jpos.util.DefaultProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jpos.util;
// This software is provided "AS IS". The JavaPOS working group (including
// each of the Corporate members, contributors and individuals) MAKES NO
// NON-INFRINGEMENT. The JavaPOS working group shall not be liable for
// any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this
// software or its derivatives. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute
// the software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted.
// The JavaPOS Config/Loader (aka JCL) is now under the CPL license, which
// is an OSS Apache-like license. The complete license is located at:
import java.util.*;
* Default implementation of the JposProperties interface
* Loads/looks for the Jpos properties from the System properties and
* from the jpos/res/ files
* NOTE: changed so that the properties are no longer loaded via the ResourceBundle
* class but instead though the System class
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K 99 meeting)
* @author E. Michael Maximilien ([email protected])
public class DefaultProperties extends Object implements JposProperties
// Public methods
* Loads the file from the "./jpos/res" directory
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public void loadJposProperties()
loadJposPropertiesByName( JposProperties.JPOS_PROPERTIES_FILENAME );
* @return true if the properties are loaded
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public boolean isLoaded() { return loaded; }
* @return the last Exception wile loading if any otherwise null
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public Exception getLastException() { return lastException; }
* @return the String property by name specified looking in System then the "" resource bundle
* @param propName the property name to search for
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public String getPropertyString( String propName )
String propValue = "";
if( System.getProperties().containsKey( propName ) )
propValue = System.getProperties().getProperty( propName );
if( jposProperties != null )
propValue = jposProperties.getProperty( propName );
return propValue;
* @return true if this property is defined in the Java System properties or in
* the resource file
* @param propName the property name to look for
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public boolean isPropertyDefined( String propName )
if( System.getProperties().containsKey( propName ) )
return true;
if( jposProperties != null )
Enumeration keys = jposProperties.keys();
while( keys.hasMoreElements() )
String key = (String)keys.nextElement();
if( key.equals( propName ) )
return true;
return false;
* @return an enumeration of properties names defined
* @since 1.2 (NY 2K meeting)
public Enumeration getPropertyNames() { return getJposProperties().keys(); }
* @return the MultiProperty by the name passed. MultiProperty are properties
* named like <propName>.<n> where n = 0, 1, ... If the multi-property does not
* exist then null is returned
* @param multiPropName the multi-property name
* @since 1.3 (Wahington DC 2001 meeting)
public JposProperties.MultiProperty getMultiProperty( String multiPropName )
{ return (JposProperties.MultiProperty)multiPropMap.get( multiPropName ); }
* @return true if the MultiProperty by the name passed exist otherwise false
* @param multiPropName the multi-property name
* @since 1.3 (Wahington DC 2001 meeting)
public boolean hasMultiProperty( String multiPropName )
{ return multiPropMap.containsKey( multiPropName ); }
* @return the number of properties in this JposProperties
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public int size() { return jposProperties.size(); }
* @return a List of property value parsed from the property value found
* for the property name. The value is expected to be a list of comma
* separated values
* @param propName the property name for which the values will be parsed from
* @since 2.1.0
public List getStringListProperty( String propName )
String propValue = getPropertyString( propName );
List list = new ArrayList();
if( propValue == null ) return list;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propValue, STRING_LIST_SEPARATOR );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
list.add( st.nextToken() );
return list;
// Public overridden methods
* @return a formated String representation list all properties with names
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public String toString()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( "\n" );
Enumeration propNames = getPropertyNames();
List list = new ArrayList();
while( propNames.hasMoreElements() )
list.add( propNames.nextElement() );
Collections.sort( list );
Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
while( iterator.hasNext() )
String propName = (String);
String propValue = (String)getPropertyString( propName );
sb.append( " \n" );
sb.append( " \n" );
return sb.toString();
// Public class methods
* @return a Comparator object to compare 2 JposProperties.Prop objects
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
public static Comparator propComparator()
if( propComparator == null )
propComparator = new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
if( !( o1 instanceof JposProperties.Prop ) ) return -1;
if( !( o2 instanceof JposProperties.Prop ) ) return -1;
String o1Name = ( (JposProperties.Prop)o1 ).getName();
String o2Name = ( (JposProperties.Prop)o2 ).getName();
return o1Name.compareTo( o2Name );
return propComparator;
* @return an Iterator of valid property names
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001)
public static Iterator getDefinedPropertyNames()
List list = new ArrayList();
for( int i = 0; i < PROP_NAME_ARRAY.length; ++i )
list.add( PROP_NAME_ARRAY[ i ] );
return list.iterator();
// Protected methods
* Creates the set of MultiProperty from the loaded properties
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
protected void createMultiProperties()
Enumeration propNames = jposProperties.keys();
while( propNames.hasMoreElements() )
String propName = (String)propNames.nextElement();
String propValue = (String)jposProperties.get( propName );
if( isMultiProp( propName ) )
String multiPropBaseName = getMultiPropBaseName( propName );
if( multiPropMap.containsKey( multiPropBaseName ) )
MultiProp multiProp = (MultiProp)multiPropMap.get( multiPropBaseName );
multiProp.add( propName, propValue );
MultiProp multiProp = MultiProp( multiPropBaseName );
multiProp.add( propName, propValue );
multiPropMap.put( multiPropBaseName, multiProp );
* @return true if the propName passed is a multi-property
* @param propName the property name
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
protected boolean isMultiProp( String propName )
if( propName.indexOf( "." ) == -1 )
return false;
int dotIndex = propName.lastIndexOf( "." );
String numberString = propName.substring( dotIndex + 1 );
int number = -1;
try{ number = Integer.parseInt( numberString ); }
catch( NumberFormatException nfe ) { number = -1; }
if( number < 0 ) return false;
return true;
* @return the base name of the multi-property that the propName belongs to
* @param propName the multi-property name
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not a multi-property
protected String getMultiPropBaseName( String propName ) throws IllegalArgumentException
if( !isMultiProp( propName ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "getMultiPropBaseName( propName ) expects a propName that is a MuliProp" );
return propName.substring( 0, propName.lastIndexOf( "." ) );
* @return an iterator of JposProperties.Prop for all the properties in this
* JposProperties. Changes to these properties do not affect the JposProperties properties
* @see jpos.util.JposProperties.Prop
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001)
public Iterator getProps()
List list = new ArrayList();
Enumeration names = getPropertyNames();
while( names.hasMoreElements() )
String name = (String)names.nextElement();
String value = getPropertyString( name );
JposProperties.Prop prop = new DefaultProperties.Prop( name, value );
list.add( prop );
return list.iterator();
// Package methods
* Loads the JposProperties from the fileName specified
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
void loadJposPropertiesByName( String propFileName )
loaded = false;
lastException = null;
jposProperties = findProperties( propFileName );
* @return the properties file name that was loaded or "" if none was loaded
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 20001 meeting)
String getLoadedPropFileName() { return loadedPropFileName; }
* @return the jposProerties loading it if necessary
* @since 1.3 (SF-2K meeting)
Properties getJposProperties()
if( jposProperties == null )
return jposProperties;
* @return a Properties object loaded with the properties file passed
* Looks for the properties file in the current set JAR or Zip files
* @param propFileName the properties file name
* @since 1.3 (SF-2K meeting)
Properties findProperties( String propFileName )
Properties properties = new Properties();
loadedPropFileName = propFileName;
InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( loadedPropFileName );
if( is != null )
is = new BufferedInputStream( is );
properties.load( is );
loaded = true;
catch( Exception e )
loaded = false;
loadedPropFileName = "";
lastException = e;
try{ is.close(); }
catch( Exception e )
{ System.err.println( "Unexpected exception while closing stream Exception.message = " + e.getMessage() ); }
loaded = false;
System.err.println( propFileName + " file not found" );
return properties;
// Private instance variables
private Properties jposProperties = null;
private HashMap multiPropMap = new HashMap();
private String loadedPropFileName = "";
private boolean loaded = false;
private Exception lastException = null;
// Class variables
private static Comparator propComparator = null;
// Inner classes
* Default implementation of the jpos.util.JposProperties interface
* Speficies an interface used for returning multi properties. That is
* properties that are named like <name>.x where x = 0, 1, ...x
* @author E. Michael Maximilien ([email protected])
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001 meeting)
class MultiProp extends Object implements JposProperties.MultiProperty
// Ctor(s)
* Creates a DefaultMultiProp with base prop name passed
* @param s the String base prop name
MultiProp( String s )
basePropName = s;
// Public methods
* @return the base property name for this multi-property that is the
* name w/o the number suffix
public String getBasePropertyName() { return basePropName; }
/** @return an iterator of the property names for this multi-property */
public Iterator getPropertyNames() { return propMap.keySet().iterator(); }
/** @return an iterator of the property names alphabetically sorted for this multi-property */
public Iterator getSortedPropertyNames()
List namesList = new ArrayList( propMap.keySet() );
Collections.sort( namesList );
return namesList.iterator();
/** @return an iterator of the property values for this multi-property */
public Iterator getPropertyValues() { return propMap.values().iterator(); }
* @return the value for this property from the full property name
* @param propName the full property name <name>.x
public String getPropertyString( String propName )
{ return (String)propMap.get( propName ); }
* @return the value for this property from the full property name
* @param number suffix for the property name
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the i negative
public String getPropertyString( int i ) throws IllegalArgumentException
if( i < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot find property in multiprop with number i = " + i );
return getPropertyString( getBasePropertyName() + "." + i );
/** @return the number of properties defined in this multi-property */
public int getNumberOfProperties() { return propMap.size(); }
* @return the number of this property name that is for property <propName>.x returns x
* @param propName the property name to get the number of
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the property name does not follow the <propName>.x name pattern
public int propertyNumber( String propName ) throws IllegalArgumentException
return validatePropName( propName );
// Package methods
* Validates that propName passed is valid for this multi-prop
* @return the number of this property
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if propName is not valid
int validatePropName( String propName ) throws IllegalArgumentException
if( !propName.startsWith( getBasePropertyName() + "." ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "propName = " + propName + " passed does not match base prop name of " + getBasePropertyName() );
if( propName.endsWith( "." ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "propName = " + propName + " passed must end with a pattern ." );
String numberString = propName.substring( propName.lastIndexOf( "." ) + 1 );
int number = 0;
try{ number = Integer.parseInt( numberString ); }
catch( NumberFormatException nfe )
{ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "propName = " + propName + " passed must end with a pattern ." ); }
return number;
* Adds a new <propName, propValue> to this multi property
* @param propName the property name
* @param propValue the property value
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the propName does not match the base prop name
void add( String propName, String propValue ) throws IllegalArgumentException
validatePropName( propName );
propMap.put( propName, propValue );
* Removes existing property by name propName. If property does not exist does nothing
* @return the propValue of the property removed or null if not found
* @param propName the property name
String remove( String propName ) { return (String)propMap.remove( propName ); }
// Instance variables
private String basePropName = "";
private HashMap propMap = new HashMap();
* Simple wrapper class for a property pair <name, value>
* @author E. Michael Maximilien ([email protected])
* @since 1.3 (Washington DC 2001)
public static class Prop extends Object implements JposProperties.Prop
// Ctor
* Creates a new Prop with name and value passed
* @param name this prop's name
* @param value this prop's value
public Prop( String name, String value )
{ = name;
this.value = value;
// Public methods
/** @return the name of this property */
public String getName() { return name; }
/** @return the value of this property */
public String getValue() { return value; }
* Sets the value of this property
* @param s the new prop name
public void setName( String s ) { name = s; }
* Sets the value of this property
* @param s the name String
public void setValue( String s ) { value = s; }
* @return 0 if 2 objects same -1 if this is less or +1 if this is more than other
* @param other the other object to compare against this
public int compareTo( JposProperties.Prop other )
if( other == null ) return -1;
return getName().compareTo( ( (JposProperties.Prop)other ).getName() );
* @return 0 if 2 objects same -1 if this is less or +1 if this is more than other
* @param other the other object to compare against this
public int compareTo( Object other )
return compareTo( (JposProperties.Prop)other );
// Public overridden methods
* @return true if this is logically equivalent to the other Prop
* @param otherProp the other Prop object
public boolean equals( Object otherProp )
if( otherProp == null ) return false;
if( !( otherProp instanceof JposProperties.Prop ) ) return false;
JposProperties.Prop prop = (JposProperties.Prop)otherProp;
return ( getName().equals( prop.getName() ) && getValue().equals( prop.getValue() ) );
/** @return a String representation of this property */
public String toString()
return "";
// Instance variables
private String name = "";
private String value = "";
// Public static constants
public static final String STRING_LIST_SEPARATOR = ",";
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