Download Arquillian Weld EE Embedded 1.1 JAR file
Welcome to, your one-stop destination for downloading JAR files. In this page, you can download the JAR file for Arquillian Weld EE Embedded 1.1. Arquillian Weld EE Embedded is a testing framework that provides an embedded container implementation for Weld, the reference implementation of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java EE). By downloading this JAR file, you can easily add the necessary dependencies to your project and simplify the testing of CDI-based applications. Save time and effort by downloading the latest version of Arquillian Weld EE Embedded 1.1 now!
Files of the artifact arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1 version 1.0.0.CR9 from the group org.jboss.arquillian.container.