com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessorImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.arjuna.wst11.messaging;
import com.arjuna.webservices.SoapFault;
import com.arjuna.webservices.SoapFaultType;
import com.arjuna.webservices.base.processors.ActivatedObjectProcessor;
import com.arjuna.webservices.logging.WSTLogger;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsaddr.AddressingHelper;
import org.jboss.ws.api.addressing.MAP;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsarj.ArjunaContext;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsarj.InstanceIdentifier;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.State;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.client.CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wsba.processors.CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessor;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.SoapFault11;
import com.arjuna.webservices11.wscoor.CoordinationConstants;
import com.arjuna.wsc11.messaging.MessageId;
import org.oasis_open.docs.ws_tx.wsba._2006._06.NotificationType;
import org.oasis_open.docs.ws_tx.wsba._2006._06.StatusType;
import org.jboss.jbossts.xts.recovery.participant.ba.XTSBARecoveryManager;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* The Coordinator Completion Participant processor.
* @author kevin
public class CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessorImpl extends CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessor
* The activated object processor.
private final ActivatedObjectProcessor activatedObjectProcessor = new ActivatedObjectProcessor() ;
* Activate the participant.
* @param participant The participant.
* @param identifier The identifier.
public void activateParticipant(final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant, final String identifier)
activatedObjectProcessor.activateObject(participant, identifier) ;
* Deactivate the participant.
* @param participant The participant.
public void deactivateParticipant(final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant)
activatedObjectProcessor.deactivateObject(participant) ;
* Check whether a participant with the given id is currently active
* @param identifier The identifier.
public boolean isActive(String identifier) {
return activatedObjectProcessor.getObject(identifier) != null;
* Get the participant with the specified identifier.
* @param instanceIdentifier The participant identifier.
* @return The participant or null if not known.
private CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents getParticipant(final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier)
final String identifier = (instanceIdentifier != null ? instanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier() : null) ;
return (CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents)activatedObjectProcessor.getObject(identifier) ;
* Cancel.
* @param cancel The cancel notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void cancel(final NotificationType cancel, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
* ensure the BA participant recovery manager is running
XTSBARecoveryManager recoveryManager = XTSBARecoveryManager.getRecoveryManager();
if (recoveryManager == null) {
// log warning and drop this message -- it will be resent
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.cancel(cancel, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from cancel:", th) ;
else if (!recoveryManager.isParticipantRecoveryStarted())
else if (recoveryManager.findParticipantRecoveryRecord(instanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier()) != null) {
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Cancel called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
sendCancelled(map, arjunaContext) ;
* Close.
* @param close The close notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void close(final NotificationType close, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
* ensure the BA participant recovery manager is running
XTSBARecoveryManager recoveryManager = XTSBARecoveryManager.getRecoveryManager();
if (recoveryManager == null) {
// log warning and drop this message -- it will be resent
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.close(close, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from close:", th) ;
else if (!recoveryManager.isParticipantRecoveryStarted()) {
else if (recoveryManager.findParticipantRecoveryRecord(instanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier()) != null) {
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Close called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
sendClosed(map, arjunaContext) ;
* Compensate.
* @param compensate The compensate notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void compensate(final NotificationType compensate, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
* ensure the BA participant recovery manager is running
XTSBARecoveryManager recoveryManager = XTSBARecoveryManager.getRecoveryManager();
if (recoveryManager == null) {
// log warning and drop this message -- it will be resent
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.compensate(compensate, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from compensate:", th) ;
else if (!recoveryManager.isParticipantRecoveryStarted()) {
else if (recoveryManager.findParticipantRecoveryRecord(instanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier()) != null) {
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Compensate called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
sendCompensated(map, arjunaContext) ;
* Complete.
* @param complete The complete notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void complete(final NotificationType complete, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
* ensure the BA participant recovery manager is running
XTSBARecoveryManager recoveryManager = XTSBARecoveryManager.getRecoveryManager();
if (recoveryManager == null) {
// log warning and drop this message -- it will be resent
if (participant != null)
participant.complete(complete, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from complete:", th) ;
else if (!recoveryManager.isParticipantRecoveryStarted()) {
else if (recoveryManager.findParticipantRecoveryRecord(instanceIdentifier.getInstanceIdentifier()) != null) {
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Complete called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
sendFail(map, arjunaContext, State.STATE_ENDED.getValue()) ;
* Exited.
* @param exited The exited notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void exited(final NotificationType exited, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.exited(exited, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from exited:", th) ;
else if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Exited called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
* Not Completed.
* @param notCompleted The not completed notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void notCompleted(final NotificationType notCompleted, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.notCompleted(notCompleted, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from notCompleted:", th) ;
else if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("NotCompleted called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
* Failed.
* @param failed The failed notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void failed(final NotificationType failed, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.failed(failed, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from failed ", th);
else if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Failed called on unknown participant: {0}", instanceIdentifier);
* Get Status.
* @param getStatus The get status notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void getStatus(final NotificationType getStatus, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.getStatus(getStatus, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from getStatus:", th) ;
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("GetStatus called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
// send an invalid state fault
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId();
final MAP faultMAP = AddressingHelper.createFaultContext(map, messageId) ;
final SoapFault11 soapFault = new SoapFault11(SoapFaultType.FAULT_SENDER, CoordinationConstants.WSCOOR_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_STATE_QNAME,
WSTLogger.i18NLogger.get_wst11_messaging_CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessorImpl_getStatus_4()) ;
CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient.getClient().sendSoapFault(soapFault, null, faultMAP, getFaultAction());
catch (final Throwable th)
WSTLogger.i18NLogger.info_wst11_messaging_CoordinatorCompletionParticipantProcessorImpl_getStatus_3(instanceIdentifier.toString(), th);
private static String getFaultAction()
return CoordinationConstants.WSCOOR_ACTION_FAULT;
* Status.
* @param status The status.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void status(final StatusType status, final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.status(status, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from status:", th) ;
else if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Status called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
* SOAP Fault.
* @param fault The SOAP fault notification.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
public void soapFault(final SoapFault fault, final MAP map,
final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
final InstanceIdentifier instanceIdentifier = arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier() ;
final CoordinatorCompletionParticipantInboundEvents participant = getParticipant(instanceIdentifier) ;
if (participant != null)
participant.soapFault(fault, map, arjunaContext) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception thrown from soapFault:", th) ;
else if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("SoapFault called on unknown participant: {0}", new Object[] {instanceIdentifier}) ;
* Send a cancelled message.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
private void sendCancelled(final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
// KEV add check for recovery
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId() ;
final MAP responseMAP = AddressingHelper.createOneWayResponseContext(map, messageId) ;
// supply null endpoint to indicate addressing properties should be used to route message
CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient.getClient().sendCancelled(null, responseMAP, arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier()) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception while sending Cancelled", th) ;
* Send a closed message.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
private void sendClosed(final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
// KEV add check for recovery
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId() ;
final MAP responseMAP = AddressingHelper.createOneWayResponseContext(map, messageId) ;
// supply null endpoint to indicate addressing properties should be used to route message
CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient.getClient().sendClosed(null, responseMAP, arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier()) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception while sending Closed", th) ;
* Send a compensated message.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
private void sendCompensated(final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext)
// KEV add check for recovery
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId() ;
final MAP responseMAP = AddressingHelper.createOneWayResponseContext(map, messageId) ;
// supply null endpoint to indicate addressing properties should be used to route message
CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient.getClient().sendCompensated(null, responseMAP, arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier()) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception while sending Compensated", th) ;
* Send a fail message.
* @param map The addressing context.
* @param arjunaContext The arjuna context.
* @param exceptionIdentifier The exception identifier.
private void sendFail(final MAP map, final ArjunaContext arjunaContext, final QName exceptionIdentifier)
// KEV add check for recovery
final String messageId = MessageId.getMessageId() ;
final MAP responseMAP = AddressingHelper.createFaultContext(map, messageId) ;
// supply null endpoint to indicate addressing properties should be used to route message
CoordinatorCompletionCoordinatorClient.getClient().sendFail(null, responseMAP, arjunaContext.getInstanceIdentifier(), exceptionIdentifier) ;
catch (final Throwable th)
if (WSTLogger.logger.isTraceEnabled())
WSTLogger.logger.tracev("Unexpected exception while sending Fail", th) ;
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