTR_S_JOURNAL_SLIP = PTR_S_JOURNAL | PTR_S_SLIP ;
public static final int PTR_S_RECEIPT_SLIP = PTR_S_RECEIPT | PTR_S_SLIP ;
public static final int PTR_TWO_RECEIPT_JOURNAL = 0x8000 + PTR_S_JOURNAL_RECEIPT;
public static final int PTR_TWO_SLIP_JOURNAL = 0x8000 + PTR_S_JOURNAL_SLIP ;
public static final int PTR_TWO_SLIP_RECEIPT = 0x8000 + PTR_S_RECEIPT_SLIP ;
// "CapCharacterSet" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_CCS_ALPHA = 1;
public static final int PTR_CCS_ASCII = 998;
public static final int PTR_CCS_KANA = 10;
public static final int PTR_CCS_KANJI = 11;
public static final int PTR_CCS_UNICODE = 997;
// "CharacterSet" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_CS_UNICODE = 997;
public static final int PTR_CS_ASCII = 998;
public static final int PTR_CS_ANSI = 999;
// "ErrorLevel" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_EL_NONE = 1;
public static final int PTR_EL_RECOVERABLE = 2;
public static final int PTR_EL_FATAL = 3;
// "MapMode" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_MM_DOTS = 1;
public static final int PTR_MM_TWIPS = 2;
public static final int PTR_MM_ENGLISH = 3;
public static final int PTR_MM_METRIC = 4;
// "CapXxxColor" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_COLOR_PRIMARY = 0x00000001;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM1 = 0x00000002;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM2 = 0x00000004;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM3 = 0x00000008;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM4 = 0x00000010;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM5 = 0x00000020;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CUSTOM6 = 0x00000040;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_CYAN = 0x00000100;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_MAGENTA = 0x00000200;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_YELLOW = 0x00000400;
public static final int PTR_COLOR_FULL = 0x80000000;
// "CapXxxCartridgeSensor" and "XxxCartridgeState" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_CART_UNKNOWN = 0x10000000;
public static final int PTR_CART_OK = 0x00000000;
public static final int PTR_CART_REMOVED = 0x00000001;
public static final int PTR_CART_EMPTY = 0x00000002;
public static final int PTR_CART_NEAREND = 0x00000004;
public static final int PTR_CART_CLEANING = 0x00000008;
// "CartridgeNotify" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_CN_DISABLED = 0x00000000;
public static final int PTR_CN_ENABLED = 0x00000001;
// "PageModeDescriptor" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_PM_BITMAP = 0x00000001;
public static final int PTR_PM_BARCODE = 0x00000002;
public static final int PTR_PM_BM_ROTATE = 0x00000004;
public static final int PTR_PM_BC_ROTATE = 0x00000008;
public static final int PTR_PM_OPAQUE = 0x00000010;
// "PageModePrintDirection" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_PD_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1;
public static final int PTR_PD_BOTTOM_TO_TOP = 2;
public static final int PTR_PD_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 3;
public static final int PTR_PD_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = 4;
// "clearPrintArea" and "pageModePrint" Method Constant
public static final int PTR_PM_PAGE_MODE = 1;
public static final int PTR_PM_PRINT_SAVE = 2;
public static final int PTR_PM_NORMAL = 3;
public static final int PTR_PM_CANCEL = 4;
// "CutPaper" Method Constant
public static final int PTR_CP_FULLCUT = 100;
// "PrintBarCode" Method Constants:
// "Alignment" Parameter
// Either the distance from the left-most print column to the start
// of the bar code, or one of the following:
public static final int PTR_BC_LEFT = -1;
public static final int PTR_BC_CENTER = -2;
public static final int PTR_BC_RIGHT = -3;
// "TextPosition" Parameter
public static final int PTR_BC_TEXT_NONE = -11;
public static final int PTR_BC_TEXT_ABOVE = -12;
public static final int PTR_BC_TEXT_BELOW = -13;
// "Symbology" Parameter:
// One dimensional symbologies
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCA = 101; // Digits
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCE = 102; // Digits
public static final int PTR_BCS_JAN8 = 103; // = EAN 8
public static final int PTR_BCS_EAN8 = 103; // = JAN 8 (added in 1.2)
public static final int PTR_BCS_JAN13 = 104; // = EAN 13
public static final int PTR_BCS_EAN13 = 104; // = JAN 13 (added in 1.2)
public static final int PTR_BCS_TF = 105; // (Discrete 2 of 5) Digits
public static final int PTR_BCS_ITF = 106; // (Interleaved 2 of 5) Digits
public static final int PTR_BCS_Codabar = 107; // Digits, -, $, :, /, ., +;
// 4 start/stop characters
// (a, b, c, d)
public static final int PTR_BCS_Code39 = 108; // Alpha, Digits, Space, -, .,
// $, /, +, %; start/stop (*)
// Also has Full ASCII feature
public static final int PTR_BCS_Code93 = 109; // Same characters as Code 39
public static final int PTR_BCS_Code128 = 110; // 128 data characters
// (The following were added in Release 1.2)
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCA_S = 111; // UPC-A with supplemental
// barcode
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCE_S = 112; // UPC-E with supplemental
// barcode
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCD1 = 113; // UPC-D1
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCD2 = 114; // UPC-D2
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCD3 = 115; // UPC-D3
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCD4 = 116; // UPC-D4
public static final int PTR_BCS_UPCD5 = 117; // UPC-D5
public static final int PTR_BCS_EAN8_S = 118; // EAN 8 with supplemental
// barcode
public static final int PTR_BCS_EAN13_S = 119; // EAN 13 with supplemental
// barcode
public static final int PTR_BCS_EAN128 = 120; // EAN 128
public static final int PTR_BCS_OCRA = 121; // OCR "A"
public static final int PTR_BCS_OCRB = 122; // OCR "B"
// Added in Release 1.8
public static final int PTR_BCS_Code128_Parsed = 123;
public static final int PTR_BCS_RSS14 = 131; // Reduced Space Symbology - 14 digit GTIN
public static final int PTR_BCS_RSS_EXPANDED = 132; // RSS - 14 digit GTIN plus additional fields
// Two dimensional symbologies
public static final int PTR_BCS_PDF417 = 201;
public static final int PTR_BCS_MAXICODE = 202;
// Start of Printer-Specific bar code symbologies
public static final int PTR_BCS_OTHER = 501;
// "PrintBitmap" and "PrintMemoryBitmap" Method Constants:
// "Width" Parameter
// Either bitmap width or:
public static final int PTR_BM_ASIS = -11; // One pixel per printer dot
// "Alignment" Parameter
// Either the distance from the left-most print column to the start
// of the bitmap, or one of the following:
public static final int PTR_BM_LEFT = -1;
public static final int PTR_BM_CENTER = -2;
public static final int PTR_BM_RIGHT = -3;
// "Type" Parameter ("PrintMemoryBitmap" only)
public static final int PTR_BMT_BMP = 1;
public static final int PTR_BMT_JPEG = 2;
public static final int PTR_BMT_GIF = 3;
// "RotatePrint" Method: "Rotation" Parameter Constants
// "RotateSpecial" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_RP_NORMAL = 0x0001;
public static final int PTR_RP_RIGHT90 = 0x0101;
public static final int PTR_RP_LEFT90 = 0x0102;
public static final int PTR_RP_ROTATE180 = 0x0103;
// Version 1.7. One of the following values can be
// ORed with one of the above values.
public static final int PTR_RP_BARCODE = 0x1000;
public static final int PTR_RP_BITMAP = 0x2000;
// "SetLogo" Method: "Location" Parameter Constants
public static final int PTR_L_TOP = 1;
public static final int PTR_L_BOTTOM = 2;
// "TransactionPrint" Method: "Control" Parameter Constants
public static final int PTR_TP_TRANSACTION = 11;
public static final int PTR_TP_NORMAL = 12;
// "MarkFeed" Method: "Type" Parameter Constants
// "CapRecMarkFeed" Property Constants
public static final int PTR_MF_TO_TAKEUP = 1;
public static final int PTR_MF_TO_CUTTER = 2;
public static final int PTR_MF_TO_CURRENT_TOF = 4;
public static final int PTR_MF_TO_NEXT_TOF = 8;
// "ChangePrintSide" Method: "Side" Parameter Constants
public static final int PTR_PS_UNKNOWN = 0;
public static final int PTR_PS_SIDE1 = 1;
public static final int PTR_PS_SIDE2 = 2;
public static final int PTR_PS_OPPOSITE = 3;
// "StatusUpdateEvent" Event: "status" Parameter Constants
public static final int PTR_SUE_COVER_OPEN = 11;
public static final int PTR_SUE_COVER_OK = 12;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_EMPTY = 21;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_NEAREMPTY= 22;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_PAPEROK = 23;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_EMPTY = 24;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_NEAREMPTY= 25;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_PAPEROK = 26;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_EMPTY = 27;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_NEAREMPTY= 28;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_PAPEROK = 29;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 41;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_CARTRIDGE_NEAREMPTY = 42;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_HEAD_CLEANING = 43;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_CARTDRIGE_OK = 44;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_CARTRIDGE_OK = 44;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 45;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_CARTRIDGE_NEAREMPTY = 46;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_HEAD_CLEANING = 47;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_CARTDRIGE_OK = 48;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_CARTRIDGE_OK = 48;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 49;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_CARTRIDGE_NEAREMPTY = 50;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_HEAD_CLEANING = 51;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_CARTRIDGE_OK = 52;
public static final int PTR_SUE_IDLE = 1001;
// Added in Release 1.8
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_COVER_OPEN = 60;
public static final int PTR_SUE_JRN_COVER_OK = 61;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_COVER_OPEN = 62;
public static final int PTR_SUE_REC_COVER_OK = 63;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_COVER_OPEN = 64;
public static final int PTR_SUE_SLP_COVER_OK = 65;
// "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Printer
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_COVER_OPEN = 1 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY = 2 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY = 3 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY = 4 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_SLP_FORM = 5 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // EndRemoval
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_TOOBIG = 6 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // PrintBitmap
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_BADFORMAT = 7 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // PrintBitmap
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_JRN_CARTRIDGE_REMOVED = 8 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_JRN_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 9 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_JRN_HEAD_CLEANING = 10 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_REC_CARTRIDGE_REMOVED = 11 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_REC_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 12 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_REC_HEAD_CLEANING = 13 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_SLP_CARTRIDGE_REMOVED = 14 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_SLP_CARTRIDGE_EMPTY = 15 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
public static final int JPOS_EPTR_SLP_HEAD_CLEANING = 16 + JposConst.JPOSERREXT; // (Several)
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