jpos.config.simple.AbstractRegPopulator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jpos.config.simple;
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// The JavaPOS Config/Loader (aka JCL) is now under the CPL license, which
// is an OSS Apache-like license. The complete license is located at:
// http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-cpl.html
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
import java.net.URL;
import jpos.config.*;
import jpos.loader.JposServiceLoader;
import jpos.util.JposProperties;
import jpos.util.tracing.Tracer;
import jpos.util.tracing.TracerFactory;
* Common abstract superclass to help in the implementation of the
* JposRegPopulator
* @see jpos.util.JposProperties#JPOS_REG_POPULATOR_CLASS_PROP_NAME
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K 99 meeting)
* @author E. Michael Maximilien ([email protected])
public abstract class AbstractRegPopulator extends Object
implements JposRegPopulator
// Ctor(s)
* Creates a AbstractRegPopulator and sets the uniqueId with the string
* passed
* @param id the String ID
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 20001)
public AbstractRegPopulator( String id ) { setUniqueId( id ); }
// Public abstract methods
* Tell the populator to save the current entries
* @param entries an enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs while saving
public abstract void save( Enumeration entries ) throws Exception;
* Tell the populator to save the current entries in the file specified
* @param entries an enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @param fileName the file name to save entries
* @since 1.3 (SF 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs while saving
public abstract void save( Enumeration entries, String fileName )
throws Exception;
* Tell the populator to load the entries
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public abstract void load();
* Loads the entries specified in the fileName
* @param fileName the entries file name
* @since 1.3 (SF 2K meeting)
public abstract void load( String fileName );
* @return the URL pointing to the entries file loaded or saved
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public abstract URL getEntriesURL();
* @return the name of this populator. This should be a short descriptive
* name
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public abstract String getName();
// Public methods
* @return a unique String ID for this JposRegPopulator instance
* Can be implemented in terms of the getClassName() method
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public String getUniqueId()
{ return ( uniqueId.equals( "" ) ? getClassName() : uniqueId ); }
* @return an Enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public Enumeration getEntries()
Vector vector = new Vector();
Enumeration entries = jposEntries.elements();
while( entries.hasMoreElements() )
vector.addElement( entries.nextElement() );
return vector.elements();
* @retun true if this populator is a composite populator or false otherwise
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public boolean isComposite() { return false; }
* @return a String representation of this JposRegPopulator
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public String toString() { return getName(); }
* @return the last exception (if any) during the last load or null if no
* exception occurred
* @since 2.0.0
public Exception getLastLoadException() { return lastLoadException; }
// Protected methods
* @return a URL pointing to the entries file
* @param file the File that this URL will point to
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected URL createURLFromFile( File file )
URL url = null;
{ url = new URL( "file", "", file.getAbsolutePath() ); }
catch( Exception e )
tracer.println( "Error creating URL: Exception.message=" +
e.getMessage() );
return url;
* @return a URL pointing to the entries file
* @param zipFile the ZipFile that this URL will point to
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected URL createURLFromFile( ZipFile zipFile )
URL url = null;
url = new URL( "jar", "", ( new File( zipFile.getName() ) ).
getAbsolutePath() );
catch( Exception e )
tracer.println( "Error creating URL: Exception.message=" +
e.getMessage() );
return url;
* @return the jposEntries Hashtable to allow access to subclasses
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected Hashtable getJposEntries() { return jposEntries; }
* @return true if a populator file (or URL) is defined
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected boolean isPopulatorFileDefined()
boolean defined = false;
JposProperties jposProperties =
if( jposProperties.
isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.JPOS_POPULATOR_FILE_PROP_NAME ) )
defined = true;
if( jposProperties.
isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.
defined = true;
return defined;
* @return an InputStream object to the populator file
* (multiple calls will return a new stream each time)
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if an error ocurs while getting the
* InputStream object
protected InputStream getPopulatorFileIS() throws Exception
JposProperties jposProperties = JposServiceLoader.
if( jposProperties.isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.
populatorFileName = jposProperties.
getPropertyString( JposProperties.
tracer.println( "getPopulatorFileIS(): populatorFileName=" +
populatorFileName );
populatorIS = new FileInputStream( populatorFileName );
if( jposProperties.
isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.
populatorFileURL = jposProperties.
getPropertyString( JposProperties.
URL url = new URL( populatorFileURL );
populatorIS = url.openStream();
tracer.println( "getPopulatorFileIS(): populatorFileURL=" +
populatorFileURL );
String msg = "jpos.config.populatorFile OR " +
" jpos.config.populatorFileURL properties not defined";
tracer.println( msg );
throw new Exception( msg );
return populatorIS;
* @return an OutputStream object to the populator file
* (multiple calls will return a new stream each time)
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if an error ocurs while getting the
* InputStream object
protected OutputStream getPopulatorFileOS() throws Exception
JposProperties jposProperties = JposServiceLoader.
if( jposProperties.
isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.JPOS_POPULATOR_FILE_PROP_NAME ) )
populatorFileName = jposProperties.
getPropertyString( JposProperties.
populatorOS = new FileOutputStream( populatorFileName );
if( jposProperties.
isPropertyDefined( JposProperties.
populatorFileURL = jposProperties.
getPropertyString( JposProperties.
URL url = new URL( populatorFileURL );
populatorOS = url.openConnection().getOutputStream();
String msg = "jpos.config.populatorFile OR " +
"jpos.config.populatorFileURL properties not defined";
tracer.println( msg );
throw new Exception( msg );
return populatorOS;
* @return the populatorFile names property value
* (returns "" if not defined)
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected String getPopulatorFileName() { return populatorFileName; }
* @return the populatorURLFile names property value
* (returns "" if not defined)
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected String getPopulatorFileURL() { return populatorFileURL; }
* Sets the unique ID for this populator
* @param s the String object. Needs to be unique
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001)
protected void setUniqueId( String s ) { uniqueId = s; }
* Finds the first file matching the fileName in the CLASSPATH
* directory or each
* JAR or Zip file in the CLASSPATH
* NOTE:Decorated the FileInputStream with a BufferedInputStream to
* improve load time...
* @param fileName the fileName to find
* @since 2.0 (Long Beach 2001)
protected InputStream findFileInClasspath( String fileName )
String classpath = System.getProperty( "java.class.path" );
String pathSeparator = System.getProperty( "path.separator" );
String fileSeparator = System.getProperty( "file.separator" );
InputStream is = null;
if( fileName.startsWith( "." ) || fileName.startsWith( fileSeparator ) )
{ is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName ) ); }
catch( IOException ioe )
is = null;
tracer.println( "findFileInClasspath: IOException.msg=" +
ioe.getMessage() );
return is;
String path = "";
Vector jarZipFilesVector = new Vector();
for( StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( classpath,
pathSeparator, false );
st.hasMoreTokens(); )
path = st.nextToken().trim();
if( path.equals("") ) continue;
if( ( path.length() > 4 ) &&
( path.endsWith( ".zip" ) || path.endsWith( ".jar" ) ) )
jarZipFilesVector.addElement( path );
String absoluteFileName = path +
( ( fileName.startsWith( fileSeparator ) ||
path.endsWith( fileSeparator ) ) ? "" : fileSeparator ) +
is = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(
absoluteFileName ) );
catch( Exception e ) { continue; }
if( is == null )
return findFileInJarZipFiles( fileName, jarZipFilesVector );
return is;
* Finds the occurrence of the fileName in the JAR or Zip files
* @param fileName the file to find
* @param jarFilesVector a vector of JAR/Zip file names
* @since 2.0 (Long Beach 2001)
protected InputStream findFileInJarZipFiles( String fileName,
Vector jarZipFilesVector )
InputStream is = null;
for( int i = 0; i < jarZipFilesVector.size(); ++i )
String jarZipFileName = (String)jarZipFilesVector.elementAt( i );
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile( jarZipFileName );
Enumeration zipEntries = zipFile.entries();
while( zipEntries.hasMoreElements() )
ZipEntry zipEntry = (ZipEntry)zipEntries.nextElement();
String entryName = zipEntry.getName();
if( entryName.endsWith( fileName ) )
is = new BufferedInputStream( zipFile.
getInputStream( zipEntry ) );
catch( Exception e )
tracer.println( "findInJarZipFiles: Exception.message=" +
e.getMessage() );
if( is != null ) break;
return is;
// Instance variables
private Hashtable jposEntries = new Hashtable();
private InputStream populatorIS = null;
private OutputStream populatorOS = null;
private String populatorFileName = "";
private String populatorFileURL = "";
private String uniqueId = "";
protected Exception lastLoadException = null;
private Tracer tracer = TracerFactory.getInstance().
createTracer( "AbstractRegPopulator" );
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