org.jaylib.scala.config.macros.ConfigMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.jaylib.scala.config.macros
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.collection.{ MapLike, TraversableLike }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ HashSet, ListBuffer, HashMap }
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import org.jaylib.scala.config._
import org.jaylib.scala.config.convert._
import org.jaylib.scala.config.split._
* Contains the main macros to implement the getters and setters of a config trait.
* The trait should be defined with abstract pure variables.
* If the trait extends `org.jaylib.scala.config.Observable` the property changes can
* be observed with observer-functions.
* Example:
* {{{
* trait Config {
* var size: Int
* var checked: Boolean
* var name: String
* }
* val defaults = Map(("size", "10"), ("checked", "false"), ("name", "Charly"))
* val values = new collection.mutable.HashMap[String, String] ++ defaults
* val config = ConfigMacros.wrap(classOf[Config], values.get(_).get, values.update)
* // alternative using apply:
* // val config = ConfigMacros[Config](values.get(_).get, values.update)
* config.size += 1
* println(s"""${config.size} = ${values("size")}""") // -> 11 = 11
* }}}
object ConfigMacros {
* Wrap macro using an own defined converter and paramSplitter.
def wrap[A, B <: TypeConversions](trt: Class[A], getter: String => String, setter: (String, String) => Unit, converter: B,
paramSplitter: Splitter): A = macro wrapTraitImpl[A, B]
* Wrap macro using an own defined converter.
def wrap[A, B <: TypeConversions](trt: Class[A], getter: String => String, setter: (String, String) => Unit,
converter: B): A = macro wrapTraitImpl2[A, B]
* Default wrap macro.
def wrap[A](trt: Class[A], getter: String => String, setter: (String, String) => Unit): A = macro wrapTraitImpl3[A]
def initMap[C, A, B <: TypeConversions](trtClz: C, trt: A, converter: B): Map[String, String] = macro initMapImpl[C, A, B]
def initMap[A, B <: TypeConversions](trt: A, converter: B): Map[String, String] = macro initMapImpl1[A, B]
def initMap[C, A](trtClz: Class[C], trtImpl: A): Map[String, String] = macro initMapImpl2[C, A]
def initMap[A](trt: A): Map[String, String] = macro initMapImpl3[A]
def wrapTraitImpl2[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trt: c.Expr[A], getter: c.Expr[String => String], setter: c.Expr[(String, String) => Unit], converter: c.Expr[B]) : c.Expr[A]= {
import c.universe._
wrapTraitImpl(c)(trt, getter, setter, converter, reify(splitter))
def wrapTraitImpl3[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trt: c.Expr[A], getter: c.Expr[String => String], setter: c.Expr[(String, String) => Unit]) : c.Expr[A] = {
import c.universe._
wrapTraitImpl(c)(trt, getter, setter, reify(defaultConversions), reify(splitter))
/** Shortcut implementation which only applies getter and setter */
def apply[A](getter: String => String, setter: (String, String) => Unit): A = macro applyImpl[A]
def applyImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(getter: c.Expr[String => String], setter: c.Expr[(String, String) => Unit]): c.Expr[A] = {
import c.universe._
wrapTraitImpl3(c)(null, getter, setter)
def wrapTraitImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trt: c.Expr[A], getter: c.Expr[String => String], setter: c.Expr[(String, String) => Unit],
converter: c.Expr[B], paramSplitter: c.Expr[Splitter]) : c.Expr[A] = {
import c.universe._
val wrapped = weakTypeOf[A]
val convType = weakTypeOf[B]
def TermName(s: String) = newTermName(s)
def hasBase(theType: Type, base: String): Boolean =
theType.baseClasses.exists(_.typeSignature.typeSymbol.name.decodedName.toString == base)
val mapAnnotations = HashMap[Symbol, Set[String]]()
def getAnnotations(method: Symbol) = {
method.annotations.map(ann => splitter.shortNameOf(ann.tpe.toString)).toSet)
def hasAnnotation(method: Symbol, annotation: String) = getAnnotations(method).contains(annotation)
val classAnnotations = getAnnotations(wrapped.typeSymbol)
// isDefaultConverter:
// Some(true) => yes, it is the default converter!
// Some(false) => no, it is overridden and the List overridden should contain all overridden methods
// None => could not estimate if it is the default or overridden
val (defaultConv, overridden) = checkDefaultConverter(c)(converter)
val isDefaultConverter = if (classAnnotations.contains("simplePrimitives")) Some(true) else defaultConv
val prefix = "macro$$";
// the getter method that's set in the macro to get the current value is assigned to an unnamed private val
// for better readability names with macro$$ are used.
val getterName = TermName(prefix + "getter")
val converterName = TermName(prefix + "converter")
val defaultSetterName = TermName(prefix + "setter")
val splitterName = TermName(prefix + "splitter")
val hexConverterName = TermName(prefix + "hexConverter")
// isObservable: is the wrapped trait derived from ObservableConfig?
val isObservable = hasBase(wrapped, splitter.shortNameOf(classOf[ObservableConfig].getName))
// this is the analogous setter to the getter - however
// depending on observable flag updateSetting is called, which calls defaultSetter in term
val setterName = if (isObservable) TermName("updateSetting") else defaultSetterName
val internalVars = new ListBuffer[Tree]
var converterUsed = false
var splitterUsed = false
var hexConverterUsed = false
val ownConverter = overridden.contains("appendString")
val unsupportedTypes = new HashSet[String]
// all types that are supported by default (the default collection types) and all that are explicitly
// supported by the converter given by the macro parameter are collected.
val createableTypes = TypeConversions.DefaultTypes ++ convType.members.filter(
_.name.decodedName.toString.startsWith(TypeConversions.CreatorPrefix)).map(c => TypeConversions.classNameFromCreator(c.name.decodedName.toString)).toSet
val methods = wrapped.members.filter {
_ match {
case m: MethodSymbol => scala.util.Try { m.accessed; true }.getOrElse(false)
case _ => false
}.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if !m.isConstructor && m.accessed != NoSymbol && m.alternatives.toString.contains("List(method ") && m.isGetter => {
// generate a warning when the trait contains a variable with a set value - this cannot be overridden!
if (!hasAnnotation(m, "notSaved")) {
c.warning(m.pos, s"variable ${m.name.decodedName.toString} cannot be overridden - consider making it abstract or add the @notSaved annotation to suppress this warning!")
// override only abstract vars and values
case m: MethodSymbol if !m.isConstructor && m.accessed == NoSymbol => {
* Present the user a parse error when the current type cannot be handled by the wrapper.
def errorUnsupported(rtype: String, shortName: String, addMsg: String) {
val creator = TypeConversions.creatorFromClassName(shortName)
c.warning(m.pos, s"Unsupported type ${rtype}. ${addMsg} provide the method ${creator}(String): ${shortName} in the TypeConversions implementation and optionally override appendString(Any, StringBuilder)")
unsupportedTypes += rtype
val name = m.name.decodedName.toString
if (name.endsWith("_=")) {
// setter method
val sig = m.typeSignature.toString
val getterName = name.substring(0, name.length - 2)
val getterMethod = wrapped.member(TermName(getterName))
val rtype = sig.substring(sig.lastIndexOf(": ") + 2, sig.lastIndexOf(")"))
val hex = List("Int", "Short", "Byte").contains(rtype) && (classAnnotations.contains("hex") || hasAnnotation(getterMethod, "hex")) && !hasAnnotation(getterMethod, "dec")
val (convClass, toString) = {
if (primitives.contains(rtype)) {
val methodName = s"toString_$rtype"
if (isDefaultConverter == Some(true) ||
(isDefaultConverter == Some(false) && !overridden.contains(methodName) && !ownConverter)) // and toString shouldn't be overridden as well
if (hex) {
hexConverterUsed = true
("this", hexConverterName)
} else
("java.lang." + (if (rtype == "Int") "Integer" else rtype), "toString")
else {
converterUsed = true
(converterName, methodName)
} else {
converterUsed = true
(converterName, "toString")
val annotations = getAnnotations(getterMethod)
val isVolatile = annotations.contains("volatile") || annotations.contains("notSaved")
val isNotListening = annotations.contains("noListener")
// when debugging it's actually nicer to see the original variable names with $$ than some auto-generated indexed variable name
val internalVar = s"$$_${getterName}_$$"
val key = s""""$getterName""""
val setterImpl = s"override def ${name}(n: ${rtype}) {" + (if (isObservable && !isNotListening) {
// call updateSetting(key: String, newString: String, getter: => Any, newValue: Any)
s"${setterName}(${key}, ${convClass}.${toString}(n), ${internalVar}, n, ${isVolatile});"
} else {
if (!isVolatile)
s"${defaultSetterName}(${key}, ${convClass}.${toString}(n));"
// to use the macro for this simple functionality does not make sense, but it would in cases where some (but not all) of the values should not be saved
}) + s"${internalVar} = n}"
} else {
val isAutoConstruct = hasAnnotation(m, "autoConstruct")
// getter method and initialization of internal variable
val rtype = m.returnType.toString
val createType = defaultConversions.getCreateString(rtype, splitter)
val value = s"""${getterName}("${name}")""";
val typeAccess: String = {
val mapLike = hasBase(m.returnType, "MapLike")
val isSeq = !mapLike && hasBase(m.returnType, "TraversableLike")
val isCaseClass = !isSeq && hasBase(m.returnType, "Product") &&
// tuples are not handled specifically
* Checks if the type (or its short notation) is either contained in the createable types or if it has an annotation to use
* the default constructor anyway or if the class is a Product.
* If not, the type is not supported and a compile error is generated.
def checkTypes(typeNames: String, checkChildrenOnly: Boolean): Boolean = {
val (chkType, arr) = splitter.splitParamType(typeNames)
val shortName = splitter.shortNameOf(chkType)
if (!checkChildrenOnly &&
!createableTypes.contains(chkType) && // checked type is in createable types -> OK
!createableTypes.contains(shortName) && !shortName.isEmpty && // or the short version is contained -> OK
!isAutoConstruct && // the autoConstruct annotation is set -> OK, no warning then
!util.Try {
// Product -> case class -> try to auto construct without a warning
classOf[Product].isAssignableFrom(Class.forName(chkType, true, c.getClass.getClassLoader))
}.getOrElse(false)) {
errorUnsupported(chkType, shortName, s"Please add the @autoConstruct annotation to ${name} or")
} else
// I want to check _all_ children and don't break on the first non-matching child as with 'forAll' - hence this 'foldLeft' construct
arr.foldLeft(true)((res, x) => checkTypes(x, false) && res)
// check the types - for standard collections are case classes: only check the child items
if (checkTypes(rtype, isSeq || isCaseClass || mapLike)) {
def defaultAccess(cv: String = createType) = {
val creator = TypeConversions.creatorFromClassName(cv)
val crtype = creator.substring(TypeConversions.CreatorPrefix.length)
val hex = List("Int", "Short", "Byte").contains(crtype) && (classAnnotations.contains("hex") || hasAnnotation(m, "hex")) && !hasAnnotation(m, "dec")
if (createableTypes.contains(crtype)) {
if ((isDefaultConverter == Some(true) ||
(isDefaultConverter == Some(false) && !overridden.contains(creator) && !ownConverter))
&& primitives.contains(crtype)) {
getPrimitiveConverter(crtype, value, hex)
} else {
converterUsed = true
} else {
converterUsed = true
splitterUsed = true
s"""${converterName}.tryConvert("${name}", "${cv}", ${splitterName.decodedName.toString})(${value}).asInstanceOf[${rtype}]"""
// Handle Seq and other SeqLike types
if (isSeq) {
val (listType, Seq(genericType)) = splitter.splitParamType(createType)
if (TypeConversions.DefaultTypes.contains(listType)) // in case of a default type we don't need an extra mapping
else {
splitterUsed = true
converterUsed = true
s"""{val _arr_ = ${splitterName.decodedName.toString}.apply(${value});val converter = ${converterName}.tryConvert("${name}", "${genericType}", ${splitterName.decodedName.toString})(_); _arr_.map{converter(_).asInstanceOf[${genericType.replace('$', '.')}]}.to[${listType}]}"""
} else {
if (isCaseClass) {
* Get the recursive signature of a case class - this is not done tail-recursive, but it shouldn't
* go too far down the tree for the definition of the case class.
* Example:
* case class A {
* var x: Int
* }
* case class B {
* var a: A
* var y: Int
* }
* getSignatureOfCase(B)
* should deliver "B(A(Int),Int)"
def getSignatureOfCase(tpe: Type)(implicit signatures: List[String] = List(tpe.toString)): String = util.Try {
tpe.member(newTermName("copy")).asInstanceOf[MethodSymbol].typeSignature match {
case MethodType(params, _) => params.map { innerType =>
val sig = innerType.typeSignature
val inner = sig.toString
if (signatures.exists { outer =>
inner.contains(outer) && !createableTypes.contains(outer) &&
!createableTypes.contains(splitter.shortNameOf(outer)) &&
!isAutoConstruct && {
// recursive definitions have to be marked with "@autoConstruct" or they have
// to have an explicit creator, otherwise we get an error here.
// That's because recursive parsing is rather complicated and the user has to be aware, that
// he or she would probably have to add an own creator.
errorUnsupported(outer, splitter.shortNameOf(outer), s"Found recursive definition. Please")
}) inner
else getSignatureOfCase(sig)(inner :: signatures)
}.mkString(tpe.toString + "(", ",", ")")
// try to determine the types of the members in the case class
} else
// handle everything else
} else ""
if (!typeAccess.isEmpty) {
val (defn, valAccess) = if (wrapped.member(TermName(name + "_$eq")) != NoSymbol) {
// the usual case: there is a setter, hence we need a variable to store the values
val internalVar = s"$$_${name}_$$"
internalVars += c.parse(s"private[this] var ${internalVar} : ${rtype} = ${typeAccess}")
("def", internalVar)
} else {
// in case we only have a val and no setter-method, the val is initialized with the getter
("val", typeAccess)
// generate the public getter or val access here
c.parse(s"override $defn $name : $rtype = $valAccess")
} else {
// unsupported type - error has already been generated - continue parsing (for other errors)
}.toList ::: (if (isObservable) {
List(c.parse(s"override def onSettingsChange(key: String, value: String) {${defaultSetterName}(key, value)}"))
} else Nil)
if (!unsupportedTypes.isEmpty)
c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, "unsupported type(s) in wrapper-macro detected: " + unsupportedTypes.mkString(", "))
// flags to declare "private[this] final ... " - local = [this] is necessary, otherwise getters would be generated by the compiler
val privateThisVal = Modifiers(Flag.PRIVATE | Flag.LOCAL | Flag.FINAL)
// here the macro parameters of the getter, setter, converter and splitter are assigned to
// internal variables which are later referred to as getterName, defaultSetterName, converterName and splitterName
val internalVals: List[c.universe.Tree] = List(
ValDef(privateThisVal, getterName, TypeTree(), getter.tree),
ValDef(privateThisVal, defaultSetterName, TypeTree(), setter.tree)) ::: (
if (converterUsed) List(ValDef(privateThisVal, converterName, TypeTree(), converter.tree)) else Nil) ::: (
if (splitterUsed) List(ValDef(privateThisVal, splitterName, TypeTree(), paramSplitter.tree)) else Nil) ::: (
if (hexConverterUsed) List(q"""private[this] def $hexConverterName(conv: Int) = String.format("0x%02x", new java.lang.Integer(conv))""") else Nil)
c.Expr(q"new $wrapped { ..${internalVals ::: internalVars.toList ::: methods} }")
val splitter: Splitter = new DefaultSplitter
val defaultConversions = new TypeConversions
* All primitive types with simple conversions. Char is not used here as it is a more or less seldom used
* type in configurations plus it is not so easy to supply a simple conversion method for this in a macro.
val primitives = Set("Int", "Boolean", "Float", "Double", "Short", "Long", "Byte")
def initMapImpl1[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trt: c.Expr[A], converter: c.Expr[B]) = {
import c.universe._
initMapImpl(c)(trt, trt, converter)
def initMapImpl2[C: c.WeakTypeTag, A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trtClz: c.Expr[C], trtImpl: c.Expr[A]) = {
import c.universe._
initMapImpl(c)(trtClz, trtImpl, reify(defaultConversions))
def initMapImpl3[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trt: c.Expr[A]) = {
import c.universe._
initMapImpl2(c)(trt, trt)
def initMapImpl[C: c.WeakTypeTag, A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(trtClz: c.Expr[C], trt: c.Expr[A], converter: c.Expr[B]) : c.Expr[Map[String, String]] = {
import c.universe._
val wrappedClz = weakTypeOf[C]
val prefix = "macro$map$$"
val config = newTermName(prefix + "config")
val configDef = q"val $config = $trt"
val mapAnnotations = HashMap[Symbol, Set[String]]()
def getAnnotations(method: Symbol) = {
method.annotations.map(ann => splitter.shortNameOf(ann.tpe.toString)).toSet)
def hasAnnotation(method: Symbol, annotation: String) = getAnnotations(method).contains(annotation)
val classAnnotations = getAnnotations(wrappedClz.typeSymbol)
val (defaultConv, overridden) = checkDefaultConverter(c)(converter)
val isDefaultConverter = if (classAnnotations.contains("simplePrimitives")) Some(true) else defaultConv
val assignments: List[Tree] = wrappedClz.members.filter {
_ match {
case m: MethodSymbol => scala.util.Try { m.accessed; true }.getOrElse(false)
case _ => false
}.collect {
// override only abstract vars and values
case m: MethodSymbol if !m.isConstructor && m.accessed == NoSymbol &&
!m.name.decodedName.toString.endsWith("_=") =>
val name = m.name.decodedName.toString
val returnType = m.returnType.toString
val hex = List("Int", "Short", "Byte").contains(returnType) && (classAnnotations.contains("hex") || hasAnnotation(m, "hex")) && !hasAnnotation(m, "dec")
val termName = m.name.toTermName
if (checkIsPrimitive(name, returnType, isDefaultConverter, overridden)) {
val conv = if (hex) q"""{"0x" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString($config.${termName})}"""
else returnType match {
case "Int" => q"java.lang.Integer.toString($config.${termName})"
case _ =>
val tpe = c.parse(s"java.lang.${m.returnType.toString}")
q"""($name, $conv)"""
} else {
q"""($name, $converter.toString($config.${termName}))"""
c.Expr(q"{$configDef; Map[String,String](..$assignments)}")
def checkDefaultConverter[B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(converter: c.Expr[B]): (Option[Boolean], List[String]) = {
import c.universe._
val clzName = splitter.shortNameOf(super.getClass.getName)
val configMacrosName = if (clzName.endsWith("$")) clzName.substring(0, clzName.length - 1) else clzName
// isDefaultConverter:
// Some(true) => yes, it is the default converter!
// Some(false) => no, it is overridden and the List overridden should contain all overridden methods
// None => could not estimate if it is the default or overridden
if (converter.tree.children.isEmpty) {
val ovr = converter.tree.tpe.declarations.map(_.name.decodedName.toString).toList
(if (ovr.isEmpty) None else Some(false), ovr)
} else {
val clzDef = converter.tree.children(0)
clzDef match {
case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" =>
if (tpname.toString == classOf[TypeConversions].getName)
(Some(true), Nil)
else {
(Some(false), stats.collect {
case q"override def $tname[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpt = $expr" =>
case dflt =>
val cmpName = configMacrosName + ".this"
if (dflt.toString == cmpName) (Some(true), Nil) else (None, Nil)
// TODO if it is possible to check if the current implementation of converter
// overwrites definitions of the original TypeConversions, overwritten could be filled here
// but after (a lot of) experiments with symbols it doesn't seem likely at compile time
def checkIsPrimitive(name: String, returnType: String, isDefaultConverter: Option[Boolean], overridden: List[String]) = {
val methodName = s"toString_$returnType"
val ret = primitives.contains(returnType) && (isDefaultConverter == Some(true)
|| (isDefaultConverter == Some(false) && !overridden.contains(methodName) && !overridden.contains("appendString")))
def getPrimitiveConverter(crtype: String, value: String, hex: Boolean) = {
if (hex) {
s"""($value match { case x if x.startsWith("0x") => Integer.parseInt(x.substring(2), 16); case y => Integer.parseInt(y) }).asInstanceOf[$crtype]"""
} else {
crtype match {
case "Int" => s"java.lang.Integer.parseInt(${value})"
case _ => s"java.lang.${crtype}.parse${crtype}(${value})"
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