org.jboss.jbossts.star.util.TxSupport Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Utility methods to make it easy to conform to the RESTAT specification
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2010, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* (C) 2010
* @author JBoss Inc.
package org.jboss.jbossts.star.util;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.ws.rs.core.PathSegment;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.jboss.jbossts.star.provider.HttpResponseException;
import org.jboss.jbossts.star.util.media.txstatusext.CoordinatorElement;
import org.jboss.jbossts.star.util.media.txstatusext.TransactionManagerElement;
import org.jboss.jbossts.star.util.media.txstatusext.TransactionStatisticsElement;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Link;
import java.security.KeyStore;
import javax.net.ssl.*;
* Various utilities for sending HTTP messages
* @deprecated
public class TxSupport
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TxSupport.class);
* context root
public static final String TX_CONTEXT = System.getProperty("rest.tx.context.path", "/rest-tx");
* Transaction Coordinator resource path
public static final String TX_PATH = "/tx/";
* transaction-manager URI
public static final String TX_SEGMENT = "transaction-manager/";
public static final int DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 20000;
private static int PORT = 8080;
private static String BIND_ADDRESS = System.getProperty("jboss.bind.address", "localhost");
private static String BASE_URL = "http://" + BIND_ADDRESS + ':';
private static final String DEF_TX_URL = BASE_URL + PORT + TX_CONTEXT + TX_PATH + TX_SEGMENT;
public static String TXN_MGR_URL = DEF_TX_URL;
public static final String URI_SEPARATOR = ",";
private static Pattern NVP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\s*=\\s*.*"); // matches name=value pairs
private Map links = new HashMap();
private String participantLinkHeader = null;
private int status = -1;
private String body = null;
private String contentType = null;
private String txnMgr;
private int readTimeout = DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT;
private static HttpConnectionCreator creator = new HttpConnectionCreator() {
public HttpURLConnection open(URL url) throws IOException {
return (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
public static void setTxnMgrUrl(String txnMgrUrl) {
TXN_MGR_URL = txnMgrUrl;
public TxSupport(String txnMgr, int readTimeout) {
this.txnMgr = txnMgr;
this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
public TxSupport(String txnMgr) {
public TxSupport() {
public TxSupport(int readTimeout) {
this(TXN_MGR_URL, readTimeout);
public static void setHttpConnectionCreator(HttpConnectionCreator creator) {
TxSupport.creator = creator;
public static void addLinkHeader(Response.ResponseBuilder response, UriInfo info, String title, String name,
String ... pathComponents)
String basePath = info.getMatchedURIs().get(0);
UriBuilder builder = info.getBaseUriBuilder();
for (String component : pathComponents)
String uri = builder.build().toString();
setLinkHeader(response, title, name, uri, TxMediaType.PLAIN_MEDIA_TYPE);
public static void setLinkHeader(Response.ResponseBuilder builder, String title, String rel, String href,
String type)
Link link = Link.fromUri(href).title(title).rel(rel).type(type).build();
setLinkHeader(builder, link);
public static void setLinkHeader(Response.ResponseBuilder builder, Link link)
builder.header("Link", link);
public Collection getTransactions() throws HttpResponseException {
return getTransactions(TxMediaType.TX_LIST_MEDIA_TYPE);
public Collection getTransactions(String mediaType) throws HttpResponseException {
String content = httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, txnMgr, "GET", mediaType, null, links);
Collection txns = new ArrayList ();
// the returned document contains transaction URLs delimited by the TXN_LIST_SEP character
// If the string is empty split returns an array of size 1 with the empty string as the element
if(content.length() == 0) {
return txns;
for (String txn : content.split(URI_SEPARATOR))
return txns;
public int txCount() throws HttpResponseException {
String content = httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, txnMgr, "GET",
TxMediaType.TX_LIST_MEDIA_TYPE, null, null);
return content.length() == 0 ? 0 : content.split(URI_SEPARATOR).length;
// Transaction control methods
public TxSupport startTx() throws HttpResponseException {
httpRequest(new int[]{HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED}, txnMgr, "POST", TxMediaType.POST_MEDIA_TYPE, "", links);
links.put(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION, links.get(TxLinkNames.LOCATION));
return this;
public TxSupport startTx(long milliseconds) throws HttpResponseException {
httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED}, txnMgr, "POST", TxMediaType.POST_MEDIA_TYPE,
TxMediaType.TIMEOUT_PROPERTY + "=" + milliseconds, links);
links.put(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION, links.get(TxLinkNames.LOCATION));
return this;
public String commitTx() throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, links.get(TxLinkNames.TERMINATOR), "PUT",
TxMediaType.TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE, TxStatusMediaType.TX_COMMITTED, null);
public String rollbackTx() throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, links.get(TxLinkNames.TERMINATOR), "PUT",
TxMediaType.TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE, TxStatusMediaType.TX_ROLLEDBACK, null);
public String markTxRollbackOnly() throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, links.get(TxLinkNames.TERMINATOR), "PUT",
TxMediaType.TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE, TxStatusMediaType.TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY, null);
* Get the status of the current transaction
* @return the transaction status expressed in the default media type (@see TxMediaType#TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE)
* @throws HttpResponseException
public String txStatus() throws HttpResponseException {
return txStatus(TxMediaType.TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE, null);
public String txStatus(String mediaType) throws HttpResponseException {
return txStatus(mediaType, links);
private String txStatus(String mediaType, Map linkHeaders) throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE},
links.get(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION), "GET", mediaType, null, linkHeaders);
public String getTxnUri() {
return links.get(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION);
public String getTerminatorURI() {
return links.get(TxLinkNames.TERMINATOR);
public String getDurableParticipantEnlistmentURI() {
return links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT);
public String getVolatileParticipantEnlistmentURI() {
return links.get(TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT);
public String getBody() {
return body;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public String getContentType() {
return contentType;
public void refreshTransactionHeaders(Map linkHeaders) throws HttpResponseException {
httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, links.get(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION), "HEAD",
TxMediaType.TX_STATUS_MEDIA_TYPE, null, linkHeaders);
public String enlistTestResource(String pUrl, boolean vParticipant) throws HttpResponseException {
String content = links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT);
if (vParticipant)
content += "," + links.get(TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT);
return httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, pUrl, "POST", TxMediaType.POST_MEDIA_TYPE,
content, null);
// return a map of link name to link uri
public static Map decodeLinkHeader(String linkHeader) {
int i;
Map decodedLinks = new HashMap();
if (linkHeader == null || (i = linkHeader.indexOf('<')) == -1)
return decodedLinks;
return extractLinkHeaders(linkHeader.substring(i), decodedLinks);
public StringBuilder addLink(StringBuilder linkHeader, String linkName, StringBuilder hrefPrefix, boolean first) {
if (!first)
linkHeader.append("<").append(hrefPrefix).append(linkName).append(">; rel=\"").append(linkName).append("\"");
return linkHeader;
public StringBuilder addLink2(StringBuilder linkHeader, String linkName, String href, boolean first) {
if (!first)
linkHeader.append("<").append(href).append(">; rel=\"").append(linkName).append("\"");
return linkHeader;
* Constructs the participant-resource and participant-terminator URIs for participants in the format:
* "baseURI/{uid1}/{uid2}/participant" and "baseURI/{uid1}/{uid2}/terminator" and optionally
* "baseURI/{uid1}/{uid2}/volatile"
* If uid1 is null then the "{uid1}/" is not included and similarly if uid2 is null.
* @param baseURI the (full) uri prefix
* @param vParticipant if true also construct a link header for participation in the volatile protocol
* @param uid1 a string which together with baseURI and possibly uid2 produce a unique id
* @param uid2 a string which together with baseURI and possibly uid1 produce a unique id
* @return link header value
public String makeTwoPhaseAwareParticipantLinkHeader(
String baseURI, boolean vParticipant, String uid1, String uid2) {
StringBuilder resourcePrefix = new StringBuilder(baseURI);
StringBuilder linkHeader = new StringBuilder(); // "Link:"
if (uid1 != null)
if (uid2 != null)
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE, resourcePrefix, true);
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_TERMINATOR, resourcePrefix, false);
if (vParticipant)
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT, resourcePrefix, false);
participantLinkHeader = linkHeader.toString();
return participantLinkHeader;
public String makeTwoPhaseAwareParticipantLinkHeader(String baseURI, String uid1, String uid2) {
return makeTwoPhaseAwareParticipantLinkHeader(baseURI, false, uid1, uid2);
public String makeTwoPhaseAwareParticipantLinkHeader(String participantHref, String terminatorHref) {
StringBuilder linkHeader = new StringBuilder();
linkHeader.append("<").append(participantHref).append(">; rel=\"")
linkHeader.append("<").append(terminatorHref).append(">; rel=\"")
participantLinkHeader = linkHeader.toString();
return participantLinkHeader;
* Constructs the participant-resource and participant-terminator URIs for participants in the format:
* "baseURI/{uid1}/{uid2}/participant" and "baseURI/{uid1}/{uid2}/terminate"
* If uid1 is null then the "{uid1}/" is not included and similarly if uid2 is null.
* @param baseURI the (full) uri prefix
* @param vParticipant if true also construct a link header for participation in the volatile protocol
* @param uid1 a string which together with baseURI and possibly uid2 produce a unique id
* @param uid2 a string which together with baseURI and possibly uid1 produce a unique id
* @param commitOnePhase if true generate a commit-one-phase link header
* @return link header value
public String makeTwoPhaseUnAwareParticipantLinkHeader(
String baseURI, boolean vParticipant, String uid1, String uid2, boolean commitOnePhase) {
StringBuilder resourcePrefix = new StringBuilder(baseURI);
StringBuilder linkHeader = new StringBuilder(); // "Link:"
if (uid1 != null)
if (uid2 != null)
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE, resourcePrefix, true);
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_PREPARE, resourcePrefix, false);
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT, resourcePrefix, false);
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_ROLLBACK, resourcePrefix, false);
if (commitOnePhase)
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT_ONE_PHASE, resourcePrefix, false);
if (vParticipant)
addLink(linkHeader, TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT, resourcePrefix, false);
participantLinkHeader = linkHeader.toString();
return participantLinkHeader;
public String makeTwoPhaseUnAwareParticipantLinkHeader(
String participantHref, String prepareHref, String commitHref, String rollbackHref,
String vParticipantHref) {
StringBuilder linkHeader = new StringBuilder();
linkHeader.append("<").append(participantHref).append(">; rel=\"").append(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE).append("\"");
linkHeader.append("<").append(prepareHref).append(">; rel=\"").append(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_PREPARE).append("\"");
linkHeader.append("<").append(commitHref).append(">; rel=\"").append(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT).append("\"");
linkHeader.append("<").append(rollbackHref).append(">; rel=\"").append(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_ROLLBACK).append("\"");
if (vParticipantHref != null) {
linkHeader.append("<").append(vParticipantHref).append(">; rel=\"").append(TxLinkNames.VOLATILE_PARTICIPANT).append("\"");
participantLinkHeader = linkHeader.toString();
return participantLinkHeader;
public String makeTwoPhaseParticipantLinkHeader(HashMap links) {
if (!links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE))
return null;
StringBuilder hdr = new StringBuilder();
addLink2(hdr, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE, links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE), true);
if (links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_TERMINATOR))
addLink2(hdr, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_TERMINATOR, links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_TERMINATOR), false);
if (links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT))
addLink2(hdr, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT, links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT), false);
if (links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_PREPARE))
addLink2(hdr, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_PREPARE, links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_PREPARE), false);
if (links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_ROLLBACK))
addLink2(hdr, TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_ROLLBACK, links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_ROLLBACK), false);
if (links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT_ONE_PHASE))
links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_COMMIT_ONE_PHASE), false);
participantLinkHeader = hdr.toString();
return participantLinkHeader;
public String enlistParticipant(String participantLinkHeader) {
return enlistParticipant(links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT), participantLinkHeader);
* @param enlistUri the URI for enlisting participants with a transaction manager
* @param participantLinkHeader link header for the participant to identify itself to the coordinator
* @return participant recovery URI
public String enlistParticipant(String enlistUri, String participantLinkHeader) {
Map reqHeaders = new HashMap();
reqHeaders.put("Link", participantLinkHeader);
httpRequest(new int[]{HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED}, enlistUri, "POST", TxMediaType.POST_MEDIA_TYPE, null,
links, reqHeaders);
links.put(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RECOVERY, links.get(TxLinkNames.LOCATION));
return links.get(TxLinkNames.PARTICIPANT_RECOVERY);
public void enlistVolatileParticipant(String enlistUri, String participantLinkHeader) {
Map reqHeaders = new HashMap();
reqHeaders.put("Link", participantLinkHeader);
httpRequest(new int[]{HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, enlistUri, "PUT", null, null,
links, reqHeaders);
public String httpRequest(int[] expect, String url, String method, String mediaType) throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(expect, url, method, mediaType, null, null, null);
public String httpRequest(int[] expect, String url, String method, String mediaType, String content)
throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(expect, url, method, mediaType, content, null, null);
public String httpRequest(int[] expect, String url, String method, String mediaType, String content,
Map linkHeaders) throws HttpResponseException {
return httpRequest(expect, url, method, mediaType, content, linkHeaders, null);
public String httpRequest(int[] expect, String url, String method, String mediaType, String content,
Map linkHeaders, Map reqHeaders)
throws HttpResponseException {
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
try {
connection = openConnection(null, url, method, mediaType, content, reqHeaders);
status = connection.getResponseCode();
contentType = connection.getContentType();
try {
body = (status != -1 ? getContent(connection) : "");
} catch (IOException e) {
body = "";
if (linkHeaders != null) {
extractLinkHeaders(connection, linkHeaders);
addLocationHeader(connection, linkHeaders);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("httpRequest:" +
"\n\turl: " + url +
"\n\tmethod: " + method +
"\n\tmediaType: " + mediaType +
"\n\tcontent: " + content +
"\n\tresponse code: " + status +
"\n\tresponse body: " + body
if (expect != null && expect.length != 0) {
for (int sc : expect)
if (sc == status)
return body;
throw new HttpResponseException(null, body, expect, status);
} else {
return body;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.tracef("httpRequest: io error: %s%n", e.getMessage());
throw new HttpResponseException(e, "", expect, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE);
} finally {
if (connection != null)
private static Map extractLinkHeaders(String header, Map links) {
if (header != null) {
for (String linkHeader : header.split(",")) {
Link lnk = Link.valueOf(linkHeader);
links.put(lnk.getRel(), lnk.getUri().toString());
return links;
private void extractLinkHeaders(HttpURLConnection connection, Map links) {
Collection linkHeaders = connection.getHeaderFields().get("Link");
if (linkHeaders == null)
linkHeaders = connection.getHeaderFields().get("link");
if (linkHeaders != null) {
for (String header : linkHeaders)
extractLinkHeaders(header, links);
private void addLocationHeader(HttpURLConnection connection, Map links) {
try {
if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED)
links.put("location", connection.getHeaderField("location"));
} catch (IOException e) {
private HttpURLConnection openConnection(HttpURLConnection connection, String url, String method,
String contentType, String content, Map reqHeaders)
throws IOException {
if (connection != null)
connection = creator.open(new URL(url));
if (contentType != null) {
if ("GET".equals(method))
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", contentType);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", contentType);
if (reqHeaders != null) {
* NOTE: HTTP requires all request properties which can legally have multiple instances
* with the same key to use a comma-separated list syntax which enables multiple
* properties to be appended into a single property.
* In particular this applies to the Link header defined in rfc5988 (web linking)
for (Map.Entry entry : reqHeaders.entrySet())
connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (content != null) {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = connection.getOutputStream();
} finally {
if (os != null) {
return connection;
private String getContent(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException {
return getContent(connection, new StringBuilder()).toString();
private StringBuilder getContent(HttpURLConnection connection, StringBuilder builder) throws IOException {
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
int wasRead;
wasRead = reader.read(buffer, 0, 1024);
if (wasRead > 0)
builder.append(buffer, 0, wasRead);
while (wasRead > -1);
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
return builder;
* Parse a string for name=value pairs
* TODO java.util.Scanner might be more efficient
* @param pairs the name value pairs contained in content
* @param content a string containing name=value substrings
public static void matchNames(Map pairs, String content, String splitChars) {
if (content != null) {
String[] lines;
if (splitChars == null) {
lines = new String[] {content};
} else {
lines = content.split(splitChars);
for (String line : lines) {
Matcher m = NVP_PATTERN.matcher(line);
while (m.find()) {
String[] tokens = m.group().trim().split("\\s+");
for (String tok : tokens) {
String[] pair = tok.split("=");
if (pair.length > 1)
pairs.put(pair[0], pair[1]);
public static String getStringValue(String content, String name)
Map matches = new HashMap();
TxSupport.matchNames(matches, content, null);
return matches.get(name);
public static int getIntValue(String content, String name, int defValue)
String v = getStringValue(content, name);
if (v != null)
try {
return Integer.parseInt(v);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return defValue;
public static UriBuilder getUriBuilder(UriInfo info, int npaths, String ... paths)
UriBuilder builder = info.getBaseUriBuilder();
if (npaths > 0){
List segments = info.getPathSegments();
for (int i = 0; i < npaths; i++)
} else {
String basePath = info.getMatchedURIs().get(0);
for (String path : paths)
return builder;
public static URI getUri(UriInfo info, int npaths, String ... paths)
return getUriBuilder(info, npaths, paths).build();
public static String extractUri(UriInfo info, String ... paths) {
// careful with extracting the uri from a UriInfo since it casues issues with emma
// also info.getBaseUri() + info.getPath() fail running the wildfly testsuite
return getUri(info, info.getPathSegments().size(), paths).toASCIIString();
public static String buildURI(UriBuilder builder, String ... pathComponents)
for (String component : pathComponents)
return builder.build().toString();
public static TxStatus toTxStatus(String statusContent) {
String status = getStringValue(statusContent, TxStatusMediaType.STATUS_PROPERTY);
return TxStatus.fromStatus(status);
public static String getStatus(String statusContent) {
return getStringValue(statusContent, TxStatusMediaType.STATUS_PROPERTY);
public static String toContent(String property, String status) {
return new StringBuilder(property).append('=').append(status).toString();
public static String toStatusContent(String status) {
return toContent(TxStatusMediaType.STATUS_PROPERTY, status);
public String getLink(String linkName) {
return links.get(linkName);
* Obtain statistical information such as the number of transactions that have committed and aborted.
* @return transaction statistics
* @throws JAXBException if JAXB cannot convert an XML representation of the statistics into a JAXB object
public TransactionStatisticsElement getTransactionStatistics() throws JAXBException {
// performing a get on the transaction-manager MAY return a link for obtaining transaction statistic
String statisticsHref = getLink(TxLinkNames.STATISTICS);
if (statisticsHref == null) // NOTE: statistics are optional
return null;
// GET the statistics
String txStats = httpRequest(new int[] {HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK}, statisticsHref, "GET",
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.tracef("Unmarshalling TransactionStatisticsElement\n%s", txStats);
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(TransactionStatisticsElement.class.getPackage().getName() );
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object o = u.unmarshal( new StreamSource( new StringReader(txStats)));
if (o instanceof TransactionStatisticsElement)
return (TransactionStatisticsElement)o;
return (TransactionStatisticsElement)((JAXBElement)o).getValue();
public CoordinatorElement getTransactionInfo() throws JAXBException {
if (!links.containsKey(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION))
throw new IllegalStateException("Not transaction has been started");
if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE )
return null;
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.tracef("Unmarshalling CoordinatorElement\n%s", getBody());
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(CoordinatorElement.class.getPackage().getName() );
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object o = u.unmarshal( new StreamSource( new StringReader(getBody())));
return (CoordinatorElement)((JAXBElement)o).getValue();
public CoordinatorElement getTransactionInfo(String uri) throws JAXBException {
links.put(TxLinkNames.TRANSACTION, uri);
return getTransactionInfo();
public TransactionManagerElement getTransactionManagerInfo() throws JAXBException {
// GET the extended transaction-manager info
String xml = httpRequest(new int[]{HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE},
if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE )
return null;
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.tracef("Unmarshalling TransactionManagerElement%n%s", xml);
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(TransactionManagerElement.class.getPackage().getName() );
Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
Object o = u.unmarshal( new StreamSource( new StringReader(xml)));
if (o instanceof TransactionManagerElement)
return (TransactionManagerElement)o;
return (TransactionManagerElement)((JAXBElement)o).getValue();
private static SSLContext getSSLContext() throws Exception {
String trustStoreFile = System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore");
String trustStorePswd = System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword");
// Load the key store: change store type if needed
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(trustStoreFile);
try {
ks.load(fis, trustStorePswd.toCharArray());
} finally {
if (fis != null) { fis.close(); }
// Get the default Key Manager
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
kmf.init(ks, trustStorePswd.toCharArray());
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
return sslContext;
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