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// Burton Computer Corporation
// Copyright (c) 2014, Burton Computer Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
// the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// Neither the name of the Burton Computer Corporation nor the names
// of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package org.javimmutable.collections.util;
import org.javimmutable.collections.*;
import org.javimmutable.collections.array.trie32.TrieArray;
import org.javimmutable.collections.hash.JImmutableHashMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.hash.JImmutableHashSet;
import org.javimmutable.collections.inorder.JImmutableInsertOrderMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.inorder.JImmutableInsertOrderSet;
import org.javimmutable.collections.list.JImmutableArrayList;
import org.javimmutable.collections.list.JImmutableLinkedStack;
import org.javimmutable.collections.listmap.JImmutableHashListMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.listmap.JImmutableInsertOrderListMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.listmap.JImmutableTreeListMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.tree.ComparableComparator;
import org.javimmutable.collections.tree.JImmutableTreeMap;
import org.javimmutable.collections.tree.JImmutableTreeSet;
import org.javimmutable.collections.tree_list.JImmutableTreeList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* This class contains static factory methods to create instances of each of the collection interfaces.
* Overloaded variants are provided for each to pre-populate the created collection with existing values.
* Where possible the empty collection methods return a common singleton instance to save memory. The
* factory methods always return the fastest implementation of each interface (i.e. hash when sort not
* required, trie when random access not required, etc).
public final class JImmutables
private JImmutables()
* Produces an empty JImmutableStack.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack()
return JImmutableLinkedStack.of();
* Produces a JImmutableStack containing all of the specified values. Note that values
* are added to the stack in the order they appear in source which means they will be
* retrieved in the opposite order from the stack (i.e. the last value in source will
* be the first value retrieved from the stack).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack(T... source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableLinkedStack.of(), source);
* Produces a JImmutableStack containing all of the values in source. Note that values
* are added to the stack in the order they appear in source which means they will be
* retrieved in the opposite order from the stack (i.e. the last value in source will
* be the first value retrieved from the stack).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack(Cursor extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableLinkedStack.of(), source);
* Produces a JImmutableStack containing all of the values in source. Note that values
* are added to the stack in the order they appear in source which means they will be
* retrieved in the opposite order from the stack (i.e. the last value in source will
* be the first value retrieved from the stack).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack(Cursorable extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableLinkedStack.of(), source.cursor());
* Produces a JImmutableStack containing all of the values in source. Note that values
* are added to the stack in the order they appear in source which means they will be
* retrieved in the opposite order from the stack (i.e. the last value in source will
* be the first value retrieved from the stack).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack(Iterator extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableLinkedStack.of(), source);
* Produces a JImmutableStack containing all of the values in source. Note that values
* are added to the stack in the order they appear in source which means they will be
* retrieved in the opposite order from the stack (i.e. the last value in source will
* be the first value retrieved from the stack).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableStack stack(Collection extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableLinkedStack.of(), source.iterator());
* Produces an empty JImmutableList built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list()
return JImmutableArrayList.of();
* Produces a MutableBuilder for efficiently constructing a JImmutableList built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList.Builder listBuilder()
return JImmutableArrayList.builder();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the specified values built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(T... values)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(values).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(Cursor extends T> source)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(Indexed extends T> source)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in the specified range from source
* built atop a 32-way tree. The values copied from source are those whose index are in the
* range offset to (limit - 1).
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(Indexed extends T> source,
int offset,
int limit)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source, offset, limit).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(JImmutableSet extends T> source)
return list(source.cursor());
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(JImmutableArray extends T> source)
return list(source.valuesCursor());
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(Iterator extends T> source)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(List extends T> source)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces a JImmutableList containing all of the values in source built atop a 32-way tree.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableList list(Collection extends T> source)
return JImmutableArrayList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist()
return JImmutableTreeList.of();
* Produces a MutableBuilder to efficiently construct a JImmutableRandomAccessList built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList.Builder ralistBuilder()
return JImmutableTreeList.builder();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList containing all of the values in source built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist(T... source)
return JImmutableTreeList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList containing all of the values in source built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist(Cursor extends T> source)
return JImmutableTreeList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList containing all of the values in source built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist(Cursorable extends T> source)
return JImmutableTreeList.builder().add(source.cursor()).build();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList containing all of the values in source built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist(Iterator extends T> source)
return JImmutableTreeList.builder().add(source).build();
* Produces an empty JImmutableRandomAccessList containing all of the values in source built atop a 2-3 tree.
* Implementation note: Using a 2-3 tree provides maximum flexibility and good performance
* for insertion and deletion anywhere in the list but is slower than the 32-way tree lists.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableRandomAccessList ralist(Collection extends T> source)
return JImmutableTreeList.builder().add(source).build();
* Constructs an empty unsorted map.
* Implementation note: The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key assigned to the map. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap map()
return JImmutableHashMap.of();
* Constructs an unsorted map.
* All key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* Implementation note: The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key in source. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param source
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap map(Map source)
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableHashMap.of(), source);
* Constructs an unsorted map.
* If source is already an unsorted map it is returned directly, otherwise a new map
* is created and all key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* Implementation note: The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key in source. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param source
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap map(JImmutableMap source)
if (source instanceof JImmutableHashMap) {
return source;
} else {
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableHashMap.of(), source);
* Constructs an empty map that sorts keys in their natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static , V> JImmutableMap sortedMap()
return JImmutableTreeMap.of();
* Constructs a map that sorts keys in their natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
* All key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* @param source java.util.Map containing starting key/value pairs
public static , V> JImmutableMap sortedMap(Map source)
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableTreeMap.of(), source);
* Constructs a map that sorts keys in their natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
* All key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* If source is already a sorted map using the natural sort order it will be returned directly
* (effectively performing a simple cast).
* @param source JImmutableMap containing starting key/value pairs
public static , V> JImmutableMap sortedMap(JImmutableMap source)
return sortedMap(ComparableComparator.of(), source);
* Constructs a map that sorts keys using the specified Comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
* All key/value pairs from map are copied into the newly created map.
public static JImmutableMap sortedMap(Comparator comparator)
return JImmutableTreeMap.of(comparator);
* Constructs a map that sorts keys using the specified Comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
* All key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* @param source java.util.Map containing starting key/value pairs
public static JImmutableMap sortedMap(Comparator comparator,
Map source)
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableTreeMap.of(comparator), source);
* Constructs a map that sorts keys using the specified Comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
* If source is already a sorted map that uses the same comparator (as indicated by comparator.equals())
* then source will be returned directly. Otherwise all key/value pairs from source are copied into
* the newly created map.
* @param source JImmutableMap containing starting key/value pairs
public static JImmutableMap sortedMap(Comparator comparator,
JImmutableMap source)
if (source instanceof JImmutableTreeMap) {
JImmutableTreeMap treemap = (JImmutableTreeMap)source;
if (treemap.getComparator().equals(comparator)) {
return source;
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableTreeMap.of(comparator), source);
* Constructs an empty map whose cursors traverse elements in the same order that they
* were originally added to the map. Similar to LinkedHapMap.
* The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key assigned to the map. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap insertOrderMap()
return JImmutableInsertOrderMap.of();
* Constructs a map whose cursors traverse elements in the same order that they
* were originally added to the map. Similar to LinkedHapMap.
* All key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key in source. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param source
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap insertOrderMap(Map source)
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableInsertOrderMap.of(), source);
* Constructs a map whose cursors traverse elements in the same order that they
* were originally added to the map. Similar to LinkedHapMap.
* If source is already an in order map it is returned directly, otherwise a new map
* is created and all key/value pairs from source are copied into the newly created map.
* In this case the iteration order for those entries would be based on the order of elements
* returned by source's cursor.
* The map will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first key in source. All keys in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other keys in the map) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use keys
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous keys in any map.
* @param source
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableMap insertOrderMap(JImmutableMap source)
if (source instanceof JImmutableInsertOrderMap) {
return source;
} else {
return Functions.assignAll(JImmutableInsertOrderMap.of(), source);
* Constructs an unsorted set.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value assigned to the set. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set()
return JImmutableHashSet.of();
* Constructs an unsorted set containing the values from source.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value in source. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set(Cursor extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableHashSet.of(), source);
* Constructs an unsorted set containing the values from source.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value in source. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set(T... source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableHashSet.of(), source);
* Constructs an unsorted set containing the values from source.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value in source. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set(Cursorable extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableHashSet.of(), source.cursor());
* Constructs an unsorted set containing the values from source.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value in source. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set(Iterator extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableHashSet.of(), source);
* Constructs an unsorted set containing the values from source.
* Implementation note: The set will adopt a hash code collision strategy based on
* the first value in source. All values in the map must either implement Comparable (and
* be comparable to all other values in the set) or not implement Comparable. Attempting to use values
* some of which implement Comparable and some of which do not will lead to runtime errors. It is
* always safest to use homogeneous values in any set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet set(Collection extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableHashSet.of(), source.iterator());
* Constructs an empty set that sorts values in their natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet()
return JImmutableTreeSet.of();
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values in their
* natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet(T... source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values in their
* natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet(Cursor extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values in their
* natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet(Cursorable extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(), source.cursor());
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values in their
* natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet(Iterator extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values in their
* natural sort order (using ComparableComparator).
public static > JImmutableSet sortedSet(Collection extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(), source.iterator());
* Constructs an empty set that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator)
return JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator,
Cursor extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator,
T... source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator,
Cursorable extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator), source.cursor());
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator,
Iterator extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values using comparator.
* Note that the Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* The Comparator will be retained and used throughout the life of the map and its offspring and will
* be aggressively shared so it is imperative that the Comparator be completely immutable.
public static JImmutableSet sortedSet(Comparator comparator,
Collection extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableTreeSet.of(comparator), source.iterator());
* Constructs an empty set that sorts values based on the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet()
return JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of();
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values based on
* the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet(Cursor extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values based on
* the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet(T... source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values based on
* the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet(Cursorable extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of(), source.cursor());
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values based on
* the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet(Iterator extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of(), source);
* Constructs a set containing all of the values in source that sorts values based on
* the order they were originally added to the set.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableSet insertOrderSet(Collection extends T> source)
return Functions.insertAll(JImmutableInsertOrderSet.of(), source.iterator());
* Creates a list map with higher performance but no specific ordering of keys.
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableListMap listMap()
return JImmutableHashListMap.of();
* Creates a list map with keys sorted by order they are inserted.
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableListMap insertOrderListMap()
return JImmutableInsertOrderListMap.of();
* Creates a list map with keys sorted by their natural ordering.
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static , V> JImmutableListMap sortedListMap()
return JImmutableTreeListMap.of();
* Creates a list map with keys sorted by the specified Comparator. The Comparator MUST BE IMMUTABLE.
* @param comparator
* @param
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableListMap sortedListMap(Comparator comparator)
return JImmutableTreeListMap.of(comparator);
* Creates an empty sparse array that supports any integer (positive or negative) as an index.
* Indexes do not need to be consecutive there can be gaps of any size between indexes.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableArray array()
return TrieArray.of();
* Creates an empty sparse array that supports any integer (positive or negative) as an index.
* Indexes do not need to be consecutive there can be gaps of any size between indexes.
* Copies all values into the array starting at index zero.
* @param
* @return
public static JImmutableArray array(T... source)
return TrieArray.builder().add(source).build();
* Creates a sparse array containing all of the values from source that supports any integer
* (positive or negative) as an index. Indexes do not need to be consecutive there can be gaps
* of any size between indexes. Copies all entries into the array using each key as an index
* for storing the corresponding value.
* @param
* @return
public static