jcuda.jnvgraph.JNvgraph Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* JNvgraph - Java bindings for nvGRAPH, the NVIDIA CUDA graph library,
* to be used with JCuda
* Copyright (c) 2016-2016 Marco Hutter - http://www.jcuda.org
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package jcuda.jnvgraph;
import jcuda.CudaException;
import jcuda.LibUtils;
import jcuda.LogLevel;
import jcuda.Pointer;
import jcuda.runtime.JCuda;
* Java bindings for nvGRAPH, the NVIDIA CUDA graph library
public class JNvgraph
* The flag that indicates whether the native library has been
* loaded
private static boolean initialized = false;
* Whether a CudaException should be thrown if a method is about
* to return a result code that is not
private static boolean exceptionsEnabled = false;
/* Private constructor to prevent instantiation */
private JNvgraph()
// Initialize the native library.
* Initializes the native library. Note that this method
* does not have to be called explicitly, since it will
* be called automatically when this class is loaded.
public static void initialize()
if (!initialized)
String libraryBaseName = "JNvgraph-" + JCuda.getJCudaVersion();
String libraryName =
initialized = true;
* Enables or disables exceptions. By default, the methods of this class
* only set the {@link cudnnStatus} from the native methods.
* If exceptions are enabled, a CudaException with a detailed error
* message will be thrown if a method is about to set a result code
* that is not nvgraphStatus.NVGRAPH_STATUS_SUCCESS
* @param enabled Whether exceptions are enabled
public static void setExceptionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
exceptionsEnabled = enabled;
* If the given result is not nvgraphStatus.NVGRAPH_STATUS_SUCCESS
* and exceptions have been enabled, this method will throw a
* CudaException with an error message that corresponds to the
* given result code. Otherwise, the given result is simply
* returned.
* @param result The result to check
* @return The result that was given as the parameter
* @throws CudaException If exceptions have been enabled and
* the given result code is not nvgraphStatus.NVGRAPH_STATUS_SUCCESS
private static int checkResult(int result)
if (exceptionsEnabled && result !=
throw new CudaException(nvgraphStatus.stringFor(result));
return result;
* Set the specified log level for the JNvgraph library.
* Currently supported log levels:
* LOG_QUIET: Never print anything
* LOG_ERROR: Print error messages
* LOG_TRACE: Print a trace of all native function calls
* @param logLevel The log level to use.
public static void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)
private static native void setLogLevelNative(int logLevel);
public static String nvgraphStatusGetString(
int status)
return nvgraphStatusGetStringNative(status);
private static native String nvgraphStatusGetStringNative(
int status);
/** Return properties values for the nvGraph library, such as library version */
public static int nvgraphGetProperty(
int type,
int[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphGetPropertyNative(type, value));
private static native int nvgraphGetPropertyNative(
int type,
int[] value);
/** Open the library and create the handle */
public static int nvgraphCreate(
nvgraphHandle handle)
return checkResult(nvgraphCreateNative(handle));
private static native int nvgraphCreateNative(
nvgraphHandle handle);
/** Close the library and destroy the handle */
public static int nvgraphDestroy(
nvgraphHandle handle)
return checkResult(nvgraphDestroyNative(handle));
private static native int nvgraphDestroyNative(
nvgraphHandle handle);
/** Create an empty graph descriptor */
public static int nvgraphCreateGraphDescr(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG)
return checkResult(nvgraphCreateGraphDescrNative(handle, descrG));
private static native int nvgraphCreateGraphDescrNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG);
/** Destroy a graph descriptor */
public static int nvgraphDestroyGraphDescr(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG)
return checkResult(nvgraphDestroyGraphDescrNative(handle, descrG));
private static native int nvgraphDestroyGraphDescrNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG);
/** Set size, topology data in the graph descriptor */
public static int nvgraphSetGraphStructure(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Object topologyData,
int TType)
return checkResult(nvgraphSetGraphStructureNative(handle, descrG, topologyData, TType));
private static native int nvgraphSetGraphStructureNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Object topologyData,
int TType);
/** Query size and topology information from the graph descriptor */
public static int nvgraphGetGraphStructure(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Object topologyData,
int[] TType)
return checkResult(nvgraphGetGraphStructureNative(handle, descrG, topologyData, TType));
private static native int nvgraphGetGraphStructureNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Object topologyData,
int[] TType);
/** Allocate numsets vectors of size V reprensenting Vertex Data and attached them the graph.
* settypes[i] is the type of vector #i, currently all Vertex and Edge data should have the same type */
public static int nvgraphAllocateVertexData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long numsets,
Pointer settypes)
return checkResult(nvgraphAllocateVertexDataNative(handle, descrG, numsets, settypes));
private static native int nvgraphAllocateVertexDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long numsets,
Pointer settypes);
/** Allocate numsets vectors of size E reprensenting Edge Data and attached them the graph.
* settypes[i] is the type of vector #i, currently all Vertex and Edge data should have the same type */
public static int nvgraphAllocateEdgeData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long numsets,
Pointer settypes)
return checkResult(nvgraphAllocateEdgeDataNative(handle, descrG, numsets, settypes));
private static native int nvgraphAllocateEdgeDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long numsets,
Pointer settypes);
/** Update the vertex set #setnum with the data in *vertexData, sets have 0-based index
* Conversions are not sopported so nvgraphTopologyType_t should match the graph structure */
public static int nvgraphSetVertexData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer vertexData,
long setnum)
return checkResult(nvgraphSetVertexDataNative(handle, descrG, vertexData, setnum));
private static native int nvgraphSetVertexDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer vertexData,
long setnum);
/** Copy the edge set #setnum in *edgeData, sets have 0-based index
* Conversions are not sopported so nvgraphTopologyType_t should match the graph structure */
public static int nvgraphGetVertexData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer vertexData,
long setnum)
return checkResult(nvgraphGetVertexDataNative(handle, descrG, vertexData, setnum));
private static native int nvgraphGetVertexDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer vertexData,
long setnum);
/** Convert the edge data to another topology
public static int nvgraphConvertTopology(
nvgraphHandle handle,
int srcTType,
Object srcTopology,
Pointer srcEdgeData,
Pointer dataType,
int dstTType,
Object dstTopology,
Pointer dstEdgeData)
return checkResult(nvgraphConvertTopologyNative(handle, srcTType, srcTopology, srcEdgeData, dataType, dstTType, dstTopology, dstEdgeData));
private static native int nvgraphConvertTopologyNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
int srcTType,
Object srcTopology,
Pointer srcEdgeData,
Pointer dataType,
int dstTType,
Object dstTopology,
Pointer dstEdgeData);
/** Convert graph to another structure
public static int nvgraphConvertGraph(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr srcDescrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr dstDescrG,
int dstTType)
return checkResult(nvgraphConvertGraphNative(handle, srcDescrG, dstDescrG, dstTType));
private static native int nvgraphConvertGraphNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr srcDescrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr dstDescrG,
int dstTType);
/** Update the edge set #setnum with the data in *edgeData, sets have 0-based index
public static int nvgraphSetEdgeData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer edgeData,
long setnum)
return checkResult(nvgraphSetEdgeDataNative(handle, descrG, edgeData, setnum));
private static native int nvgraphSetEdgeDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer edgeData,
long setnum);
/** Copy the edge set #setnum in *edgeData, sets have 0-based index
public static int nvgraphGetEdgeData(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer edgeData,
long setnum)
return checkResult(nvgraphGetEdgeDataNative(handle, descrG, edgeData, setnum));
private static native int nvgraphGetEdgeDataNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
Pointer edgeData,
long setnum);
/** create a new graph by extracting a subgraph given a list of vertices
public static int nvgraphExtractSubgraphByVertex(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr subdescrG,
Pointer subvertices,
long numvertices)
return checkResult(nvgraphExtractSubgraphByVertexNative(handle, descrG, subdescrG, subvertices, numvertices));
private static native int nvgraphExtractSubgraphByVertexNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr subdescrG,
Pointer subvertices,
long numvertices);
/** create a new graph by extracting a subgraph given a list of edges
public static int nvgraphExtractSubgraphByEdge(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr subdescrG,
Pointer subedges,
long numedges)
return checkResult(nvgraphExtractSubgraphByEdgeNative(handle, descrG, subdescrG, subedges, numedges));
private static native int nvgraphExtractSubgraphByEdgeNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr subdescrG,
Pointer subedges,
long numedges);
/** nvGRAPH Semi-ring sparse matrix vector multiplication
public static int nvgraphSrSpmv(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer alpha,
long x_index,
Pointer beta,
long y_index,
int SR)
return checkResult(nvgraphSrSpmvNative(handle, descrG, weight_index, alpha, x_index, beta, y_index, SR));
private static native int nvgraphSrSpmvNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer alpha,
long x_index,
Pointer beta,
long y_index,
int SR);
public static int nvgraphTraversalParameterInit(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalParameterInitNative(param));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalParameterInitNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetDistancesIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetDistancesIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetDistancesIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetDistancesIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetDistancesIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetDistancesIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetPredecessorsIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetPredecessorsIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetPredecessorsIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetPredecessorsIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetPredecessorsIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetPredecessorsIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetEdgeMaskIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetEdgeMaskIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetEdgeMaskIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetEdgeMaskIndex(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetEdgeMaskIndexNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetEdgeMaskIndexNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetUndirectedFlag(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetUndirectedFlagNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetUndirectedFlagNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetUndirectedFlag(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetUndirectedFlagNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetUndirectedFlagNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetAlpha(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetAlphaNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetAlphaNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetAlpha(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetAlphaNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetAlphaNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalSetBeta(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalSetBetaNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalSetBetaNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long value);
public static int nvgraphTraversalGetBeta(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalGetBetaNative(param, value));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalGetBetaNative(
nvgraphTraversalParameter param,
long[] value);
public static int nvgraphTraversal(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
int traversalT,
Pointer source_vert,
nvgraphTraversalParameter params)
return checkResult(nvgraphTraversalNative(handle, descrG, traversalT, source_vert, params));
private static native int nvgraphTraversalNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
int traversalT,
Pointer source_vert,
nvgraphTraversalParameter params);
/** nvGRAPH Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP)
* Calculate the shortest path distance from a single vertex in the graph to all other vertices.
public static int nvgraphSssp(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer source_vert,
long sssp_index)
return checkResult(nvgraphSsspNative(handle, descrG, weight_index, source_vert, sssp_index));
private static native int nvgraphSsspNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer source_vert,
long sssp_index);
/** nvGRAPH WidestPath
* Find widest path potential from source_index to every other vertices.
public static int nvgraphWidestPath(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer source_vert,
long widest_path_index)
return checkResult(nvgraphWidestPathNative(handle, descrG, weight_index, source_vert, widest_path_index));
private static native int nvgraphWidestPathNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer source_vert,
long widest_path_index);
/** nvGRAPH PageRank
* Find PageRank for each vertex of a graph with a given transition probabilities, a bookmark vector of dangling vertices, and the damping factor.
public static int nvgraphPagerank(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer alpha,
long bookmark_index,
int has_guess,
long pagerank_index,
float tolerance,
int max_iter)
return checkResult(nvgraphPagerankNative(handle, descrG, weight_index, alpha, bookmark_index, has_guess, pagerank_index, tolerance, max_iter));
private static native int nvgraphPagerankNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
long weight_index,
Pointer alpha,
long bookmark_index,
int has_guess,
long pagerank_index,
float tolerance,
int max_iter);
* nvGRAPH contraction
* given array of agregates contract graph with
* given (Combine, Reduce) operators for Vertex Set
* and Edge Set;
public static int nvgraphContractGraph(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr contrdescrG,
Pointer aggregates,
long numaggregates,
int VertexCombineOp,
int VertexReduceOp,
int EdgeCombineOp,
int EdgeReduceOp,
int flag)
return checkResult(nvgraphContractGraphNative(handle, descrG, contrdescrG, aggregates, numaggregates, VertexCombineOp, VertexReduceOp, EdgeCombineOp, EdgeReduceOp, flag));
private static native int nvgraphContractGraphNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr descrG,
nvgraphGraphDescr contrdescrG,
Pointer aggregates,
long numaggregates,
int VertexCombineOp,
int VertexReduceOp,
int EdgeCombineOp,
int EdgeReduceOp,
int flag);
* nvGRAPH spectral clustering
* given a graph and solver parameters of struct SpectralClusteringParameter,
* assign vertices to groups such as
* intra-group connections are strong and/or inter-groups connections are weak
* using spectral technique.
public static int nvgraphSpectralClustering(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long weight_index,
SpectralClusteringParameter params,
Pointer clustering,
Pointer eig_vals,
Pointer eig_vects)
return checkResult(nvgraphSpectralClusteringNative(handle, graph_descr, weight_index, params, clustering, eig_vals, eig_vects));
private static native int nvgraphSpectralClusteringNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long weight_index,
SpectralClusteringParameter params,
Pointer clustering,
Pointer eig_vals,
Pointer eig_vects);
* nvGRAPH analyze clustering
* Given a graph, a clustering, and a metric
* compute the score that measures the clustering quality according to the metric.
public static int nvgraphAnalyzeClustering(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long weight_index,
int n_clusters,
Pointer clustering,
int metric,
Pointer score)
return checkResult(nvgraphAnalyzeClusteringNative(handle, graph_descr, weight_index, n_clusters, clustering, metric, score));
private static native int nvgraphAnalyzeClusteringNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long weight_index,
int n_clusters,
Pointer clustering,
int metric,
Pointer score);
/** nvGRAPH Triangles counting
* count number of triangles (cycles of size 3) formed by graph edges
public static int nvgraphTriangleCount(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long[] result)
return checkResult(nvgraphTriangleCountNative(handle, graph_descr, result));
private static native int nvgraphTriangleCountNative(
nvgraphHandle handle,
nvgraphGraphDescr graph_descr,
long[] result);