org.jbundle.app.program.db.ClassInfo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* @(#)ClassInfo.
* Copyright © 2013 jbundle.org. All rights reserved.
* GPL3 Open Source Software License.
package org.jbundle.app.program.db;
import java.util.*;
import org.jbundle.base.db.*;
import org.jbundle.thin.base.util.*;
import org.jbundle.thin.base.db.*;
import org.jbundle.base.db.event.*;
import org.jbundle.base.db.filter.*;
import org.jbundle.base.field.*;
import org.jbundle.base.field.convert.*;
import org.jbundle.base.field.event.*;
import org.jbundle.base.model.*;
import org.jbundle.base.util.*;
import org.jbundle.model.*;
import org.jbundle.model.db.*;
import org.jbundle.model.screen.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.jbundle.base.db.xmlutil.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.jbundle.model.app.program.db.*;
* ClassInfo - Class information.
public class ClassInfo extends VirtualRecord
implements ClassInfoModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final String RESOURCE_CLASS = "ListResourceBundle";
public static final String MAINT_SCREEN_CLASS = "org.jbundle.app.program.screen.ClassInfoScreen";
public static final String GRID_SCREEN_CLASS = "org.jbundle.app.program.screen.ClassInfoGridScreen";
* Default constructor.
public ClassInfo()
* Constructor.
public ClassInfo(RecordOwner screen)
* Initialize class fields.
public void init(RecordOwner screen)
* Get the table name.
public String getTableNames(boolean bAddQuotes)
return (m_tableName == null) ? Record.formatTableNames(CLASS_INFO_FILE, bAddQuotes) : super.getTableNames(bAddQuotes);
* Get the name of a single record.
public String getRecordName()
return "Class";
* Get the Database Name.
public String getDatabaseName()
return "program";
* Is this a local (vs remote) file?.
public int getDatabaseType()
return DBConstants.REMOTE | DBConstants.SHARED_DATA | DBConstants.HIERARCHICAL | DBConstants.LOCALIZABLE;
* MakeScreen Method.
public ScreenParent makeScreen(ScreenLoc itsLocation, ComponentParent parentScreen, int iDocMode, Map properties)
ScreenParent screen = null;
if ((iDocMode & ScreenConstants.MAINT_MODE) != 0)
screen = Record.makeNewScreen(MAINT_SCREEN_CLASS, itsLocation, parentScreen, iDocMode | ScreenConstants.DETAIL_MODE | ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_FIELD_DESC, properties, this, true);
else if ((iDocMode & ScreenConstants.DISPLAY_MODE) != 0)
screen = Record.makeNewScreen(GRID_SCREEN_CLASS, itsLocation, parentScreen, iDocMode | ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_FIELD_DESC, properties, this, true);
screen = super.makeScreen(itsLocation, parentScreen, iDocMode, properties);
return screen;
* Add this field in the Record's field sequence.
public BaseField setupField(int iFieldSeq)
BaseField field = null;
//if (iFieldSeq == 0)
// field = new CounterField(this, ID, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
// field.setHidden(true);
//if (iFieldSeq == 1)
// field = new RecordChangedField(this, LAST_CHANGED, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
// field.setHidden(true);
//if (iFieldSeq == 2)
// field = new BooleanField(this, DELETED, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, new Boolean(false));
// field.setHidden(true);
if (iFieldSeq == 3)
field = new StringField(this, CLASS_NAME, 40, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 4)
field = new StringField(this, BASE_CLASS_NAME, 40, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 5)
field = new StringField(this, CLASS_DESC, 255, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 6)
field = new ClassProjectField(this, CLASS_PROJECT_ID, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
field.addListener(new InitOnceFieldHandler(null));
if (iFieldSeq == 7)
field = new StringField(this, CLASS_PACKAGE, 60, null, null);
field.addListener(new InitOnceFieldHandler(null));
if (iFieldSeq == 8)
field = new StringField(this, CLASS_SOURCE_FILE, 40, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 9)
field = new ClassTypeField(this, CLASS_TYPE, 20, null, null);
field.addListener(new InitOnceFieldHandler(null));
if (iFieldSeq == 10)
field = new XmlField(this, CLASS_EXPLAIN, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 11)
field = new XmlField(this, CLASS_HELP, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 12)
field = new StringField(this, CLASS_IMPLEMENTS, 60, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 13)
field = new MemoField(this, SEE_ALSO, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 14)
field = new MemoField(this, TECHNICAL_INFO, Constants.DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH, null, null);
if (iFieldSeq == 15)
field = new StringField(this, COPY_DESC_FROM, 50, null, null);
if (field == null)
field = super.setupField(iFieldSeq);
return field;
* Add this key area description to the Record.
public KeyArea setupKey(int iKeyArea)
KeyArea keyArea = null;
if (iKeyArea == 0)
keyArea = this.makeIndex(DBConstants.UNIQUE, ID_KEY);
keyArea.addKeyField(ID, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
if (iKeyArea == 1)
keyArea = this.makeIndex(DBConstants.NOT_UNIQUE, CLASS_NAME_KEY);
keyArea.addKeyField(CLASS_NAME, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
if (iKeyArea == 2)
keyArea = this.makeIndex(DBConstants.NOT_UNIQUE, CLASS_SOURCE_FILE_KEY);
keyArea.addKeyField(CLASS_SOURCE_FILE, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
keyArea.addKeyField(CLASS_NAME, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
if (iKeyArea == 3)
keyArea = this.makeIndex(DBConstants.NOT_UNIQUE, BASE_CLASS_NAME_KEY);
keyArea.addKeyField(BASE_CLASS_NAME, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
if (iKeyArea == 4)
keyArea = this.makeIndex(DBConstants.NOT_UNIQUE, CLASS_PROJECT_ID_KEY);
keyArea.addKeyField(CLASS_PROJECT_ID, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
keyArea.addKeyField(CLASS_NAME, DBConstants.ASCENDING);
if (keyArea == null)
keyArea = super.setupKey(iKeyArea);
return keyArea;
* AddMasterListeners Method.
public void addMasterListeners()
this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME).addListener(new MoveOnChangeHandler(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_SOURCE_FILE), null, true, true));
* Get the link that will run this class.
public String getLink()
String strType = this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_TYPE).getString();
String strLink = this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME).getString();
if (this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PACKAGE).getLength() > 0)
strLink = DBConstants.ROOT_PACKAGE + this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PACKAGE).toString() + "." + strLink;
if (strType.equalsIgnoreCase("screen"))
strLink = HtmlConstants.SERVLET_LINK + "?screen=" + strLink;
else if (strType.equalsIgnoreCase("record"))
strLink = HtmlConstants.SERVLET_LINK + "?record=" + strLink;
return strLink;
* Read the ClassInfoService record
* @param recordOwner The record owner to use to create the this record AND to optionally get the classinfo.
* @param className if non-null read this class name, if null, use the recordowner properties to figure out the class.
* @param getRecord If true, read the record.
public ClassInfoModel readClassInfo(PropertyOwner recordOwner, String className)
String strParamRecord = null;
String strParamScreenType = null;
String strParamMenu = null;
String strParamHelp = null;
if (className == null)
strParamRecord = recordOwner.getProperty(DBParams.RECORD); // Display record
className = recordOwner.getProperty(DBParams.SCREEN); // Display screen
strParamScreenType = recordOwner.getProperty(DBParams.COMMAND); // Display record
strParamMenu = recordOwner.getProperty(DBParams.MENU); // Display record
strParamHelp = recordOwner.getProperty(DBParams.HELP); // Display record
if (className == null)
className = DBConstants.BLANK;
if ((className.length() == 0) || (className.equals("Screen")) || (className.equals("GridScreen")))
if (strParamRecord != null) if (strParamRecord.length() > 0)
className = strParamRecord; // Use desc of record class if standard screen
try {
if (className.lastIndexOf('.') != -1)
className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
boolean bSuccess = false;
if (className.length() > 0)
bSuccess = this.seek("=");
if (!bSuccess)
{ // Not found, use standard screen maintenance screen
if ((strParamMenu != null) && (strParamMenu.length() > 0))
else if ((strParamRecord != null) && (strParamRecord.length() > 0))
if ((strParamScreenType != null) && (strParamScreenType.length() > 0) && (strParamScreenType.equalsIgnoreCase(ThinMenuConstants.FORM)))
if (!bSuccess)
bSuccess = this.seek("=");
} catch (DBException e) {
return null;
return this;
* Get the full class name.
public String getPackageName(ClassProject.CodeType codeType)
if (codeType == null)
codeType = ClassProject.CodeType.THICK;
String packageName = this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PACKAGE).toString();
ClassProject classProject = (ClassProject)((ReferenceField)this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PROJECT_ID)).getReference();
if (classProject != null)
if ((classProject.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_IN_PROGRESS) || (classProject.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_CURRENT))
packageName = classProject.getFullPackage(codeType, packageName);
return packageName;
* GetClassName Method.
public String getClassName()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME).toString();
* GetFullClassName Method.
public String getFullClassName()
String className = this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME).toString();
ClassProject classProject = (ClassProject)((ReferenceField)this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PROJECT_ID)).getReference();
String packageName = classProject.getFullPackage(ClassProject.CodeType.THICK, this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_PACKAGE).toString());
if (!packageName.endsWith("."))
if (!className.endsWith("."))
className = "." + className;
return packageName + className;
* GetClassDesc Method.
public String getClassDesc()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_DESC).toString();
* GetClassExplain Method.
public String getClassExplain()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_EXPLAIN).toString();
* GetClassHelp Method.
public String getClassHelp()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_HELP).toString();
* GetClassType Method.
public String getClassType()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_TYPE).toString();
* GetSeeAlso Method.
public String getSeeAlso()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.SEE_ALSO).toString();
* GetTechnicalInfo Method.
public String getTechnicalInfo()
return this.getField(ClassInfo.TECHNICAL_INFO).toString();
* IsValidRecord Method.
public boolean isValidRecord()
return ((this.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_IN_PROGRESS) || (this.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_CURRENT));
* PrintHtmlTechInfo Method.
public void printHtmlTechInfo(PrintWriter out, String strTag, String strParams, String strData)
FieldData fieldInfo = new FieldData(this.findRecordOwner());
String strClass = this.getClassName();
fieldInfo.addListener(new StringSubFileFilter(strClass, fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_FILE_NAME), null, null, null, null));
try {
out.println("" + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_NAME).getFieldDesc() + " ");
out.println("" + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_CLASS).getFieldDesc() + " ");
out.println("" + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.BASE_FIELD_NAME).getFieldDesc() + " ");
out.println("" + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.MAXIMUM_LENGTH).getFieldDesc() + " ");
out.println("" + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_DESCRIPTION).getFieldDesc() + " ");
out.println(" ");
while (fieldInfo.hasNext())
out.println(" " + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_NAME).toString() + " ");
out.println(" " + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_CLASS).toString() + " ");
out.println(" " + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.BASE_FIELD_NAME).toString() + " ");
out.println(" " + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.MAXIMUM_LENGTH).toString() + " ");
out.println(" " + fieldInfo.getField(FieldData.FIELD_DESCRIPTION).toString() + " ");
out.println(" ");
} catch (DBException ex) {
fieldInfo = null;
* PrintScreen Method.
public void printScreen(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle reg)
String strClassXML = XmlUtilities.createXMLStringRecord(this);
if (strClassXML == null)
strClassXML = DBConstants.BLANK;
String strOptXML = DBConstants.BLANK;
FileHdr fileHdr = new FileHdr(null);
try {
if (fileHdr.seek("="))
strOptXML = XmlUtilities.createXMLStringRecord(fileHdr);
FieldData fieldInfo = new FieldData(null);
fieldInfo.addListener(new SubFileFilter(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME), FieldData.FIELD_FILE_NAME, null, null, null, null));
strOptXML += Utility.startTag(XMLTags.FIELD_LIST);
while (fieldInfo.hasNext())
strOptXML += XmlUtilities.createXMLStringRecord(fieldInfo);
strOptXML += Utility.endTag(XMLTags.FIELD_LIST);
KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(null);
keyInfo.addListener(new SubFileFilter(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME), KeyInfo.KEY_FILENAME, null, null, null, null));
strOptXML += Utility.startTag(XMLTags.KEY_LIST);
while (keyInfo.hasNext())
strOptXML += XmlUtilities.createXMLStringRecord(keyInfo);
strOptXML += Utility.endTag(XMLTags.KEY_LIST);
} catch (DBException ex) {
strOptXML = DBConstants.BLANK;
String strContentArea =
strClassXML +
* IsARecord Method.
public boolean isARecord(boolean isAFile)
Record recFileHdr = (Record)this.getRecordOwner().getRecord(FileHdr.FILE_HDR_FILE);
if (recFileHdr == null)
recFileHdr = new FileHdr(this.getRecordOwner());
this.addListener(new FreeOnFreeHandler(recFileHdr));
if (!recFileHdr.getField(FileHdr.FILE_NAME).equals(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME)))
try {
int oldKeyArea = recFileHdr.getDefaultOrder();
} catch (Exception e) {
if ((recFileHdr.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_CURRENT) && (this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_NAME).toString().equals(recFileHdr.getField(FileHdr.FILE_NAME).getString())))
return true; // This is a file
if (isAFile)
return false; // Just looking for files
if (!"Record".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_TYPE).toString()))
return false; // If this isn't a physical file, don't build it.
if (this.getField(ClassInfo.BASE_CLASS_NAME).toString().contains("ScreenRecord"))
return false;
if ("Interface".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getField(ClassInfo.CLASS_TYPE).toString())) // An interface doesn't have an interface
return false; // If this isn't a physical file, don't build it.
if (RESOURCE_CLASS.equals(this.getField(ClassInfo.BASE_CLASS_NAME).toString()))
return false; // Resource only class
return true; // This is a record
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