org.jdesktop.application.Application Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Illya Yalovyy ([email protected])
* Use is subject to license terms.
package org.jdesktop.application;
import org.jdesktop.application.utils.AppHelper;
import java.awt.ActiveEvent;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.PaintEvent;
import java.beans.Beans;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo;
import org.jdesktop.application.utils.OSXAdapter;
import org.jdesktop.application.utils.PlatformType;
* The base class for Swing applications.
* This class defines a simple lifecyle for Swing applications: {@code
* initialize}, {@code startup}, {@code ready}, and {@code shutdown}.
* The {@code Application's} {@code startup} method is responsible for
* creating the initial GUI and making it visible, and the {@code
* shutdown} method for hiding the GUI and performing any other
* cleanup actions before the application exits. The {@code initialize}
* method can be used configure system properties that must be set
* before the GUI is constructed and the {@code ready}
* method is for applications that want to do a little bit of extra
* work once the GUI is "ready" to use. Concrete subclasses must
* override the {@code startup} method.
* Applications are started with the static {@code launch} method.
* Applications use the {@code ApplicationContext} {@link
* Application#getContext} to find resources,
* actions, local storage, and so on.
* All {@code Application} subclasses must override {@code startup}
* and they should call {@link #exit} (which
* calls {@code shutdown}) to exit.
* Here's an example of a complete "Hello World" Application:
* public class MyApplication extends Application {
* JFrame mainFrame = null;
* @Override protected void startup() {
* mainFrame = new JFrame("Hello World");
* mainFrame.add(new JLabel("Hello World"));
* mainFrame.addWindowListener(new MainFrameListener());
* mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
* mainFrame.pack();
* mainFrame.setVisible(true);
* }
* @Override protected void shutdown() {
* mainFrame.setVisible(false);
* }
* private class MainFrameListener extends WindowAdapter {
* public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
* exit();
* }
* }
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Application.launch(MyApplication.class, args);
* }
* }
* The {@code mainFrame's} {@code defaultCloseOperation} is set
* to {@code DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE} because we're handling attempts
* to close the window by calling
* {@code ApplicationContext} {@link #exit}.
* Simple single frame applications like the example can be defined
* more easily with the {@link SingleFrameApplication
* SingleFrameApplication} {@code Application} subclass.
* All of the Application's methods are called (must be called) on
* the EDT.
* All but the most trivial applications should define a ResourceBundle
* in the resources subpackage with the same name as the application class (like {@code
* resources/MyApplication.properties}). This ResourceBundle contains
* resources shared by the entire application and should begin with the
* following the standard Application resources:
* Application.name = A short name, typically just a few words
* Application.id = Suitable for Application specific identifiers, like file names
* Application.title = A title suitable for dialogs and frames
* Application.version = A version string that can be incorporated into messages
* Application.vendor = A proper name, like Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Application.vendorId = suitable for Application-vendor specific identifiers, like file names.
* Application.homepage = A URL like http://www.javadesktop.org
* Application.description = One brief sentence
* Application.lookAndFeel = either system, default, or a LookAndFeel class name
* The {@code Application.lookAndFeel} resource is used to initialize the
* {@code UIManager lookAndFeel} as follows:
* - {@code system} - the system (native) look and feel
* - {@code default} - use the JVM default, typically the cross platform look and feel
* - {@code nimbus} - use the modern cross platform look and feel Nimbus
- a LookAndFeel class name - use the specified class
* @see SingleFrameApplication
* @see ApplicationContext
* @see UIManager#setLookAndFeel
* @author Hans Muller ([email protected])
@ProxyActions({"cut", "copy", "paste", "delete"})
public abstract class Application extends AbstractBean {
public static final String KEY_APPLICATION_TITLE = "Application.title";
public static final String KEY_APPLICATION_ICON = "Application.icon";
public static final String KEY_APPLICATION_VENDOR_ID = "Application.vendorId";
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Application.class.getName());
private static Application application = null;
private final List exitListeners;
private final ApplicationContext context;
protected boolean ready;
* Not to be called directly, see {@link #launch launch}.
* Subclasses can provide a no-args construtor
* to initialize private final state however GUI
* initialization, and anything else that might refer to
* public API, should be done in the {@link #startup startup}
* method.
protected Application() {
exitListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
context = new ApplicationContext();
* Creates an instance of the specified {@code Application}
* subclass, sets the {@code ApplicationContext} {@code
* application} property, and then calls the new {@code
* Application's} {@code initialize} and {@code startup} methods.
* When UI is ready, method {@code ready} is called.
* The {@code launch} method is
* typically called from the Application's {@code main}:
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Application.launch(MyApplication.class, args);
* }
* The {@code applicationClass} constructor and {@code startup} methods
* run on the event dispatching thread.
* @param applicationClass the {@code Application} class to launch
* @param args {@code main} method arguments
* @see #shutdown
* @see ApplicationContext#getApplication
public static synchronized void launch(final Class applicationClass, final String[] args) {
Runnable doCreateAndShowGUI = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
application = create(applicationClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = String.format("Application %s failed to launch", applicationClass);
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
throw (new Error(msg, e));
/* Initializes the ApplicationContext applicationClass and application
* properties.
* Note that, as of Java SE 5, referring to a class literal
* doesn't force the class to be loaded. More info:
* http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/compatibility.jsp#literal
* It's important to perform these initializations early, so that
* Application static blocks/initializers happen afterwards.
* @param applicationClass the {@code Application} class to create
* @return created application instance
static T create(Class applicationClass) throws Exception {
if (!Beans.isDesignTime()) {
/* A common mistake for privileged applications that make
* network requests (and aren't applets or web started) is to
* not configure the http.proxyHost/Port system properties.
* We paper over that issue here.
try {
System.setProperty("java.net.useSystemProxies", "true");
} catch (SecurityException ignoreException) {
// Unsigned apps can't set this property.
/* Construct the Application object. The following
* complications, relative to just calling
* applicationClass.newInstance(), allow a privileged app to
* have a private static inner Application subclass.
Constructor ctor = applicationClass.getDeclaredConstructor();
if (!ctor.isAccessible()) {
try {
} catch (SecurityException ignore) {
// ctor.newInstance() will throw an IllegalAccessException
T application = ctor.newInstance();
/* Initialize the ApplicationContext application properties
ApplicationContext ctx = application.getContext();
/* Load the application resource map, notably the
* Application.* properties.
ResourceMap appResourceMap = ctx.getResourceMap();
final PlatformType platform = AppHelper.getPlatform();
appResourceMap.putResource(ResourceMap.KEY_PLATFORM, platform);
//Generic registration with the Mac OS X application menu
if (PlatformType.OS_X.equals(platform)) {
try {
OSXAdapter.setQuitHandler(application, Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("handleQuit", (Class[])null));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot set Mac Os X specific handler for Quit event", e);
if (!Beans.isDesignTime()) {
/* Initialize the UIManager lookAndFeel property with the
* Application.lookAndFeel resource. If the the resource
* isn't defined we default to "system".
String key = "Application.lookAndFeel";
String lnfResource = appResourceMap.getString(key);
String lnf = (lnfResource == null) ? "system" : lnfResource;
try {
if (lnf.equalsIgnoreCase("system")) {
String name = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName();
} else if (lnf.equalsIgnoreCase("nimbus")) {
for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
} else if (!lnf.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
} catch (Exception e) {
String s = "Couldn't set LookandFeel " + key + " = \"" + lnfResource + "\"";
logger.log(Level.WARNING, s, e);
return application;
/* Calls the ready method when the eventQ is quiet.
void waitForReady() {
new DoWaitForEmptyEventQ().execute();
* Responsible for initializations that must occur before the
* GUI is constructed by {@code startup}.
* This method is called by the static {@code launch} method,
* before {@code startup} is called. Subclasses that want
* to do any initialization work before {@code startup} must
* override it. The {@code initialize} method
* runs on the event dispatching thread.
* By default initialize() does nothing.
* @param args the main method's arguments.
* @see #launch
* @see #startup
* @see #shutdown
protected void initialize(String[] args) {
* Responsible for starting the application; for creating and showing
* the initial GUI.
* This method is called by the static {@code launch} method,
* subclasses must override it. It runs on the event dispatching
* thread.
* @see #launch
* @see #initialize
* @see #shutdown
protected abstract void startup();
* Called after the startup() method has returned and there
* are no more events on the
* {@link Toolkit#getSystemEventQueue system event queue}.
* When this method is called, the application's GUI is ready
* to use.
* It's usually important for an application to start up as
* quickly as possible. Applications can override this method
* to do some additional start up work, after the GUI is up
* and ready to use.
* @see #launch
* @see #startup
* @see #shutdown
protected void ready() {
* Called when the application {@link #exit exits}.
* Subclasses may override this method to do any cleanup
* tasks that are necessary before exiting. Obviously, you'll want to try
* and do as little as possible at this point. This method runs
* on the event dispatching thread.
* @see #startup
* @see #ready
* @see #exit
* @see #addExitListener
protected void shutdown() {
// TBD should call TaskService#shutdownNow() on each TaskService
/* An event that sets a flag when it's dispatched and another
* flag, see isEventQEmpty(), that indicates if the event queue
* was empty at dispatch time.
private static class NotifyingEvent extends PaintEvent implements ActiveEvent {
private boolean dispatched = false;
private boolean qEmpty = false;
NotifyingEvent(Component c) {
super(c, PaintEvent.UPDATE, null);
synchronized boolean isDispatched() {
return dispatched;
synchronized boolean isEventQEmpty() {
return qEmpty;
public void dispatch() {
EventQueue q = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
synchronized (this) {
qEmpty = (q.peekEvent() == null);
dispatched = true;
/* Keep queuing up NotifyingEvents until the event queue is
* empty when the NotifyingEvent is dispatched().
private void waitForEmptyEventQ(JPanel placeHolder) {
boolean qEmpty = false;
EventQueue q = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
while (!qEmpty) {
NotifyingEvent e = new NotifyingEvent(placeHolder);
synchronized (e) {
while (!e.isDispatched()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
qEmpty = e.isEventQEmpty();
/* When the event queue is empty, give the app a chance to do
* something, now that the GUI is "ready".
private class DoWaitForEmptyEventQ extends Task {
private final JPanel placeHolder;
DoWaitForEmptyEventQ() {
placeHolder = new JPanel();
protected Void doInBackground() {
return null;
protected void finished() {
ready = true;
* Gracefully shutdowns the application, calls {@code exit(null)}
* This version of exit() is convenient if the decision to exit the
* application wasn't triggered by an event.
* @see #exit(EventObject)
public final void exit() {
* Handles quit even on Mac Os X
* Developer should not use it directly
* @return always true
public boolean handleQuit() {
return false;
* Gracefully shutdowns the application.
* If none of the {@code ExitListener.canExit()} methods return false,
* calls the {@code ExitListener.willExit()} methods, then
* {@code shutdown()}, and then exits the Application with
* {@link #end end}. Exceptions thrown while running willExit() or shutdown()
* are logged but otherwise ignored.
* If the caller is responding to an GUI event, it's helpful to pass the
* event along so that ExitListeners' canExit methods that want to popup
* a dialog know on which screen to show the dialog. For example:
* class ConfirmExit implements Application.ExitListener {
* public boolean canExit(EventObject e) {
* Object source = (e != null) ? e.getSource() : null;
* Component owner = (source instanceof Component) ? (Component)source : null;
* int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(owner, "Really Exit?");
* return option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
* }
* public void willExit(EventObejct e) {}
* }
* myApplication.addExitListener(new ConfirmExit());
* The {@code eventObject} argument may be null, e.g. if the exit
* call was triggered by non-GUI code, and {@code canExit}, {@code
* willExit} methods must guard against the possibility that the
* {@code eventObject} argument's {@code source} is not a {@code
* Component}.
* @param event the EventObject that triggered this call or null
* @see #addExitListener
* @see #removeExitListener
* @see #shutdown
* @see #end
public void exit(final EventObject event) {
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (ExitListener listener : exitListeners) {
if (!listener.canExit(event)) {
try {
for (ExitListener listener : exitListeners) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "ExitListener.willExit() failed", e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unexpected error in Application.shutdown()", e);
} finally {
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) { }
* Called by {@link #exit exit} to terminate the application. Calls
* {@code Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0)}, which halts the JVM.
* @see #exit
protected void end() {
* Gives the Application a chance to veto an attempt to exit/quit.
* An {@code ExitListener's} {@code canExit} method should return
* false if there are pending decisions that the user must make
* before the app exits. A typical {@code ExitListener} would
* prompt the user with a modal dialog.
* The {@code eventObject} argument will be the the value passed
* to {@link #exit(EventObject) exit()}. It may be null.
* The {@code willExit} method is called after the exit has
* been confirmed. An ExitListener that's going to perform
* some cleanup work should do so in {@code willExit}.
* {@code ExitListeners} run on the event dispatching thread.
* @see #exit(EventObject)
* @see #addExitListener
* @see #removeExitListener
public interface ExitListener extends EventListener {
* The method is called before the Application exits.
* @param event the {@code EventObject} object. It will be the the value passed
* to {@link #exit(EventObject) exit()}.
* @return {@code true} if application can proceed with shutdown process; {@code false} if
* there are pending decisions that the user must make before the app exits.
boolean canExit(EventObject event);
* The method is called after the exit has been confirmed.
* @param event the {@code EventObject} object. It will be the the value passed
* to {@link #exit(EventObject) exit()}.
void willExit(EventObject event);
* Adds an {@code ExitListener} to the list.
* @param listener the {@code ExitListener}
* @see #removeExitListener
* @see #getExitListeners
public void addExitListener(ExitListener listener) {
* Removes an {@code ExitListener} from the list.
* @param listener the {@code ExitListener}
* @see #addExitListener
* @see #getExitListeners
public void removeExitListener(ExitListener listener) {
* All of the {@code ExitListeners} added so far.
* @return all of the {@code ExitListeners} added so far.
public ExitListener[] getExitListeners() {
int size = exitListeners.size();
return exitListeners.toArray(new ExitListener[size]);
* The default {@code Action} for quitting an application,
* {@code quit} just exits the application by calling {@code exit(e)}.
* @param e the triggering event
* @see #exit(EventObject)
public void quit(ActionEvent e) {
* The ApplicationContext for this Application.
* @return the Application's ApplicationContext
public final ApplicationContext getContext() {
return context;
* The {@code Application} singleton.
* This method is only called after an Application has
* been launched.
* @param applicationClass this Application's subclass
* @return the launched Application singleton.
* @see Application#launch
public static synchronized T getInstance(Class applicationClass) {
if (Beans.isDesignTime() && application==null) {
try {
application = create(applicationClass);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String msg = String.format("Couldn't construct %s", applicationClass);
Logger.getLogger(Application.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, msg, ex);
throw new Error(msg, ex);
return applicationClass.cast(application);
* The {@code Application} singleton.
* This method is only called after an Application has
* been launched.
* @return the Application singleton or a placeholder
* @see Application#launch
* @see Application#getInstance(Class)
public static synchronized Application getInstance() {
if (Beans.isDesignTime() && application==null) {
application = new DesignTimeApplication();
return application;
private static void checkApplicationLaunched() throws IllegalStateException {
if (application == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Application is not launched.");
* Shows the application {@code View}
* @param view - View to show
* @see View
public void show(View view) {
Window window = (Window) view.getRootPane().getParent();
if (window != null) {
* Hides the application {@code View}
* @param view
* @see View
public void hide(View view) {
* The state of the initial UI.
* @return true if the initial UI is ready
public boolean isReady() {
return ready;
* Application placeholder class
* Instance of this class is created when client
* invokes static method {@code Application.getInstance()}
* @author etf
* @see Application#getInstance()
private static final class DesignTimeApplication extends Application {
protected DesignTimeApplication() {
ApplicationContext ctx = getContext();
ResourceMap appResourceMap = ctx.getResourceMap();
protected void startup() {