org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* IronJacamar, a Java EE Connector Architecture implementation
* Copyright 2010, Red Hat Inc, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.AdaptersBundle;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.AdaptersLogger;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.classloading.TCClassLoaderPlugin;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullExceptionSorter;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullStaleConnectionChecker;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.novendor.NullValidConnectionChecker;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.ClassLoaderPlugin;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.ExceptionSorter;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.StaleConnectionChecker;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.ValidConnectionChecker;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.listener.ConnectionListener;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.spi.reauth.ReauthPlugin;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.statistics.JdbcStatisticsPlugin;
import org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.util.Injection;
import org.jboss.jca.core.spi.statistics.Statistics;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory;
import javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter;
import javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterAssociation;
import javax.resource.spi.ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory;
import javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSName;
import org.ietf.jgss.Oid;
* BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory
* @author David Jencks
* @author Adrian Brock
* @author Weston Price
* @author Jesper Pedersen
public abstract class BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory
implements ManagedConnectionFactory, ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory, ResourceAdapterAssociation,
Statistics, Serializable
/** @since 4.0.1 */
static final long serialVersionUID = -84923705377702088L;
/** Track statements - false */
public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE_INT = 0;
/** Track statements - true */
public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE_INT = 1;
/** Track statements - no warning */
public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN_INT = 2;
/** Track statements - false */
public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE = "false";
/** Track statements - true */
public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE = "true";
/** Track statements - no warning */
public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN = "nowarn";
/** The logger */
protected final AdaptersLogger log = Logger.getMessageLogger(AdaptersLogger.class, getClass().getName());
/** The bundle */
protected static AdaptersBundle bundle = Messages.getBundle(AdaptersBundle.class);
/** The resource adapter */
private JDBCResourceAdapter jdbcRA;
/** The print writer */
private PrintWriter printWriter;
/** The user name */
protected String userName;
/** The password */
protected String password;
/** The transaction isolation level */
protected int transactionIsolation = -1;
/** The prepared statement cache size */
protected Integer preparedStatementCacheSize = Integer.valueOf(0);
/** Query timeout enabled */
protected boolean doQueryTimeout = false;
* The variable newConnectionSQL
holds an SQL
* statement which if not null is executed when a new Connection is
* obtained for a new ManagedConnection.
protected String newConnectionSQL;
* The variable checkValidConnectionSQL
holds an sql
* statement that may be executed whenever a managed connection is
* removed from the pool, to check that it is still valid. This
* requires setting up an mbean to execute it when notified by the
* ConnectionManager.
protected String checkValidConnectionSQL;
* The classname used to check whether a connection is valid
protected String validConnectionCheckerClassName;
private String validConnectionCheckerProperties;
* The properties injected in the class used to check whether a connection is valid
protected final Properties validConnectionCheckerProps = new Properties();
* The instance of the valid connection checker
protected ValidConnectionChecker connectionChecker;
/** The instance of the stale connection checker */
protected StaleConnectionChecker staleConnectionChecker;
/** The staleConnectionCheckerClassName */
private String staleConnectionCheckerClassName;
private String staleConnectionCheckerProperties;
* The properties injected in the stale connection checker
protected final Properties staleConnectionCheckerProps = new Properties();
private String exceptionSorterClassName;
private String exceptionSorterProperties;
private final Properties exceptionSorterProps = new Properties();
private ExceptionSorter exceptionSorter;
/** Track statement */
protected int trackStatements = TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN_INT;
/** Whether to share cached prepared statements */
protected Boolean sharePS = Boolean.FALSE;
/** Transaction query timeout */
protected Boolean isTransactionQueryTimeout = Boolean.FALSE;
/** Query timeout */
protected Integer queryTimeout = Integer.valueOf(0);
* The variable urlDelimiter
holds the url delimiter
* information to be used for HA DS configuration .
protected String urlDelimiter;
/** URL selector strategy class name */
protected String urlSelectorStrategyClassName;
/** Whether to use a try lock */
private Integer useTryLock = Integer.valueOf(60);
/** Spy functionality */
private Boolean spy = Boolean.FALSE;
/** JNDI name */
private String jndiName;
/** Reauth enabled */
private Boolean reauthEnabled = Boolean.FALSE;
/** Reauth plugin class name */
private String reauthPluginClassName;
/** Reauth plugin properties - format: [key|value](,key|value)+ */
private String reauthPluginProperties;
/** Reauth plugin */
private ReauthPlugin reauthPlugin;
private ClassLoaderPlugin classLoaderPlugin;
/** The JNDI name for the user transaction */
private String userTransactionJndiName;
/** The statistics plugin */
private JdbcStatisticsPlugin statisticsPlugin = new JdbcStatisticsPlugin();
/** JTA enabled */
private Boolean jta = Boolean.TRUE;
/** Connection listener plugin class name */
private String connectionListenerClassName;
/** Connection listener plugin properties - format: [key|value](,key|value)+ */
private String connectionListenerProperties;
/** Connection listener plugin */
private ConnectionListener connectionListenerPlugin;
* Constructor
public BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory ()
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResourceAdapter getResourceAdapter()
return jdbcRA;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setResourceAdapter(ResourceAdapter ra)
this.jdbcRA = (JDBCResourceAdapter)ra;
* {@inheritDoc}
public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws ResourceException
return printWriter;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter v) throws ResourceException
this.printWriter = v;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cm) throws ResourceException
if (getURLDelimiter() != null && !getURLDelimiter().trim().equals(""))
return new WrapperDataSource(this, cm);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object createConnectionFactory() throws ResourceException
throw new ResourceException(bundle.nonManagedEnvironment());
* Get the user name
* @return The value
public String getUserName()
return userName;
* Set the user name
* @param userName The value
public void setUserName(final String userName)
this.userName = userName;
* Get the password
* @return The value
public String getPassword()
return password;
* Set the password
* @param password The value
public void setPassword(final String password)
this.password = password;
* Get the prepared statement cache size
* @return The value
public Integer getPreparedStatementCacheSize()
return preparedStatementCacheSize;
* Set the prepared statement cache size
* @param size The value
public void setPreparedStatementCacheSize(Integer size)
if (size != null)
preparedStatementCacheSize = size;
* Get the prepared statement share status
* @return The value
public Boolean getSharePreparedStatements()
return sharePS;
* Set the prepared statement share status
* @param sharePS The value
public void setSharePreparedStatements(Boolean sharePS)
if (sharePS != null)
this.sharePS = sharePS;
* Get the transaction isolation level
* @return The value
public String getTransactionIsolation()
switch (this.transactionIsolation)
case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE:
case -1:
return "DEFAULT";
return Integer.toString(transactionIsolation);
* Set the transaction isolation level
* @param transactionIsolation The value
public void setTransactionIsolation(String transactionIsolation)
if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_NONE"))
this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE;
else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED"))
this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED"))
this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ"))
this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ;
else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE"))
this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
this.transactionIsolation = Integer.parseInt(transactionIsolation);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Setting Isolation level to unknown state: " + transactionIsolation);
* Get the new connection SQL statement
* @return The value
public String getNewConnectionSQL()
return newConnectionSQL;
* Set the new connection SQL statement
* @param newConnectionSQL The value
public void setNewConnectionSQL(String newConnectionSQL)
this.newConnectionSQL = newConnectionSQL;
* Get the check valid connection SQL statement
* @return The value
public String getCheckValidConnectionSQL()
return checkValidConnectionSQL;
* Set the check valid connection SQL statement
* @param checkValidConnectionSQL The value
public void setCheckValidConnectionSQL(String checkValidConnectionSQL)
this.checkValidConnectionSQL = checkValidConnectionSQL;
* Get the stale connection checker class name
* @return The value
public String getStaleConnectionCheckerClassName()
return staleConnectionCheckerClassName;
* Set the stale connection checker class name
* @param value The value
public void setStaleConnectionCheckerClassName(String value)
staleConnectionCheckerClassName = value;
* Get the track statement value
* @return The value
public String getTrackStatements()
if (trackStatements == TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE_INT)
else if (trackStatements == TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE_INT)
* Set the track statement value
* @param value The value
public void setTrackStatements(String value)
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null value for trackStatements");
String trimmed = value.trim();
if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE))
else if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE))
* Get the exception sorter class name
* @return The value
public String getExceptionSorterClassName()
return exceptionSorterClassName;
* Set the exception sorter class name
* @param exceptionSorterClassName The value
public void setExceptionSorterClassName(String exceptionSorterClassName)
this.exceptionSorterClassName = exceptionSorterClassName;
* Get the valid connection checker class name
* @return The value
public String getValidConnectionCheckerClassName()
return validConnectionCheckerClassName;
* Set the valid connection checker class name
* @param value The value
public void setValidConnectionCheckerClassName(String value)
validConnectionCheckerClassName = value;
* Is transaction query timeout set
* @return The value
public Boolean isTransactionQueryTimeout()
return isTransactionQueryTimeout;
* Set transaction query timeout
* @param value The value
public void setTransactionQueryTimeout(Boolean value)
if (value != null)
isTransactionQueryTimeout = value;
* Get the query timeout
* @return The value
public Integer getQueryTimeout()
return queryTimeout;
* Set the query timeout
* @param timeout The value
public void setQueryTimeout(Integer timeout)
if (timeout != null)
queryTimeout = timeout;
* Get the use try lock value
* @return The value
public Integer getUseTryLock()
return useTryLock;
* Set the use try lock value
* @param useTryLock The value
public void setUseTryLock(Integer useTryLock)
if (useTryLock != null)
this.useTryLock = useTryLock;
* Are we doing locking
* @return true
if locking, otherwise false
public boolean isDoLocking()
return useTryLock.intValue() >= 0;
* Set the spy value
* @param v The value
public void setSpy(Boolean v)
if (v != null)
this.spy = v;
* Get the spy value
* @return The value
public Boolean getSpy()
return spy;
* Set the jndi name value
* @param v The value
public void setJndiName(String v)
if (v != null)
this.jndiName = v;
* Get the jndi name value
* @return The value
public String getJndiName()
return jndiName;
* Get reauth enabled
* @return The value
public Boolean getReauthEnabled()
return reauthEnabled;
* Set reauth enabled
* @param v The value
public void setReauthEnabled(Boolean v)
if (v != null)
reauthEnabled = v;
* Get reauth plugin class name
* @return The value
public String getReauthPluginClassName()
return reauthPluginClassName;
* Set reauth plugin class name
* @param v The value
public void setReauthPluginClassName(String v)
if (v != null)
reauthPluginClassName = v;
* Get reauth plugin properties
* @return The value
public String getReauthPluginProperties()
return reauthPluginProperties;
* Set reauth plugin properties
* @param v The value
public void setReauthPluginProperties(String v)
if (v != null)
reauthPluginProperties = v;
* Load reauth plugin
* @exception ResourceException Thrown in case of an error
synchronized void loadReauthPlugin() throws ResourceException
if (reauthPlugin != null)
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(reauthEnabled))
throw new IllegalStateException("Reauthentication not enabled");
if (reauthPluginClassName == null || reauthPluginClassName.trim().equals(""))
throw new IllegalStateException("ReauthPlugin class name not defined");
Class> clz = null;
ClassLoader usedCl = null;
clz = Class.forName(reauthPluginClassName, true, getClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
usedCl = getClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader();
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(reauthPluginClassName, true, new TCClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
usedCl = new TCClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader();
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(reauthPluginClassName, true,
usedCl = SecurityActions.getClassLoader(BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory.class);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
throw new ResourceException(bundle.errorDuringLoadingReauthPlugin(), cnfe);
reauthPlugin = (ReauthPlugin)clz.newInstance();
if (reauthPluginProperties != null)
Injection injector = new Injection();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(reauthPluginProperties, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String keyValue = st.nextToken();
int split = keyValue.indexOf("|");
if (split == -1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Reauth plugin property incorrect: " + keyValue);
String key = keyValue.substring(0, split);
String value = "";
if (keyValue.length() > (split + 1))
value = keyValue.substring(split + 1);
injector.inject(reauthPlugin, key, value);
catch (Throwable t)
throw new ResourceException(bundle.errorDuringLoadingReauthPlugin(), t);
* Get the reauth plugin
* @return The value
ReauthPlugin getReauthPlugin()
return reauthPlugin;
* Get connection listener class name
* @return The value
public String getConnectionListenerClassName()
return connectionListenerClassName;
* Set connection listener class name
* @param v The value
public void setConnectionListenerClassName(String v)
if (v != null)
connectionListenerClassName = v;
* Get connection listener properties
* @return The value
public String getConnectionListenerProperties()
return connectionListenerProperties;
* Set connection listener properties
* @param v The value
public void setConnectionListenerProperties(String v)
if (v != null)
connectionListenerProperties = v;
* Load connection listener
* @exception ResourceException Thrown in case of an error
synchronized void loadConnectionListenerPlugin() throws ResourceException
if (connectionListenerPlugin != null)
if (connectionListenerClassName == null || connectionListenerClassName.trim().equals(""))
throw new IllegalStateException("ConnectionListener class name not defined");
Class> clz = null;
ClassLoader usedCl = null;
clz = Class.forName(connectionListenerClassName, true, getClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
usedCl = getClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader();
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(connectionListenerClassName, true, new TCClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
usedCl = new TCClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader();
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(connectionListenerClassName, true,
usedCl = SecurityActions.getClassLoader(BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory.class);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
throw new ResourceException(bundle.errorDuringLoadingConnectionListenerPlugin(), cnfe);
connectionListenerPlugin = (ConnectionListener)clz.newInstance();
if (connectionListenerProperties != null)
Injection injector = new Injection();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(connectionListenerProperties, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String keyValue = st.nextToken();
int split = keyValue.indexOf("|");
if (split == -1)
throw new IllegalStateException("ConnectionListener property incorrect: " + keyValue);
String key = keyValue.substring(0, split);
String value = "";
if (keyValue.length() > (split + 1))
value = keyValue.substring(split + 1);
injector.inject(connectionListenerPlugin, key, value);
catch (Throwable t)
throw new ResourceException(bundle.errorDuringLoadingConnectionListenerPlugin(), t);
* Get the connection listener plugin
* @return The value
ConnectionListener getConnectionListenerPlugin()
if (connectionListenerClassName != null && connectionListenerPlugin == null)
return connectionListenerPlugin;
catch (ResourceException re)
log.unableToLoadConnectionListener(re.getMessage(), re);
return null;
* Get the url delimiter
* @return The value
public String getURLDelimiter()
return urlDelimiter;
* Set the url delimiter.
* @param urlDelimiter The value
public void setURLDelimiter(String urlDelimiter)
this.urlDelimiter = urlDelimiter;
* Get the url selector strategy class name
* @return The value
public String getUrlSelectorStrategyClassName()
return urlSelectorStrategyClassName;
* Set the url selector strategy class name
* @param urlSelectorStrategyClassName The value
public void setUrlSelectorStrategyClassName(String urlSelectorStrategyClassName)
this.urlSelectorStrategyClassName = urlSelectorStrategyClassName;
* Get the statistics plugin
* @return The value
public JdbcStatisticsPlugin getStatistics()
return statisticsPlugin;
* Get the JTA status
* @return The value
public Boolean isJTA()
return jta;
* Set the JTA status
* @param v The value
public void setJTA(Boolean v)
if (v != null)
this.jta = v;
* Get the TSR
* @return The instance
TransactionSynchronizationRegistry getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry()
return jdbcRA.getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry();
* Get the invalid connections
* @param connectionSet The connection set
* @return The invalid connections
* @exception ResourceException Thrown if an error occurs
public Set getInvalidConnections(final Set connectionSet) throws ResourceException
final Set invalid = new HashSet();
for (Iterator> iter = connectionSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
final Object anonymous =;
if (anonymous instanceof BaseWrapperManagedConnection)
BaseWrapperManagedConnection mc = (BaseWrapperManagedConnection) anonymous;
Connection c = null;
c = mc.getRealConnection();
SQLException e = isValidConnection(c);
if (e != null)
log.invalidConnection(c.toString(), e);
catch (SQLException se)
return invalid;
* Gets full set of connection properties, i.e. whatever is provided
* in config plus "user" and "password" from subject/cri.
* Note that the set is used to match connections to datasources as well
* as to create new managed connections.
In fact, we have a problem here. Theoretically, there is a possible
* name collision between config properties and "user"/"password".
* @param connectionProps The connection properties
* @param subject The subject
* @param cri The connection request info
* @return The properties
* @exception ResourceException Thrown if an error occurs
protected Properties getConnectionProperties(Properties connectionProps, Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
throws ResourceException
if (cri != null && cri.getClass() != WrappedConnectionRequestInfo.class)
throw new ResourceException(bundle.wrongConnectionRequestInfo(cri.getClass().getName()));
Properties props = new Properties();
if (connectionProps != null && connectionProps.size() > 0)
WrappedConnectionRequestInfo lcri = (WrappedConnectionRequestInfo)cri;
if (subject != null)
if (SubjectActions.addMatchingProperties(subject, lcri, props, userName, password, this))
return props;
throw new ResourceException(bundle.noMatchingCredentials());
if (lcri != null)
props.setProperty("user", (lcri.getUserName() == null) ? "" : lcri.getUserName());
props.setProperty("password", (lcri.getPassword() == null) ? "" : lcri.getPassword());
return props;
if (userName != null)
props.setProperty("user", userName);
props.setProperty("password", (password == null) ? "" : password);
return props;
* Load plugin class
* @param plugin The plugin class name
* @param props Optional properties that should be injected
* @return The configured object
* @exception Exception Thrown if the plugin couldn't be loaded
Object loadPlugin(String plugin, Properties props) throws Exception
if (plugin == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin is null");
if (plugin.trim().equals(""))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin isn't defined");
Class> clz = null;
clz = Class.forName(plugin, true, getClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(plugin, true, new TCClassLoaderPlugin().getClassLoader());
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// Not found
if (clz == null)
clz = Class.forName(plugin, true,
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
throw new Exception("Unable to load: " + plugin);
Object result = clz.newInstance();
if (props != null)
Injection injection = new Injection();
for (Entry