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* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jboss.weld.logging;
import static org.jboss.weld.logging.WeldLogger.WELD_PROJECT_CODE;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.ObserverMethod;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message.Format;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger;
import org.jboss.weld.annotated.slim.SlimAnnotatedType;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException;
* Log messages for bootstrap
* Message Ids: 000100 - 000199
@MessageLogger(projectCode = WELD_PROJECT_CODE)
public interface BootstrapLogger extends WeldLogger {
BootstrapLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(BootstrapLogger.class, Category.BOOTSTRAP.getName());
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 100, value = "Weld initialized. Validating beans")
void validatingBeans();
@LogMessage(level = Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 101, value = "Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously.")
void jtaUnavailable();
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 103, value = "Enabled alternatives for {0}: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void enabledAlternatives(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 104, value = "Enabled decorator types for {0}: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void enabledDecorators(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 105, value = "Enabled interceptor types for {0}: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void enabledInterceptors(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 106, value = "Bean: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundBean(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 107, value = "Interceptor: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundInterceptor(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 108, value = "Decorator: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundDecorator(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 109, value = "ObserverMethod: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundObserverMethod(Object param1);
@Message(id = 110, value = "Cannot set the annotation type to null (if you want to stop the type being used, call veto()): {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalArgumentException annotationTypeNull(Object param1);
@Message(id = 111, value = "Bean type is not STATELESS, STATEFUL or SINGLETON: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalStateException beanTypeNotEjb(Object param1);
@Message(id = 112, value = "Class {0} has both @Interceptor and @Decorator annotations", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException beanIsBothInterceptorAndDecorator(Object param1);
@Message(id = 113, value = "BeanDeploymentArchive must not be null: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalArgumentException deploymentArchiveNull(Object param1);
@Message(id = 114, value = "Must start the container with a deployment")
IllegalArgumentException deploymentRequired();
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 115, value = "No application context BeanStore set")
String beanStoreMissing();
@Message(id = 116, value = "Manager has not been initialized")
IllegalStateException managerNotInitialized();
@Message(id = 117, value = "Required service {0} has not been specified", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalStateException unspecifiedRequiredService(Object param1);
@Message(id = 118, value = "Only normal scopes can be passivating. Scope {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException passivatingNonNormalScopeIllegal(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 119, value = "Not generating any bean definitions from {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void ignoringClassDueToLoadingError(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 120, value = "Enums have already been injected")
String enumsAlreadyInjected();
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 122, value = "Unable to create InjectionTarget for {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String enumInjectionTargetNotCreated(Object param1);
@Message(id = 123, value = "Error loading {0} defined in {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException errorLoadingBeansXmlEntry(Object param1, Object param2, @Cause Throwable cause);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 124, value = "Using {0} threads for bootstrap", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void threadsInUse(Object param1);
@Message(id = 125, value = "Invalid thread pool size: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException invalidThreadPoolSize(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 126, value = "Timeout shutting down thread pool {0} at {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void timeoutShuttingDownThreadPool(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 127, value = "Invalid thread pool type: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException invalidThreadPoolType(Object param1);
@Message(id = 128, value = "Invalid value for property {0}: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException invalidPropertyValue(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 129, value = "Two AnnotatedType implementations with the same id: {0}, {1}, {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String duplicateAnnotatedTypeId(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 130, value = "Cannot replace AnnotatedType for {0} with AnnotatedType for {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalArgumentException annotatedTypeJavaClassMismatch(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 131, value = "Priority {0} specified at {1} is outside of the recommended range (0 - 3099)", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String priorityOutsideOfRecommendedRange(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 132, value = "Disabled alternative (ignored): {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundDisabledAlternative(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 133, value = "Specialized bean (ignored): {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundSpecializedBean(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 134, value = "Producer (method or field) of specialized bean (ignored): {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void foundProducerOfSpecializedBean(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 135, value = "Legacy deployment metadata provided by the integrator. Certain functionality will not be available.")
void legacyDeploymentMetadataProvided();
@LogMessage(level = Level.ERROR)
@Message(id = 136, value = "Exception(s) thrown during observer of BeforeShutdown: ")
void exceptionThrownDuringBeforeShutdownObserver();
@LogMessage(level = Level.TRACE)
@Message(id = 137, value = "Exception while loading class '{0}' : {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void exceptionWhileLoadingClass(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.TRACE)
@Message(id = 138, value = "Error while loading class '{0}' : {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void errorWhileLoadingClass(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 139, value = "Ignoring portable extension class {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. Enable DEBUG logging level to see the full error." , format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void ignoringExtensionClassDueToLoadingError(String className, String missingDependency);
@Message(id = 140, value = "Calling Bootstrap method after container has already been initialized. For correct order, see CDI11Bootstrap's documentation.")
IllegalStateException callingBootstrapMethodAfterContainerHasBeenInitialized();
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO)
@Message(id = 141, value = "Falling back to the default observer method resolver due to {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void notUsingFastResolver(ObserverMethod> observer);
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG)
@Message(id = 142, value = "Exception loading annotated type using ClassFileServices. Falling back to the default implementation. {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void exceptionLoadingAnnotatedType(String message);
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.TRACE)
@Message(id = Message.NONE , value = "No PAT observers resolved for {0}. Skipping.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void patSkipped(SlimAnnotatedType> type);
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.TRACE)
@Message(id = Message.NONE , value = "Sending PAT using the default event resolver: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void patDefaultResolver(SlimAnnotatedType> type);
@LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.TRACE)
@Message(id = Message.NONE , value = "Sending PAT using the fast event resolver: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void patFastResolver(SlimAnnotatedType> type);
@Message(id = 143, value = "Container lifecycle event method invoked outside of extension observer method invocation.")
IllegalStateException containerLifecycleEventMethodInvokedOutsideObserver();