org.jboss.weld.resolution.ResolvableBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.jboss.weld.resolution;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.enterprise.event.Event;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import javax.enterprise.inject.New;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AnnotatedParameter;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Decorator;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Interceptor;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import org.jboss.weld.literal.NamedLiteral;
import org.jboss.weld.literal.NewLiteral;
import org.jboss.weld.logging.BeanManagerLogger;
import org.jboss.weld.logging.ResolutionLogger;
import org.jboss.weld.manager.BeanManagerImpl;
import org.jboss.weld.metadata.cache.MetaAnnotationStore;
import org.jboss.weld.util.reflection.Reflections;
public class ResolvableBuilder {
private static final Class>[] FACADE_TYPES = new Class>[] { Event.class, Instance.class, Provider.class };
private static final Class>[] METADATA_TYPES = new Class>[] { Interceptor.class, Decorator.class, Bean.class };
private static final Set ANY_SINGLETON = Collections.singleton(QualifierInstance.ANY);
protected Class> rawType;
protected final Set types;
protected final Set qualifiers;
protected final Set qualifierInstances;
protected final Map, Annotation> mappedQualifiers;
protected Bean> declaringBean;
private final MetaAnnotationStore store;
protected boolean delegate;
public ResolvableBuilder(final MetaAnnotationStore store) {
this.store = store;
this.types = new HashSet();
this.qualifiers = new HashSet();
this.mappedQualifiers = new HashMap, Annotation>();
this.qualifierInstances = new HashSet();
public ResolvableBuilder(BeanManagerImpl manager) {
public ResolvableBuilder(Type type, final BeanManagerImpl beanManager) {
if (type != null) {
this.rawType = Reflections.getRawType(type);
if (rawType == null || type instanceof TypeVariable>) {
throw ResolutionLogger.LOG.cannotExtractRawType(type);
public ResolvableBuilder(InjectionPoint injectionPoint, final BeanManagerImpl manager) {
this(injectionPoint.getType(), manager);
if (mappedQualifiers.containsKey(Named.class)) {
Named named = (Named) mappedQualifiers.get(Named.class);
QualifierInstance qualifierInstance = QualifierInstance.of(named, store);
if (named.value().equals("")) {
// WELD-1739
// This is an injection point with an @Named qualifier, with no value specified, we need to assume the name of the field or parameter is the
// value
Member member = injectionPoint.getMember();
if (member instanceof Executable) {
// Method or constructor injection
Executable executable = (Executable) member;
AnnotatedParameter> annotatedParameter = (AnnotatedParameter>) injectionPoint.getAnnotated();
Parameter parameter = executable.getParameters()[annotatedParameter.getPosition()];
named = new NamedLiteral(parameter.getName());
} else {
named = new NamedLiteral(injectionPoint.getMember().getName());
qualifierInstance = QualifierInstance.of(named, store);
mappedQualifiers.put(Named.class, named);
this.delegate = injectionPoint.isDelegate();
public ResolvableBuilder setDeclaringBean(Bean> declaringBean) {
this.declaringBean = declaringBean;
return this;
public ResolvableBuilder addType(Type type) {
return this;
public ResolvableBuilder addTypes(Set types) {
return this;
public boolean isDelegate() {
return delegate;
public void setDelegate(boolean delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public Resolvable create() {
if (qualifiers.size() == 0) {
for (Type type : types) {
Class> rawType = Reflections.getRawType(type);
for (Class> facadeType : FACADE_TYPES) {
if (facadeType.equals(rawType)) {
return createFacade(facadeType);
for (Class> metadataType : METADATA_TYPES) {
if (metadataType.equals(rawType)) {
return createMetadataProvider(metadataType);
return new ResolvableImpl(rawType, types, mappedQualifiers, declaringBean, qualifierInstances, delegate);
private Resolvable createFacade(Class> rawType) {
Set types = Collections.singleton(rawType);
return new ResolvableImpl(rawType, types, mappedQualifiers, declaringBean, ANY_SINGLETON, delegate);
// just as facade but we keep the qualifiers so that we can recognize Bean from @Intercepted Bean.
private Resolvable createMetadataProvider(Class> rawType) {
Set types = Collections.singleton(rawType);
return new ResolvableImpl(rawType, types, mappedQualifiers, declaringBean, qualifierInstances, delegate);
public ResolvableBuilder addQualifier(Annotation qualifier) {
// Handle the @New qualifier special case
QualifierInstance qualifierInstance = QualifierInstance.of(qualifier, store);
final Class extends Annotation> annotationType = qualifierInstance.getAnnotationClass();
if (annotationType.equals(New.class)) {
New newQualifier = New.class.cast(qualifier);
if (newQualifier.value().equals(New.class) && rawType == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot transform @New when there is no known raw type");
} else if (newQualifier.value().equals(New.class)) {
qualifier = new NewLiteral(rawType);
qualifierInstance = QualifierInstance.of(qualifier, store);
checkQualifier(qualifier, qualifierInstance, annotationType);
this.mappedQualifiers.put(annotationType, qualifier);
return this;
public ResolvableBuilder addQualifierIfAbsent(Annotation qualifier) {
if (!qualifiers.contains(qualifier)) {
return this;
public ResolvableBuilder addQualifiers(Annotation[] qualifiers) {
for (Annotation qualifier : qualifiers) {
return this;
public ResolvableBuilder addQualifiers(Collection qualifiers) {
for (Annotation qualifier : qualifiers) {
return this;
protected void checkQualifier(Annotation qualifier, final QualifierInstance qualifierInstance, Class extends Annotation> annotationType) {
if (!store.getBindingTypeModel(annotationType).isValid()) {
throw BeanManagerLogger.LOG.invalidQualifier(qualifier);
if (qualifierInstances.contains(qualifierInstance)) {
throw BeanManagerLogger.LOG.duplicateQualifiers(qualifiers);
protected static class ResolvableImpl implements Resolvable {
private final Set qualifierInstances;
private final Map, Annotation> mappedQualifiers;
private final Set typeClosure;
private final Class> rawType;
private final Bean> declaringBean;
private final boolean delegate;
protected ResolvableImpl(Class> rawType, Set typeClosure, Map, Annotation> mappedQualifiers, Bean> declaringBean, final Set qualifierInstances, boolean delegate) {
this.mappedQualifiers = mappedQualifiers;
this.typeClosure = typeClosure;
this.rawType = rawType;
this.declaringBean = declaringBean;
this.qualifierInstances = qualifierInstances;
this.delegate = delegate;
public Set getQualifiers() {
return qualifierInstances;
public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class extends Annotation> annotationType) {
return mappedQualifiers.containsKey(annotationType);
public Set getTypes() {
return typeClosure;
public A getAnnotation(Class annotationType) {
return Reflections.cast(mappedQualifiers.get(annotationType));
public Class> getJavaClass() {
return rawType;
public Bean> getDeclaringBean() {
return declaringBean;
public String toString() {
return "Types: " + getTypes() + "; Bindings: " + getQualifiers();
public int hashCode() {
int result = 17;
result = 31 * result + this.getTypes().hashCode();
result = 31 * result + this.qualifierInstances.hashCode();
return result;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ResolvableImpl) {
ResolvableImpl r = (ResolvableImpl) o;
return this.getTypes().equals(r.getTypes()) && this.qualifierInstances.equals(r.qualifierInstances);
return false;
public boolean isDelegate() {
return delegate;
protected MetaAnnotationStore getMetaAnnotationStore() {
return store;
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