jpos.services.FiscalPrinterService13 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// The JavaPOS library source code is now under the CPL license, which
// is an OSS Apache-like license. The complete license is located at:
// http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-cpl.html
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives.Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// FiscalPrinterService13
// Interface definining all new capabilities, properties and
// methods that are specific to Fiscal Printer for release 1.3.
// Modification history
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 98-04-20 JavaPOS Release 1.3 BS
package jpos.services;
import jpos.*;
public interface FiscalPrinterService13 extends BaseService
// Capabilities
public boolean getCapAdditionalLines() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapAmountAdjustment() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapAmountNotPaid() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapCheckTotal() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapCoverSensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapDoubleWidth() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapDuplicateReceipt() throws JposException;
public void setDuplicateReceipt(boolean duplicateReceipt) throws JposException;
public boolean getCapFixedOutput() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapHasVatTable() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapIndependentHeader() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapItemList() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapJrnEmptySensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapJrnNearEndSensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapJrnPresent() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapNonFiscalMode() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapOrderAdjustmentFirst() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapPercentAdjustment() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapPositiveAdjustment() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapPowerLossReport() throws JposException;
public int getCapPowerReporting() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapPredefinedPaymentLines() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapReceiptNotPaid() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapRecEmptySensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapRecNearEndSensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapRecPresent() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapRemainingFiscalMemory() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapReservedWord() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSetHeader() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSetPOSID() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSetStoreFiscalID() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSetTrailer() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSetVatTable() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpEmptySensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpFiscalDocument() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpFullSlip() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpNearEndSensor() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpPresent() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSlpValidation() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSubAmountAdjustment() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSubPercentAdjustment() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapSubtotal() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapTrainingMode() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapValidateJournal() throws JposException;
public boolean getCapXReport() throws JposException;
// Properties
public int getOutputID() throws JposException;
public int getPowerNotify() throws JposException;
public void setPowerNotify(int powerNotify) throws JposException;
public int getPowerState() throws JposException;
public int getAmountDecimalPlace() throws JposException;
public boolean getAsyncMode() throws JposException;
public void setAsyncMode(boolean asyncMode) throws JposException;
public boolean getCheckTotal() throws JposException;
public void setCheckTotal(boolean checkTotal) throws JposException;
public int getCountryCode() throws JposException;
public boolean getCoverOpen() throws JposException;
public boolean getDayOpened() throws JposException;
public int getDescriptionLength() throws JposException;
public boolean getDuplicateReceipt() throws JposException;
public int getErrorLevel() throws JposException;
public int getErrorOutID() throws JposException;
public int getErrorState() throws JposException;
public int getErrorStation() throws JposException;
public String getErrorString() throws JposException;
public boolean getFlagWhenIdle() throws JposException;
public void setFlagWhenIdle(boolean flagWhenIdle) throws JposException;
public boolean getJrnEmpty() throws JposException;
public boolean getJrnNearEnd() throws JposException;
public int getMessageLength() throws JposException;
public int getNumHeaderLines() throws JposException;
public int getNumTrailerLines() throws JposException;
public int getNumVatRates() throws JposException;
public String getPredefinedPaymentLines() throws JposException;
public int getPrinterState() throws JposException;
public int getQuantityDecimalPlaces() throws JposException;
public int getQuantityLength() throws JposException;
public boolean getRecEmpty() throws JposException;
public boolean getRecNearEnd() throws JposException;
public int getRemainingFiscalMemory() throws JposException;
public String getReservedWord() throws JposException;
public boolean getSlpEmpty() throws JposException;
public boolean getSlpNearEnd() throws JposException;
public int getSlipSelection() throws JposException;
public void setSlipSelection(int slipSelection) throws JposException;
public boolean getTrainingModeActive() throws JposException;
// Methods
public void beginFiscalDocument(int documentAmount)
throws JposException;
public void beginFiscalReceipt(boolean printHeader)
throws JposException;
public void beginFixedOutput(int station, int documentType)
throws JposException;
public void beginInsertion(int timeout) throws JposException;
public void beginItemList(int vatID) throws JposException;
public void beginNonFiscal() throws JposException;
public void beginRemoval(int timeout) throws JposException;
public void beginTraining() throws JposException;
public void clearError() throws JposException;
public void clearOutput() throws JposException;
public void endFiscalDocument() throws JposException;
public void endFiscalReceipt(boolean printHeader) throws JposException;
public void endFixedOutput() throws JposException;
public void endInsertion() throws JposException;
public void endItemList() throws JposException;
public void endNonFiscal() throws JposException;
public void endRemoval() throws JposException;
public void endTraining() throws JposException;
public void getData(int dataItem, int[] optArgs, String[] data)
throws JposException;
public void getDate(String[] Date) throws JposException;
public void getTotalizer(int vatID, int optArgs, String[] data)
throws JposException;
public void getVatEntry(int vatID, int optArgs, int[] vatRate)
throws JposException;
public void printDuplicateReceipt() throws JposException;
public void printFiscalDocumentLine(String documentLine)
throws JposException;
public void printFixedOutput(int documentType, int lineNumber,
String data) throws JposException;
public void printNormal(int station, String data) throws JposException;
public void printPeriodicTotalsReport(String date1, String date2)
throws JposException;
public void printPowerLossReport() throws JposException;
public void printRecItem(String description, long price, int quantity,
int vatInfo, long unitPrice, String unitName)
throws JposException;
public void printRecItemAdjustment(int adjustmentType,
String description, long amount, int vatInfo)
throws JposException;
public void printRecMessage(String message) throws JposException;
public void printRecNotPaid(String description, long amount)
throws JposException;
public void printRecRefund(String description, long amount, int vatInfo)
throws JposException;
public void printRecSubtotal(long amount) throws JposException;
public void printRecSubtotalAdjustment(int adjustmentType,
String description, long amount) throws JposException;
public void printRecTotal(long total, long payment, String description)
throws JposException;
public void printRecVoid(String description) throws JposException;
public void printRecVoidItem(String description, long amount,
int quantity, int adjustmentType, long adjustment,
int vatInfo) throws JposException;
public void printReport(int reportType, String startNum, String endNum)
throws JposException;
public void printXReport() throws JposException;
public void printZReport() throws JposException;
public void resetPrinter() throws JposException;
public void setDate(String date) throws JposException;
public void setHeaderLine(int lineNumber, String text,
boolean doubleWidth) throws JposException;
public void setPOSID(String POSID, String cashierID)
throws JposException;
public void setStoreFiscalID(String ID) throws JposException;
public void setTrailerLine(int lineNumber, String text,
boolean doubleWidth) throws JposException;
public void setVatTable() throws JposException;
public void setVatValue(int vatID, String vatValue)
throws JposException;
public void verifyItem(String itemName, int vatID) throws JposException;
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