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* Copyright 2016-2019 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates
* and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.jboss.galleon.cli;
import org.jboss.galleon.cli.cmd.maingrp.LayersConfigBuilder;
* @author [email protected]
public interface HelpDescriptions {
// CLI tool descriptions
String TOOL_FILE_OPTION = "Path to file containing CLI commands to execute";
String TOOL_HELP_OPTION = "Display help";
// Domains descriiptions
String DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION = "Commands to configure CLI tool";
String DOMAIN_EDITING = "Commands to edit the current provisioning state. "
+ "Only available in edit mode";
String DOMAIN_EDIT_MODE = "Commands to create or modify provisioning state";
String DOMAIN_FEATURE_PACK = "Commands to manage feature packs";
String DOMAIN_INSTALLATION = "Commands to manage existing installations";
String DOMAIN_PROVISIONING = "Commands to achieve main provisioning use cases";
String DOMAIN_OTHER = "Other commands";
// Commands and options descriptions
String ADD_DEPENDENCY = "Add a feature pack dependency to the provisioning state";
String ADD_FEATURE = "Add a new feature to a configuration";
String ADD_UNIVERSE = "Add a universe to the current installation. Called without a universe name, set the default universe of this installation";
String ADD_UNIVERSE_STATE = "Add a universe to the provisioning state. Called without a universe name, set the default universe of this installation";
String BOOLEAN_OPT = "true or false";
String CHECK_UPDATES = "Get available updates for a full installation or an identified feature pack";
String CHECK_UPDATES_DEPENDENCIES = "Include dependencies when checking for updates. Doesn't apply when specifying feature-packs";
String CHECK_UPDATES_FP = "The feature pack producers to check update for";
String CD = "Changes the current work dir";
String CD_PATH = "Target directory";
String CD_STATE = "Changes the current node";
String CLEAR_CACHE = "Clear the cache of feature packs";
String CLEAR_HISTORY = "Clear the provisioning commands history";
String CONFIGURATION_MODEL = "Configuration model";
String CONFIGURATION_NAME = "Configuration name";
String CONFIGURATION_FULL_NAME = "Configuration full name (/)";
String CONFIGURATION_ORIGIN = "Configuration origin";
String DEFINE_CONFIG = "Define a new empty configuration";
String DIFF = "Save the current provisioned configuration changes into a feature pack";
String DIFF_SRC_DIR = "Customized source installation directory";
String DIFF_TARGET_DIR = "Directory to save the feature pack to";
String EDIT_STATE = "Load an installation or a provisioning xml file in order to create a provisioning state";
String EDIT_STATE_ARG = "Installation directory or provisionng file";
String EXCLUDE_CONFIGURATION = "Exclude a configuration";
String EXCLUDE_LAYERS = "Exclude layers from a custom configuration. Excluded layers are kept in the configuration but are disabled";
String EXCLUDE_PACKAGE = "Exclude a package";
String EXIT = "Exit CLI tool";
String EXPORT = "Export the installation's provisioning configuration file";
String EXPORT_FILE = "Path to file in which the provisioning configuration is generated";
String EXPORT_STATE = "Generate a provisioning configuration file from a provisioning state";
String FEATURE_PACK = "Contains commands to manage feature packs";
String FEATURE_PATH = "Configuration / Feature id";
String FILESYSTEM = "Contains commands to navigate the filesystem";
String FIND = "Find feature pack locations that match the pattern";
String FIND_LAYERS_PATTERN = "Comma separated list of layer name patterns. eg: ejb* to search for all feature-pack that offer an ejb layer. "
+ "If no feature pack location pattern is set, search into the final releases";
String FIND_PATTERN = "Feature pack location and/or layer pattern. eg: wildfly:*.Final to search for all Final builds";
String FIND_RESOLVED_ONLY = "Look-up in resolved feature-packs only";
String FIND_UNIVERSE = "Provide a universe id in order to search for feature packs "
+ "located in not installed universe";
String FP_FILE = "Feature pack zip file";
String FP_FILE_IMPORT = FP_FILE + " to import";
String FP_FILE_PATH = "Path to feature pack zip file";
String FP_INFO_TYPE = "Type of information to display (all, configs, dependencies, layers, options)";
String FP_LOCATION = "Feature pack location";
String FP_PATH = "Feature pack node path";
String FP_TO_REMOVE = "Feature pack to remove";
String GET_HISTORY_LIMIT = "Get the history limit";
String GET_CHANGES = "Display the files modified, added or removed from an installation";
String GET_INFO = "Display information on an installation directory";
String GET_INFO_FP = "Display information on a feature pack";
String GET_INFO_STATE = "Display information on provisioning state";
String HELP = "Display help for a given command. Without any argument list the set of available commands";
String HELP_COMMAND_NAME = "The command name optionally followed by sub command name";
String HISTORY_LIMIT = "History maximum number of stored states";
String IMPORT_FP = "Import a feature pack zip file to cache and install it in universe";
String INCLUDE_CONFIG = "Include a default configuration";
String INCLUDE_LAYERS = "Include layers into a custom configuration";
String INCLUDE_PACKAGE = "Include a package";
String INCLUDE_DEFAULT_CONFIGS = "Include the default configurations defined in this feature pack. By default they are not included";
String INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PACKAGES = "Include the default packages defined in this feature pack. By default they are not included";
String INFO_TYPE = "Type of information to display (all, configs, dependencies, layers, options, patches, universes)";
String INSTALL = "Installs specified feature pack";
String INSTALLATION = "Contains commands to manage existing installations";
String INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Installation directory";
String INSTALL_CONFIG = "A / to configure configuration generated with layers. "
+ "The configuration model is optional, it is retrieved from the feature-pack content";
String INSTALL_DEFAULT_CONFIGS = "A comma separated list of /";
String INSTALL_IN_UNIVERSE = "Install feature pack to universe. Optional, it is installed by default";
String INSTALL_LAYERS = "Comma separated list of layers to provision. "
+ "In order to exclude an optional layer on which a layer from the list depends on, "
+ "prefix the excluded layer with '" + LayersConfigBuilder.EXCLUDE_PREFIX + "'. "
+ "In order to un-exclude a layer already excluded in the current installation, prefix the layer with '"
+ LayersConfigBuilder.REMOVE_EXCLUDE_PREFIX + "'.";
String INSTALL_MODEL = "The layers model";
String LEAVE_EXPLORATION = "Leave exploration";
String LEAVE_STATE = "Leave provisioning state";
String LIST = "List latest available feature packs for the default frequency";
String LIST_ALL_FREQUENCIES = "Display the latest builds for all frequencies";
String LIST_UNIVERSE = "Provide a universe id in order to list feature packs "
+ "located in not installed universe";
String LOCATION_FP_RESOLVE = "Location of feature pack to resolve";
String LS = "List the current node content";
String MAVEN = "Contains commands to configure maven support";
String MVN_ADD_REPO = "Add a maven repository";
String MVN_GET_INFO = "Display maven configuration content";
String MVN_POLICIES = "Update policies are 'always', 'daily', 'never', 'interval:'. NB: Interval is expressed in minutes";
String MVN_SET_DEFAULT_RELEASE_POLICY = "Set the default release update policy";
String MVN_SET_DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_POLICY = "Set the default snapshot update policy";
String MVN_ENABLE_OFFLINE = "Enable or disable the offline mode";
String MVN_ENABLE_RELEASE = "Enable or disable 'release' artifacts resolution";
String MVN_ENABLE_SNAPSHOT = "Enable or disable 'snapshot' artifacts resolution";
String MVN_LOCAL_REPO_PATH = "Path to local maven repository";
String MVN_RELEASE_UPDATE_POLICY = "Maven release update policy. " + MVN_POLICIES;
String MVN_REMOVE_REPO = "Remove a maven repository from configuration";
String MVN_REPO_ENABLE_RELEASE = "Enable or disable 'release' artifacts resolution. If not set relies on default resolution";
String MVN_REPO_ENABLE_SNAPSHOT = "Enable or disable 'snapshot' artifacts resolution. If not set relies on default resolution";
String MVN_REPO_NAME = "Maven remote repository name";
String MVN_REPO_TYPE = "Maven remote repository type, \"" + CliMavenArtifactRepositoryManager.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TYPE + "\" by default";
String MVN_REPO_URL = "Maven remote repository URL";
String MVN_RESET_DEFAULT_RELEASE_POLICY = "Reset to the default release update policy";
String MVN_RESET_DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_POLICY = "Reset to the default snapshot update policy";
String MVN_RESET_LOCAL_PATH = "Reset to the local repository default path";
String MVN_RESET_OFFLINE = "Reset the offline mode to its default value";
String MVN_RESET_RELEASE = "Reset release artifact resolution to default value";
String MVN_RESET_SETTINGS_PATH = "Reset the path to the maven xml settings file";
String MVN_RESET_SNAPSHOT = "Reset snapshot artifact resolution to default value";
String MVN_SETTINGS_PATH = "Path to maven xml settings file";
String MVN_SET_LOCAL_PATH = "Set the path to the local maven repository path";
String MVN_SET_SETTINGS_PATH = "Set the path to the maven xml settings file";
String MVN_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_POLICY = "Maven snapshot update policy. " + MVN_POLICIES;
String MVN_UPDATE_POLICY = "Update policy. " + MVN_POLICIES;
String NEW_STATE = "New empty provisioning state";
String PACKAGE_NAME = "Package name";
String PACKAGE_ORIGIN = "Package origin";
String PACKAGE_PATH = "Path to a package";
String PERSIST_CHANGES = "Persist the configuration changes into the provisioning configuration";
String PROVISION = "Provision an installation from a provisioning file";
String PROVISION_STATE = "Provision an installation from a provisioning state";
String PROVISION_FILE = "File describing the desired provisioned state";
String PWD = "Display the current path";
String REMOVE_DEPENDENCY = "Remove a feature pack dependency from the provisioning state";
String REMOVE_EXCLUDED_CONFIG = "Remove an already excluded configuration";
String REMOVE_EXCLUDED_LAYERS = "Remove excluded layers from a custom configuration";
String REMOVE_EXCLUDED_PACKAGE = "Remove an already excluded package";
String REMOVE_FEATURE = "Remove a feature";
String REMOVE_INCLUDED_CONFIG = "Remove an already included configuration";
String REMOVE_INCLUDED_PACKAGE = "Remove an already included package";
String REMOVE_INCLUDED_LAYERS = "Remove included layers from a custom configuration";
String REMOVE_UNIVERSE = "Remove a universe. Without any name provided, remove the default universe";
String RESET_CONFIG = "Reset a configuration to its default state";
String RESOLVE_FP = "Download a feature pack to the local maven repository";
String SEARCH_IN_DEPENDENCIES = "Include dependencies in the search";
String SEARCH_QUERY = "Text to search for";
String SEARCH_STATE = "Search the provisioning state for content";
String SET_HISTORY_LIMIT = "Set the history limit";
String STATE = "Contains commands to switch to provisioning state editing mode";
String UNDO = "Undo the last provisioning command";
String UNDO_STATE = "Undo the last editing command";
String UNINSTALL = "Un-install a feature pack from an installation.";
String UNIVERSE_FACTORY = "Universe factory name";
String UNIVERSE_LOCATION = "Universe location";
String UNIVERSE_NAME = "Universe name";
String UPDATE = "Update the installation to the latest available updates and patches. "
+ "If feature pack locations are provided thanks to the --feature-packs option, the version they contain are used to update";
String UPDATE_DEPENDENCIES = "Include dependencies when updating. Doesn't apply when specifying feature-packs";
String UPDATE_FP = "The feature pack producers or locations to update. If a feature pack location is provided, the version it contains is used to update";
String UPDATE_NO_CONFIRMATION = "No confirmation required";
String VERBOSE = "Whether or not the output should be verbose";