org.jbasics.math.BigRational Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2009-2015
* IT-Consulting Stephan Schloepke (http://www.schloepke.de/)
* klemm software consulting Mirko Klemm (http://www.klemm-scs.com/)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.jbasics.math;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
* An Immutable representation of ratio based on two {@link BigInteger} for numerator and denominator. {@link
* BigRational} is the extension to the {@link BigDecimal} and {@link BigInteger} classes found in Java. Since Java does
* not have any support for real ratios this class is supposed to fill this gap.
* @author Stephan Schloepke
public final class BigRational extends Number implements Comparable {
* Constant {@link BigRational} for the value of zero (0/1)
public static final BigRational ZERO = new BigRational(BigInteger.valueOf(0L), BigInteger.valueOf(1L));
* Constant {@link BigRational} for the value of one (1/1)
public static final BigRational ONE = new BigRational(BigInteger.valueOf(1L), BigInteger.valueOf(1L));
* The serial version UID required as a derive from number
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1773220741262593011L;
private final BigInteger numerator;
private final BigInteger denomintar;
private transient BigInteger cachedGCD;
* Create a {@link BigRational} with the given numerator and denominator.
* @param numerator The numerator
* @param denominator The denominator
public BigRational(final long numerator, final long denominator) {
this(BigInteger.valueOf(numerator), BigInteger.valueOf(denominator));
* Create a {@link BigRational} with the given numerator and denominator (numerator/denominator). The create
* {@link BigRational} is not reduced but the sign is correct in the manner that if both numbers are negative that
* non becomes negative and if the denominator is negative than the numerator becomes negative and the denominator
* positive. The result is always a Ratio in the form [-]numerator/denominator
Since a
* division by zero is undefined the denominator must not be zero and neither parts can be null or an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} is raised.
* @param numerator The numerator (must not be null)
* @param denominator The denominator (must not be null or zero).
public BigRational(final BigInteger numerator, final BigInteger denominator) {
if (numerator == null || denominator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: numerator and denominator must not be null");
if (denominator.signum() == 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Denominator cannot be zero => Division by zero");
if (denominator.signum() < 0) {
this.numerator = numerator.negate();
this.denomintar = denominator.negate();
} else {
this.numerator = numerator;
this.denomintar = denominator;
* Returns a {@link BigRational} representation for the given long value.
* @param value The long value
* @return The {@link BigRational} representation.
public static BigRational valueOf(final long value) {
return new BigRational(BigInteger.valueOf(value), BigInteger.ONE);
* Parses the given String and returns a {@link BigRational} representation. The value is parsed according to
* the pattern "^-?[0-9]+(/-?[0-9]+)?$
". If String does not apply to the pattern an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* @param value The String to parse (must not be null or zero length)
* @return The {@link BigRational} representation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the String does not comply to the pattern (see above).
public static BigRational valueOf(final String value) {
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero length (or null) BigRatio");
String[] parts = value.split("/");
switch (parts.length) {
case 1:
if (parts[0].indexOf('.') >= 0) {
return BigRational.valueOf(new BigDecimal(parts[0]));
} else {
return new BigRational(new BigInteger(parts[0]), BigInteger.ONE);
case 2:
return new BigRational(new BigInteger(parts[0]), new BigInteger(parts[1]));
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal BigRational value " + value);
* Returns a {@link BigRational} representation for the given {@link BigDecimal} value.
* @param value The {@link BigDecimal} value (must not be null).
* @return The {@link BigRational} representation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given value is null.
public static BigRational valueOf(final BigDecimal value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: value");
if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(value) == 0) {
return BigRational.ZERO;
} else if (BigDecimal.ONE.compareTo(value) == 0) {
return BigRational.ONE;
BigInteger nominator = value.unscaledValue();
BigInteger denominator = BigInteger.TEN.pow(value.scale());
BigInteger gcd = nominator.gcd(denominator);
return new BigRational(nominator.divide(gcd), denominator.divide(gcd));
* Returns a {@link BigRational} representation for the given {@link Number} value.
* @param value The {@link Number} value (if null BigRational.ZERO will be returned).
* @return The {@link BigRational} representation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given value is null.
public static BigRational valueOf(final Number value) {
if (value == null) {
return BigRational.ZERO;
} else if (value instanceof BigRational) {
return (BigRational) value;
} else if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
return new BigRational((BigInteger) value, BigInteger.ONE);
} else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
return BigRational.valueOf((BigDecimal) value);
} else if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Byte) {
return new BigRational(value.longValue(), 1L);
} else {
return BigRational.valueOf(value.doubleValue());
* Returns a {@link BigRational} representation for the given double value.
* @param value The double value
* @return The {@link BigRational} representation.
public static BigRational valueOf(final double value) {
return BigRational.valueOf(BigDecimal.valueOf(value));
* Returns the numerator part of this {@link BigRational}.
* @return The numerator part.
public BigInteger numerator() {
return this.numerator;
* Returns the denominator part of this {@link BigRational}.
* @return The denominator part.
public BigInteger denominator() {
return this.denomintar;
* Reduces this {@link BigRational} to a more simple fraction. Returns a new {@link BigRational} with the
* numerator and denominator divided by the greatest common divider. In case that the GCD is one the {@link
* BigRational} cannot be reduced and this is returned instead of a new {@link BigRational}.
* @return The {@link BigRational} with the numerator and denominator reduced by the greatest common divider.
public BigRational reduce() {
BigInteger gcd = gcd();
if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(gcd)) {
return this;
return new BigRational(this.numerator.divide(gcd), this.denomintar.divide(gcd));
* Calculates the greatest common divider of the numerator and denominator.
* @return The greatest common divider.
public BigInteger gcd() {
if (this.cachedGCD == null) {
this.cachedGCD = this.numerator.gcd(this.denomintar);
return this.cachedGCD;
* Extend this {@link BigRational} by a given factor.
* This method is a convenient wrapper for {@link BigRational#extend(BigInteger)} and calls it with {@link
* BigInteger#valueOf(long)}.
* @param factor The factor to multiply numerator and denominator with (must not be null or zero).
* @return The extended form of this {@link BigRational} or this {@link BigRational} if the factor is one.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the given factor is zero.
* @see BigRational#extend(BigInteger)
public BigRational extend(final long factor) {
return extend(BigInteger.valueOf(factor));
* Extend this {@link BigRational} by a given factor.
* The result is a {@link BigRational} with its numerator and denominator multiplied by the factor. If the given
* factor is one than this is returned (no extension when multiplying numerator and denominator with one). Howere
* the factor of zero is not allowed and yields an {@link ArithmeticException} since it would lead to a division by
* zero (x*0/y*0 = 0/0).
* @param factor The factor to multiply numerator and denominator with (must not be null or zero).
* @return The extended form of this {@link BigRational} or this {@link BigRational} if the factor is one.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given factor is null.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the given factor is zero.
public BigRational extend(final BigInteger factor) {
if (factor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: factor");
if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(factor)) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Extension with zero would lead to a division by zero");
if (BigInteger.ONE.equals(factor)) {
return this;
return new BigRational(BigInteger.ONE.equals(this.numerator) ? factor : this.numerator.multiply(factor),
BigInteger.ONE.equals(this.denomintar) ? factor : this.denomintar.multiply(factor));
* Extends this BigRational to a new BigRational where the denominator is equal to the given multiple. In order
* to extend this {@link BigRational} so that the denominator is equal to the multiple it is required that the
* multiple really is a multiple of the denominator. In case that the given multiple is not a multiple of the
* denominator an {@link ArithmeticException} is raised. The multiple must be greater than one since {@link
* BigRational} guarantees that the denominator is never negative and a negative multiple would lead to a negative
* denominator and change the value rather than extending the representation (1/2 is 2/4 so still the same value if
* extended to a multiple of 4. However 1/2 to 2/-4 would be a different value and therefore not an extension. If
* such a case is required than multiply the with -2/2 or use negate().extendToMultiple(4) instead).
* @param multiple The multiple to extend this {@link BigRational} to.
* @return A BigRational with the denominator equal to the multiple.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the multiple is less than or equal to one.
* @throws ArithmeticException If the multiple is not a m multiple of the denominator.
public BigRational extendToMultiple(final BigInteger multiple) {
if (multiple == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: multiple");
if (BigInteger.ONE.compareTo(multiple) >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("multiple must be greater than one");
BigInteger[] temp = multiple.divideAndRemainder(this.denomintar);
if (temp[1] != null && BigInteger.ZERO.compareTo(temp[1]) != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Not a multiple of the denominator " + multiple + "/" + this.denomintar
+ " = " + temp[0] + " rest " + temp[1]);
return extend(temp[0]);
* Returns the reciprocal value of this {@link BigRational} (x/y => y/x).
* @return The reciprocal {@link BigRational} of this {@link BigRational}.
public BigRational reciprocal() {
return new BigRational(this.denomintar, this.numerator);
* Returns the negation of this {@link BigRational} (x/y => -x/y).
* @return The negated {@link BigRational}.
public BigRational negate() {
return new BigRational(this.numerator.negate(), this.denomintar);
* Returns the absolute value of this BigRational ( |-x/y| => x/y ). If this {@link BigRational} is already positive
* this is returned.
* @return The absolute {@link BigRational}.
public BigRational abs() {
if (this.numerator.signum() > 0) {
return this;
return new BigRational(this.numerator.abs(), this.denomintar);
public BigRational add(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.add(x.multiply(this.denomintar)), this.denomintar);
public BigRational add(final BigDecimal x) {
return add(BigRational.valueOf(x));
public BigRational add(final BigRational x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
if (this.denomintar.equals(x.denomintar)) {
return addNumerator(x.numerator);
BigInteger lcm = lcm(x);
BigInteger thisFactor = lcm.divide(this.denomintar);
BigInteger thatFactor = lcm.divide(x.denomintar);
return new BigRational(this.numerator.multiply(thisFactor).add(x.numerator.multiply(thatFactor)), lcm);
* Adds a value to the numerator and returns a new BigRational with the value added.
* This is a useful method especially for programming certain algorithms more effectively. Consider the constant
* E which can be represented by the Taylor series E = 1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + ... + 1/n!
* Now the algorithm could do an extend and addNumerator in the following way:
* BigRational[] results = new BigRational[100];
* results[0] = BigRational.ONE; // 1/0! is 1/1
* for (int i = 1; i < results.length; i++) {
* results[i] = results[i - 1].extend(i).addNumerator(BigInteger.ONE);
* }
* as you see it would be faster due to the fact that the denominator extends by the iteration step each time.
* So the current numerator must advance in the same way. Those the effect is that we have two multiplications and
* one addition. If we would always add 1/(n+1)! there is the multiplication to extend the faculty to the next step
* and two multiplications to bring the rational numbers to match the same denominator. The number would raise very
* quickly as long as you do not reduce the fraction each step. If you reduce the fraction each step an additional
* amount of calculating the GCD is added as overhead. The result still would be quite close to the algorithm
* outlined above. With other words the algorithm above is quite a bit faster (even not linear to n because the
* multiplication is quadric). However it only works if you do not reduce in each step so the number raises quite a
* bit. In the typical exp function this does not matter a lot though since the reduction dosn't save much.
* @param x The value to add to the numerator of this {@link BigRational}
* @return The new {@link BigRational} with its numerator advanced by x.
public BigRational addNumerator(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.add(x), this.denomintar);
* Calculates the least common multiple of the denominator and the denominator of the given {@link BigRational}.
* @param x The {@link BigRational} to get the least common multiple of.
* @return The least common multiple of this {@link BigRational} and the given {@link BigRational}s denominator.
public BigInteger lcm(final BigRational x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return this.denomintar.multiply(x.denomintar).abs().divide(this.denomintar.gcd(x.denomintar));
public BigRational subtract(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.subtract(x.multiply(this.denomintar)), this.denomintar);
public BigRational subtract(final BigDecimal x) {
return subtract(BigRational.valueOf(x));
public BigRational subtract(final BigRational x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
if (this.denomintar.equals(x.denomintar)) {
return subtractNumerator(x.numerator);
BigInteger lcm = lcm(x);
BigInteger thisFactor = lcm.divide(this.denomintar);
BigInteger thatFactor = lcm.divide(x.denomintar);
return new BigRational(this.numerator.multiply(thisFactor).subtract(x.numerator.multiply(thatFactor)), lcm);
public BigRational subtractNumerator(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.subtract(x), this.denomintar);
public BigRational multiply(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.multiply(x), this.denomintar);
public BigRational multiply(final BigDecimal x) {
return multiply(BigRational.valueOf(x));
public BigRational multiply(final BigRational x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.multiply(x.numerator), this.denomintar.multiply(x.denomintar));
public BigRational divide(final BigInteger x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator, this.denomintar.multiply(x));
public BigRational divide(final BigDecimal x) {
return divide(BigRational.valueOf(x));
public BigRational divide(final BigRational x) {
if (x == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: x");
return new BigRational(this.numerator.multiply(x.denomintar), this.denomintar.multiply(x.numerator));
public BigRational pow(final int x) {
if (x == 0 || this.numerator.signum() == 0) {
return BigRational.ONE;
return new BigRational(this.numerator.pow(x), this.denomintar.pow(x));
// --- Convert to other Big types
public BigDecimal decimalValue() {
return decimalValue(MathContext.UNLIMITED);
public BigDecimal decimalValue(final MathContext mc) {
if (mc == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: mc");
return new BigDecimal(this.numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(this.denomintar), mc);
* Returns an exact {@link BigInteger} value of this {@link BigRational} or throws an {@link ArithmeticException} if
* the integer division has a remainder.
* @return The exact BigInteger value of this BigRatio.
* @throws ArithmeticException If the division has a remainder.
public BigInteger toBigIntegerExact() {
if (remainder().signum() != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Ratio has a remainder");
return toBigInteger();
public int signum() {
return this.numerator.signum();
* Returns the remainder of the division if the division would be executed.
* @return The remainder of the division from numerator and denominator (numerator mod denominator).
public BigRational remainder() {
return new BigRational(this.numerator.remainder(this.denomintar), this.denomintar);
public BigInteger toBigInteger() {
return this.numerator.divide(this.denomintar);
// --- Number implementation
public int intValue() {
return this.numerator.divide(this.denomintar).intValue();
public long longValue() {
return this.numerator.divide(this.denomintar).longValue();
public float floatValue() {
return new BigDecimal(this.numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(this.denomintar), MathContext.DECIMAL32)
public double doubleValue() {
return new BigDecimal(this.numerator).divide(new BigDecimal(this.denomintar), MathContext.DECIMAL64)
// --- Standard java toString, hashCode and equals.
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + this.numerator.hashCode();
result = prime * result + this.denomintar.hashCode();
return result;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
} else if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof BigRational)) {
return false;
BigRational other = (BigRational) obj;
if (!this.denomintar.equals(other.denomintar)) {
return false;
} else if (!this.numerator.equals(other.numerator)) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder().append(this.numerator);
if (!BigInteger.ONE.equals(this.denomintar)) {
temp.append("/").append(this.denomintar); //$NON-NLS-1$
return temp.toString();
// --- Comparable interface
public int compareTo(final BigRational that) {
if (that == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null parameter: that");
BigInteger lcm = this.denomintar.multiply(that.denomintar).abs().divide(this.denomintar.gcd(that.denomintar));
return this.numerator.multiply(lcm.divide(this.denomintar)).compareTo(