org.jboss.threads.EnhancedQueueExecutor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jboss.threads;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread;
import static java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged;
import static java.security.AccessController.getContext;
import static java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos;
import static java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.unpark;
import static org.jboss.threads.JBossExecutors.unsafe;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Delayed;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import javax.management.ObjectInstance;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import io.smallrye.common.cpu.CacheInfo;
import org.jboss.threads.management.ManageableThreadPoolExecutorService;
import org.jboss.threads.management.StandardThreadPoolMXBean;
import io.smallrye.common.constraint.Assert;
import io.smallrye.common.cpu.ProcessorInfo;
* A task-or-thread queue backed thread pool executor service. Tasks are added in a FIFO manner, and consumers in a LIFO manner.
* Threads are only ever created in the event that there are no idle threads available to service a task, which, when
* combined with the LIFO-based consumer behavior, means that the thread pool will generally trend towards the minimum
* necessary size. In addition, the optional {@linkplain #setGrowthResistance(float) growth resistance feature} can
* be used to further govern the thread pool size.
* Additionally, this thread pool implementation supports scheduling of tasks.
* The scheduled tasks will execute on the main pool.
* New instances of this thread pool are created by constructing and configuring a {@link Builder} instance, and calling
* its {@link Builder#build() build()} method.
* @author David M. Lloyd
public final class EnhancedQueueExecutor extends AbstractExecutorService implements ManageableThreadPoolExecutorService, ScheduledExecutorService {
private static final Thread[] NO_THREADS = new Thread[0];
static {
│ Explanation of operation │
The primary mechanism of this executor is the special linked list/stack. This list has the following properties:
• Multiple node types:
◦ Task nodes (TaskNode), which have the following properties:
▪ Strongly connected (no task is ever removed from the middle of the list; tail can always be found by following .next pointers)
▪ FIFO (insertion at tail.next, "removal" at head.next)
▪ Head and tail always refer to TaskNodes; head.next/tail.next are the "true" action points for all node types
▪ At least one dead task node is always in the list, thus the task is cleared after execution to avoid leaks
◦ Waiting consumer thread nodes (PoolThreadNode), which have the following properties:
▪ LIFO/FILO (insertion and removal at tail.next)
▪ Carrier for task handoff between producer and waiting consumer
◦ Waiting termination (awaitTermination) thread nodes (TerminateWaiterNode), which have the following properties:
▪ Append-only (insertion at tail.next.next...next)
▪ All removed at once when termination is complete
▪ If a thread stops waiting, the node remains (but its thread field is cleared to prevent (best-effort) useless unparks)
▪ Once cleared, the thread field can never be reinitialized
• Concurrently accessed (multiple threads may read the list and update the head and tail pointers)
• TaskNode.next may be any node type or null
• PoolThreadNode.next may only be another PoolThreadNode or null
• TerminateWaiterNode.next may only be another TerminateWaiterNode or null
The secondary mechanism is the thread status atomic variable. It is logically a structure with the following fields:
• Current thread count (currentSizeOf(), withCurrentSize())
• Core pool size (coreSizeOf(), withCoreSize())
• Max pool size (maxSizeOf(), withMaxSize())
• Shutdown-requested flag (isShutdownRequested(), withShutdownRequested())
• Shutdown-with-interrupt requested flag (isShutdownInterrupt(), withShutdownInterrupt())
• Shutdown-completed flag (isShutdownComplete(), withShutdownComplete())
• The decision to create a new thread is affected by whether the number of active threads is less than the core size;
if not, then the growth resistance factor is applied to decide whether the task should be enqueued or a new thread begun.
Note: the default growth resistance factor is 0% resistance.
The final mechanism is the queue status atomic variable. It is logically a structure with the following fields:
• Current queue size (currentQueueSizeOf(), withCurrentQueueSize())
• Queue size limit (maxQueueSizeOf(), withMaxQueueSize())
// =======================================================
// Optimization control flags
// =======================================================
* A global hint which establishes whether it is recommended to disable uses of {@code EnhancedQueueExecutor}.
* This hint defaults to {@code false} but can be changed to {@code true} by setting the {@code jboss.threads.eqe.disable}
* property to {@code true} before this class is initialized.
public static final boolean DISABLE_HINT = readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("disable", false);
* Update the summary statistics.
static final boolean UPDATE_STATISTICS = readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("statistics", false);
* Maintain an estimate of the number of threads which are currently doing work on behalf of the thread pool.
static final boolean UPDATE_ACTIVE_COUNT =
UPDATE_STATISTICS || readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("statistics.active-count", false);
* Suppress queue limit and size tracking for performance.
static final boolean NO_QUEUE_LIMIT = readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("unlimited-queue", false);
* Set the default value for whether an mbean is to be auto-registered for the thread pool.
static final boolean REGISTER_MBEAN = readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("register-mbean", true);
* Set to enable or disable MBean registration.
static final boolean DISABLE_MBEAN = readBooleanPropertyPrefixed("disable-mbean", readProperty("org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode", null) != null);
* The number of times a thread should spin/yield before actually parking.
static final int PARK_SPINS = readIntPropertyPrefixed("park-spins", ProcessorInfo.availableProcessors() == 1 ? 0 : 1 << 7);
* The yield ratio expressed as the number of spins that should yield.
static final int YIELD_FACTOR = max(min(readIntPropertyPrefixed("park-yields", 1), PARK_SPINS), 0);
// =======================================================
// Constants
// =======================================================
static final Executor DEFAULT_HANDLER = JBossExecutors.rejectingExecutor();
// =======================================================
// Immutable configuration fields
// =======================================================
* The thread factory.
private final ThreadFactory threadFactory;
* The approximate set of pooled threads.
private final Set runningThreads = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
* The management bean instance.
private final MXBeanImpl mxBean;
* The MBean registration handle (if any).
private final Object handle;
* The access control context of the creating thread.
* Will be set to null when the MBean is not registered.
private volatile AccessControlContext acc;
* The context handler for the user-defined context.
private final ContextHandler> contextHandler;
* The task for scheduled execution.
private final SchedulerTask schedulerTask = new SchedulerTask();
* The scheduler thread.
private final Thread schedulerThread;
// =======================================================
// Current state fields
// =======================================================
* Unshared object fields (indexes are relative to units of cache line size):
* - {@code 0} {@code tail}: The node preceding the tail node; this field is not {@code null}.
* This is the insertion point for tasks (and the removal point for waiting threads).
* - {@code 1} {@code head}: The node preceding the head node; this field is not {@code null}.
* This is the removal point for tasks (and the insertion point for waiting threads).
final TaskNode[] unsharedTaskNodes = new TaskNode[RuntimeFields.unsharedTaskNodesSize];
* Unshared long fields (indexes are relative to units of cache line size):
* - {@code 0} {@code threadStatus}: Information about the current pool status:
* - Bit 00..19: current number of running threads
* - Bit 20..39: core pool size
* - Bit 40..59: maximum pool size
* - Bit 60: 1 = allow core thread timeout; 0 = disallow core thread timeout
* - Bit 61: 1 = shutdown requested; 0 = shutdown not requested
* - Bit 62: 1 = shutdown task interrupt requested; 0 = interrupt not requested
* - Bit 63: 1 = shutdown complete; 0 = shutdown not complete
* - {@code 1} {@code queueSize}: Information about the current queue size:
* - Bit 00..1F: current queue length
* - Bit 20..3F: queue limit
final long[] unsharedLongs = new long[RuntimeFields.unsharedLongsSize];
* The linked list of threads waiting for termination of this thread pool.
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by field updater
volatile Waiter terminationWaiters;
* The thread keep-alive timeout value.
volatile long timeoutNanos;
* A resistance factor applied after the core pool is full; values applied here will cause that fraction
* of submissions to create new threads when no idle thread is available. A value of {@code 0.0f} implies that
* threads beyond the core size should be created as aggressively as threads within it; a value of {@code 1.0f}
* implies that threads beyond the core size should never be created.
volatile float growthResistance;
* The handler for tasks which cannot be accepted by the executor.
volatile Executor handoffExecutor;
* The handler for uncaught exceptions which occur during user tasks.
volatile Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
* The termination task to execute when the thread pool exits.
volatile Runnable terminationTask;
// =======================================================
// Statistics fields and counters
// =======================================================
* The peak number of threads ever created by this pool.
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by field updater
volatile int peakThreadCount;
* The approximate peak queue size.
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by field updater
volatile int peakQueueSize;
// =======================================================
// Size and queue limit tracking
// =======================================================
private final boolean queueLimited;
private final LongAdder submittedTaskCounter = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder completedTaskCounter = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder rejectedTaskCounter = new LongAdder();
private final LongAdder spinMisses = new LongAdder();
* The current active number of threads.
volatile int activeCount;
// =======================================================
// Updaters
// =======================================================
private static final int numUnsharedLongs = 2;
private static final int numUnsharedObjects = 2;
private static final long terminationWaitersOffset;
private static final long peakThreadCountOffset;
private static final long activeCountOffset;
private static final long peakQueueSizeOffset;
// GraalVM should initialize this class at run time
private static final class RuntimeFields {
private static final int unsharedTaskNodesSize;
private static final int unsharedLongsSize;
private static final long headOffset;
private static final long tailOffset;
private static final long threadStatusOffset;
private static final long queueSizeOffset;
static {
int cacheLine = CacheInfo.getSmallestDataCacheLineSize();
if (cacheLine == 0) {
// guess
cacheLine = 64;
// cpu spatial prefetcher can drag 2 cache-lines at once into L2
int pad = cacheLine > 128 ? cacheLine : 128;
int longScale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(long[].class);
int taskNodeScale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(TaskNode[].class);
// these fields are in units of array scale
unsharedTaskNodesSize = pad / taskNodeScale * (numUnsharedObjects + 1);
unsharedLongsSize = pad / longScale * (numUnsharedLongs + 1);
// these fields are in bytes
headOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(TaskNode[].class) + pad;
tailOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(TaskNode[].class) + pad * 2;
threadStatusOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(long[].class) + pad;
queueSizeOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(long[].class) + pad * 2;
static {
try {
terminationWaitersOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(EnhancedQueueExecutor.class.getDeclaredField("terminationWaiters"));
peakThreadCountOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(EnhancedQueueExecutor.class.getDeclaredField("peakThreadCount"));
activeCountOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(EnhancedQueueExecutor.class.getDeclaredField("activeCount"));
peakQueueSizeOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(EnhancedQueueExecutor.class.getDeclaredField("peakQueueSize"));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new NoSuchFieldError(e.getMessage());
// =======================================================
// Thread state field constants
// =======================================================
private static final long TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK = 0b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111L; // 20 bits, can be shifted as needed
// shift amounts
private static final long TS_CURRENT_SHIFT = 0;
private static final long TS_CORE_SHIFT = 20;
private static final long TS_MAX_SHIFT = 40;
private static final long TS_ALLOW_CORE_TIMEOUT = 1L << 60;
private static final long TS_SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED = 1L << 61;
private static final long TS_SHUTDOWN_INTERRUPT = 1L << 62;
private static final long TS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE = 1L << 63;
private static final int EXE_OK = 0;
private static final int EXE_REJECT_QUEUE_FULL = 1;
private static final int EXE_REJECT_SHUTDOWN = 2;
private static final int EXE_CREATE_THREAD = 3;
private static final int AT_YES = 0;
private static final int AT_NO = 1;
private static final int AT_SHUTDOWN = 2;
// =======================================================
// Marker objects
// =======================================================
static final QNode TERMINATE_REQUESTED = new TerminateWaiterNode();
static final QNode TERMINATE_COMPLETE = new TerminateWaiterNode();
static final Waiter TERMINATE_COMPLETE_WAITER = new Waiter(null);
static final Runnable WAITING = new NullRunnable();
static final Runnable GAVE_UP = new NullRunnable();
static final Runnable ACCEPTED = new NullRunnable();
static final Runnable EXIT = new NullRunnable();
// =======================================================
// Constructor
// =======================================================
static final AtomicInteger sequence = new AtomicInteger(1);
EnhancedQueueExecutor(final Builder builder) {
setHeadPlain(setTailPlain(new EnhancedQueueExecutor.TaskNode(null)));
int maxSize = builder.getMaximumPoolSize();
int coreSize = min(builder.getCorePoolSize(), maxSize);
this.handoffExecutor = builder.getHandoffExecutor();
this.exceptionHandler = builder.getExceptionHandler();
this.threadFactory = builder.getThreadFactory();
this.schedulerThread = threadFactory.newThread(schedulerTask);
String schedulerName = this.schedulerThread.getName();
this.schedulerThread.setName(schedulerName + " (scheduler)");
this.terminationTask = builder.getTerminationTask();
this.growthResistance = builder.getGrowthResistance();
this.contextHandler = builder.getContextHandler();
final Duration keepAliveTime = builder.getKeepAliveTime();
// initial dead node
// thread stat
setThreadStatusPlain(withCoreSize(withMaxSize(withAllowCoreTimeout(0L, builder.allowsCoreThreadTimeOut()), maxSize), coreSize));
timeoutNanos = TimeUtil.clampedPositiveNanos(keepAliveTime);
this.queueLimited = builder.getQueueLimited();
final int maximumQueueSize = getQueueLimited() ? builder.getMaximumQueueSize() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
setQueueSizePlain(withMaxQueueSize(withCurrentQueueSize(0L, 0), maximumQueueSize));
mxBean = new MXBeanImpl();
if (! DISABLE_MBEAN && builder.isRegisterMBean()) {
this.acc = getContext();
final String configuredName = builder.getMBeanName();
final String finalName = configuredName != null ? configuredName : "threadpool-" + sequence.getAndIncrement();
handle = doPrivileged(new MBeanRegisterAction(finalName, mxBean), acc);
} else {
handle = null;
this.acc = null;
private boolean getQueueLimited() {
return !NO_QUEUE_LIMIT && queueLimited;
static final class MBeanRegisterAction implements PrivilegedAction {
private final String finalName;
private final MXBeanImpl mxBean;
MBeanRegisterAction(final String finalName, final MXBeanImpl mxBean) {
this.finalName = finalName;
this.mxBean = mxBean;
public ObjectInstance run() {
try {
final Hashtable table = new Hashtable<>();
table.put("name", ObjectName.quote(finalName));
table.put("type", "thread-pool");
return ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().registerMBean(mxBean, new ObjectName("jboss.threads", table));
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return null;
// =======================================================
// Builder
// =======================================================
* The builder class for an {@code EnhancedQueueExecutor}. All the fields are initialized to sensible defaults for
* a small thread pool.
public static final class Builder {
private ThreadFactory threadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();
private Runnable terminationTask = NullRunnable.getInstance();
private Executor handoffExecutor = DEFAULT_HANDLER;
private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = JBossExecutors.loggingExceptionHandler();
private int coreSize = 16;
private int maxSize = 64;
private Duration keepAliveTime = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
private float growthResistance;
private boolean allowCoreTimeOut;
private int maxQueueSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private boolean registerMBean = REGISTER_MBEAN;
private String mBeanName;
private ContextHandler> contextHandler = ContextHandler.NONE;
private boolean queueLimited = true;
* Construct a new instance.
public Builder() {}
* Get the configured thread factory.
* @return the configured thread factory (not {@code null})
public ThreadFactory getThreadFactory() {
return threadFactory;
* Set the configured thread factory.
* @param threadFactory the configured thread factory (must not be {@code null})
* @return this builder
public Builder setThreadFactory(final ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("threadFactory", threadFactory);
this.threadFactory = threadFactory;
return this;
* Get the termination task. By default, an empty {@code Runnable} is used.
* @return the termination task (not {@code null})
public Runnable getTerminationTask() {
return terminationTask;
* Set the termination task.
* @param terminationTask the termination task (must not be {@code null})
* @return this builder
public Builder setTerminationTask(final Runnable terminationTask) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("terminationTask", terminationTask);
this.terminationTask = terminationTask;
return this;
* Get the core pool size. This is the size below which new threads will always be created if no idle threads
* are available. If the pool size reaches the core size but has not yet reached the maximum size, a resistance
* factor will be applied to each task submission which determines whether the task should be queued or a new
* thread started.
* @return the core pool size
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#getCorePoolSize()
public int getCorePoolSize() {
return coreSize;
* Set the core pool size. If the configured maximum pool size is less than the configured core size, the
* core size will be reduced to match the maximum size when the thread pool is constructed.
* @param coreSize the core pool size (must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than 2^20)
* @return this builder
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int)
public Builder setCorePoolSize(final int coreSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("coreSize", 0, coreSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("coreSize", TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK, coreSize);
this.coreSize = coreSize;
return this;
* Get the maximum pool size. This is the absolute upper limit to the size of the thread pool.
* @return the maximum pool size
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#getMaximumPoolSize()
public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
return maxSize;
* Set the maximum pool size. If the configured maximum pool size is less than the configured core size, the
* core size will be reduced to match the maximum size when the thread pool is constructed.
* @param maxSize the maximum pool size (must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than 2^20)
* @return this builder
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int)
public Builder setMaximumPoolSize(final int maxSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("maxSize", 0, maxSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("maxSize", TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK, maxSize);
this.maxSize = maxSize;
return this;
* Get the thread keep-alive time. This is the amount of time (in the configured time unit) that idle threads
* will wait for a task before exiting.
* @return the thread keep-alive time duration
public Duration getKeepAliveTime() {
return keepAliveTime;
* Get the thread keep-alive time. This is the amount of time (in the configured time unit) that idle threads
* will wait for a task before exiting.
* @param keepAliveUnits the time keepAliveUnits of the keep-alive time (must not be {@code null})
* @return the thread keep-alive time
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit)
* @deprecated Use {@link #getKeepAliveTime()} instead.
public long getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit keepAliveUnits) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveUnits", keepAliveUnits);
final long secondsPart = keepAliveUnits.convert(keepAliveTime.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
final long nanoPart = keepAliveUnits.convert(keepAliveTime.getNano(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
final long sum = secondsPart + nanoPart;
return sum < 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : sum;
* Set the thread keep-alive time.
* @param keepAliveTime the thread keep-alive time (must not be {@code null})
public Builder setKeepAliveTime(final Duration keepAliveTime) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveTime", keepAliveTime);
if (keepAliveTime.compareTo(Duration.ZERO) <= 0) {
throw Messages.msg.nonPositiveKeepAlive(keepAliveTime);
this.keepAliveTime = keepAliveTime;
return this;
* Set the thread keep-alive time.
* @param keepAliveTime the thread keep-alive time (must be greater than 0)
* @param keepAliveUnits the time keepAliveUnits of the keep-alive time (must not be {@code null})
* @return this builder
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long, TimeUnit)
* @deprecated Use {@link #setKeepAliveTime(Duration)} instead.
public Builder setKeepAliveTime(final long keepAliveTime, final TimeUnit keepAliveUnits) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveUnits", keepAliveUnits);
return setKeepAliveTime(Duration.of(keepAliveTime, keepAliveUnits.toChronoUnit()));
* Get the thread pool growth resistance. This is the average fraction of submitted tasks that will be enqueued (instead
* of causing a new thread to start) when there are no idle threads and the pool size is equal to or greater than
* the core size (but still less than the maximum size). A value of {@code 0.0} indicates that tasks should
* not be enqueued until the pool is completely full; a value of {@code 1.0} indicates that tasks should always
* be enqueued until the queue is completely full.
* @return the thread pool growth resistance
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#getGrowthResistance()
public float getGrowthResistance() {
return growthResistance;
* Set the thread pool growth resistance.
* @param growthResistance the thread pool growth resistance (must be in the range {@code 0.0f ≤ n ≤ 1.0f})
* @return this builder
* @see #getGrowthResistance()
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#setGrowthResistance(float)
public Builder setGrowthResistance(final float growthResistance) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("growthResistance", 0.0f, growthResistance);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("growthResistance", 1.0f, growthResistance);
this.growthResistance = growthResistance;
return this;
* Determine whether core threads are allowed to time out. A "core thread" is defined as any thread in the pool
* when the pool size is below the pool's {@linkplain #getCorePoolSize() core pool size}.
* @return {@code true} if core threads are allowed to time out, {@code false} otherwise
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#allowsCoreThreadTimeOut()
public boolean allowsCoreThreadTimeOut() {
return allowCoreTimeOut;
* Establish whether core threads are allowed to time out. A "core thread" is defined as any thread in the pool
* when the pool size is below the pool's {@linkplain #getCorePoolSize() core pool size}.
* @param allowCoreTimeOut {@code true} if core threads are allowed to time out, {@code false} otherwise
* @return this builder
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#allowCoreThreadTimeOut(boolean)
public Builder allowCoreThreadTimeOut(final boolean allowCoreTimeOut) {
this.allowCoreTimeOut = allowCoreTimeOut;
return this;
* Get the maximum queue size. If the queue is full and a task cannot be immediately accepted, rejection will result.
* @return the maximum queue size
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#getMaximumQueueSize()
public int getMaximumQueueSize() {
return maxQueueSize;
* Set the maximum queue size.
* This has no impact when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.unlimited-queue} is set or
* {@link #setQueueLimited(boolean)} is set to {@code false}.
* @param maxQueueSize the maximum queue size (must be ≥ 0)
* @return this builder
* @see EnhancedQueueExecutor#setMaximumQueueSize(int)
public Builder setMaximumQueueSize(final int maxQueueSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("maxQueueSize", 0, maxQueueSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("maxQueueSize", Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxQueueSize);
this.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
return this;
* @return {@code false} if the queue limit and size tracking are suppressed for performance, {@code true} otherwise
public boolean getQueueLimited() {
return queueLimited;
* It set to {@code false} suppress queue limit and size tracking for performance.
* It has no effects if {@code jboss.threads.eqe.unlimited-queue} is set.
* @return this builder
public Builder setQueueLimited(final boolean limit) {
this.queueLimited = limit;
return this;
* Get the handoff executor.
* @return the handoff executor (not {@code null})
public Executor getHandoffExecutor() {
return handoffExecutor;
* Set the handoff executor.
* @param handoffExecutor the handoff executor (must not be {@code null})
* @return this builder
public Builder setHandoffExecutor(final Executor handoffExecutor) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("handoffExecutor", handoffExecutor);
this.handoffExecutor = handoffExecutor;
return this;
* Get the uncaught exception handler.
* @return the uncaught exception handler (not {@code null})
public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
return exceptionHandler;
* Set the uncaught exception handler.
* @param exceptionHandler the uncaught exception handler (must not be {@code null})
* @return this builder
public Builder setExceptionHandler(final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
return this;
* Construct the executor from the configured parameters.
* @return the executor, which will be active and ready to accept tasks (not {@code null})
public EnhancedQueueExecutor build() {
return new EnhancedQueueExecutor(this);
* Determine whether an MBean should automatically be registered for this pool.
* @return {@code true} if an MBean is to be auto-registered; {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isRegisterMBean() {
return registerMBean;
* Establish whether an MBean should automatically be registered for this pool.
* @param registerMBean {@code true} if an MBean is to be auto-registered; {@code false} otherwise
* @return this builder
public Builder setRegisterMBean(final boolean registerMBean) {
this.registerMBean = registerMBean;
return this;
* Get the overridden MBean name.
* @return the overridden MBean name, or {@code null} if a default name should be generated
public String getMBeanName() {
return mBeanName;
* Set the overridden MBean name.
* @param mBeanName the overridden MBean name, or {@code null} if a default name should be generated
* @return this builder
public Builder setMBeanName(final String mBeanName) {
this.mBeanName = mBeanName;
return this;
* Get the context handler for the user-defined context.
* @return the context handler for the user-defined context (not {@code null})
public ContextHandler> getContextHandler() {
return contextHandler;
* Set the context handler for the user-defined context.
* @param contextHandler the context handler for the user-defined context
* @return this builder
public Builder setContextHandler(final ContextHandler> contextHandler) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("contextHandler", contextHandler);
this.contextHandler = contextHandler;
return this;
// =======================================================
// ExecutorService
// =======================================================
* Execute a task.
* @param runnable the task to execute (must not be {@code null})
public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("runnable", runnable);
final Task realRunnable = new Task(runnable, contextHandler.captureContext());
int result;
result = tryExecute(realRunnable);
boolean ok = false;
if (result == EXE_OK) {
// last check to ensure that there is at least one existent thread to avoid rare thread timeout race condition
if (currentSizeOf(getThreadStatus()) == 0 && tryAllocateThread(0.0f) == AT_YES && ! doStartThread(null)) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) submittedTaskCounter.increment();
} else if (result == EXE_CREATE_THREAD) try {
ok = doStartThread(realRunnable);
} finally {
if (! ok) deallocateThread();
} else {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) rejectedTaskCounter.increment();
if (result == EXE_REJECT_SHUTDOWN) {
} else {
assert result == EXE_REJECT_QUEUE_FULL;
* Request that shutdown be initiated for this thread pool. This is equivalent to calling
* {@link #shutdown(boolean) shutdown(false)}; see that method for more information.
public void shutdown() {
* Attempt to stop the thread pool immediately by interrupting all running threads and de-queueing all pending
* tasks. The thread pool might not be fully stopped when this method returns, if a currently running task
* does not respect interruption.
* @return a list of pending tasks (not {@code null})
public List shutdownNow() {
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
TaskNode[] unsharedTaskNodes = this.unsharedTaskNodes;
TaskNode head = getHead(unsharedTaskNodes);
QNode headNext;
for (;;) {
headNext = head.getNext();
if (headNext == head) {
// a racing consumer has already consumed it (and moved head)
head = getHead(unsharedTaskNodes);
if (headNext instanceof TaskNode) {
TaskNode taskNode = (TaskNode) headNext;
if (compareAndSetHead(unsharedTaskNodes, head, taskNode)) {
// save from GC nepotism
if (getQueueLimited()) decreaseQueueSize();
head = taskNode;
// retry
} else {
// no more tasks;
return list;
* Determine whether shutdown was requested on this thread pool.
* @return {@code true} if shutdown was requested, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isShutdown() {
return isShutdownRequested(getThreadStatus());
* Determine whether shutdown has completed on this thread pool.
* @return {@code true} if shutdown has completed, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isTerminated() {
return isShutdownComplete(getThreadStatus());
* Wait for the thread pool to complete termination. If the timeout expires before the thread pool is terminated,
* {@code false} is returned. If the calling thread is interrupted before the thread pool is terminated, then
* an {@link InterruptedException} is thrown.
* @param timeout the amount of time to wait (must be ≥ 0)
* @param unit the unit of time to use for waiting (must not be {@code null})
* @return {@code true} if the thread pool terminated within the given timeout, {@code false} otherwise
* @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted before either the time period elapsed or the pool terminated successfully
public boolean awaitTermination(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("timeout", 0, timeout);
Assert.checkNotNullParam("unit", unit);
if (timeout > 0) {
final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
if (runningThreads.contains(thread) || thread == schedulerThread) {
throw Messages.msg.cannotAwaitWithin();
Waiter waiters = this.terminationWaiters;
return true;
final Waiter waiter = new Waiter(waiters);
while (! compareAndSetTerminationWaiters(waiters, waiter)) {
waiters = this.terminationWaiters;
return true;
try {
parkNanos(this, unit.toNanos(timeout));
} finally {
// prevent future spurious unparks without sabotaging the queue's integrity
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
return isTerminated();
// =======================================================
// ScheduledExecutorService
// =======================================================
public ScheduledFuture> schedule(final Runnable command, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) {
return schedulerTask.schedule(new RunnableScheduledFuture(command, delay, unit));
public ScheduledFuture schedule(final Callable callable, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) {
return schedulerTask.schedule(new CallableScheduledFuture(callable, delay, unit));
public ScheduledFuture> scheduleAtFixedRate(final Runnable command, final long initialDelay, final long period, final TimeUnit unit) {
return schedulerTask.schedule(new FixedRateRunnableScheduledFuture(command, initialDelay, period, unit));
public ScheduledFuture> scheduleWithFixedDelay(final Runnable command, final long initialDelay, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) {
return schedulerTask.schedule(new FixedDelayRunnableScheduledFuture(command, initialDelay, delay, unit));
private void startScheduleThread() {
// this should be fairly quick...
if (schedulerThread.getState() == Thread.State.NEW) try {
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException ignored) {
// make sure it's race-proof
// =======================================================
// Management
// =======================================================
public StandardThreadPoolMXBean getThreadPoolMXBean() {
return mxBean;
// =======================================================
// Other public API
// =======================================================
* Initiate shutdown of this thread pool. After this method is called, no new tasks will be accepted. Once
* the last task is complete, the thread pool will be terminated and its
* {@linkplain Builder#setTerminationTask(Runnable) termination task}
* will be called. Calling this method more than once has no additional effect, unless all previous calls
* had the {@code interrupt} parameter set to {@code false} and the subsequent call sets it to {@code true}, in
* which case all threads in the pool will be interrupted.
* @param interrupt {@code true} to request that currently-running tasks be interrupted; {@code false} otherwise
public void shutdown(boolean interrupt) {
long oldStatus, newStatus;
// state change sh1:
// threadStatus ← threadStatus | shutdown
// succeeds: -
// preconditions:
// none (thread status may be in any state)
// postconditions (succeed):
// (always) ShutdownRequested set in threadStatus
// (maybe) ShutdownInterrupted set in threadStatus (depends on parameter)
// (maybe) ShutdownComplete set in threadStatus (if currentSizeOf() == 0)
// (maybe) exit if no change
// postconditions (fail): -
// post-actions (fail):
// repeat state change until success or return
do {
oldStatus = getThreadStatus();
newStatus = withShutdownRequested(oldStatus);
if (interrupt) newStatus = withShutdownInterrupt(newStatus);
if (currentSizeOf(oldStatus) == 0) newStatus = withShutdownComplete(newStatus);
if (newStatus == oldStatus) return;
} while (! compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldStatus, newStatus));
assert oldStatus != newStatus;
if (isShutdownRequested(newStatus) != isShutdownRequested(oldStatus)) {
assert ! isShutdownRequested(oldStatus); // because it can only ever be set, not cleared
// we initiated shutdown
// terminate the scheduler
// clear out all consumers and append a dummy waiter node
TaskNode tail = getTail();
QNode tailNext;
// a marker to indicate that termination was requested
for (;;) {
tailNext = tail.getNext();
if (tailNext instanceof TaskNode) {
tail = (TaskNode) tailNext;
} else if (tailNext instanceof PoolThreadNode || tailNext == null) {
// remove the entire chain from this point
PoolThreadNode node = (PoolThreadNode) tailNext;
// state change sh2:
// tail.next ← terminateNode(null)
// succeeds: sh1
// preconditions:
// threadStatus contains shutdown
// tail(snapshot) is a task node
// tail(snapshot).next is a (list of) pool thread node(s) or null
// postconditions (succeed):
// tail(snapshot).next is TERMINATE_REQUESTED
if (tail.compareAndSetNext(node, TERMINATE_REQUESTED)) {
// got it!
// state change sh3:
// node.task ← EXIT
// preconditions:
// none (node task may be in any state)
// postconditions (succeed):
// task is EXIT
// postconditions (fail):
// no change (repeat loop)
while (node != null) {
node.compareAndSetTask(WAITING, EXIT);
node = node.getNext();
// success; exit loop
// repeat loop (failed CAS)
} else if (tailNext instanceof TerminateWaiterNode) {
// theoretically impossible, but it means we have nothing else to do
} else {
throw Assert.unreachableCode();
if (isShutdownInterrupt(newStatus) != isShutdownInterrupt(oldStatus)) {
assert ! isShutdownInterrupt(oldStatus); // because it can only ever be set, not cleared
// we initiated interrupt, so interrupt all currently active threads
for (Thread thread : runningThreads) {
if (isShutdownComplete(newStatus) != isShutdownComplete(oldStatus)) {
assert ! isShutdownComplete(oldStatus); // because it can only ever be set, not cleared
* Determine if this thread pool is in the process of terminating but has not yet completed.
* @return {@code true} if the thread pool is terminating, or {@code false} if the thread pool is not terminating or has completed termination
public boolean isTerminating() {
final long threadStatus = getThreadStatus();
return isShutdownRequested(threadStatus) && ! isShutdownComplete(threadStatus);
* Start an idle core thread. Normally core threads are only begun when a task was submitted to the executor
* but no thread is immediately available to handle the task.
* @return {@code true} if a core thread was started, or {@code false} if all core threads were already running or
* if the thread failed to be created for some other reason
public boolean prestartCoreThread() {
if (tryAllocateThread(1.0f) != AT_YES) return false;
if (doStartThread(null)) return true;
return false;
* Start all core threads. Calls {@link #prestartCoreThread()} in a loop until it returns {@code false}.
* @return the number of core threads created
public int prestartAllCoreThreads() {
int cnt = 0;
while (prestartCoreThread()) cnt ++;
return cnt;
// =======================================================
// Tuning & configuration parameters (run time)
// =======================================================
* Get the thread pool growth resistance. This is the average fraction of submitted tasks that will be enqueued (instead
* of causing a new thread to start) when there are no idle threads and the pool size is equal to or greater than
* the core size (but still less than the maximum size). A value of {@code 0.0} indicates that tasks should
* not be enqueued until the pool is completely full; a value of {@code 1.0} indicates that tasks should always
* be enqueued until the queue is completely full.
* @return the configured growth resistance factor
* @see Builder#getGrowthResistance() Builder.getGrowthResistance()
public float getGrowthResistance() {
return growthResistance;
* Set the growth resistance factor.
* @param growthResistance the thread pool growth resistance (must be in the range {@code 0.0f ≤ n ≤ 1.0f})
* @see Builder#setGrowthResistance(float) Builder.setGrowthResistance()
public void setGrowthResistance(final float growthResistance) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("growthResistance", 0.0f, growthResistance);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("growthResistance", 1.0f, growthResistance);
this.growthResistance = growthResistance;
* Get the core pool size. This is the size below which new threads will always be created if no idle threads
* are available. If the pool size reaches the core size but has not yet reached the maximum size, a resistance
* factor will be applied to each task submission which determines whether the task should be queued or a new
* thread started.
* @return the core pool size
* @see Builder#getCorePoolSize() Builder.getCorePoolSize()
public int getCorePoolSize() {
return coreSizeOf(getThreadStatus());
* Set the core pool size. If the configured maximum pool size is less than the configured core size, the
* core size will be reduced to match the maximum size when the thread pool is constructed.
* @param corePoolSize the core pool size (must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than 2^20)
* @see Builder#setCorePoolSize(int) Builder.setCorePoolSize()
public void setCorePoolSize(final int corePoolSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("corePoolSize", 0, corePoolSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("corePoolSize", TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK, corePoolSize);
long oldVal, newVal;
do {
oldVal = getThreadStatus();
if (corePoolSize > maxSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// automatically bump up max size to match
newVal = withCoreSize(withMaxSize(oldVal, corePoolSize), corePoolSize);
} else {
newVal = withCoreSize(oldVal, corePoolSize);
} while (! compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldVal, newVal));
if (maxSizeOf(newVal) < maxSizeOf(oldVal) || coreSizeOf(newVal) < coreSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// poke all the threads to try to terminate any excess eagerly
for (Thread activeThread : runningThreads) {
* Get the maximum pool size. This is the absolute upper limit to the size of the thread pool.
* @return the maximum pool size
* @see Builder#getMaximumPoolSize() Builder.getMaximumPoolSize()
public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
return maxSizeOf(getThreadStatus());
* Set the maximum pool size. If the configured maximum pool size is less than the configured core size, the
* core size will be reduced to match the maximum size when the thread pool is constructed.
* @param maxPoolSize the maximum pool size (must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than 2^20)
* @see Builder#setMaximumPoolSize(int) Builder.setMaximumPoolSize()
public void setMaximumPoolSize(final int maxPoolSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("maxPoolSize", 0, maxPoolSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("maxPoolSize", TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK, maxPoolSize);
long oldVal, newVal;
do {
oldVal = getThreadStatus();
if (maxPoolSize < coreSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// automatically bump down core size to match
newVal = withCoreSize(withMaxSize(oldVal, maxPoolSize), maxPoolSize);
} else {
newVal = withMaxSize(oldVal, maxPoolSize);
} while (! compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldVal, newVal));
if (maxSizeOf(newVal) < maxSizeOf(oldVal) || coreSizeOf(newVal) < coreSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// poke all the threads to try to terminate any excess eagerly
for (Thread activeThread : runningThreads) {
* Determine whether core threads are allowed to time out. A "core thread" is defined as any thread in the pool
* when the pool size is below the pool's {@linkplain #getCorePoolSize() core pool size}.
* @return {@code true} if core threads are allowed to time out, {@code false} otherwise
* @see Builder#allowsCoreThreadTimeOut() Builder.allowsCoreThreadTimeOut()
public boolean allowsCoreThreadTimeOut() {
return isAllowCoreTimeout(getThreadStatus());
* Establish whether core threads are allowed to time out. A "core thread" is defined as any thread in the pool
* when the pool size is below the pool's {@linkplain #getCorePoolSize() core pool size}.
* @param value {@code true} if core threads are allowed to time out, {@code false} otherwise
* @see Builder#allowCoreThreadTimeOut(boolean) Builder.allowCoreThreadTimeOut()
public void allowCoreThreadTimeOut(boolean value) {
long oldVal, newVal;
do {
oldVal = getThreadStatus();
newVal = withAllowCoreTimeout(oldVal, value);
if (oldVal == newVal) return;
} while (! compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldVal, newVal));
if (value) {
// poke all the threads to try to terminate any excess eagerly
for (Thread activeThread : runningThreads) {
* Get the thread keep-alive time. This is the minimum length of time that idle threads should remain until they exit.
* Unless core threads are allowed to time out, threads will only exit if the current thread count exceeds the core
* limit.
* @param keepAliveUnits the unit in which the result should be expressed (must not be {@code null})
* @return the amount of time (will be greater than zero)
* @see Builder#getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit) Builder.getKeepAliveTime()
* @deprecated Use {@link #getKeepAliveTime()} instead.
public long getKeepAliveTime(TimeUnit keepAliveUnits) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveUnits", keepAliveUnits);
return keepAliveUnits.convert(timeoutNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
* Get the thread keep-alive time. This is the minimum length of time that idle threads should remain until they exit.
* Unless core threads are allowed to time out, threads will only exit if the current thread count exceeds the core
* limit.
* @return the amount of time (will be greater than zero)
* @see Builder#getKeepAliveTime() Builder.getKeepAliveTime()
public Duration getKeepAliveTime() {
return Duration.of(timeoutNanos, ChronoUnit.NANOS);
* Set the thread keep-alive time. This is the minimum length of time that idle threads should remain until they exit.
* Unless core threads are allowed to time out, threads will only exit if the current thread count exceeds the core
* limit.
* @param keepAliveTime the thread keep-alive time (must be > 0)
* @param keepAliveUnits the unit in which the value is expressed (must not be {@code null})
* @see Builder#setKeepAliveTime(long, TimeUnit) Builder.setKeepAliveTime()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setKeepAliveTime(Duration)} instead.
public void setKeepAliveTime(final long keepAliveTime, final TimeUnit keepAliveUnits) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("keepAliveTime", 1L, keepAliveTime);
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveUnits", keepAliveUnits);
timeoutNanos = max(1L, keepAliveUnits.toNanos(keepAliveTime));
* Set the thread keep-alive time. This is the minimum length of time that idle threads should remain until they exit.
* Unless core threads are allowed to time out, threads will only exit if the current thread count exceeds the core
* limit.
* @param keepAliveTime the thread keep-alive time (must not be {@code null})
* @see Builder#setKeepAliveTime(Duration) Builder.setKeepAliveTime()
public void setKeepAliveTime(final Duration keepAliveTime) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("keepAliveTime", keepAliveTime);
timeoutNanos = TimeUtil.clampedPositiveNanos(keepAliveTime);
* Get the maximum queue size. If the queue is full and a task cannot be immediately accepted, rejection will result.
* @return the maximum queue size
* @see Builder#getMaximumQueueSize() Builder.getMaximumQueueSize()
public int getMaximumQueueSize() {
return maxQueueSizeOf(getQueueSizeVolatile());
* Set the maximum queue size. If the new maximum queue size is smaller than the current queue size, there is no
* effect other than preventing tasks from being enqueued until the size decreases below the maximum again.
* @param maxQueueSize the maximum queue size (must be ≥ 0)
* @see Builder#setMaximumQueueSize(int) Builder.setMaximumQueueSize()
public void setMaximumQueueSize(final int maxQueueSize) {
Assert.checkMinimumParameter("maxQueueSize", 0, maxQueueSize);
Assert.checkMaximumParameter("maxQueueSize", Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxQueueSize);
if (!getQueueLimited()) return;
long oldVal;
do {
oldVal = getQueueSizeVolatile();
} while (! compareAndSetQueueSize(oldVal, withMaxQueueSize(oldVal, maxQueueSize)));
* Get the executor to delegate to in the event of task rejection.
* @return the executor to delegate to in the event of task rejection (not {@code null})
public Executor getHandoffExecutor() {
return handoffExecutor;
* Set the executor to delegate to in the event of task rejection.
* @param handoffExecutor the executor to delegate to in the event of task rejection (must not be {@code null})
public void setHandoffExecutor(final Executor handoffExecutor) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("handoffExecutor", handoffExecutor);
this.handoffExecutor = handoffExecutor;
* Get the exception handler to use for uncaught exceptions.
* @return the exception handler to use for uncaught exceptions (not {@code null})
public Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
return exceptionHandler;
* Set the exception handler to use for uncaught exceptions.
* @param exceptionHandler the exception handler to use for uncaught exceptions (must not be {@code null})
public void setExceptionHandler(final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("exceptionHandler", exceptionHandler);
this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
* Set the termination task, overwriting any previous setting.
* @param terminationTask the termination task, or {@code null} to perform no termination task
public void setTerminationTask(final Runnable terminationTask) {
this.terminationTask = terminationTask;
// =======================================================
// Statistics & metrics API
// =======================================================
* Get an estimate of the current queue size.
* @return an estimate of the current queue size or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.unlimited-queue} is enabled or
* {@link Builder#setQueueLimited(boolean)} is set to {@code false}
public int getQueueSize() {
return !getQueueLimited() ? -1 : currentQueueSizeOf(getQueueSizeVolatile());
* Get an estimate of the peak number of threads that the pool has ever held.
* @return an estimate of the peak number of threads that the pool has ever held
public int getLargestPoolSize() {
return UPDATE_STATISTICS ? peakThreadCount : -1;
* Get an estimate of the number of threads which are currently doing work on behalf of the thread pool.
* @return the active count estimate or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.statistics.active-count} is disabled
public int getActiveCount() {
return UPDATE_ACTIVE_COUNT ? activeCount : -1;
* Get an estimate of the peak size of the queue.
* return an estimate of the peak size of the queue or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.statistics}
* is disabled or {@code jboss.threads.eqe.unlimited-queue} is enabled or {@link Builder#setQueueLimited(boolean)}
* is set to {@code false}
public int getLargestQueueSize() {
return UPDATE_STATISTICS && getQueueLimited() ? peakQueueSize : -1;
* Get an estimate of the total number of tasks ever submitted to this thread pool.
* @return an estimate of the total number of tasks ever submitted to this thread pool
* or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.statistics} is disabled
public long getSubmittedTaskCount() {
return UPDATE_STATISTICS ? submittedTaskCounter.longValue() : -1;
* Get an estimate of the total number of tasks ever rejected by this thread pool for any reason.
* @return an estimate of the total number of tasks ever rejected by this thread pool
* or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.statistics} is disabled
public long getRejectedTaskCount() {
return UPDATE_STATISTICS ? rejectedTaskCounter.longValue() : -1;
* Get an estimate of the number of tasks completed by this thread pool.
* @return an estimate of the number of tasks completed by this thread pool
* or -1 when {@code jboss.threads.eqe.statistics} is disabled
public long getCompletedTaskCount() {
return UPDATE_STATISTICS ? completedTaskCounter.longValue() : -1;
* Get an estimate of the current number of active threads in the pool.
* @return an estimate of the current number of active threads in the pool
public int getPoolSize() {
return currentSizeOf(getThreadStatus());
* Get an array containing an approximate snapshot of the currently running threads in
* this executor.
* @return an array of running (unterminated) threads (not {@code null})
public Thread[] getRunningThreads() {
return runningThreads.toArray(NO_THREADS);
static class MBeanUnregisterAction implements PrivilegedAction {
static void forceInit() {
private final Object handle;
MBeanUnregisterAction(final Object handle) {
this.handle = handle;
public Void run() {
try {
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().unregisterMBean(((ObjectInstance) handle).getObjectName());
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return null;
// =======================================================
// Pooled thread body
// =======================================================
final class ThreadBody implements Runnable {
private Task initialTask;
ThreadBody(final Task initialTask) {
this.initialTask = initialTask;
* Execute the body of the thread. On entry the thread is added to the {@link #runningThreads} set, and on
* exit it is removed.
public void run() {
// run the initial task
Runnable initial = initialTask;
if (initial != null) {
this.initialTask = null;
private void runThreadBody() {
final LongAdder spinMisses = this.spinMisses;
final TaskNode[] unsharedTaskNodes = this.unsharedTaskNodes;
// Eagerly allocate a PoolThreadNode for the next time it's needed
PoolThreadNode nextPoolThreadNode = new PoolThreadNode(currentThread());
// main loop
processingQueue: for (;;) {
TaskNode head;
QNode headNext;
for (;;) {
head = getHead(unsharedTaskNodes);
headNext = head.getNext();
// headNext == head can happen if another consumer has already consumed head:
// retry with a fresh head
if (headNext != head) {
if (headNext == null || headNext instanceof PoolThreadNode) {
if (head.compareAndSetNext(headNext, nextPoolThreadNode)) {
// pool thread node was added
final PoolThreadNode newNode = nextPoolThreadNode;
// at this point, we are registered into the queue
long start = System.nanoTime();
long elapsed = 0L;
waitingForTask: for (;;) {
Runnable task = newNode.getTask();
assert task != ACCEPTED && task != GAVE_UP && task != null;
if (task != WAITING && task != EXIT) {
if (newNode.compareAndSetTask(task, ACCEPTED)) {
// we have a task to run, so run it and then abandon the node
// nextPoolThreadNode has been added to the queue, a new node is required for next time.
nextPoolThreadNode = new PoolThreadNode(currentThread());
// rerun outer
continue processingQueue;
// we had a task to run, but we failed to CAS it for some reason, so retry
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
continue waitingForTask;
} else {
final long timeoutNanos = this.timeoutNanos;
long oldVal = getThreadStatus();
if (elapsed >= timeoutNanos || task == EXIT || currentSizeOf(oldVal) > maxSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// try to exit this thread, if we are allowed
if (task == EXIT ||
isShutdownRequested(oldVal) ||
isAllowCoreTimeout(oldVal) ||
currentSizeOf(oldVal) > coreSizeOf(oldVal)
) {
if (newNode.compareAndSetTask(task, GAVE_UP)) {
for (;;) {
if (tryDeallocateThread(oldVal)) {
// clear to exit.
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
oldVal = getThreadStatus();
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
continue waitingForTask;
} else {
if (elapsed >= timeoutNanos) {
} else {
newNode.park(this, timeoutNanos - elapsed);
elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;
// retry inner
continue waitingForTask;
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
} else {
assert task == WAITING;
newNode.park(this, timeoutNanos - elapsed);
elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;
// retry inner
continue waitingForTask;
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
} // :waitingForTask
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
} else if (headNext != null) {
// GC Nepotism:
// save dragging headNext into old generation
// (although being a PoolThreadNode it won't make a big difference)
} else if (headNext instanceof TaskNode taskNode) {
if (compareAndSetHead(unsharedTaskNodes, head, taskNode)) {
// save from GC Nepotism: generational GCs don't like
// cross-generational references, so better to "clean-up" head::next
// to save dragging head::next into the old generation.
// Clean-up cannot just null out next
if (getQueueLimited()) decreaseQueueSize();
// task node was removed
} else {
assert headNext instanceof TerminateWaiterNode;
// we're shutting down!
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) this.spinMisses.increment();
} // :processingQueue
//throw Assert.unreachableCode();
// =======================================================
// Thread starting
// =======================================================
* Allocate a new thread.
* @param growthResistance the growth resistance to apply
* @return {@code AT_YES} if a thread is allocated; {@code AT_NO} if a thread was not allocated; {@code AT_SHUTDOWN} if the pool is being shut down
int tryAllocateThread(final float growthResistance) {
int oldSize;
long oldStat;
for (;;) {
oldStat = getThreadStatus();
if (isShutdownRequested(oldStat)) {
oldSize = currentSizeOf(oldStat);
if (oldSize >= maxSizeOf(oldStat)) {
// max threads already reached
return AT_NO;
if (oldSize >= coreSizeOf(oldStat) && oldSize > 0) {
// core threads are reached; check resistance factor (if no threads are running, then always start a thread)
if (growthResistance != 0.0f && (growthResistance == 1.0f || ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() < growthResistance)) {
// do not create a thread this time
return AT_NO;
// try to increase
final int newSize = oldSize + 1;
// state change ex3:
// threadStatus.size ← threadStatus(snapshot).size + 1
// cannot succeed: sh1
// succeeds: -
// preconditions:
// ! threadStatus(snapshot).shutdownRequested
// threadStatus(snapshot).size < threadStatus(snapshot).maxSize
// threadStatus(snapshot).size < threadStatus(snapshot).coreSize || random < growthResistance
// post-actions (fail):
// retry whole loop
if (compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldStat, withCurrentSize(oldStat, newSize))) {
// increment peak thread count
int oldVal;
do {
oldVal = peakThreadCount;
if (oldVal >= newSize) break;
} while (! compareAndSetPeakThreadCount(oldVal, newSize));
return AT_YES;
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
* Roll back a thread allocation, possibly terminating the pool. Only call after {@link #tryAllocateThread(float)} returns {@link #AT_YES}.
void deallocateThread() {
long oldStat;
do {
oldStat = getThreadStatus();
} while (! tryDeallocateThread(oldStat));
* Try to roll back a thread allocation, possibly running the termination task if the pool would be terminated
* by last thread exit.
* @param oldStat the {@code threadStatus} to CAS
* @return {@code true} if the thread was deallocated, or {@code false} to retry with a new {@code oldStat}
boolean tryDeallocateThread(long oldStat) {
// roll back our thread allocation attempt
// state change ex4:
// threadStatus.size ← threadStatus.size - 1
// succeeds: ex3
// preconditions:
// threadStatus.size > 0
long newStat = withCurrentSize(oldStat, currentSizeOf(oldStat) - 1);
if (currentSizeOf(newStat) == 0 && isShutdownRequested(oldStat)) {
newStat = withShutdownComplete(newStat);
if (! compareAndSetThreadStatus(oldStat, newStat)) return false;
if (isShutdownComplete(newStat)) {
return true;
* Start an allocated thread.
* @param runnable the task or {@code null}
* @return {@code true} if the thread was started, {@code false} otherwise
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if {@code runnable} is not {@code null} and the thread could not be created or started
boolean doStartThread(Task runnable) throws RejectedExecutionException {
Thread thread;
try {
thread = threadFactory.newThread(new ThreadBody(runnable));
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) rejectedTaskCounter.increment();
rejectException(runnable, t);
return false;
if (thread == null) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) rejectedTaskCounter.increment();
return false;
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (runnable != null) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) rejectedTaskCounter.increment();
rejectException(runnable, t);
return false;
return true;
// =======================================================
// Task submission
// =======================================================
private int tryExecute(final Task runnable) {
QNode tailNext;
TaskNode tail = getTail();
TaskNode node = null;
for (;;) {
tailNext = tail.getNext();
if (tailNext == tail) {
// tail is already consumed, retry with new tail(snapshot)
} else if (tailNext == null) {
// no consumers available; maybe we can start one
int tr = tryAllocateThread(growthResistance);
if (tr == AT_YES) {
if (tr == AT_SHUTDOWN) {
assert tr == AT_NO;
// no; try to enqueue
if (getQueueLimited() && !increaseQueueSize()) {
// queue is full
// OK last effort to create a thread, disregarding growth limit
tr = tryAllocateThread(0.0f);
if (tr == AT_YES) {
if (tr == AT_SHUTDOWN) {
assert tr == AT_NO;
// queue size increased successfully; we can add to the list
if (node == null) {
// avoid re-allocating TaskNode instances on subsequent iterations
node = new TaskNode(runnable);
// state change ex5:
// tail(snapshot).next ← new task node
// cannot succeed: sh2
// preconditions:
// tail(snapshot).next = null
// ex3 failed precondition
// queue size increased to accommodate node
// postconditions (success):
// tail(snapshot).next = new task node
if (tail.compareAndSetNext(null, node)) {
// try to update tail to the new node; if this CAS fails then tail already points at past the node
// this is because tail can only ever move forward, and the task list is always strongly connected
compareAndSetTail(tail, node);
return EXE_OK;
// we failed; we have to drop the queue size back down again to compensate before we can retry
if (getQueueLimited()) decreaseQueueSize();
} else if (tailNext instanceof PoolThreadNode) {
final QNode tailNextNext = tailNext.getNext();
// state change ex1:
// tail(snapshot).next ← tail(snapshot).next(snapshot).next(snapshot)
// succeeds: -
// cannot succeed: sh2
// preconditions:
// tail(snapshot) is a dead TaskNode
// tail(snapshot).next is PoolThreadNode
// tail(snapshot).next.next* is PoolThreadNode or null
// additional success postconditions: -
// failure postconditions: -
// post-actions (succeed):
// run state change ex2
// post-actions (fail):
// retry with new tail(snapshot)
if (tail.compareAndSetNext(tailNext, tailNextNext)) {
assert tail instanceof TaskNode;
PoolThreadNode consumerNode = (PoolThreadNode) tailNext;
// state change ex2:
// tail(snapshot).next(snapshot).task ← runnable
// succeeds: ex1
// preconditions:
// tail(snapshot).next(snapshot).task = WAITING
// post-actions (succeed):
// unpark thread and return
// post-actions (fail):
// retry outer with new tail(snapshot)
if (consumerNode.compareAndSetTask(WAITING, runnable)) {
// GC Nepotism:
// We can save consumerNode::next from being dragged into
// old generation, if possible
consumerNode.compareAndSetNext(tailNextNext, null);
return EXE_OK;
// otherwise the consumer gave up or was exited already, so fall out and...
} else if (tailNext instanceof TaskNode) {
TaskNode tailNextTaskNode = (TaskNode) tailNext;
// Opportunistically update tail to the next node. If this operation has been handled by
// another thread we fall back to the loop and try again instead of duplicating effort.
if (compareAndSetTail(tail, tailNextTaskNode)) {
tail = tailNextTaskNode;
// bypass the on-spin-miss path because we've updated the next task node to tailNextTaskNode.
} else {
// no consumers are waiting and the tail(snapshot).next node is non-null and not a task node, therefore it must be a...
assert tailNext instanceof TerminateWaiterNode;
// shutting down
// retry with new tail(snapshot)
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
tail = getTail();
// not reached
// =======================================================
// Termination task
// =======================================================
void completeTermination() {
// be kind and un-interrupt the thread for the termination task
boolean intr = Thread.interrupted();
try {
final Runnable terminationTask = JBossExecutors.classLoaderPreservingTask(this.terminationTask);
this.terminationTask = null;
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
exceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), t);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
// nothing else we can safely do here
// notify all waiters
Waiter waiters = getAndSetTerminationWaiters(TERMINATE_COMPLETE_WAITER);
while (waiters != null) {
waiters = waiters.getNext();
//The check for DISABLE_MBEAN is redundant as acc would be null,
//but GraalVM needs the hint so to not make JMX reachable.
if (this.acc != null) {
final Object handle = this.handle;
if (handle != null) {
intr = intr || Thread.interrupted();
doPrivileged(new MBeanUnregisterAction(handle), acc);
this.acc = null;
} finally {
if (intr) {
// =======================================================
// Compare-and-set operations
// =======================================================
TaskNode getTail() {
return (TaskNode) unsafe.getObjectVolatile(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.tailOffset);
TaskNode setTailPlain(TaskNode tail) {
unsafe.putObject(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.tailOffset, tail);
return tail;
boolean compareAndSetTail(final EnhancedQueueExecutor.TaskNode expect, final EnhancedQueueExecutor.TaskNode update) {
return getTail() == expect && unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.tailOffset, expect, update);
TaskNode getHead(final TaskNode[] unsharedTaskNodes) {
return (TaskNode) unsafe.getObjectVolatile(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.headOffset);
TaskNode setHeadPlain(TaskNode head) {
unsafe.putObject(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.headOffset, head);
return head;
boolean compareAndSetHead(final TaskNode[] unsharedTaskNodes, final TaskNode expect, final TaskNode update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(unsharedTaskNodes, RuntimeFields.headOffset, expect, update);
long getThreadStatus() {
return unsafe.getLongVolatile(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.threadStatusOffset);
long setThreadStatusPlain(long status) {
unsafe.putLong(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.threadStatusOffset, status);
return status;
boolean compareAndSetThreadStatus(final long expect, final long update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.threadStatusOffset, expect, update);
void incrementActiveCount() {
unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, activeCountOffset, 1);
void decrementActiveCount() {
unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, activeCountOffset, -1);
boolean compareAndSetPeakThreadCount(final int expect, final int update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, peakThreadCountOffset, expect, update);
boolean compareAndSetPeakQueueSize(final int expect, final int update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, peakQueueSizeOffset, expect, update);
long getQueueSizeVolatile() {
return unsafe.getLongVolatile(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.queueSizeOffset);
long setQueueSizePlain(long queueSize) {
unsafe.putLong(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.queueSizeOffset, queueSize);
return queueSize;
boolean compareAndSetQueueSize(final long expect, final long update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(unsharedLongs, RuntimeFields.queueSizeOffset, expect, update);
boolean compareAndSetTerminationWaiters(final Waiter expect, final Waiter update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, terminationWaitersOffset, expect, update);
Waiter getAndSetTerminationWaiters(final Waiter update) {
return (Waiter) unsafe.getAndSetObject(this, terminationWaitersOffset, update);
// =======================================================
// Queue size operations
// =======================================================
boolean increaseQueueSize() {
long oldVal = getQueueSizeVolatile();
int oldSize = currentQueueSizeOf(oldVal);
if (oldSize >= maxQueueSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// reject
return false;
int newSize = oldSize + 1;
while (! compareAndSetQueueSize(oldVal, withCurrentQueueSize(oldVal, newSize))) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
oldVal = getQueueSizeVolatile();
oldSize = currentQueueSizeOf(oldVal);
if (oldSize >= maxQueueSizeOf(oldVal)) {
// reject
return false;
newSize = oldSize + 1;
do {
// oldSize now represents the old peak size
oldSize = peakQueueSize;
if (newSize <= oldSize) break;
} while (! compareAndSetPeakQueueSize(oldSize, newSize));
return true;
void decreaseQueueSize() {
long oldVal;
oldVal = getQueueSizeVolatile();
assert currentQueueSizeOf(oldVal) > 0;
while (! compareAndSetQueueSize(oldVal, withCurrentQueueSize(oldVal, currentQueueSizeOf(oldVal) - 1))) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) spinMisses.increment();
oldVal = getQueueSizeVolatile();
assert currentQueueSizeOf(oldVal) > 0;
// =======================================================
// Inline Functions
// =======================================================
static int currentQueueSizeOf(long queueSize) {
return (int) (queueSize & 0x7fff_ffff);
static long withCurrentQueueSize(long queueSize, int current) {
assert current >= 0;
return queueSize & 0xffff_ffff_0000_0000L | current;
static int maxQueueSizeOf(long queueSize) {
return (int) (queueSize >>> 32 & 0x7fff_ffff);
static long withMaxQueueSize(long queueSize, int max) {
assert max >= 0;
return queueSize & 0xffff_ffffL | (long)max << 32;
static int coreSizeOf(long status) {
return (int) (status >>> TS_CORE_SHIFT & TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK);
static int maxSizeOf(long status) {
return (int) (status >>> TS_MAX_SHIFT & TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK);
static int currentSizeOf(long status) {
return (int) (status >>> TS_CURRENT_SHIFT & TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK);
static long withCoreSize(long status, int newCoreSize) {
assert 0 <= newCoreSize && newCoreSize <= TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK;
return status & ~(TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK << TS_CORE_SHIFT) | (long)newCoreSize << TS_CORE_SHIFT;
static long withCurrentSize(long status, int newCurrentSize) {
assert 0 <= newCurrentSize && newCurrentSize <= TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK;
return status & ~(TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK << TS_CURRENT_SHIFT) | (long)newCurrentSize << TS_CURRENT_SHIFT;
static long withMaxSize(long status, int newMaxSize) {
assert 0 <= newMaxSize && newMaxSize <= TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK;
return status & ~(TS_THREAD_CNT_MASK << TS_MAX_SHIFT) | (long)newMaxSize << TS_MAX_SHIFT;
static long withShutdownRequested(final long status) {
return status | TS_SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED;
static long withShutdownComplete(final long status) {
return status | TS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE;
static long withShutdownInterrupt(final long status) {
return status | TS_SHUTDOWN_INTERRUPT;
static long withAllowCoreTimeout(final long status, final boolean allowed) {
return allowed ? status | TS_ALLOW_CORE_TIMEOUT : status & ~TS_ALLOW_CORE_TIMEOUT;
static boolean isShutdownRequested(final long status) {
return (status & TS_SHUTDOWN_REQUESTED) != 0;
static boolean isShutdownComplete(final long status) {
return (status & TS_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) != 0;
static boolean isShutdownInterrupt(final long threadStatus) {
return (threadStatus & TS_SHUTDOWN_INTERRUPT) != 0;
static boolean isAllowCoreTimeout(final long oldVal) {
return (oldVal & TS_ALLOW_CORE_TIMEOUT) != 0;
// =======================================================
// Static configuration
// =======================================================
static int readIntPropertyPrefixed(String name, int defVal) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(readPropertyPrefixed(name, Integer.toString(defVal)));
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
return defVal;
static boolean readBooleanPropertyPrefixed(String name, boolean defVal) {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(readPropertyPrefixed(name, Boolean.toString(defVal)));
static String readPropertyPrefixed(String name, String defVal) {
return readProperty("jboss.threads.eqe." + name, defVal);
static String readProperty(String name, String defVal) {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
return doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
public String run() {
return readPropertyRaw(name, defVal);
} else {
return readPropertyRaw(name, defVal);
static String readPropertyRaw(final String name, final String defVal) {
return System.getProperty(name, defVal);
// =======================================================
// Utilities
// =======================================================
void rejectException(final Task task, final Throwable cause) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
void rejectNoThread(final Task task) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
t.addSuppressed(new RejectedExecutionException("No threads available"));
throw t;
void rejectQueueFull(final Task task) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
t.addSuppressed(new RejectedExecutionException("Queue is full"));
throw t;
void rejectShutdown(final Task task) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
t.addSuppressed(new RejectedExecutionException("Executor is being shut down"));
throw t;
// =======================================================
// Node classes
// =======================================================
abstract static class QNode {
private static final long nextOffset;
static {
try {
nextOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(QNode.class.getDeclaredField("next"));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new NoSuchFieldError(e.getMessage());
private volatile QNode next;
boolean compareAndSetNext(QNode expect, QNode update) {
return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, nextOffset, expect, update);
QNode getNext() {
return next;
void setNext(final QNode node) {
next = node;
void setNextRelaxed(final QNode node) {
unsafe.putObject(this, nextOffset, node);
void setNextOrdered(final QNode node) {
unsafe.putOrderedObject(this, nextOffset, node);
/** Padding between PoolThreadNode task and parked fields and QNode.next */
static abstract class PoolThreadNodeBase extends QNode {
* Padding fields.
int p00, p01, p02, p03,
p04, p05, p06, p07,
p08, p09, p0A, p0B,
p0C, p0D, p0E, p0F;
PoolThreadNodeBase() {}
static final class PoolThreadNode extends PoolThreadNodeBase {
* Thread is running normally.
private static final int STATE_NORMAL = 0;
* Thread is parked (or about to park), and unpark call is necessary to wake the thread
private static final int STATE_PARKED = 1;
* The thread has been unparked, any thread that is spinning or about to park will return,
* if not thread is currently spinning the next thread that attempts to spin will immediately return
private static final int STATE_UNPARKED = 2;
private static final long taskOffset;
private static final long parkedOffset;
static {
try {
taskOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(PoolThreadNode.class.getDeclaredField("task"));
parkedOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(PoolThreadNode.class.getDeclaredField("parked"));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new NoSuchFieldError(e.getMessage());
private final Thread thread;
private volatile Runnable task;
* The park state, see the STATE_ constants for the meanings of each value
private volatile int parked;
PoolThreadNode(final Thread thread) {
this.thread = thread;
task = WAITING;
boolean compareAndSetTask(final Runnable expect, final Runnable update) {
return task == expect && unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, taskOffset, expect, update);
Runnable getTask() {
return task;
PoolThreadNode getNext() {
return (PoolThreadNode) super.getNext();
void park(EnhancedQueueExecutor enhancedQueueExecutor) {
int spins = PARK_SPINS;
if (parked == STATE_UNPARKED && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_UNPARKED, STATE_NORMAL)) {
while (spins > 0) {
if (spins < YIELD_FACTOR) {
} else {
if (parked == STATE_UNPARKED && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_UNPARKED, STATE_NORMAL)) {
if (parked == STATE_NORMAL && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_NORMAL, STATE_PARKED)) try {
} finally {
// parked can be STATE_PARKED or STATE_UNPARKED, cannot possibly be STATE_NORMAL.
// if it's STATE_PARKED, we'd go back to NORMAL since we're not parking anymore.
// if it's STATE_UNPARKED, we can still go back to NORMAL because all of our preconditions will be rechecked anyway.
parked = STATE_NORMAL;
void park(EnhancedQueueExecutor enhancedQueueExecutor, long nanos) {
long remaining;
int spins = PARK_SPINS;
if (spins > 0) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
//note that we don't check the nanotime while spinning
//as spin time is short and for our use cases it does not matter if the time
//overruns a bit (as the nano time is for thread timeout) we just spin then check
//to keep performance consistent between the two versions.
if (parked == STATE_UNPARKED && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_UNPARKED, STATE_NORMAL)) {
while (spins > 0) {
if (spins < YIELD_FACTOR) {
} else {
if (parked == STATE_UNPARKED && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_UNPARKED, STATE_NORMAL)) {
remaining = nanos - (System.nanoTime() - start);
if (remaining < 0) {
} else {
remaining = nanos;
if (parked == STATE_NORMAL && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_NORMAL, STATE_PARKED)) try {
LockSupport.parkNanos(enhancedQueueExecutor, remaining);
} finally {
// parked can be STATE_PARKED or STATE_UNPARKED, cannot possibly be STATE_NORMAL.
// if it's STATE_PARKED, we'd go back to NORMAL since we're not parking anymore.
// if it's STATE_UNPARKED, we can still go back to NORMAL because all of our preconditions will be rechecked anyway.
parked = STATE_NORMAL;
void unpark() {
if (parked == STATE_NORMAL && unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, parkedOffset, STATE_NORMAL, STATE_UNPARKED)) {
static final class TerminateWaiterNode extends QNode {
static final class TaskNode extends QNode {
Task task;
TaskNode(final Task task) {
// we always start task nodes with a {@code null} next
this.task = task;
Runnable getAndClearTask() {
Runnable result = task;
task = null;
return result;
// =======================================================
// Management bean implementation
// =======================================================
final class MXBeanImpl implements StandardThreadPoolMXBean {
MXBeanImpl() {
public float getGrowthResistance() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getGrowthResistance();
public void setGrowthResistance(final float value) {
public boolean isGrowthResistanceSupported() {
return true;
public int getCorePoolSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getCorePoolSize();
public void setCorePoolSize(final int corePoolSize) {
public boolean isCorePoolSizeSupported() {
return true;
public boolean prestartCoreThread() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.prestartCoreThread();
public int prestartAllCoreThreads() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.prestartAllCoreThreads();
public boolean isCoreThreadPrestartSupported() {
return true;
public int getMaximumPoolSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getMaximumPoolSize();
public void setMaximumPoolSize(final int maxPoolSize) {
public int getPoolSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getPoolSize();
public int getLargestPoolSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getLargestPoolSize();
public int getActiveCount() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getActiveCount();
public boolean isAllowCoreThreadTimeOut() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.allowsCoreThreadTimeOut();
public void setAllowCoreThreadTimeOut(final boolean value) {
public long getKeepAliveTimeSeconds() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getKeepAliveTime().getSeconds();
public void setKeepAliveTimeSeconds(final long seconds) {
EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.setKeepAliveTime(Duration.of(seconds, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));
public int getMaximumQueueSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getMaximumQueueSize();
public void setMaximumQueueSize(final int size) {
public int getQueueSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getQueueSize();
public int getLargestQueueSize() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getLargestQueueSize();
public boolean isQueueBounded() {
return getQueueLimited();
public boolean isQueueSizeModifiable() {
return getQueueLimited();
public boolean isShutdown() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.isShutdown();
public boolean isTerminating() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.isTerminating();
public boolean isTerminated() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.isTerminated();
public long getSubmittedTaskCount() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getSubmittedTaskCount();
public long getRejectedTaskCount() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getRejectedTaskCount();
public long getCompletedTaskCount() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.getCompletedTaskCount();
public long getSpinMissCount() {
return EnhancedQueueExecutor.this.spinMisses.longValue();
// =======================================================
// Basic task wrapper
// =======================================================
final class Task implements Runnable {
private final Runnable delegate;
private final ClassLoader contextClassLoader;
private final Object context;
Task(Runnable delegate, final Object context) {
Assert.checkNotNullParam("delegate", delegate);
this.delegate = delegate;
this.context = context;
this.contextClassLoader = JBossExecutors.getContextClassLoader(Thread.currentThread());
public void run() {
if (isShutdownInterrupt(getThreadStatus())) {
} else {
if (UPDATE_ACTIVE_COUNT) incrementActiveCount();
final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
final ClassLoader old = JBossExecutors.getAndSetContextClassLoader(currentThread, contextClassLoader);
try {
doRunWith(delegate, context);
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
exceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), t);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
// nothing else we can safely do here
} finally {
JBossExecutors.setContextClassLoader(currentThread, old);
private void doRunWith(Runnable delegate, Object context) {
((ContextHandler)contextHandler).runWith(delegate, (T) context);
* Extracts the original runnable without EQE-specific state updating. This runnable does retain the original
* context classloader from the submitting thread.
Runnable handoff() {
return new ContextClassLoaderSavingRunnable(contextClassLoader, delegate);
public String toString() {
return "Task{delegate=" + delegate + ", contextClassLoader=" + contextClassLoader + '}';
// =======================================================
// Scheduled future tasks
// =======================================================
static final int ASF_ST_WAITING = 0;
static final int ASF_ST_CANCELLED = 1;
static final int ASF_ST_CANCEL_PENDING = 2;
static final int ASF_ST_SUBMITTED = 3;
static final int ASF_ST_RUNNING = 4;
static final int ASF_ST_FINISHED = 5;
static final int ASF_ST_FAILED = 6;
static final int ASF_ST_REJECTED = 7;
static final AbstractScheduledFuture>[] NO_FUTURES = new AbstractScheduledFuture>[0];
static final AtomicLong SCHEDULED_TASK_SEQ = new AtomicLong();
* An implementation of {@link ScheduledFuture} which is wrapped by {@link Task}.
* @param the result type
abstract class AbstractScheduledFuture implements ScheduledFuture, Runnable {
final long seq = SCHEDULED_TASK_SEQ.getAndIncrement();
* The task which is wrapping this one.
final Task wrappingTask;
* The scheduled time for this task, in nanoseconds since the scheduler thread was born.
* Can be mutated in subclasses if the task is recurring, but only under lock.
volatile long when;
* The state of this task; one of {@code ASF_ST_*}.
volatile int state = ASF_ST_WAITING;
* The actual result; only valid in {@code ASF_ST_FINISHED} (where it is of type {@code V}),
* or in {@code ASF_ST_FAILED} (where it is of type {@code Throwable}),
* or in {@code ASF_ST_REJECTED} (where it is of type {@code RejectedExecutionException}).
volatile Object result;
* The thread which is currently live for this task.
Thread liveThread;
AbstractScheduledFuture(long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
when = Math.addExact(schedulerTask.age(), unit.toNanos(delay));
wrappingTask = new Task(this, contextHandler.captureContext());
public int compareTo(final Delayed o) {
return o instanceof AbstractScheduledFuture> ? compareTo((AbstractScheduledFuture>) o) : wrongType();
public int compareTo(final AbstractScheduledFuture> other) {
int cmp = Long.compare(when, other.when);
if (cmp == 0) cmp = Long.compare(seq, other.seq);
return cmp;
public long getDelay(final TimeUnit unit) {
return unit.convert(Math.max(0, when - schedulerTask.age()), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
public boolean isCancelled() {
int state = this.state;
return state == ASF_ST_CANCELLED;
public boolean isDone() {
int state = this.state;
return state == ASF_ST_FINISHED || state == ASF_ST_FAILED || state == ASF_ST_CANCELLED || state == ASF_ST_REJECTED;
public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
int state;
synchronized (this) {
state = this.state;
switch (state) {
this.state = ASF_ST_CANCELLED;
return true;
if (mayInterruptIfRunning) {
Thread liveThread = this.liveThread;
if (liveThread != null) {
return true;
return true;
default: {
return false;
void doCancel() {
public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
int state;
synchronized (this) {
for (;;) {
state = this.state;
switch (state) {
throw new CancellationException("Task was cancelled");
throw new ExecutionException("Task failed due to rejection", (RejectedExecutionException) result);
throw new ExecutionException((Throwable) result);
// never happens for repeatable tasks
return (V) result;
public V get(final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
long remaining = unit.toNanos(timeout);
long start = System.nanoTime();
int state;
synchronized (this) {
for (;;) {
state = this.state;
switch (state) {
if (remaining <= 0) {
throw new TimeoutException();
wait(remaining / 1_000_000L, (int) (remaining % 1_000_000));
throw new CancellationException("Task was cancelled");
throw new ExecutionException("Task failed due to rejection", (RejectedExecutionException) result);
throw new ExecutionException((Throwable) result);
return (V) result;
long newStart = System.nanoTime();
long elapsed = newStart - start;
remaining -= elapsed;
start = newStart;
public void run() {
stateTest: synchronized (this) {
switch (state) {
this.state = ASF_ST_RUNNING;
liveThread = currentThread();
break stateTest;
// cancelled after submit but before it was run
// a recurring task terminated abruptly, but was still found in the schedule
default: {
// invalid state
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
void submit() {
synchronized (this) {
stateTest: switch (state) {
this.state = ASF_ST_SUBMITTED;
//noinspection UnnecessaryLabelOnBreakStatement
break stateTest;
// do not actually submit
// a recurring task terminated abruptly, but was still found in the schedule
default: {
// invalid state
try {
/* copied from {@link #execute(Runnable)} */
int result = tryExecute(wrappingTask);
boolean ok = false;
if (result == EXE_OK) {
// last check to ensure that there is at least one existent thread to avoid rare thread timeout race condition
if (currentSizeOf(getThreadStatus()) == 0 && tryAllocateThread(0.0f) == AT_YES && ! doStartThread(null)) {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) submittedTaskCounter.increment();
} else if (result == EXE_CREATE_THREAD) try {
ok = doStartThread(wrappingTask);
} finally {
if (! ok) deallocateThread();
} else {
if (UPDATE_STATISTICS) rejectedTaskCounter.increment();
if (result == EXE_REJECT_SHUTDOWN) {
} else {
assert result == EXE_REJECT_QUEUE_FULL;
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
reject(new RejectedExecutionException("Task submission failed", t));
IllegalStateException badState() {
return new IllegalStateException("Task was not in expected state");
void reject(RejectedExecutionException e) {
synchronized (this) {
switch (state) {
result = e;
this.state = ASF_ST_REJECTED;
liveThread = null;
default: {
// invalid state
void fail(Throwable t) {
synchronized (this) {
switch (state) {
result = t;
this.state = ASF_ST_FAILED;
liveThread = null;
// ignore the failure, though we're likely in an invalid state
void finish(V result) {
// overridden in subclasses where the task repeats
synchronized (this) {
liveThread = null;
switch (state) {
// for non-repeating tasks, a pending cancel does not invalidate finishing the task
this.result = result;
this.state = ASF_ST_FINISHED;
default: {
// invalid state
abstract V performTask() throws Exception;
public String toString() {
return toString(new StringBuilder()).toString();
StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder b) {
return b.append("future result of ");
static int wrongType() throws ClassCastException {
throw new ClassCastException("Wrong task type for comparison");
final class RunnableScheduledFuture extends AbstractScheduledFuture {
Runnable runnable;
RunnableScheduledFuture(final Runnable runnable, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) {
super(delay, unit);
this.runnable = runnable;
Void performTask() {
try {
} finally {
runnable = null;
return null;
void doCancel() {
runnable = null;
StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder b) {
return super.toString(b).append(runnable);
final class CallableScheduledFuture extends AbstractScheduledFuture {
Callable callable;
CallableScheduledFuture(final Callable callable, final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) {
super(delay, unit);
this.callable = callable;
V performTask() throws Exception {
try {
return callable.call();
} finally {
callable = null;
void doCancel() {
callable = null;
StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder b) {
return super.toString(b).append(callable);
abstract class RepeatingScheduledFuture extends AbstractScheduledFuture {
final long period;
RepeatingScheduledFuture(final long delay, final long period, final TimeUnit unit) {
super(delay, unit);
this.period = unit.toNanos(period);
* Adjust the time of this future for resubmission, after the task has run successfully.
abstract void adjustTime();
void finish(final V result) {
synchronized (this) {
liveThread = null;
switch (state) {
this.state = ASF_ST_CANCELLED;
// repeating tasks never actually finish
default: {
// invalid state
StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder b) {
return super.toString(b.append("repeating "));
final class FixedRateRunnableScheduledFuture extends RepeatingScheduledFuture {
Runnable runnable;
FixedRateRunnableScheduledFuture(final Runnable runnable, final long delay, final long period, final TimeUnit unit) {
super(delay, period, unit);
this.runnable = runnable;
void adjustTime() {
// if this results in a time in the past, the next run will happen immediately
this.when += period;
Void performTask() {
return null;
void doCancel() {
runnable = null;
StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder b) {
return super.toString(b).append(runnable);
final class FixedDelayRunnableScheduledFuture extends RepeatingScheduledFuture {
Runnable runnable;
FixedDelayRunnableScheduledFuture(final Runnable runnable, final long delay, final long period, final TimeUnit unit) {
super(delay, period, unit);
this.runnable = runnable;
void adjustTime() {
this.when = schedulerTask.age() + period;
Void performTask() {
return null;
void doCancel() {
runnable = null;
StringBuilder toString(final StringBuilder b) {
return super.toString(b).append(runnable);
// =======================================================
// Scheduler task thread worker
// =======================================================
final class SchedulerTask implements Runnable {
final long startMark = System.nanoTime();
final ReentrantLock ql = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition qc = ql.newCondition();
// todo: switch to array queue on a more optimistic day
// protected by {@link #ql}
ScheduledFutureQueue q = new TreeSetQueue();
boolean shutdownDetected;
void shutdown() {
try {
shutdownDetected = true;
} finally {
public void run() {
ScheduledFutureQueue q = this.q;
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] remainingFutures;
AbstractScheduledFuture> first;
long startMark = this.startMark;
outerLoop: for (;;) {
try {
innerLoop: for (;;) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
if (shutdownDetected) {
// drop all tasks and return
remainingFutures = q.toArray();
break outerLoop;
} else if (q.isEmpty()) try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
// clear interrupt status
continue innerLoop;
} else {
first = q.first();
long firstWhen = first.when;
long currentWhen = max(0, now - startMark);
if (firstWhen <= currentWhen) {
// it's ready; run it outside of the lock
//noinspection UnnecessaryLabelOnBreakStatement
break innerLoop;
} else {
long waitTime = firstWhen - currentWhen;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// clear interrupt status
continue innerLoop;
} finally {
// outside of lock; `break innerLoop` goes ↓ here
// continue loop to find the next task
// ↓ `break outerLoop` goes here ↓
if (remainingFutures.length > 0) {
for (AbstractScheduledFuture> future : remainingFutures) {
> F schedule(final F item) {
Task wrappingTask = item.wrappingTask;
if (item.when <= age()) {
// just submit it now
return item;
try {
if (shutdownDetected) {
return item;
// check to see if we need to wake up the scheduler
boolean first;
for (;;) try {
first = q.insertAndCheckForFirst(item);
} catch (QueueFullException ignored) {
q = q.grow();
if (first) {
// the delay time has changed, so wake up the waiter
return item;
} finally {
long age() {
return System.nanoTime() - startMark;
// =======================================================
// Schedule queue API & implementations
// =======================================================
interface ScheduledFutureQueue {
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] toArray();
void clear();
boolean isEmpty();
int size();
AbstractScheduledFuture> first();
@SuppressWarnings("UnusedReturnValue") // must match signature for TreeSet
AbstractScheduledFuture> pollFirst();
* Insert the item in order, checking to see if it was added as the first item.
* @param item the item to insert (must not be {@code null})
* @return {@code true} if the item is first, {@code false} otherwise
* @throws QueueFullException if the queue is full; it must be recreated in this case
boolean insertAndCheckForFirst(AbstractScheduledFuture> item) throws QueueFullException;
* Get a new queue with the same contents as this one, but with a larger capacity.
* @return the grown queue
ScheduledFutureQueue grow();
static final class ArrayQueue implements ScheduledFutureQueue {
final AbstractScheduledFuture>[] array;
// the removal point (lowest+least index)
int head;
// the number of elements
int size;
ArrayQueue(int capacity) {
// next power of two
capacity = Integer.highestOneBit(Math.max(capacity, 2) - 1) << 1;
array = new AbstractScheduledFuture>[capacity];
private ArrayQueue(final ArrayQueue original, final int newCapacity) {
assert Integer.bitCount(newCapacity) == 1;
array = original.toArray(newCapacity);
head = 0;
size = original.size;
public AbstractScheduledFuture>[] toArray() {
return toArray(size());
public AbstractScheduledFuture>[] toArray(int size) {
int head = this.head;
int end = head + size;
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] copy = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, head, end);
if (end > array.length) {
// copy the wrapped elements
System.arraycopy(array, 0, copy, size - (array.length - head), size - array.length);
return copy;
public void clear() {
Arrays.fill(array, null);
head = size = 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
public int size() {
return size;
public AbstractScheduledFuture> first() {
if (size == 0) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return array[head];
public AbstractScheduledFuture> pollFirst() {
if (size == 0) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
int head = this.head;
AbstractScheduledFuture> item = array[head];
array[head] = null;
this.size --;
int mask = array.length - 1;
this.head = head + 1 & mask;
return item;
public boolean insertAndCheckForFirst(final AbstractScheduledFuture> item) {
// find the insertion point
int size = this.size;
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] array = this.array;
int arrayLen = array.length;
if (size == arrayLen) {
throw new QueueFullException();
int mask = arrayLen - 1;
int idx = 0;
int high = size - 1;
// at this point and onwards, there is definitely space in the array
int head = this.head;
while (idx <= high) {
int mid = (idx + high) >>> 1;
AbstractScheduledFuture> testVal = array[head + mid & mask];
int cmp = testVal.compareTo(item);
if (cmp < 0) {
idx = mid + 1;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
// we found this task already present in the queue (should never happen)
return false;
return insertAt(idx, item);
* Move all elements starting at the given index forward to make space at that position, wrapping if needed.
* @param idx the element index relative to {@code head} to open up
void moveForward(final int idx, final AbstractScheduledFuture> storeVal) {
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] array = this.array;
int size = this.size;
int moveCnt = size - idx;
int arrayLength = array.length;
int mask = arrayLength - 1;
int head = this.head;
int start = head + idx;
// TODO:
// - change this to three calls to System.arraycopy
// - one for the already-wrapped portion
// - one for the portion that is being newly wrapped
// - one for the leading (pre-wrap) portion
for (int i = moveCnt - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
int pos = start + i;
array[pos + 1 & mask] = array[pos & mask];
array[start & mask] = storeVal;
* Move all elements starting before the given index backward to make space at that position, wrapping if needed.
* @param idx the element index relative to {@code head} to open up
void moveBackward(final int idx, final AbstractScheduledFuture> storeVal) {
AbstractScheduledFuture>[] array = this.array;
int size = this.size;
int moveCnt = size - idx + 1;
int arrayLength = array.length;
int mask = arrayLength - 1;
int head = this.head;
int start = head + idx - 1;
// TODO:
// - change this to three calls to System.arraycopy
// - one for the leading (pre-wrap) portion
// - one for the portion that is being newly de-wrapped
// - one for the already-wrapped portion
for (int i = moveCnt - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
int pos = start - i;
array[pos - 1 & mask] = array[pos & mask];
array[start & mask] = storeVal;
this.head = head - 1 & mask;
boolean insertAt(final int idx, final AbstractScheduledFuture> item) {
// this is a separate method for easier testing of the arraycopy algebraic mayhem
int size = this.size;
// no matter what, we're growing by one
this.size = size + 1;
int halfSize = size + 1 >> 1;
if (idx >= halfSize) {
moveForward(idx, item);
} else {
moveBackward(idx, item);
return idx == 0;
public ScheduledFutureQueue grow() {
// todo: calibrate this threshold
if (array.length >= 256) {
return new TreeSetQueue(this);
} else {
return new ArrayQueue(this, array.length << 1);
// test points for white-box unit tests
int testPoint_arrayLength() {
return array.length;
int testPoint_head() {
return head;
void testPoint_setHead(int newHead) {
head = newHead;
void testPoint_setSize(int newSize) {
size = newSize;
AbstractScheduledFuture> testPoint_getArrayItem(int index) {
return array[index & array.length - 1];
AbstractScheduledFuture> testPoint_setArrayItem(int index, AbstractScheduledFuture> item) {
try {
return array[index & array.length - 1];
} finally {
array[index & array.length - 1] = item;
static class TreeSetQueue extends TreeSet> implements ScheduledFutureQueue {
TreeSetQueue(final ScheduledFutureQueue original) {
Collections.addAll(this, original.toArray());
TreeSetQueue() {
public AbstractScheduledFuture>[] toArray() {
return super.toArray(NO_FUTURES);
public boolean insertAndCheckForFirst(final AbstractScheduledFuture> item) {
return item == first();
public ScheduledFutureQueue grow() {
return this;
static final class QueueFullException extends RuntimeException {
QueueFullException() {
super(null, null, false, false);