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* Abstract factory and finder class for obtaining the instance of the class that implements the
* PolicyConfigurationFactory of a provider. The factory will be used to instantiate PolicyConfiguration objects that
* will be used by the deployment tools of the container to create and manage policy contexts within the Policy
* Provider.
* Implementation classes must have a public no argument constructor that may be used to create an operational instance
* of the factory implementation class.
* @author Scott Stark
* @author Stefan Guilhen
* @see
* @see PolicyConfiguration
* @see PolicyContextException
public abstract class PolicyConfigurationFactory
* The standard name of the system property specifying the JACC PolicyConfigurationFactory implementation class name.
private static final String FACTORY_PROP = "";
/** The default PolicyConfigurationFactory implementation */
private static final String DEFAULT_FACTORY_NAME = "";
/** The loaded PolicyConfigurationFactory provider */
private static PolicyConfigurationFactory factory;
* This static method uses a system property to find and instantiate (via a public constructor) a provider spe- cific
* factory implementation class. The name of the provider specific factory implementation class is obtained from the
* value of the system property,
* @return the singleton instance of the provider specific PolicyConfigurationFactory implementation class.
* @throws SecurityException
* - when called by an AccessControlContext that has not been granted the “setPolicy” SecurityPermission.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* - when the class named by the system property could not be found including because the value of the
* system property has not be set.
* @throws PolicyContextException
* - if the implementation throws a checked exception that has not been accounted for by the
* getPolicyConfigurationFactory method signature. The exception thrown by the implementation class will
* be encapsulated (during construction) in the thrown PolicyContextException
public static PolicyConfigurationFactory getPolicyConfigurationFactory() throws ClassNotFoundException,
// Validate the caller permission
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
sm.checkPermission(new SecurityPermission("setPolicy"));
synchronized (PolicyConfigurationFactory.class)
if (factory == null)
String factoryName = null;
Class> clazz = null;
LoadAction action = new LoadAction();
clazz = AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
factoryName = action.getName();
catch (PrivilegedActionException ex)
factoryName = action.getName();
Exception e = ex.getException();
if (e instanceof ClassNotFoundException)
throw (ClassNotFoundException) e;
throw new PolicyContextException("Failure during load of class: " + factoryName, e);
factory = (PolicyConfigurationFactory) clazz.newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
String msg = "Failed to find PolicyConfigurationFactory : " + factoryName;
throw new ClassNotFoundException(msg, e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
String msg = "Unable to access class : " + factoryName;
throw new PolicyContextException(msg, e);
catch (InstantiationException e)
String msg = "Failed to create instance of: " + factoryName;
throw new PolicyContextException(msg, e);
catch (ClassCastException e)
StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(factoryName + " Is not a PolicyConfigurationFactory, ");
msg.append("PCF.class.CL: " + PolicyConfigurationFactory.class.getClassLoader());
msg.append("\nPCF.class.CS: " + PolicyConfigurationFactory.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource());
msg.append("\nPCF.class.hash: " + System.identityHashCode(PolicyConfigurationFactory.class));
msg.append("\nclazz.CL: " + clazz.getClassLoader());
msg.append("\nclazz.CS: " + clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource());
msg.append("\nclazz.super.CL: " + clazz.getSuperclass().getClassLoader());
msg.append("\nclazz.super.CS: " + clazz.getSuperclass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource());
msg.append("\nclazz.super.hash: " + System.identityHashCode(clazz.getSuperclass()));
ClassCastException cce = new ClassCastException(msg.toString());
throw cce;
return factory;
* This method is used to obtain an instance of the provider specific class that implements the PolicyConfiguration
* interface that corresponds to the identified policy context within the provider. The methods of the
* PolicyConfiguration interface are used to define the policy statements of the identified policy context.
* If at the time of the call, the identified policy context does not exist in the provider, then the policy context
* will be created in the provider and the Object that implements the context’s PolicyConfiguration Interface will be
* returned. If the state of the identified context is “deleted” or “inService” it will be transitioned to the “open”
* state as a result of the call. The states in the lifecycle of a policy context are defined by the
* PolicyConfiguration interface.
* For a given value of policy context identifier, this method must always return the same instance of
* PolicyConfiguration and there must be at most one actual instance of a PolicyConfiguration with a given policy
* context identifier (during a process context).
* To preserve the invariant that there be at most one PolicyConfiguration object for a given policy context, it may
* be necessary for this method to be thread safe.
* @param contextID
* - A String identifying the policy context whose PolicyConfiguration interface is to be returned. The
* value passed to this parameter must not be null.
* @param remove
* - A boolean value that establishes whether or not the policy statements and linkages of an existing
* policy context are to be removed before its PolicyConfiguration object is returned. If the value passed
* to this parameter is true, the policy statements and linkages of an existing policy context will be
* removed. If the value is false, they will not be removed.
* @return an Object that implements the PolicyConfiguration Interface matched to the Policy provider and
* corresponding to the identified policy context.
* @throws SecurityException
* - when called by an AccessControlContext that has not been granted the “setPolicy” SecurityPermission.
* @throws PolicyContextException
* - if the implementation throws a checked exception that has not been accounted for by the
* getPolicyConfiguration method signature. The exception thrown by the implementation class will be
* encapsulated (during construction) in the thrown PolicyContextException.
public abstract PolicyConfiguration getPolicyConfiguration(String contextID, boolean remove)
throws PolicyContextException;
* This method determines if the identified policy context exists with state “inService” in the Policy provider
* associated with the factory.
* @param contextID
* - A string identifying a policy context.
* @return true if the identified policy context exists within the provider and its state is “inService”, false
* otherwise.
* @throws SecurityException
* - when called by an AccessControlContext that has not been granted the “setPolicy” SecurityPermission.
* @throws PolicyContextException
* - if the implementation throws a checked exception that has not been accounted for by the inService
* method signature. The exception thrown by the implementation class will be encapsulated (during
* construction) in the thrown PolicyContextException.
public abstract boolean inService(String contextID) throws PolicyContextException;
* A PrivilegedExceptionAction that looks up the class name identified by the {@code
*} system property and loads the class using the thread
* context class loader.
private static class LoadAction implements PrivilegedExceptionAction>
private String name;
public String getName()
return name;
public Class> run() throws Exception
name = System.getProperty(FACTORY_PROP);
if (name == null)
// Use the default factory implementation.
ClassLoader[] cls = new ClassLoader[] { PolicyConfigurationFactory.class.getClassLoader(), // JACC classes (not always on TCCL [modular env])
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), // User defined classes
ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() // System loader, usually has app class path
ClassNotFoundException e = null;
for (ClassLoader cl : cls)
if (cl == null)
return cl.loadClass(name);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ce)
e = ce;
throw e != null ? e : new ClassNotFoundException(name);