org.jboss.hal.resources.CSS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2022 Red Hat
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jboss.hal.resources;
import java.util.Arrays;
import elemental2.dom.CSSProperties.HeightUnionType;
import elemental2.dom.CSSProperties.WidthUnionType;
import static;
* Contains common CSS classes from HAL, PatternFly & Bootstrap. The constants in this interface are not involved in any kind of
* code generation or GWT magic. They're just here to have them in one place.
public interface CSS {
String aboutModalPf = "about-modal-pf";
String address = "address";
String active = "active";
String activeRoles = "active-roles";
String alert = "alert";
String alertDanger = "alert-danger";
String alertDismissable = "alert-dismissable";
String alertInfo = "alert-info";
String alertLink = "alert-link";
String alertSuccess = "alert-success";
String alertSuspended = "alert-suspended";
String alertWarning = "alert-warning";
String arrow = "arrow";
String attributes = "attributes";
String autocompleteSuggestion = "autocomplete-suggestion";
String autocompleteSuggestions = "autocomplete-suggestions";
String back = "back";
String badge = "badge";
String badgeContainerPf = "badge-container-pf";
String blankSlatePf = "blank-slate-pf";
String blankSlatePfIcon = "blank-slate-pf-icon";
String blankSlatePfMainAction = "blank-slate-pf-main-action";
String blankSlatePfSecondaryAction = "blank-slate-pf-secondary-action";
String blue = "blue";
String bootstrapError = "bootstrap-error";
String bootstrapSelect = "bootstrap-select";
String bootstrapSwitch = "bootstrap-switch";
String bootstrapSwitchContainer = "bootstrap-switch-container";
String breadcrumb = "breadcrumb";
String breadcrumbTools = "breadcrumb-tools";
String breakTooltip = "break-tooltip";
String btn = "btn";
String btnCancel = "btn-cancel";
String btnDefault = "btn-default";
String btnFinder = "btn-finder";
String btnGroup = "btn-group";
String btnHal = "btn-hal";
String btnLg = "btn-lg";
String btnLink = "btn-link";
String btnPrimary = "btn-primary";
String btnToolbar = "btn-toolbar";
String caret = "caret";
String centerBlock = "center-block";
String clear = "clear";
String clearfix = "clearfix";
String clickable = "clickable";
String close = "close";
String column = "col";
String columnAction = "column-action";
String columnLg = "lg";
String columnMd = "md";
String columnSm = "sm";
String columnXs = "xs";
String collapse = "collapse";
String containerFluid = "container-fluid";
String containerPfNavPfVertical = "container-pf-nav-pf-vertical";
String containerPfNavPfVerticalWithSubMenus = "container-pf-nav-pf-vertical-with-sub-menus";
String contentViewPfPagination = "content-view-pf-pagination";
String controlLabel = "control-label";
String copy = "copy";
String currentStep = "current-step";
String dataTable = "datatable";
String date = "date";
String defaultValue = "default-value";
String deprecated = "deprecated";
String disabled = "disabled";
String divider = "divider";
String disconnected = "disconnected";
String dlHorizontal = "dl-horizontal";
String drawerPf = "drawer-pf";
String drawerPfAction = "drawer-pf-action";
String drawerPfActionLink = "drawer-pf-action-link";
String drawerPfClose = "drawer-pf-close";
String drawerPfExpanded = "drawer-pf-expanded";
String drawerPfHal = "drawer-pf-hal";
String drawerPfNotification = "drawer-pf-notification";
String drawerPfNotificationContent = "drawer-pf-notification-content";
String drawerPfNotificationMessage = "drawer-pf-notification-message";
String drawerPfNotificationInfo = "drawer-pf-notification-info";
String drawerPfTitle = "drawer-pf-title";
String drawerPfTrigger = "drawer-pf-trigger";
String drawerPfTriggerIcon = "drawer-pf-trigger-icon";
String drawerPfToggleExpand = "drawer-pf-toggle-expand";
String drawerPfNotificationsNonClickable = "drawer-pf-notifications-non-clickable";
String dropdown = "dropdown";
String dropdownKebabPf = "dropdown-kebab-pf";
String dropdownMenu = "dropdown-menu";
String dropdownMenuRight = "dropdown-menu-right";
String dropdownToggle = "dropdown-toggle";
String eapHomeCol = "eap-home-col";
String eapHomeModule = "eap-home-module";
String eapHomeModuleContainer = "eap-home-module-container";
String eapHomeModuleCol = "eap-home-module-col";
String eapHomeModuleHeader = "eap-home-module-header";
String eapHomeModuleLink = "eap-home-module-link";
String eapHomeModuleIcon = "eap-home-module-icon";
String eapHomeRow = "eap-home-row";
String eapHomeSectionIcon = "eap-home-section-icon";
String eapHomeTitle = "eap-home-title";
String eapPagination = "eap-pagination";
String eapQuickTour = "eap-quick-tour";
String eapQuickTourStep1 = "eap-quick-tour-step-1";
String eapQuickTourStep2 = "eap-quick-tour-step-2";
String eapQuickTourStep3 = "eap-quick-tour-step-3";
String eapQuickTourStep4 = "eap-quick-tour-step-4";
String eapQuickTourStep5 = "eap-quick-tour-step-5";
String eapQuickTourSteps = "eap-quick-tour-steps";
String eapToggleContainer = "eap-toggle-container";
String eapToggleControls = "eap-toggle-controls";
String editing = "editing";
String editor = "editor";
String editorButtons = "editor-buttons";
String editorControls = "editor-controls";
String editorStatus = "editor-status";
String empty = "empty";
String error = "error";
String errorCircleO = "error-circle-o";
String equals = "equals";
String expressionModeSwitcher = "expression-mode-switcher";
String external = "external";
String faAngleDown = "fa-angle-down";
String fade = "fade";
String faSpin = "fa-spin";
String fieldSectionTogglePf = "field-section-toggle-pf";
String fieldsSectionPf = "fields-section-pf";
String fieldsSectionHeaderPf = "fields-section-header-pf";
String filter = "filter";
String finder = "finder";
String finderColumn = "finder-column";
String finderItem = "finder-item";
String finderPreview = "finder-preview";
String flexRow = "flex-row";
String folder = "folder";
String footer = "footer";
String footerProgress = "footer-progress";
String footerTools = "footer-tools";
String form = "form";
String formButtons = "form-buttons";
String formControl = "form-control";
String formControlStatic = "form-control-static";
String formGroup = "form-group";
String formHelpContent = "form-help-content";
String formHorizontal = "form-horizontal";
String formLinkLabel = "form-link-label";
String formLinks = "form-links";
String formSection = "form-section";
String grey = "grey";
String halBreadcrumb = "hal-breadcrumb";
String halConfChangesAdditionalInfo = "hal-conf-changes-additional-info";
String halExecutionDuration = "hal-execution-duration";
String halExecutionTime = "hal-execution-time";
String halFormLabel = "hal-form-label";
String halFormInput = "hal-form-input";
String halFormOffset = "hal-form-offset";
String halHeaderCollapse = "hal-header-collapse";
String halSearch = "hal-search";
String halTableButtons = "hal-table-buttons";
String hasButton = "has-button";
String hasClear = "has-clear";
String hasError = "has-error";
String headerForm = "header-form";
String header = "header";
String helpBlock = "help-block";
String hidden = "hidden";
String hiddenXs = "hidden-xs";
String hide = "hide";
String hiddenColumns = "hidden-columns";
String hint = "hint";
String hostContainer = "host-container";
String i = "i";
String iconBar = "icon-bar";
String imgResponsive = "img-responsive";
String imgThumbnail = "img-thumbnail";
String in = "in";
String inactive = "inactive";
String indicator = "indicator";
String info = "info";
String inner = "inner";
String inputGroup = "input-group";
String inputGroupAddon = "input-group-addon";
String inputGroupBtn = "input-group-btn";
String invisible = "invisible";
String itemIcon = "item-icon";
String itemText = "item-text";
String key = "key";
String label = "label";
String labelInfo = "label-info";
String langJava = "lang-java";
String last = "last";
String lead = "lead";
String link = "link";
String list = "list";
String listGroup = "list-group";
String listGroupItem = "list-group-item";
String listGroupItemValue = "list-group-item-value";
String listHalActions = "list-hal-actions";
String listHalAdditionalContent = "list-hal-additional-content";
String listHalIconBig = "list-hal-icon-big";
String listHalIconError = "list-hal-icon-error";
String listHalIconInfo = "list-hal-icon-info";
String listHalIconProgress = "list-hal-icon-progress";
String listHalIconSuccess = "list-hal-icon-success";
String listHalMainContent = "list-hal-main-content";
String listHalSelected = "list-hal-selected";
String listInline = "list-inline";
String listPf = "list-pf";
String listPfActions = "list-pf-actions";
String listPfAdditionalContent = "list-pf-additional-content";
String listPfContainer = "list-pf-container";
String listPfContainerLong = "list-pf-container-long";
String listPfContent = "list-pf-content";
String listPfContentFlex = "list-pf-content-flex";
String listPfContentWrapper = "list-pf-content-wrapper";
String listPfDescription = "list-pf-description";
String listPfHeader = "list-pf-header";
String listPfIcon = "list-pf-icon";
String listPfIconBordered = "list-pf-icon-bordered";
String listPfIconSmall = "list-pf-icon-small";
String listPfItem = "list-pf-item";
String listPfLeft = "list-pf-left";
String listPfMainContent = "list-pf-main-content";
String listPfSelect = "list-pf-select";
String listPfStacked = "list-pf-stacked";
String listPfTitle = "list-pf-title";
String loading = "loading";
String loadingContainer = "loading-container";
String logFileEditorContainer = "log-file-editor-container";
String logFileFollow = "log-file-follow";
String logFileLoading = "log-file-loading";
String logFilePreview = "log-file-preview";
String logo = "logo";
String logoText = "logo-text";
String logoTextFirst = "logo-text-first";
String logoTextLast = "logo-text-last";
String macroEditor = "macro-editor";
String macroList = "macro-list";
String marginBottomLarge = "margin-bottom-large";
String marginBottomSmall = "margin-bottom-small";
String marginLeftSmall = "margin-left-small";
String marginRight5 = "margin-right-5";
String marginRightLarge = "margin-right-large";
String marginRightSmall = "margin-right-small";
String marginLeft5 = "margin-left-5";
String marginTop5 = "margin-top-5";
String marginTopLarge = "margin-top-large";
String messageDetails = "message-details";
String messageDetailsPre = "message-details-pre";
String modal = "modal";
String modalBody = "modal-body";
String modalContent = "modal-content";
String modalDialog = "modal-dialog";
String modalFooter = "modal-footer";
String modalHeader = "modal-header";
String modalLg = "modal-lg";
String modalMx = "modal-mx";
String modalMd = "modal-md";
String modelSm = "modal-sm";
String modalTitle = "modal-title";
String modelBrowserButtons = "model-browser-buttons";
String modelBrowserContent = "model-browser-content";
String name = "name";
String nav = "nav";
String navbar = "navbar";
String navbarBrand = "navbar-brand";
String navbarCollapse = "navbar-collapse";
String navbarDefault = "navbar-default";
String navbarFixedBottom = "navbar-fixed-bottom";
String navbarFixedTop = "navbar-fixed-top";
String navbarFooter = "navbar-footer";
String navbarHeader = "navbar-header";
String navbarNav = "navbar-nav";
String navbarPf = "navbar-pf";
String navbarPrimary = "navbar-primary";
String navbarToggle = "navbar-toggle";
String navbarUtility = "navbar-utility";
String navItemIconic = "nav-item-iconic";
String navItemPfHeader = "nav-item-pf-header";
String navPfPersistentSecondary = "nav-pf-persistent-secondary";
String navPfSecondaryNav = "nav-pf-secondary-nav";
String navPfSecondaryNavHal = "nav-pf-secondary-nav-hal";
String navPfVertical = "nav-pf-vertical";
String navPfVerticalHal = "nav-pf-vertical-hal";
String navPfVerticalWithSubMenus = "nav-pf-vertical-with-sub-menus";
String navTabs = "nav-tabs";
String navTabsHal = "nav-tabs-hal";
String navTabsPf = "nav-tabs-pf";
String noMacros = "no-macros";
String offset = "offset";
String ok = "ok";
String ondrag = "ondrag";
String open = "open";
String operationParameter = "operation-parameter";
String operations = "operations";
String page = "page";
String pagination = "pagination";
String paginationHal = "pagination-hal";
String paginationPfBack = "paginationpfBack";
String paginationPfForward = "paginationpfForward";
String paginationPfItemsCurrent = "pagination-pf-items-current";
String paginationPfItemsTotal = "pagination-pf-items-total";
String paginationPfPage = "pagination-pf-page";
String paginationPfPages = "pagination-pf-pages";
String paginationPfPagesize = "pagination-pf-pagesize";
String panel = "panel";
String panelBody = "panel-body";
String panelCollapse = "panel-collapse";
String panelDefault = "panel-default";
String panelGroup = "panel-group";
String panelHeading = "panel-heading";
String panelTitle = "panel-title";
String paused = "paused";
String pending = "pending";
String pin = "pin";
String pinned = "pinned";
String pinnable = "pinnable";
String prettyPrint = "prettyprint";
String preview = "preview";
String productVersionsPf = "product-versions-pf";
String progress = "progress";
String progressBar = "progress-bar";
String progressBarDanger = "progress-bar-danger";
String progressBarRemaining = "progress-bar-remaining";
String progressBarStriped = "progress-bar-striped";
String progressBarSuccess = "progress-bar-success";
String progressBarWarning = "progress-bar-warning";
String progressContainer = "progress-container";
String progressDescription = "progress-description";
String progressDescriptionLeft = "progress-description-left ";
String progressLabelLeft = "progress-label-left";
String progressLabelRight = "progress-label-right";
String progressLabelTopRight = "progress-label-top-right";
String progressSm = "progress-sm";
String progressXs = "progress-xs";
String properties = "properties";
String pullLeft = "pull-left";
String pullRight = "pull-right";
String pulse = "pulse";
String radio = "radio";
String radioInline = "radio-inline";
String rbacHidden = "rbac-hidden";
String readonly = "readonly";
String recording = "recording";
String refresh = "refresh";
String restResources = "rest-resources";
String restricted = "restricted";
String row = "row";
String rowHeader = "row-header";
String searchPfInputGroup = "search-pf-input-group";
String secondaryCollapseTogglePf = "secondary-collapse-toggle-pf";
String secondaryNavItemPf = "secondary-nav-item-pf";
String secondaryVisiblePf = "secondary-visible-pf";
String selectCheckbox = "select-checkbox"; // used in DataTables for the checkbox column
String selected = "selected";
String selectpicker = "selectpicker";
String separator = "separator";
String server = "server";
String servers = "servers";
String serverGroupContainer = "server-group-container";
String smallLink = "small-link";
String spinner = "spinner";
String spinnerLg = "spinner-lg";
String srOnly = "sr-only";
String stability = "stability";
String stabilityBanner = "stability-banner";
String stabilityBannerMoreInfo = "stability-banner-more-info";
String stabilityBannerText = "stability-banner-text";
String standalone = "standalone";
String static_ = "static";
String stopCircleO = "stop-circle-o";
String subtitle = "subtitle";
String suspended = "suspended";
String tabContent = "tab-content";
String tabPane = "tab-pane";
String table = "table";
String tableBordered = "table-bordered";
String tableHover = "table-hover";
String tableStriped = "table-striped";
String tableViewHalActions = "table-view-hal-actions";
String tableViewHalBtn = "table-view-hal-btn";
String tagManagerContainer = "tag-manager-container";
String tagManagerTag = "tag-manager-tag";
String tags = "tags";
String text = "text";
String text1 = "text-1";
String text2 = "text-2";
String text3 = "text-3";
String textCenter = "text-center";
String textRight = "text-right";
String time = "time";
String timestamp = "timestamp";
String tmTag = "tm-tag";
String tmTagRemove = "tm-tag-remove";
String toastNotificationsListPf = "toast-notifications-list-pf";
String toastPfAction = "toast-pf-action";
String tool = "tool";
String toolbarPf = "toolbar-pf";
String toolbarPfActionRight = "toolbar-pf-action-right";
String toolbarPfActions = "toolbar-pf-actions";
String toolbarPfFilter = "toolbar-pf-filter";
String toolbarPfResults = "toolbar-pf-results";
String topology = "topology";
String treeContainer = "tree-container";
String underline = "underline";
String unpin = "unpin";
String unpinned = "unpinned";
String unread = "unread";
String upload = "upload";
String uploadAdvanced = "upload-advanced";
String uploadIcon = "upload-icon";
String uploadFile = "upload-file";
String uploadFileList = "upload-file-list";
String userDropdown = "user-dropdown";
String value = "value";
String valueDropdown = "value-dropdown";
String warning = "warning";
String warningTriangleO = "warning-triangle-o";
String withProgress = "with-progress";
String wizardHalErrorText = "wizard-hal-error-text";
String wizardHalNoSidebar = "wizard-hal-no-sidebar";
String wizardPf = "wizard-pf";
String wizardPfBody = "wizard-pf-body";
String wizardPfComplete = "wizard-pf-complete";
String wizardPfContents = "wizard-pf-contents";
String wizardPfErrorIcon = "wizard-pf-error-icon";
String wizardPfFooter = "wizard-pf-footer";
String wizardPfMain = "wizard-pf-main";
String wizardPfProcess = "wizard-pf-process";
String wizardPfRow = "wizard-pf-row";
String wizardPfStepNumber = "wizard-pf-step-number";
String wizardPfStepTitle = "wizard-pf-step-title";
String wizardPfStep = "wizard-pf-step";
String wizardPfSteps = "wizard-pf-steps";
String wizardPfStepsIndicator = "wizard-pf-steps-indicator";
String wizardPfSuccessIcon = "wizard-pf-success-icon";
String wizardPfWarningIcon = "wizard-pf-warning-icon";
String wrap = "wrap";
String DASH = "-";
String SPACE = " ";
static String column(int columns, String... sizes) {
if (sizes != null && sizes.length != 0) {
.map(size -> column + DASH + size + DASH + columns)
} else {
return column + DASH + columnXs + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnSm + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnMd + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnLg + DASH + columns;
static String offset(int columns, String... sizes) {
if (sizes != null && sizes.length != 0) {
.map(size -> column + DASH + size + DASH + offset + DASH + columns)
} else {
return column + DASH + columnXs + DASH + offset + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnSm + DASH + offset + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnMd + DASH + offset + DASH + columns + SPACE +
column + DASH + columnLg + DASH + offset + DASH + columns;
static HeightUnionType vh(int offset) {
return height("calc(100vh - " + offset + "px - var(--stability-offset))"); // NON-NLS
static HeightUnionType height(Object height) {
return HeightUnionType.of(height);
static WidthUnionType width(Object height) {
return WidthUnionType.of(height);
static String px(int value) {
return value + "px"; // NON-NLS
static String px(double value) {
return value + "px"; // NON-NLS
* Builds a FontAwesome icons class.
* @param name the name of the FontAwesome icon w/o the "fa fa-" prefix.
static String fontAwesome(String name) {
return fontAwesome(name, null);
* Builds a FontAwesome icons class.
* @param name the name of the FontAwesome icon w/o the "fa fa-" prefix.
static String fontAwesome(String name, FontAwesomeSize size) {
String css = "fa fa-" + name;
if (size != null) {
css += " fa-" + size.size();
return css;
* Builds a PatternFly icon class.
* @param name the name of the PatternFly icon w/o the "pficon pficon-" prefix.
static String pfIcon(String name) {
return "pficon pficon-" + name; // NON-NLS
* Builds a Glyphicon icon class.
* @param name the name of the Glyphicon icon w/o the "glyphicon glyphicon-" prefix.
static String glyphicon(String name) {
return "glyphicon glyphicon-" + name; // NON-NLS