org.jboss.ws.common.Messages Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.jboss.ws.common;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import jakarta.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
import org.jboss.ws.common.injection.InjectionException;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.WSFException;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.EndpointState;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.WSFDeploymentException;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.metadata.j2ee.serviceref.UnifiedServiceRefMetaData;
* JBossWS Common exception messages
* @author [email protected]
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBWS")
public interface Messages {
Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle(Messages.class);
@Message(id = 22000, value = "Cannot get URL for %s")
IOException cannotGetURLFor(String path);
@Message(id = 22003, value = "UnifiedVirtualFile not initialized; could not load resources from classloader: %s")
IllegalStateException unifiedVirtualFileNotInitialized(ClassLoader cl);
@Message(id = 22004, value = "Invalid ObjectName: %s")
Error invalidObjectName(@Cause Throwable cause, String message);
@Message(id = 22005, value = "Could not get component type from array; invalid binary component for array: %s")
IllegalArgumentException invalidBinaryComponentForArray(String arrayType);
@Message(id = 22006, value = "Could not check whether class '%s' is assignable from class '%s'; both classes must not be null.")
IllegalArgumentException cannotCheckClassIsAssignableFrom(Class> dest, Class> src);
@Message(id = 22007, value = "Unable to convert DataHandler to byte[]: %s")
WebServiceException unableToConvertDataHandler(@Cause Throwable cause, String dhName);
@Message(id = 22008, value = "Cannot pretty print document and ignore white spaces at the same time")
IllegalStateException cannotPrettyPrintAndIgnoreWhiteSpaces();
@Message(id = 22009, value = "Unable to create instance of %s")
RuntimeException unableToCreateInstanceOf(@Cause Throwable cause, String className);
@Message(id = 22014, value = "Source type not implemented: %s")
RuntimeException sourceTypeNotImplemented(Class> clazz);
@Message(id = 22015, value = "Entity resolution: invalid character reference in %s")
IllegalArgumentException entityResolutionInvalidCharacterReference(String string);
@Message(id = 22016, value = "Entity resolution: invalid entity reference in %s")
IllegalArgumentException entityResolutionInvalidEntityReference(String string);
@Message(id = 22017, value = "Entity resolution: invalid entity %s")
IllegalArgumentException entityResolutionInvalidEntity(String entity);
@Message(id = 22018, value = "A UUID must be 16 bytes!")
IllegalArgumentException uuidMustBeOf16Bytes();
@Message(id = 22019, value = "Entity resolution: no entities mapping defined in resource file: %s")
IllegalArgumentException entityResolutionNoEntityMapppingDefined(String file);
@Message(id = 22020, value = "Entity resolution: resource not found: %s")
IllegalArgumentException entityResolutionResourceNotFound(String res);
@Message(id = 22023, value = "Error building an URLConnection capable of handling multiply-nested jars; '!' missing or in unexpected position in provided url: %s")
MalformedURLException jarUrlConnectionBuildError(String url);
@Message(id = 22024, value = "JAR URLConnection unable to locate segment %s for url %s")
IOException jarUrlConnectionUnableToLocateSegment(String segment, String url);
@Message(id = 22028, value = "Cannot find schema import '%s' in deployment '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException cannotFindSchemaImportInDeployment(String xsdImport, String deploymentName);
@Message(id = 22029, value = "Failed to provide spi: %s")
WSFException failedToProvideSPI(Class> spiType);
@Message(id = 22030, value = "No deployment aspect found with attribute last='true'")
IllegalStateException noDeploymentAspectFoundWithAttributeLast();
@Message(id = 22031, value = "Cycle detected in sub-graph: %s")
IllegalStateException cycleDetectedInSubGraph(Collection> c);
@Message(id = 22034, value = "Missing VFS root for service-ref: %s")
IllegalStateException missingVFSRootInServiceRef(String serviceRefName);
@Message(id = 22035, value = "Missing service reference type for service-ref: %s")
IllegalStateException missingServiceRefTypeInServiceRef(String serviceRefName);
@Message(id = 22036, value = "Cannot create generic jakarta.xml.ws.Service without wsdlLocation; service-ref metadata = '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException cannotCreateServiceWithoutWsdlLocation(UnifiedServiceRefMetaData serviceRefMD);
@Message(id = 22037, value = "Annotation class cannot be null")
IllegalArgumentException annotationClassCannotBeNull();
// @Message(id = 22045, value = "Cannot register / unregister null endpoint")
// IllegalArgumentException cannotRegisterUnregisterNullEndpoint();
// @Message(id = 22046, value = "Looking for endpoints with null name in the endpoint registry is not supported")
// IllegalArgumentException endpointNameCannotBeNull();
// @Message(id = 22047, value = "Cannot register endpoint with null name: %s")
// IllegalArgumentException cannotRegisterEndpointWithNullName(ObjectName epName);
// @Message(id = 22048, value = "Endpoint already registered: %s")
// IllegalStateException endpointAlreadyRegistered(ObjectName endpointName);
// @Message(id = 22049, value = "Endpoint not registered: %s")
// IllegalStateException endpointNotRegistered(ObjectName endpointName);
@Message(id = 22062, value = "Cannot find attachment %s in webservice deployment %s")
IllegalStateException cannotFindAttachmentInDeployment(Class> attachmentClass, String dep);
@Message(id = 22063, value = "Reference resolution: cannot resolve %s")
IllegalArgumentException cannotResolve(Object obj);
@Message(id = 22064, value = "Reference resolution: accessible object class cannot be null")
IllegalArgumentException accessibleObjectClassCannotBeNull();
@Message(id = 22065, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s can't declare primitive parameters")
InjectionException methodCannotDeclarePrimitiveParameters2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22066, value = "Field %s can't be of primitive or void type")
InjectionException fieldCannotBeOfPrimitiveOrVoidType(Field f);
@Message(id = 22067, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s can't be of primitive or void type")
InjectionException fieldCannotBeOfPrimitiveOrVoidType2(Field f, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22068, value = "Method %s has to have no parameters")
InjectionException methodHasToHaveNoParameters(Method m);
@Message(id = 22069, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s has to have no parameters")
InjectionException methodHasToHaveNoParameters2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22070, value = "Method %s has to return void")
InjectionException methodHasToReturnVoid(Method m);
@Message(id = 22071, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s has to return void")
InjectionException methodHasToReturnVoid2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22072, value = "Method %s cannot throw checked exceptions")
InjectionException methodCannotThrowCheckedException(Method m);
@Message(id = 22073, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s cannot throw checked exception")
InjectionException methodCannotThrowCheckedException2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22074, value = "Method %s cannot be static")
InjectionException methodCannotBeStatic(Method m);
@Message(id = 22075, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s cannot be static")
InjectionException methodCannotBeStatic2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22076, value = "Field %s cannot be static or final")
InjectionException fieldCannotBeStaticOrFinal(Field f);
@Message(id = 22077, value = "Field %s annotated with @%s cannot be static")
InjectionException fieldCannotBeStaticOrFinal2(Field f, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22078, value = "Method %s has to declare exactly one parameter")
InjectionException methodHasToDeclareExactlyOneParameter(Method m);
@Message(id = 22079, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s has to declare exactly one parameter")
InjectionException methodHasToDeclareExactlyOneParameter2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22080, value = "Method %s doesn't respect Java Beans setter method name")
InjectionException methodDoesNotRespectJavaBeanSetterMethodName(Method m);
@Message(id = 22081, value = "Method %s annotated with @%s doesn't respect Java Beans setter method name")
InjectionException methodDoesNotRespectJavaBeanSetterMethodName2(Method m, Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22082, value = "Only one method can exist")
InjectionException onlyOneMethodCanExist();
@Message(id = 22083, value = "Only one method annotated with @%s can exist")
InjectionException onlyOneMethodCanExist2(Class extends Annotation> ann);
@Message(id = 22084, value = "Method %s can't declare primitive parameters")
InjectionException methodCannotDeclarePrimitiveParameters(Method m);
@Message(id = 22085, value = "Virtual host must be the same for all endpoints of the deployment %s")
IllegalStateException virtualHostMustBeTheSameForAllEndpoints(String dep);
@Message(id = 22086, value = "Cannot obtain servlet mapping for %s")
IllegalStateException cannotObtainServletMapping(String name);
@Message(id = 22087, value = "Failed to read %s: %s")
WebServiceException failedToRead(String descriptor, String mex, @Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 22088, value = "Unexpected element parsing %s: %s")
IllegalStateException unexpectedElement(String descriptor, String elem);
@Message(id = 22089, value = "Unexpectedly reached end of XML document: %s")
IllegalStateException reachedEndOfXMLDocUnexpectedly(String descriptor);
@Message(id = 22092, value = "Could not resolve %s in deployment %s")
IOException cannotResolveResource(String resourcePath, String deploymentName);
@Message(id = 22093, value = "Context root expected to start with leading slash: %s")
IllegalStateException contextRootExpectedToStartWithLeadingSlash(String contextRoot);
@Message(id = 22094, value = "Lifecycle handler not initialized for endpoint %s")
IllegalStateException lifecycleHandlerNotInitialized(ObjectName epName);
@Message(id = 22095, value = "Cannot obtain context root for deployment %s")
IllegalStateException cannotObtainContextRoot(String dep);
@Message(id = 22096, value = "Cannot obtain url pattern for endpoint %s")
IllegalStateException cannotObtainUrlPattern(ObjectName epName);
@Message(id = 22097, value = "Cannot find for servlet-name %s")
RuntimeException cannotFindUrlPatternForServletName(String s);
@Message(id = 22101, value = "Invocation handler not available for endpoint %s")
IllegalStateException invocationHandlerNotAvailable(ObjectName epName);
@Message(id = 22104, value = "All endpoints must share the same context root; deployment = %s")
IllegalStateException allEndpointsMustShareSameContextRoot(String dep);
@Message(id = 22105, value = "Cannot modify endpoint in state %s: %s")
IllegalStateException cannotModifyEndpointInState(EndpointState state, ObjectName epName);
@Message(id = 22106, value = "Operation %s not supported by %s")
RuntimeException operationNotSupportedBy(String op, Class> clazz);
@Message(id = 22107, value = "Could not read configuration from %s")
RuntimeException couldNotReadConfiguration(String path, @Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 22108, value = "Configuration %s not found")
RuntimeException configurationNotFound(String conf);
@Message(id = 22109, value = "%s is not a JAX-WS Handler")
RuntimeException notJAXWSHandler(String className);
@Message(id = 22117, value = "Invalid address provided: %s")
IllegalArgumentException invalidAddressProvided(String address);
@Message(id = 22120, value = "Could not read from config file: %s")
RuntimeException couldNotReadConfigFile(String file);
@Message(id = 22121, value = "Could not find endpoint config name: %s")
WSFDeploymentException couldNotFindEndpointConfigName(String name);
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