org.jboss.seam.xml.model.ModelBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.jboss.seam.xml.model;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Stereotype;
import javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Qualifier;
import javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.core.BeanResult;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.core.BeanResultType;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.core.GenericBeanResult;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.core.XmlResult;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.fieldset.FieldValueObject;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.parser.SaxNode;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.parser.namespace.CompositeNamespaceElementResolver;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.parser.namespace.NamespaceElementResolver;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.parser.namespace.RootNamespaceElementResolver;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.util.XmlConfigurationException;
import org.jboss.seam.xml.util.XmlObjectConverter;
import org.jboss.weld.extensions.annotated.AnnotatedTypeBuilder;
import org.jboss.weld.extensions.util.AnnotationInstanceProvider;
import org.jboss.weld.extensions.util.Reflections;
* Builds an XML result from sax nodes
* @author stuart
public class ModelBuilder
AnnotationInstanceProvider ac = new AnnotationInstanceProvider();
static final String ROOT_NAMESPACE = "urn:java:seam:core";
static final String BEANS_ROOT_NAMESPACE = "";
Map resolvers;
* builds an XML result from a parsed xml document
public XmlResult build(SaxNode root)
resolvers = new HashMap();
XmlResult ret = new XmlResult();
if (!root.getName().equals("beans"))
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Wrong root element for XML config file, expected: found:" + root.getName(), root.getDocument(), root.getLineNo());
if (!(ROOT_NAMESPACE.equals(root.getNamespaceUri()) || BEANS_ROOT_NAMESPACE.equals(root.getNamespaceUri())))
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Wrong root namespace for XML config file, expected:" + ROOT_NAMESPACE + " or " + BEANS_ROOT_NAMESPACE + " found:" + root.getNamespaceUri(), root.getDocument(), root.getLineNo());
resolvers.put(ROOT_NAMESPACE, new RootNamespaceElementResolver());
List children = root.getChildren();
for (SaxNode node : children)
// nodes with a null namespace are whitespace nodes etc
if (node.getNamespaceUri() != null)
// ignore etc
if (node.getNamespaceUri().equals(BEANS_ROOT_NAMESPACE))
XmlItem rb = resolveNode(node, null);
// validateXmlItem(rb);
addNodeToResult(ret, rb);
catch (Exception e)
return ret;
private void addNodeToResult(XmlResult ret, XmlItem rb)
if (rb.getType() == XmlItemType.CLASS || rb.getType() == XmlItemType.ANNOTATION)
ResultType type = getItemType(rb);
// if we are configuring a bean
if (type == ResultType.BEAN)
ClassXmlItem cxml = (ClassXmlItem) rb;
// get the AnnotatedType information
BeanResult> tp = buildAnnotatedType(cxml);
if (cxml.getJavaClass().isInterface())
// or need to veto the bean
if (tp.getBeanType() != BeanResultType.ADD)
// get all the field values from the bean
Set configuredFields = new HashSet();
List fields = new ArrayList();
for (FieldValueXmlItem xi : cxml.getChildrenOfType(FieldValueXmlItem.class))
FieldValueObject f = xi.getFieldValue();
if (f != null)
for (FieldValueXmlItem f : cxml.getShorthandFieldValues())
if (configuredFields.contains(f.getFieldName()))
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Field configured in two places: " + cxml.getJavaClass().getName() + "." + f.getFieldName(), cxml.getDocument(), cxml.getLineno());
if (!fields.isEmpty())
if (rb.getJavaClass().isInterface())
ret.addInterfaceFieldValues(tp.getType(), fields);
ret.addFieldValue(tp, fields);
else if (type == ResultType.QUALIFIER)
ret.addQualifier((Class) rb.getJavaClass());
else if (type == ResultType.INTERCEPTOR_BINDING)
ret.addInterceptorBinding((Class) rb.getJavaClass());
else if (type == ResultType.STEREOTYPE)
addStereotypeToResult(ret, rb);
else if (rb.getType() == XmlItemType.GENERIC_BEAN)
GenericBeanXmlItem item = (GenericBeanXmlItem) rb;
Set> classes = new HashSet>();
for (ClassXmlItem c : rb.getChildrenOfType(ClassXmlItem.class))
BeanResult> br = buildAnnotatedType(c);
if (br.getBeanType() != BeanResultType.ADD)
ret.addGenericBean(new GenericBeanResult(item.getJavaClass(), classes));
* resolves the appropriate java elements from the xml
protected XmlItem resolveNode(SaxNode node, XmlItem parent)
NamespaceElementResolver resolver = resolveNamepsace(node.getNamespaceUri());
XmlItem ret = resolver.getItemForNamespace(node, parent);
if (ret == null)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Could not resolve node " + node.getName() + " in namespace " + node.getNamespaceUri(), node.getDocument(), node.getLineNo());
List children = node.getChildren();
for (SaxNode n : children)
if (n.getNamespaceUri() != null)
XmlItem rb = resolveNode(n, ret);
return ret;
protected NamespaceElementResolver resolveNamepsace(String namespaceURI)
if (resolvers.containsKey(namespaceURI))
return resolvers.get(namespaceURI);
String ns = namespaceURI.replaceFirst("urn:java:", "");
CompositeNamespaceElementResolver res = new CompositeNamespaceElementResolver(ns.split(":"));
resolvers.put(namespaceURI, res);
return res;
* Determines the type of an element by examining its child nodes
protected ResultType getItemType(XmlItem item)
ResultType ret = null;
for (AnnotationXmlItem it : item.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
if (it.getJavaClass() == InterceptorBinding.class)
if (ret != null)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Element cannot be both an INTERCEPTOR_BINDING and a " + ret.toString(), item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
else if (it.getJavaClass() == Qualifier.class)
if (ret != null)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Element cannot be both an QUALIFIER and a " + ret.toString(), item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
ret = ResultType.QUALIFIER;
else if (it.getJavaClass() == Stereotype.class)
if (ret != null)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Element cannot be both an STEREOTYPE and a " + ret.toString(), item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
ret = ResultType.STEREOTYPE;
if (ret == null)
ret = ResultType.BEAN;
return ret;
BeanResult> buildAnnotatedType(ClassXmlItem rb)
boolean override = !rb.getChildrenOfType(OverrideXmlItem.class).isEmpty();
boolean extend = !rb.getChildrenOfType(SpecializesXmlItem.class).isEmpty();
// if it is an extend we want to read the annotations from the underlying
// class
BeanResult> result = new BeanResult(rb.getJavaClass(), extend);
AnnotatedTypeBuilder> type = result.getBuilder();
// list of constructor arguments
List constList = new ArrayList();
if (override && extend)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("A bean may not both and an existing bean", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
if (override)
else if (extend)
for (AnnotationXmlItem item : rb.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
Annotation a = createAnnotation(item);
List constructorParameters = rb.getChildrenOfType(ParametersXmlItem.class);
if (constructorParameters.size() > 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("A method may only have a single element", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
else if (!constructorParameters.isEmpty())
for (ParameterXmlItem item : constructorParameters.get(0).getChildrenOfType(ParameterXmlItem.class))
for (FieldXmlItem item : rb.getChildrenOfType(FieldXmlItem.class))
for (AnnotationXmlItem fi : item.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
Annotation a = createAnnotation(fi);
type.addToField(item.getField(), a);
List types = item.getChildrenOfType(TypeXmlItem.class);
if (types.size() > 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Only one element may be present on a field", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
if (!types.isEmpty())
List overridenTypes = types.get(0).getChildrenOfType(ClassXmlItem.class);
if (overridenTypes.size() != 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException(" must have a single child element", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
type.overrideFieldType(item.getField(), overridenTypes.get(0).getJavaClass());
for (MethodXmlItem item : rb.getChildrenOfType(MethodXmlItem.class))
int paramCount = 0;
for (AnnotationXmlItem fi : item.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
Annotation a = createAnnotation(fi);
type.addToMethod(item.getMethod(), a);
List parameters = item.getChildrenOfType(ParametersXmlItem.class);
if (parameters.size() > 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("A method may only have a single element", item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
else if (!parameters.isEmpty())
for (ParameterXmlItem fi : parameters.get(0).getChildrenOfType(ParameterXmlItem.class))
int param = paramCount++;
for (AnnotationXmlItem pan : fi.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
Annotation a = createAnnotation(pan);
type.addToMethodParameter(item.getMethod(), param, a);
List types = fi.getChildrenOfType(TypeXmlItem.class);
if (types.size() > 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Only one element may be present on a parameter", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
if (!types.isEmpty())
List overridenTypes = types.get(0).getChildrenOfType(ClassXmlItem.class);
if (overridenTypes.size() != 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException(" must have a single child element", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
type.overrideMethodParameterType(item.getMethod(), overridenTypes.get(0).getJavaClass(), param);
if (!constList.isEmpty())
int paramCount = 0;
Constructor> c = resolveConstructor(rb, constList);
// we automatically add inject to the constructor
type.addToConstructor((Constructor) c, new AnnotationLiteral()
for (ParameterXmlItem fi : constList)
int param = paramCount++;
for (AnnotationXmlItem pan : fi.getChildrenOfType(AnnotationXmlItem.class))
Annotation a = createAnnotation(pan);
type.addToConstructorParameter((Constructor) c, param, a);
List types = fi.getChildrenOfType(TypeXmlItem.class);
if (types.size() > 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Only one element may be present on a parameter", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
if (!types.isEmpty())
List overridenTypes = types.get(0).getChildrenOfType(ClassXmlItem.class);
if (overridenTypes.size() != 1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException(" must have a single child element", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
type.overrideConstructorParameterType(c, overridenTypes.get(0).getJavaClass(), param);
return result;
protected static Constructor> resolveConstructor(ClassXmlItem bean, List constList)
Class>[] params = new Class[constList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < constList.size(); ++i)
params[i] = constList.get(i).getJavaClass();
Constructor> ret = Reflections.getConstructor(bean.getJavaClass(), params);
if (ret == null)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Could not resolve constructor for " + bean.getJavaClass() + " with arguments " + params, bean.getDocument(), bean.getLineno());
return ret;
void addStereotypeToResult(XmlResult ret, XmlItem rb)
Annotation[] values = new Annotation[rb.getChildren().size()];
int count = 0;
for (XmlItem item : rb.getChildren())
if (item.getType() == XmlItemType.ANNOTATION)
Annotation a = createAnnotation((AnnotationXmlItem) item);
values[count] = a;
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Setereotype " + rb.getJavaClass() + " has an item that does not represent an annotation in its XML configurations", rb.getDocument(), rb.getLineno());
ret.addStereotype((Class) rb.getJavaClass(), values);
Annotation createAnnotation(AnnotationXmlItem item)
Map typedVars = new HashMap();
Class> anClass = item.getJavaClass();
for (Entry e : item.getAttributes().entrySet())
String mname = e.getKey();
Method m;
m = anClass.getDeclaredMethod(mname);
catch (Exception e1)
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Annotation " + item.getJavaClass().getName() + " does not have a member named " + mname + " ,error in XML", item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
Class> returnType = m.getReturnType();
typedVars.put(mname, XmlObjectConverter.convert(returnType, e.getValue()));
return ac.get((Class) item.getJavaClass(), typedVars);
public void validateXmlItem(XmlItem item)
Set allowed = item.getAllowedItem();
for (XmlItem i : item.getChildren())
if (!allowed.contains(item.getType()))
throw new XmlConfigurationException("Item " + item.getType() + " is not allowed to contain " + i.getType(), item.getDocument(), item.getLineno());
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