com.arjuna.mwlabs.wst11.ba.ContextFactoryImple Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* (C) 2005-2006,
* @author JBoss Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2002,
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* Newcastle upon Tyne,
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* $Id: ContextFactoryImple.java,v 2005/11/22 10:36:14 kconner Exp $
package com.arjuna.mwlabs.wst11.ba;
import com.arjuna.mw.wscf11.model.sagas.CoordinatorManagerFactory;
import com.arjuna.mw.wscf.model.sagas.api.CoordinatorManager;
import com.arjuna.mw.wstx.logging.wstxLogger;
import com.arjuna.mw.wsas.exceptions.NoActivityException;
import com.arjuna.mw.wsas.exceptions.SystemException;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wscf.utils.ContextProvider;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wst11.ba.context.ArjunaContextImple;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wst11.ba.participants.CleanupSynchronization;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wscf.model.sagas.arjunacore.subordinate.SubordinateBACoordinator;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wscf.model.sagas.arjunacore.CoordinatorServiceImple;
import com.arjuna.mwlabs.wscf.model.sagas.arjunacore.BACoordinator;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.util.PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsarj.InstanceIdentifier;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wscoor.CoordinationConstants;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsarjtx.processors.TerminationCoordinatorProcessor;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.BusinessActivityConstants;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.processors.CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessor;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.ServiceRegistry;
import com.arjuna.wsc11.ContextFactory;
import com.arjuna.wsc11.ContextFactoryMapper;
import com.arjuna.wsc11.RegistrationCoordinator;
import com.arjuna.wsc11.messaging.MessageId;
import com.arjuna.wsc.InvalidCreateParametersException;
import com.arjuna.wsc.InvalidProtocolException;
import com.arjuna.wst11.BusinessActivityTerminator;
import com.arjuna.wst11.BAParticipantManager;
import com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorCompletionParticipantEngine;
import com.arjuna.wst11.stub.SubordinateCoordinatorCompletionParticipantStub;
import com.arjuna.wst11.stub.BACoordinatorCompletionParticipantManagerStub;
import org.oasis_open.docs.ws_tx.wscoor._2006._06.CoordinationContext;
import org.oasis_open.docs.ws_tx.wscoor._2006._06.CoordinationContextType;
import org.oasis_open.docs.ws_tx.wscoor._2006._06.Expires;
import javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing.W3CEndpointReference;
import javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing.W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
@ContextProvider(coordinationType = ArjunaContextImple.coordinationType,
serviceType = ArjunaContextImple.serviceType,
contextImplementation = ArjunaContextImple.class)
public class ContextFactoryImple implements ContextFactory
public ContextFactoryImple()
_coordManager = CoordinatorManagerFactory.coordinatorManager();
_theRegistrar = new RegistrarImple();
// install the factory for the mapper to locate
ContextFactoryMapper.getMapper().addContextFactory(ArjunaContextImple.coordinationType, this);
catch (Exception ex)
* Called when a context factory is added to a context factory mapper. This method will be called multiple times
* if the context factory is added to multiple context factory mappers or to the same context mapper with different
* protocol identifiers.
* @param coordinationTypeURI the coordination type uri
public void install (final String coordinationTypeURI)
// TODO interposition
* If there is a context passed through to create then this newly created
* coordinator should be interposed.
* Creates a coordination context.
* @param coordinationTypeURI the coordination type uri
* @param expires the expire date/time for the returned context, can be null
* @param currentContext the current context, can be null
* @return the created coordination context
* @throws com.arjuna.wsc.InvalidCreateParametersException if a parameter passed is invalid
* this activity identifier.
public CoordinationContext create (final String coordinationTypeURI,
final Long expires, final CoordinationContextType currentContext, final boolean isSecure)
throws InvalidCreateParametersException
if (BusinessActivityConstants.WSBA_PROTOCOL_ATOMIC_OUTCOME.equals(coordinationTypeURI))
// make sure no transaction is currently associated
if (currentContext == null) {
final int timeout ;
if (expires == null)
timeout = 0 ;
final long longTimeout = expires.longValue() ;
timeout = (longTimeout > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int)longTimeout) ;
_coordManager.begin(ArjunaContextImple.serviceType, timeout);
final ArjunaContextImple arjunaContext = ArjunaContextImple.getContext() ;
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure) ;
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext() ;
coordinationContext.setCoordinationType(coordinationTypeURI) ;
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
coordinationContext.setIdentifier(identifier) ;
final int transactionExpires = arjunaContext.getTransactionExpires() ;
if (transactionExpires > 0)
Expires expiresInstance = new Expires();
final W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, arjunaContext);
coordinationContext.setRegistrationService(registrationCoordinator) ;
// why is this created early even though the enlistment for termination
// is done late? well that's a good question. look at the corresponding registrar
// code to see why
// TODO sort this out
String transactionIdentifier = arjunaContext.getTransactionIdentifier();
BusinessActivityTerminator terminator = new BusinessActivityTerminatorImple();
TerminationCoordinatorProcessor.getProcessor().activateParticipant(terminator, transactionIdentifier);
return coordinationContext;
} else {
// we need to create a subordinate transaction -- this transaction will not be associated
// with an activity which identifes the parent transaction this means that we cannot use
// the activity service to do things like enlist participants or deliver participant
// initiated messages.
SubordinateBACoordinator subTx = (SubordinateBACoordinator) createSubordinate();
// now we register a coordinator completion participant on behalf of the subtransaction
// with the registration service defined in the current context
// there is no point registering a participant completion participant because we cannot
// know when it is ok to forward a completed message -- even when all N registered PC
// participants have notified completed another PC participant might enlist.
String ccpid = subTx.getCoordinatorCompletionParticipantid();
SubordinateCoordinatorCompletionParticipantStub ccp = new SubordinateCoordinatorCompletionParticipantStub(subTx);
String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId() ;
W3CEndpointReference participant = getParticipant(ccpid, isSecure);
W3CEndpointReference coordinator = RegistrationCoordinator.register(currentContext, messageId, participant, BusinessActivityConstants.WSBA_SUB_PROTOCOL_COORDINATOR_COMPLETION) ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantEngine engine = new CoordinatorCompletionParticipantEngine(ccpid, coordinator, ccp) ;
CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessor.getProcessor().activateParticipant(engine, ccpid) ;
// we need to pass a manager to the stub in case it has to fail at completion
BAParticipantManager manager = new BACoordinatorCompletionParticipantManagerStub(engine);
// ok now create the context
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure) ;
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext() ;
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
String txId = subTx.get_uid().stringForm();
identifier.setValue("urn:" + txId);
coordinationContext.setIdentifier(identifier) ;
Expires expiresInstance = currentContext.getExpires();
final long transactionExpires = (expiresInstance != null ? expiresInstance.getValue() : 0);
if (transactionExpires > 0)
expiresInstance = new Expires();
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, txId);
coordinationContext.setRegistrationService(registrationCoordinator) ;
// now associate the tx id with the sub transaction
return coordinationContext;
catch (com.arjuna.mw.wsas.exceptions.NoActivityException ex)
// TODO handle properly
catch (com.arjuna.mw.wsas.exceptions.SystemException ex)
// TODO handle properly
catch (com.arjuna.mw.wsas.exceptions.WrongStateException ex)
// TODO handle properly
catch (Exception ex)
// TODO handle properly
else {
wstxLogger.i18NLogger.warn_mwlabs_wst_ba_Context11FactoryImple_1(BusinessActivityConstants.WSBA_PROTOCOL_ATOMIC_OUTCOME, coordinationTypeURI);
throw new InvalidCreateParametersException(wstxLogger.i18NLogger.get_mwlabs_wst_ba_Context11FactoryImple_3() + " < " + BusinessActivityConstants.WSBA_PROTOCOL_ATOMIC_OUTCOME + ", " + coordinationTypeURI + " >");
return null;
* class used to return data required to manage a bridged to subordinate transaction
public class BridgeTxData
public CoordinationContext context;
public SubordinateBACoordinator coordinator;
public String identifier;
* create a bridged to subordinate WS-BA 1.1 transaction, associate it with the registrar and create and return
* a coordination context for it. n.b. this is a private, behind-the-scenes method for use by the JTA-BA
* transaction bridge code.
* @param expires the timeout for the bridged to BA transaction
* @param isSecure true if the registration cooridnator URL should use a secure address, otherwise false.
* @return a coordination context for the bridged to transaction
public BridgeTxData createBridgedTransaction (final Long expires, final boolean isSecure)
// we need to create a subordinate transaction and expose it to the bridge layer so it can
// be driven to completion
SubordinateBACoordinator subTx = null;
try {
subTx = (SubordinateBACoordinator) createSubordinate();
} catch (NoActivityException e) {
// will not happen
return null;
} catch (InvalidProtocolException e) {
// will not happen
return null;
} catch (SystemException e) {
// may happen
return null;
// ok now create the context
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String registrationCoordinatorURI = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(CoordinationConstants.REGISTRATION_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure) ;
final CoordinationContext coordinationContext = new CoordinationContext() ;
CoordinationContextType.Identifier identifier = new CoordinationContextType.Identifier();
String txId = subTx.get_uid().stringForm();
identifier.setValue("urn:" + txId);
coordinationContext.setIdentifier(identifier) ;
if (expires != null && expires.longValue() > 0)
Expires expiresInstance = new Expires();
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, txId);
coordinationContext.setRegistrationService(registrationCoordinator) ;
// now associate the tx id with the sub transaction
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// will not happen
BridgeTxData bridgeTxData = new BridgeTxData();
bridgeTxData.context = coordinationContext;
bridgeTxData.coordinator = subTx;
bridgeTxData.identifier = txId;
return bridgeTxData;
private W3CEndpointReference getParticipant(final String id, final boolean isSecure)
final QName serviceName = BusinessActivityConstants.COORDINATOR_COMPLETION_PARTICIPANT_SERVICE_QNAME;
final QName endpointName = BusinessActivityConstants.COORDINATOR_COMPLETION_PARTICIPANT_PORT_QNAME;
final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = PrivilegedServiceRegistryFactory.getInstance().getServiceRegistry();
final String address = serviceRegistry.getServiceURI(BusinessActivityConstants.COORDINATOR_COMPLETION_PARTICIPANT_SERVICE_NAME, isSecure);
W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder builder = new W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder();
InstanceIdentifier.setEndpointInstanceIdentifier(builder, id);
return builder.build();
private static W3CEndpointReference getRegistrationCoordinator(String registrationCoordinatorURI, ArjunaContextImple arjunaContext) {
final String identifier = arjunaContext.getTransactionIdentifier();
return getRegistrationCoordinator(registrationCoordinatorURI, identifier);
private static W3CEndpointReference getRegistrationCoordinator(String registrationCoordinatorURI, String identifier) {
final W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder builder = new W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder();
// strictly we shouldn't need to set the address because we are in the same web app as the
// coordinator but we have to as the W3CEndpointReference implementation is incomplete
InstanceIdentifier.setEndpointInstanceIdentifier(builder, identifier);
W3CEndpointReference registrationCoordinator = builder.build();
return registrationCoordinator;
* Called when a context factory is removed from a context factory mapper. This method will be called multiple
* times if the context factory is removed from multiple context factory mappers or from the same context factory
* mapper with different coordination type uris.
* @param coordinationTypeURI the coordination type uri
public void uninstall (String coordinationTypeURI)
// we don't use this as one implementation is registered per type
public final Object createSubordinate () throws NoActivityException, InvalidProtocolException, SystemException
CoordinatorServiceImple coordManager = (CoordinatorServiceImple) _coordManager;
BACoordinator subordinateTransaction = coordManager.createSubordinate();
* Now add the registrar for this specific coordinator to the
* mapper.
subordinateTransaction.enlistSynchronization(new CleanupSynchronization(subordinateTransaction.get_uid().stringForm(), _theRegistrar));
return subordinateTransaction;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new SystemException(ex.toString());
public final RegistrarImple registrar ()
return _theRegistrar;
private CoordinatorManager _coordManager;
private RegistrarImple _theRegistrar;
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