com.arjuna.orbportability.common.ant.IDLCompiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
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* (C) 2005-2006,
* @author JBoss Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2002
* Arjuna Solutions Limited,
* Newcastle upon Tyne,
* Tyne and Wear,
* UK.
* $Id: IDLCompiler.java 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z $
package com.arjuna.orbportability.common.ant;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* Ant task to compile IDL across multiple ORB's.
* This task uses a definitions file (idl-compiler-definitions.xml) which defines how to call each of the supported IDL compilers.
* For each compiler you specify a number of parameters and whether they are required for this IDL compiler. You then
* call this ant task and pass it a comma separated list of parameters which it then maps to the IDL compiler specific parameters.
* @author Richard A. Begg
public class IDLCompiler extends Task
private final static String NAME_ELEMENT = "name";
private final static String VALUE_ELEMENT = "value";
protected String _parameters = null;
protected String _orb = null;
protected Hashtable _idlCompilerDefinitions = null;
protected String _filename = null;
protected String _destinationDirectory = null;
protected String _packageName = null;
protected String _buildList = null;
protected boolean _debugOn = false;
protected boolean _verbose = false;
protected FileSet _fileSet = null;
public IDLCompiler()
public final void setDebug(String debug)
_debugOn = new Boolean(debug).booleanValue();
public final void setVerbose(String verbose)
_verbose = new Boolean(verbose).booleanValue();
public final void setDestdir(String destDir)
_destinationDirectory = destDir;
public void setBuildlist(String buildList)
_buildList = buildList;
public final void setPackage(String packageName)
_packageName = packageName;
public final void setParameters(String parameters)
_parameters = parameters;
public final void setFilename(String filename)
_filename = filename;
public final void setOrb(String orb)
_orb = orb;
protected boolean childrenContainsSubParam(Node n)
NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
boolean found = false;
for (int count=0;(count 0))
throw new BuildException("The IDL build list is invalid!");
while (blp.getNextElement())
String source = blp.getSource();
String packageName = blp.getPackage();
String mappings = blp.getMappings();
if (!processIDL(idlCompiler, source, packageName, _destinationDirectory, mappings))
throw new BuildException("Failed to compile '" + source + "' file");
if (_filename == null)
throw new BuildException("No source filename has been given");
if (_packageName == null)
throw new BuildException("No package name has been given");
log("Processing '" + _filename + "'");
if (!processIDL(idlCompiler, _filename, _packageName, _destinationDirectory, ""))
throw new BuildException("Failed to compile '" + _filename + "' file");
public boolean processIDL(IDLCompilerDetails idlCompiler, String filename, String packageName, String destDir, String mappings)
boolean returnValue = false;
log("Processing for " + idlCompiler.getORBName() + " '" + filename + "'");
if (_verbose)
log("Package: " + packageName);
log("Parameters: " + _parameters);
log("Mappings: " + mappings);
log("Destination Directory: " + destDir);
String[] idlParameters = idlCompiler.parse(filename, destDir, packageName, _parameters, mappings);
String[] idlExec = createExecArray(idlCompiler.getCompilerExecutable());
String[] execParameters = new String[idlExec.length + idlParameters.length];
System.arraycopy(idlExec, 0, execParameters, 0, idlExec.length);
System.arraycopy(idlParameters, 0, execParameters, idlExec.length, idlParameters.length);
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
if (_debugOn)
for (int count = 0; count < execParameters.length; count++)
log("Param[" + count + "] = '" + execParameters[count] + "'");
Process idlProc = rt.exec(execParameters);
if (idlProc == null)
throw new BuildException("Failed to run IDL compiler");
new InputStreamFileWriter(idlProc.getInputStream(), "idl-compiler.out");
new InputStreamFileWriter(idlProc.getErrorStream(), "idl-compiler.err");
returnValue = (idlProc.waitFor() == 0);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("The following exception occurred while executing the IDL compiler: " + e);
return (returnValue);
public class IDLCompilerDetails
protected String _orbName;
protected String _compilerExe;
protected Hashtable _inParameters;
protected ArrayList _outParameters;
protected Hashtable _parameterValueMap = new Hashtable();
protected Hashtable _forEachMapping = new Hashtable();
public IDLCompilerDetails()
_inParameters = new Hashtable();
_outParameters = new ArrayList();
public void setIDLExecutable(String idlExe)
_compilerExe = idlExe;
public void setORBName(String name)
_orbName = name;
public String getORBName()
return (_orbName);
public String getCompilerExecutable() throws Exception
return (replaceVariables(_compilerExe, _parameterValueMap, new HashSet()));
public void addInParameter(String param, boolean required, String delimiter, boolean isClasspath, String replace)
_inParameters.put(param, new InParameterDetails(param, required, delimiter, isClasspath, replace));
public InParameterDetails getInParameter(String param)
return ((InParameterDetails) _inParameters.get(param));
public void addOutParameter(String param)
public void addOutParameter(String param, String forEach)
setForEach(param, forEach);
public void setForEach(String param, String forEach)
_forEachMapping.put(param, forEach);
public void addOutParameter(ArrayList params)
public void addOutParameter(ArrayList params, String forEach)
_forEachMapping.put(params, forEach);
protected InParameterDetails setAndFlagParameter(String param, String value, Hashtable map)
if (value != null)
InParameterDetails inParamDef = getInParameter(param);
if (inParamDef == null)
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + param + "' used in the parameter attribute is not defined for this ORB");
if (inParamDef.hasDelimiter())
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value,inParamDef.getDelimiter());
ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
map.put(param, values);
map.put(param, value);
return (inParamDef);
map.put(param, value);
return (null);
* Passed the parameters line from the ANT build file, e.g.
* parameter='value',parameter2='value2',...
public String[] parse(String filename, String destDir, String packageName, String parameters, String mappings) throws BuildException
HashSet usedParameters = new HashSet();
ArrayList outputParameters = new ArrayList();
String parameterPair;
String parameter;
String value;
* Ensure filename is valid and contains data
if ( (filename != null) && (filename.length() > 0) )
usedParameters.add(setAndFlagParameter("filename", filename, _parameterValueMap));
* If the filename wasn't valid or didn't contain data then throw a buildexception
throw new BuildException("The filename specified was invalid");
* Ensure destDir is valid and contains data
if ( (destDir != null) && (destDir.length() > 0) )
usedParameters.add(setAndFlagParameter("destdir", destDir, _parameterValueMap));
* Ensure packageName is valid and contains data
if ( (packageName != null) && (packageName.length() > 0) )
usedParameters.add(setAndFlagParameter("package", packageName, _parameterValueMap));
* Ensure mappings is valid and contains data
if ( (mappings != null) && (mappings.length() > 0) )
usedParameters.add(setAndFlagParameter("mapping", mappings, _parameterValueMap));
if (parameters != null)
* Parse passed in parameters
while (parameters.indexOf(',') != -1)
parameterPair = parameters.substring(0, parameters.indexOf(','));
parameter = parameterPair.substring(0, parameterPair.indexOf('='));
value = parameterPair.substring(parameterPair.indexOf('='));
value = value.substring(value.indexOf('\'') + 1);
value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('\''));
InParameterDetails inParamDef = getInParameter(parameter);
if (inParamDef == null)
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + parameter + "' used in the parameter attribute is not defined for this ORB");
if (usedParameters.contains(inParamDef))
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + parameter + "' has been defined twice");
* Add parameter to usedParameters array
ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
_parameterValueMap.put(parameter, values);
if (inParamDef.hasDelimiter())
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value,inParamDef.getDelimiter());
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
parameters = parameters.substring(parameters.indexOf(',') + 1);
parameter = parameters.substring(0, parameters.indexOf('='));
value = parameters.substring(parameters.indexOf('='));
value = value.substring(value.indexOf('\'') + 1);
value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf('\''));
InParameterDetails inParamDef = getInParameter(parameter);
if (inParamDef == null)
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + parameter + "' used in the parameter attribute is not defined for this ORB");
if (usedParameters.contains(inParamDef))
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + parameter + "' has been defined twice");
ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
_parameterValueMap.put(parameter, values);
if ( ( inParamDef.hasDelimiter() ) && ( !inParamDef.isClasspath() ) )
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value,inParamDef.getDelimiter());
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
if ( inParamDef.isClasspath() )
if ( !inParamDef.hasDelimiter() )
throw new BuildException("Param defined as classpath but delimiter defined");
value = createClasspath( value, inParamDef.getDelimiter() );
if ( inParamDef.getReplaceString() != null )
String replaceString = inParamDef.getReplaceString();
String find = replaceString.substring( 0, replaceString.indexOf(',') );
String replaceWith = replaceString.substring( replaceString.indexOf(',') + 1 );
while ( value.indexOf(find) != -1 )
value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(find)) + replaceWith + value.substring( value.indexOf(find) + find.length() );
for (Enumeration e = _inParameters.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();)
InParameterDetails ipd = (InParameterDetails) e.nextElement();
if (ipd.isRequired() && !usedParameters.contains(ipd))
throw new BuildException("The parameter '" + ipd.getParameter() + "' is defined as being required but has not been specified");
for (int count = 0; count < _outParameters.size(); count++)
if ( _outParameters.get(count) instanceof ArrayList )
ArrayList subParams = (ArrayList) _outParameters.get(count);
ArrayList multiParam = new ArrayList();
generateOutputParameters(subParams, usedParameters, multiParam);
catch (BuildException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
// If one of the parameters in the multi-param block is not defined
// then ignore this block
generateOutputParameters(_outParameters.get(count), usedParameters, outputParameters);
catch (BuildException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
// If one of the parameters in the multi-param block is not defined
// then ignore this block
String[] returnArray = new String[outputParameters.size()];
System.arraycopy(outputParameters.toArray(), 0, returnArray, 0, outputParameters.size());
return (returnArray);
private String createClasspath( String value, String delimiter )
String returnValue = "";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, delimiter);
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
returnValue += (String)st.nextToken();
if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
returnValue += File.pathSeparatorChar;
return returnValue;
private void generateOutputParameters(Object forEachKey, HashSet usedParameters, ArrayList outputParameters) throws Exception
String forEach = (String)_forEachMapping.get( forEachKey );
if (forEach == null)
if ( forEachKey instanceof ArrayList )
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)forEachKey;
for (int count=0;count');
public boolean isValid()
return (_valid);
private boolean getNextElement()
boolean returnValue = false;
if ((_valid) && (_buildList.indexOf('<') != -1))
String element = _buildList.substring(_buildList.indexOf('<') + 1);
element = element.substring(0, element.indexOf('>'));
_currentSrc = element.substring(element.indexOf('\'') + 1);
_currentSrc = _currentSrc.substring(0, _currentSrc.indexOf('\''));
element = element.substring(element.indexOf(',') + 1);
_currentPackage = element.substring(element.indexOf('\'') + 1);
_currentPackage = _currentPackage.substring(0, _currentPackage.indexOf('\''));
element = element.substring(element.indexOf(',') + 1);
_currentMapping = element.substring(element.indexOf('\'') + 1);
_currentMapping = _currentMapping.substring(0, _currentMapping.indexOf('\''));
_buildList = _buildList.substring(1).substring(_buildList.indexOf('>'));
returnValue = true;
return (returnValue);
public String getSource()
return (_currentSrc);
public String getPackage()
return (_currentPackage);
public String getMappings()
return (_currentMapping);
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