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* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jboss.weld.logging;
import static org.jboss.weld.logging.WeldLogger.WELD_PROJECT_CODE;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message.Format;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InconsistentSpecializationException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException;
import org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException;
* Log messages for validation related classes.
* Message IDs: 001400 - 001499
@MessageLogger(projectCode = WELD_PROJECT_CODE)
public interface ValidatorLogger extends WeldLogger {
ValidatorLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(ValidatorLogger.class, Category.VALIDATOR.getName());
MessageCallback INJECTION_INTO_DISPOSER_METHOD = new MessageCallback() {
public DefinitionException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.injectionIntoDisposerMethod(params[0]);
MessageCallback INJECTION_INTO_NON_BEAN = new MessageCallback() {
public DefinitionException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.injectionIntoNonBean(params[0]);
MessageCallback INTERCEPTOR_SPECIFIED_TWICE = new MessageCallback() {
public DeploymentException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.interceptorSpecifiedTwice(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
MessageCallback DECORATOR_SPECIFIED_TWICE = new MessageCallback() {
public DeploymentException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.decoratorSpecifiedTwice(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
MessageCallback ALTERNATIVE_CLASS_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES = new MessageCallback() {
public DeploymentException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.alternativeClassSpecifiedMultipleTimes(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
public DeploymentException construct(Object... params) {
return ValidatorLogger.LOG.alternativeStereotypeSpecifiedMultipleTimes(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
LogMessageCallback INTERCEPTOR_ENABLED_FOR_APP_AND_ARCHIVE = new LogMessageCallback() {
public void log(Object... params) {
ValidatorLogger.LOG.interceptorEnabledForApplicationAndBeanArchive(params[0], params[1]);
LogMessageCallback DECORATOR_ENABLED_FOR_APP_AND_ARCHIVE = new LogMessageCallback() {
public void log(Object... params) {
ValidatorLogger.LOG.decoratorEnabledForApplicationAndBeanArchive(params[0], params[1]);
@Message(id = 1401, value = "Two beans cannot specialize the same bean {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
InconsistentSpecializationException beanSpecializedTooManyTimes(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1402, value = "The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable interceptor {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException passivatingBeanWithNonserializableInterceptor(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1403, value = "The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable decorator {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnserializableDependencyException passivatingBeanWithNonserializableDecorator(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1404, value = "The injection point {0} is annotated with @New which cannot be combined with other qualifiers", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException newWithQualifiers(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1405, value = "Cannot inject {0} in a class which isn't a bean", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionIntoNonBean(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1406, value = "Cannot inject {0} in a non @Dependent scoped bean", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionIntoNonDependentBean(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1407, value = "Cannot declare an injection point with a type variable: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionPointWithTypeVariable(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1408, value = "Unsatisfied dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1}\n at injection point {0}\n at {3}\n{4}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException injectionPointHasUnsatisfiedDependencies(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4, Object param5);
@Message(id = 1409, value = "Ambiguous dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1}\n at injection point {0}\n at {3}\n Possible dependencies: {4}\n", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException injectionPointHasAmbiguousDependencies(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4, Object param5);
@Message(id = 1410, value = "The injection point {0} has non-proxyable dependencies", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException injectionPointHasNonProxyableDependencies(Object param1, @Cause Throwable cause);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1411, value = "Injection point {0} has nullable dependencies", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String injectionPointHasNullableDependencies(Object param1);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1412, value = "The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but the producer returned a non-serializable bean for injection: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String nonSerializableBeanInjectedIntoPassivatingBean(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1413, value = "The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-passivation-capable dependency {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnserializableDependencyException injectionPointHasNonSerializableDependency(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1414, value = "Bean name is ambiguous. Name {0} resolves to beans: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException ambiguousElName(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1415, value = "Bean name is identical to a bean name prefix used elsewhere. Name {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException beanNameIsPrefix(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1416, value = "Enabled interceptor class {0} specified twice:\n - {1},\n - {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException interceptorSpecifiedTwice(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1417, value = "Enabled interceptor class {0} does not match an interceptor bean: the class is not found, or not annotated with @Interceptor and still not registered through a portable extension, or not annotated with @Dependent inside an implicit bean archive", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException interceptorClassDoesNotMatchInterceptorBean(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1418, value = "Enabled decorator class {0} specified twice:\n - {1},\n - {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException decoratorSpecifiedTwice(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1419, value = "Enabled decorator class {0} is not the bean class of at least one decorator bean (detected decorator beans: {1})", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException decoratorClassNotBeanClassOfDecorator(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1420, value = "Enabled alternative {0} is not a stereotype", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeStereotypeNotStereotype(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1421, value = "Cannot enable the same alternative stereotype {0} in beans.xml:\n - {1},\n - {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeStereotypeSpecifiedMultipleTimes(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1422, value = "Enabled alternative {0} is not an alternative", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeBeanClassNotAnnotated(Object param1);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1423, value = "Cannot enable the same alternative bean class {0} in beans.xml:\n - {1},\n - {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String alternativeBeanClassSpecifiedMultipleTimes(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1424, value = "The following disposal methods were declared but did not resolve to a producer method: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException disposalMethodsWithoutProducer(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1425, value = "An injection point of type {0} cannot have a wildcard type parameter: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionPointHasWildcard(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1426, value = "An injection point of type {0} must have a type parameter: {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionPointMustHaveTypeParameter(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1427, value = "Only field injection points can use the @Named qualifier with no value. {0} is not a field injection point.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException nonFieldInjectionPointCannotUseNamed(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1428, value = "A decorator cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException decoratorsCannotHaveProducerMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1429, value = "A decorator cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException decoratorsCannotHaveProducerFields(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1430, value = "A decorator cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException decoratorsCannotHaveDisposerMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1431, value = "An interceptor cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorsCannotHaveProducerMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1432, value = "An interceptor cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorsCannotHaveProducerFields(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1433, value = "An interceptor cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorsCannotHaveDisposerMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1434, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable for an unknown reason - {1}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnproxyableResolutionException notProxyableUnknown(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1435, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it has no no-args constructor - {1}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnproxyableResolutionException notProxyableNoConstructor(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1436, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it has a private constructor {1} - {2}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String notProxyablePrivateConstructor(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1437, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because the type is final or it contains a final method {1} - {2}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnproxyableResolutionException notProxyableFinalTypeOrMethod(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1438, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it is a primitive - {1}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnproxyableResolutionException notProxyablePrimitive(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1439, value = "Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it is an array type - {1}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnproxyableResolutionException notProxyableArrayType(Object param1, Object param2);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 1440, value = "Scope type {0} used on injection point {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void scopeAnnotationOnInjectionPoint(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1441, value = "Enabled alternative {0} is not a class", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeBeanClassNotClass(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1442, value = "Enabled alternative {0} is not annotated @Alternative", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeStereotypeNotAnnotated(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1443, value = "Pseudo scoped bean has circular dependencies. Dependency path: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException pseudoScopedBeanHasCircularReferences(Object param1);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1444, value = "Cannot inject {0} {1} into {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String cannotInjectBeanMetadata(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1445, value = "An interceptor cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorsCannotHaveObserverMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1446, value = "A decorator cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException decoratorsCannotHaveObserverMethods(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1447, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotReturnObject(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4);
@Message(id = 1448, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have exactly one parameter.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotHaveExactlyOneParameter(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1449, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but its single parameter is not a {3}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotHaveCorrectTypeOfParameter(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1450, value = "Interceptor method {0} does not declare that it throws Exception.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String interceptorMethodDoesNotThrowException(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1451, value = "javax.transaction.UserTransaction cannot be injected into an enterprise bean with container-managed transactions {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException userTransactionInjectionIntoBeanWithContainerManagedTransactions(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1452, value = "{0} is not a valid type for a Bean metadata injection point {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException invalidBeanMetadataInjectionPointType(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1453, value = "{0} is not a valid type argument for a Bean metadata injection point {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException invalidBeanMetadataInjectionPointTypeArgument(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1454, value = "{0} cannot be used at a Bean metadata injection point of a bean which is not {1}, {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException invalidBeanMetadataInjectionPointQualifier(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1455, value = "{0} does not declare any decorated types.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException noDecoratedTypes(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1456, value = "Argument {0} must not be null", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
IllegalArgumentException argumentNull(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1457, value = "Cannot enable the same alternative class {0} in beans.xml:\n - {1},\n - {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException alternativeClassSpecifiedMultipleTimes(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1458, value = "Locally disabled {0} does not match any global enablement. {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String noGloballyEnabledClassMatchingLocalDisable(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1459, value = "Class {0} is enabled but no priority is set for it. Either enable the class globally by providing the priority attribute or do not use the enabled flag explicitly. {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String enabledFlagUsedWithoutPrioritySet(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1460, value = "Globally enabled alternative {0} is not present in the bean archive that enables it globally {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String globallyEnabledAlternativeNotInArchive(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1461, value = "Globally enabled interceptor {0} is not present in the bean archive that enables it globally {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String globallyEnabledInterceptorNotInArchive(Object param1, Object param2);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1462, value = "Globally enabled decorator {0} is not present in the bean archive that enables it globally {1}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String globallyEnabledDecoratorNotInArchive(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1463, value = "Bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable. Bean: {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DeploymentException beanWithPassivatingScopeNotPassivationCapable(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1465, value = "{0} for a built-in bean {1} must be passivation capable.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnserializableDependencyException builtinBeanWithNonserializableDecorator(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1466, value = "Cannot inject {0} in a disposer method", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException injectionIntoDisposerMethod(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1467, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3} or {4}.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotReturnObjectOrVoid(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4, Object param5);
@Message(id = 1468, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have a {3} return type.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotHaveVoidReturnType(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3, Object param4);
@Message(id = 1469, value = "Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have zero parameters.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMethodDoesNotHaveZeroParameters(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
* @deprecated Not in use
@Message(id = 1470, value = "Method {0} defined on target class {1} is a @{2} callback method and should not be defined on the target class.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String aroundConstructInterceptorMethodNotAllowedOnTargetClass(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 1471, value = "Interceptor method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It should not throw {2}, which is a checked exception.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void interceptorMethodShouldNotThrowCheckedExceptions(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@Message(id = 1472, value = "EventMetadata can only be injected into an observer method. {0}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException eventMetadataInjectedOutsideOfObserver(Object param1);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 1473, value = "javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean implementation {0} declared a normal scope but does not implement javax.enterprise.inject.spi.PassivationCapable. It won'''t be possible to inject this bean into a bean with a passivating scope (@SessionScoped, @ConversationScoped). This can be fixed by assigning the Bean implementation a unique id by implementing the PassivationCapable interface.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void beanNotPassivationCapable(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1474, value = "Class {0} is on the classpath, but was ignored because a class it references was not found: {1}.\n", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String unsatisfiedDependencyBecauseClassIgnored(Object param1, Object param2);
@Message(id = 1475, value = "The following beans match by type, but none have matching qualifiers:{0}\n", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
String unsatisfiedDependencyBecauseQualifiersDontMatch(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1476, value = "{0} must be @Dependent", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
DefinitionException interceptorMustBeDependent(Object param1);
@Message(id = 1477, value = "The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a(n) {1} with a non-passivation-capable dependency {2}", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
UnserializableDependencyException interceptorDecoratorInjectionPointHasNonSerializableDependency(Object param1, Object param2, Object param3);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 1478, value = "Interceptor {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void interceptorEnabledForApplicationAndBeanArchive(Object interceptor, Object beanArchive);
@LogMessage(level = Level.WARN)
@Message(id = 1479, value = "Decorator {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain.", format = Format.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
void decoratorEnabledForApplicationAndBeanArchive(Object decorator, Object beanArchive);