jpos.config.simple.xml.AbstractXercesRegPopulator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jpos.config.simple.xml;
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// The JavaPOS Config/Loader (aka JCL) is now under the CPL license, which
// is an OSS Apache-like license. The complete license is located at:
import java.util.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMImplementationImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import jpos.config.*;
import jpos.config.simple.*;
import jpos.util.*;
import jpos.util.tracing.Tracer;
import jpos.util.tracing.TracerFactory;
* This class is an abstract super class for all Xerces based parser/reg
* populator with functionality to serialize an enumeration of JposEntry
* objects into XML
* NOTE: this class must define a public no-argument ctor so that it may be
* created via reflection when its defined in the as the
* jpos.config.regPopulatorClass
* @see jpos.util.JposProperties#JPOS_REG_POPULATOR_CLASS_PROP_NAME
* @since 2.1.0
* @author E. Michael Maximilien ([email protected])
public abstract class AbstractXercesRegPopulator
extends AbstractRegPopulator
implements XmlRegPopulator
// Ctor(s)
* 1-arg constructor that takes the unique ID
* @param s the unique ID string
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001)
public AbstractXercesRegPopulator( String s ) { super( s ); }
// Public methods
* Tell the populator to save the current entries
* @param entries an enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs while saving
public void save( Enumeration entries ) throws Exception
if( isPopulatorFileDefined() )
convertJposEntriesToXml( entries, getPopulatorFileOS() );
convertJposEntriesToXml( entries,
new FileOutputStream( getDefaultXmlFileName() ) );
* Tell the populator to save the current entries in the file specified
* @param entries an enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @param xmlFileName the XML file name to save entries
* @since 1.3 (SF 2K meeting)
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any error occurs while saving
public void save( Enumeration entries, String xmlFileName )
throws Exception
File xmlFile = new File( xmlFileName );
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( xmlFile );
convertJposEntriesToXml( entries, fos );
* @return the URL pointing to the entries file loaded or saved
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public URL getEntriesURL()
URL url = null;
if( getPopulatorFileURL() != null &&
!getPopulatorFileURL().equals( "" ) )
{ url = new URL( getPopulatorFileURL() ); }
catch( Exception e )
tracer.println( "getEntriesURL: Exception.message=" +
e.getMessage() );
url = createURLFromFile( new File( getPopulatorFileName() ) );
tracer.println( "getPopulatorFileURL()=" + getPopulatorFileURL() );
tracer.println( "getPopulatorFileName()=" + getPopulatorFileName() );
return url;
// Protected methods
/** @return the Tracer object */
protected Tracer getTracer() { return tracer; }
* @return the default XML file name that this populator will save
* entries to
protected String getDefaultXmlFileName() { return xmlFileName; }
* Converts an Enumeration of JposEntry objects to XML
* @param entries an Enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @param os the OutputStream to stream the entries to
* @exception java.lang.Exception if something goes wrong serializing
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void convertJposEntriesToXml( Enumeration entries,
OutputStream os )
throws Exception
Document document = getParser().getDocument();
serializeDocument( document, entries, os );
* @return the DOM parser object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected DOMParser getParser() { return domParser; }
* Serializes the JposEntry objects to an XML document and save to OutputStream
* @param document the XML document object
* @param entries an Enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @param os the OuputStream object
* @exception java.lang.Exception anything goes wrong while saving
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void serializeDocument( Document document,
Enumeration entries,
OutputStream os ) throws Exception
Document newDoc = createEmptyDocument();
insertJposEntriesInDoc( newDoc, entries );
insertDateSavedComment( newDoc );
OutputFormat outFormat = new OutputFormat( "xml", "UTF-8", true );
outFormat.setStandalone( false );
outFormat.setIndenting( true );
outFormat.setIndent( 4 );
outFormat.setPreserveSpace( true );
outFormat.setLineWidth( 0 );
insertDTDInfo( newDoc, outFormat );
PrintWriter outWriter = null;
outWriter = new PrintWriter
(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")));
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException ex )
tracer.println( "Error making PrintWriter: " +
"UnsupportedEncodingException.message = " +
ex.getMessage() );
if( outWriter != null )
XMLSerializer xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer( outWriter, outFormat );
xmlSerializer.serialize( newDoc );
* @return a String with the document type definition value. For DTD this
* would be the DTD relative path/file and for schemas the XSD
* relative path/file
* @since 2.1.0
protected String getDoctypeValue() { return "jpos/res/jcl.dtd"; }
* Inset DTD information in the XML Document object
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param outFormat the OuputFormat object
* @exception java.lang.Exception in case something goes wrong
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void insertDTDInfo( Document doc, OutputFormat outFormat ) throws Exception
String publicId = OutputFormat.whichDoctypePublic( doc );
String systemId = OutputFormat.whichDoctypeSystem( doc );
outFormat.setDoctype( "JposEntries", getDoctypeValue() );
* @return an empty XML Document object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected Document createEmptyDocument()
DOMImplementationImpl domImpImpl = (DOMImplementationImpl)
DocumentType docType = domImpImpl.
createDocumentType( "JposEntries",
getDoctypeValue() );
Document doc = domImpImpl.createDocument( null, "JposEntries", docType );
return doc;
* Inserts date and info saved in the XML Document object
* @param document the XML Document object
* @exception java.lang.Exception in case something goes wrong
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void insertDateSavedComment( Document document )
throws Exception
String dateString = DateFormat.getInstance().
format( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ) );
String commentString =
"Saved by JavaPOS jpos.config/loader (JCL) version " +
Version.getVersionString() + " on " + dateString;
Comment comment = document.createComment( commentString );
insertBefore( comment, document.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild() );
insertBefore( document.createTextNode( "\n" ), comment );
appendChild( document.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends the element to the document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendCreationElement( Document doc,
Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( " " + " " ) );
Element creationElement = doc.createElement( "creation" );
Attr factoryClassAttr = doc.createAttribute( "factoryClass" );
Attr serviceClassAttr = doc.createAttribute( "serviceClass" );
factoryClassAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.
getPropertyValue( "serviceInstanceFactoryClass" ) );
serviceClassAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.
getPropertyValue( "serviceClass" ) );
creationElement.setAttributeNode( factoryClassAttr );
creationElement.setAttributeNode( serviceClassAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( creationElement );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends the element to the document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendVendorElement( Document doc, Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( " " + " " ) );
Element vendorElement = doc.createElement( "vendor" );
Attr nameAttr = doc.createAttribute( "name" );
Attr urlAttr = doc.createAttribute( "url" );
nameAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.getPropertyValue( "vendorName" ) );
urlAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.getPropertyValue( "vendorURL" ) );
vendorElement.setAttributeNode( nameAttr );
vendorElement.setAttributeNode( urlAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( vendorElement );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends the element to the document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendJposElement( Document doc, Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( " " + " " ) );
Element jposElement = doc.createElement( "jpos" );
Attr versionAttr = doc.createAttribute( "version" );
Attr categoryAttr = doc.createAttribute( "category" );
versionAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.
getPropertyValue( "jposVersion" ) );
categoryAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.
getPropertyValue( "deviceCategory" ) );
jposElement.setAttributeNode( versionAttr );
jposElement.setAttributeNode( categoryAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( jposElement );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends the element to the document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendProductElement( Document doc,
Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( " " + " " ) );
Element productElement = doc.createElement( "product" );
Attr nameAttr = doc.createAttribute( "name" );
Attr descriptionAttr = doc.createAttribute( "description" );
Attr urlAttr = doc.createAttribute( "url" );
nameAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.getPropertyValue( "productName" ) );
setValue( (String)jposEntry.getPropertyValue( "productDescription" ) );
urlAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.getPropertyValue( "productURL" ) );
productElement.setAttributeNode( nameAttr );
productElement.setAttributeNode( descriptionAttr );
productElement.setAttributeNode( urlAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( productElement );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends the element to the document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param propName the property name
* @param propValue the property value
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendPropElement( Document doc, Element jposEntryElement,
String propName, Object propValue )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( " " + " " ) );
Element propElement = doc.createElement( "prop" );
Attr nameAttr = doc.createAttribute( "name" );
Attr valueAttr = doc.createAttribute( "value" );
Attr typeAttr = doc.createAttribute( "type" );
nameAttr.setValue( propName );
valueAttr.setValue( propValue.toString() );
typeAttr.setValue( JposEntryUtility.
shortClassName( propValue.getClass() ) );
propElement.setAttributeNode( nameAttr );
propElement.setAttributeNode( valueAttr );
propElement.setAttributeNode( typeAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( propElement );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
* Appends non-required properties name and value
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void appendPropElements( Document doc, Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.
createTextNode( "\n" + " " + " " ) );
String comment = "Other non JavaPOS required property" +
" (mostly vendor properties and bus specific " +
"properties i.e. RS232 )";
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createComment( comment ) );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
Enumeration props = jposEntry.getPropertyNames();
while( props.hasMoreElements() )
String propName = (String)props.nextElement();
if( !JposEntryUtility.isRequiredPropName( propName ) )
appendPropElement( doc, jposEntryElement, propName,
jposEntry.getPropertyValue( propName ) );
* Insert the in the XML document object
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param jposEntryElement the XML Element object
* @param jposEntry the JposEntry object
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void insertJposEntryInDoc( Document doc, Element jposEntryElement,
JposEntry jposEntry )
appendCreationElement( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
appendVendorElement( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
appendJposElement( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
appendProductElement( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
appendPropElements( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" + " " ) );
appendChild( jposEntryElement );
appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" + " " ) );
* Insert an Enumeration of objects in the XML document
* @param doc the XML Document object
* @param entries an Enumeration of JposEntry objects
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
protected void insertJposEntriesInDoc( Document doc, Enumeration entries )
while( entries.hasMoreElements() )
JposEntry jposEntry = (JposEntry)entries.nextElement();
if( JposEntryUtility.isValidJposEntry( jposEntry ) )
appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" + " " ) );
Element jposEntryElement = doc.createElement( "JposEntry" );
Attr logicalNameAttr = doc.createAttribute( "logicalName" );
logicalNameAttr.setValue( (String)jposEntry.
getPropertyValue( "logicalName" ) );
jposEntryElement.setAttributeNode( logicalNameAttr );
jposEntryElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( "\n" ) );
insertJposEntryInDoc( doc, jposEntryElement, jposEntry );
// Instance variables
protected String xmlFileName = DEFAULT_XML_FILE_NAME;
protected DOMParser domParser = new DOMParser();
private Tracer tracer = TracerFactory.getInstance().
createTracer( "AbstractXercesRegPopulator" );
// Public constants
public static final String DTD_FILE_PATH = "jpos" + File.separator + "res";
public static final String DTD_FILE_NAME = DTD_FILE_PATH + File.separator + "jcl.dtd";
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