com.arjuna.webservices.logging.wscI18NLogger Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates,
* and individual contributors as indicated by the @author tags.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
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* (C) 2010,
* @author JBoss, by Red Hat.
package com.arjuna.webservices.logging;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.*;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.*;
import static org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message.Format.*;
* i18n log messages for the wsc module.
* @author Jonathan Halliday ([email protected]) 2010-06
@MessageLogger(projectCode = "ARJUNA")
public interface wscI18NLogger {
Message IDs are unique and non-recyclable.
Don't change the purpose of existing messages.
(tweak the message text or params for clarification if you like).
Allocate new messages by following instructions at the bottom of the file.
@Message(id = 42001, value = "Unhandled error executing task", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
public void error_services_framework_task_TaskWorker_run_1(@Cause() Throwable arg0);
@Message(id = 42002, value = "Invalid fault type enumeration: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_SoapFaultType_1(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42003, value = "setNamespaceContext unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_1();
@Message(id = 42004, value = "writeEndDocument unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_10();
@Message(id = 42005, value = "close unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_11();
@Message(id = 42006, value = "writeComment unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_2();
@Message(id = 42007, value = "writeProcessingInstruction unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_3();
@Message(id = 42008, value = "writeProcessingInstruction unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_4();
@Message(id = 42009, value = "writeEntityRef unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_5();
@Message(id = 42010, value = "writeDTD unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_6();
@Message(id = 42011, value = "writeStartDocument unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_7();
@Message(id = 42012, value = "writeStartDocument unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_8();
@Message(id = 42013, value = "writeStartDocument unsupported", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_BaseXMLStreamWriter_9();
@Message(id = 42014, value = "End of stream", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_1();
@Message(id = 42015, value = "Unexpected child node: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_2(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42016, value = "Unexpected type: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_3(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42017, value = "Unexpected type: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_4(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42018, value = "Unexpected event type", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_5();
@Message(id = 42019, value = "Unsupported operation", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_6();
@Message(id = 42020, value = "Unsupported operation", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_DOMXMLStreamReader_7();
@Message(id = 42021, value = "CData sections not currently supported.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_adapters_SAAJXMLStreamWriter_1();
@Message(id = 42022, value = "Service {0} received unexpected fault: {1}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
public void warn_webservices_base_handlers_LoggingFaultHandler_1(String arg0, String arg1);
@Message(id = 42023, value = "Unexpected start element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_Soap11Details_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42024, value = "Unexpected start element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_Soap12Details_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42025, value = "NotUnderstood elements cannot have embedded elements.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_SoapNotUnderstoodType_1();
@Message(id = 42026, value = "Unexpected element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_SoapParser_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42027, value = "Unexpected body element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_SoapParser_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42028, value = "Did not understand header: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_soap_SoapParser_3(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42029, value = "Encountered unexpected event type: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_stax_ParsingSupport_1(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42030, value = "Text elements cannot have embedded elements.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_stax_TextElement_1();
@Message(id = 42031, value = "No response from RPC request", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_transport_http_HttpClient_1();
@Message(id = 42032, value = "Invalid destination URL", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_transport_http_HttpClient_2();
@Message(id = 42033, value = "Unsupported URL type, not HTTP or HTTPS", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_transport_http_HttpClient_3();
@Message(id = 42034, value = "Invalid response code returned: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_transport_http_HttpClient_4(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42035, value = "Unexpected end element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_util_StreamHelper_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42036, value = "Unexpected end of document reached", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_util_StreamHelper_2();
@Message(id = 42037, value = "Unexpected start element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_util_StreamHelper_3(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42038, value = "Addressing context is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr_AddressingContext_1();
@Message(id = 42039, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr_AddressingContext_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42040, value = "Invalid QName value for attributed QName", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr_AttributedQNameType_1();
@Message(id = 42041, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr_EndpointReferenceType_1(QName arg0);
// @Message(id = 42042, value = "Addressing context is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
// @LogMessage(level = WARN)
// public void warn_webservices_wsaddr2005_AddressingContext_1();
@Message(id = 42043, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_AddressingContext_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42044, value = "Unexpected second element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_AttributedAnyType_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42045, value = "Invalid QName value for attributed QName", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_AttributedQNameType_1();
@Message(id = 42046, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_EndpointReferenceType_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42047, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_ProblemActionType_1(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42048, value = "Addressing context does not specify destination.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_client_WSAddr2005Client_1();
@Message(id = 42049, value = "Invalid destination specified in addressing context.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_client_WSAddr2005Client_2();
@Message(id = 42050, value = "No SOAP client registered for scheme: {0}.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_client_WSAddr2005Client_3(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42051, value = "Invalid replyTo specified in addressing context.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_client_WSAddr2005Client_4();
@Message(id = 42052, value = "Unexpected SOAP message type returned.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsaddr2005_client_WSAddr2005Client_5();
@Message(id = 42053, value = "Unhandled SOAP fault {0} during asynchronous execution of service.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
public void error_webservices_wsaddr2005_handlers_AddressingInterceptorHandler_3(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42054, value = "Arjuna context is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsarj_ArjunaContext_1();
@Message(id = 42055, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsarj_ArjunaContext_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42056, value = "InstanceIdentifier elements cannot have embedded elements.", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wsarj_InstanceIdentifier_1();
@Message(id = 42057, value = "non numerical value: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_AttributedUnsignedIntType_1(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42058, value = "Coordination Context is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CoordinationContextType_1();
@Message(id = 42059, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CoordinationContextType_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42060, value = "Create Coordination Context Response is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CreateCoordinationContextResponseType_1();
@Message(id = 42061, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CreateCoordinationContextResponseType_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42062, value = "Create Coordination Context is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CreateCoordinationContextType_1();
@Message(id = 42063, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_CreateCoordinationContextType_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42064, value = "Register is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_RegisterResponseType_1();
@Message(id = 42065, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_RegisterResponseType_2(QName arg0);
@Message(id = 42066, value = "Register is not valid", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_RegisterType_1();
@Message(id = 42067, value = "Unexpected element name: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_webservices_wscoor_RegisterType_2(QName arg0);
// @Message(id = 42068, value = "Unexpected end element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
// @LogMessage(level = WARN)
// public void warn_webservices11_util_StreamHelper_1(String arg0);
// @Message(id = 42069, value = "Unexpected end of document reached", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
// @LogMessage(level = WARN)
// public void warn_webservices11_util_StreamHelper_2();
// @Message(id = 42070, value = "Unexpected start element: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
// @LogMessage(level = WARN)
// public void warn_webservices11_util_StreamHelper_3(String arg0);
@Message(id = 42071, value = "Callback execution failed", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_ActivationCoordinator_1();
@Message(id = 42072, value = "Callback wasn't triggered", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_ActivationCoordinator_2();
@Message(id = 42073, value = "Callback execution failed", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_RegistrationCoordinator_1();
@Message(id = 42074, value = "Callback wasn't triggered", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_RegistrationCoordinator_2();
@Message(id = 42075, value = "Invalid create coordination context parameters", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_messaging_ActivationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_1();
@Message(id = 42076, value = "Participant already registered", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_1();
@Message(id = 42077, value = "Invalid protocol identifier", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_2();
@Message(id = 42078, value = "Invalid coordination context state", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_3();
@Message(id = 42079, value = "Unknown activity identifier", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_4();
@Message(id = 42080, value = "Invalid create coordination context parameters", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_wsc11_messaging_ActivationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_1();
@Message(id = 42081, value = "Participant already registered", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_wsc11_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_1();
@Message(id = 42082, value = "Invalid protocol identifier", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_wsc11_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_2();
@Message(id = 42083, value = "Invalid coordination context state", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_wsc11_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_3();
@Message(id = 42084, value = "Unknown activity identifier", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
public String get_wsc11_messaging_RegistrationCoordinatorProcessorImpl_4();
@Message(id = 42085, value = "Failed to create service instance: {0}", format = MESSAGE_FORMAT)
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
public void warn_cannot_create_service_instance(Class arg0, @Cause() Throwable arg1);
Allocate new messages directly above this notice.
- id: use the next id number in numeric sequence. Don't reuse ids.
The first two digits of the id(XXyyy) denote the module
all message in this file should have the same prefix.
- value: default (English) version of the log message.
- level: according to severity semantics defined at http://docspace.corp.redhat.com/docs/DOC-30217
Debug and trace don't get i18n. Everything else MUST be i18n.
By convention methods with String return type have prefix get_,
all others are log methods and have prefix _
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