Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.AwaitPointerEventScope
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEvent
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventTimeoutCancellationException
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputScope
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerType
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.changedToDown
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.changedToDownIgnoreConsumed
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.changedToUp
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.isOutOfBounds
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.isPrimaryPressed
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewConfiguration
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastAll
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastAny
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
* Receiver scope for [detectTapGestures]'s `onPress` lambda. This offers two methods to allow
* waiting for the press to be released.
interface PressGestureScope : Density {
* Waits for the press to be released before returning. If the gesture was canceled by motion
* being consumed by another gesture, [GestureCancellationException] will be thrown.
suspend fun awaitRelease()
* Waits for the press to be released before returning. If the press was released, `true` is
* returned, or if the gesture was canceled by motion being consumed by another gesture, `false`
* is returned.
suspend fun tryAwaitRelease(): Boolean
private val NoPressGesture: suspend PressGestureScope.(Offset) -> Unit = {}
* Detects tap, double-tap, and long press gestures and calls [onTap], [onDoubleTap], and
* [onLongPress], respectively, when detected. [onPress] is called when the press is detected and
* the [PressGestureScope.tryAwaitRelease] and [PressGestureScope.awaitRelease] can be used to
* detect when pointers have released or the gesture was canceled. The first pointer down and final
* pointer up are consumed, and in the case of long press, all changes after the long press is
* detected are consumed.
* Each function parameter receives an [Offset] representing the position relative to the containing
* element. The [Offset] can be outside the actual bounds of the element itself meaning the numbers
* can be negative or larger than the element bounds if the touch target is smaller than the
* [ViewConfiguration.minimumTouchTargetSize].
* When [onDoubleTap] is provided, the tap gesture is detected only after the
* [ViewConfiguration.doubleTapMinTimeMillis] has passed and [onDoubleTap] is called if the second
* tap is started before [ViewConfiguration.doubleTapTimeoutMillis]. If [onDoubleTap] is not
* provided, then [onTap] is called when the pointer up has been received.
* After the initial [onPress], if the pointer moves out of the input area, the position change is
* consumed, or another gesture consumes the down or up events, the gestures are considered
* canceled. That means [onDoubleTap], [onLongPress], and [onTap] will not be called after a gesture
* has been canceled.
* If the first down event is consumed somewhere else, the entire gesture will be skipped, including
* [onPress].
suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectTapGestures(
onDoubleTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
onLongPress: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null,
onPress: suspend PressGestureScope.(Offset) -> Unit = NoPressGesture,
onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null
) = coroutineScope {
// special signal to indicate to the sending side that it shouldn't intercept and consume
// cancel/up events as we're only require down events
val pressScope = PressGestureScopeImpl(this@detectTapGestures)
awaitEachGesture {
val down = awaitFirstDown()
var resetJob =
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) { pressScope.reset() }
// In some cases, coroutine cancellation of the reset job might still be processing when we
// are already processing an up or cancel pointer event. We need to wait for the reset job
// to cancel and complete so it can clean up properly (e.g. unlock the underlying mutex)
suspend fun awaitResetOrSkip() {
if (DetectTapGesturesEnableNewDispatchingBehavior) {
if (onPress !== NoPressGesture) launch { pressScope.onPress(down.position) }
val upOrCancel: PointerInputChange?
val cancelOrReleaseJob: Job?
// wait for first tap up or long press
if (onLongPress == null) {
upOrCancel = waitForUpOrCancellation()
} else {
upOrCancel =
when (val longPressResult = waitForLongPress()) {
LongPressResult.Success -> {
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
// End the current gesture
is LongPressResult.Released -> longPressResult.finalUpChange
is LongPressResult.Canceled -> null
if (upOrCancel == null) {
cancelOrReleaseJob =
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
// tap-up was canceled
} else {
cancelOrReleaseJob =
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
if (upOrCancel != null) {
// tap was successful.
if (onDoubleTap == null) {
onTap?.invoke(upOrCancel.position) // no need to check for double-tap.
} else {
// check for second tap
val secondDown = awaitSecondDown(upOrCancel)
if (secondDown == null) {
onTap?.invoke(upOrCancel.position) // no valid second tap started
} else {
// Second tap down detected
resetJob =
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
if (onPress !== NoPressGesture) {
launch { pressScope.onPress(secondDown.position) }
// Might have a long second press as the second tap
val secondUp =
if (onLongPress == null) {
} else {
when (val longPressResult = waitForLongPress()) {
LongPressResult.Success -> {
// The first tap was valid, but the second tap is a long press -
// we
// intentionally do not invoke onClick() for the first tap,
// since the 'main'
// gesture here is a long press, which canceled the double tap
// / tap.
// notify for the long press
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
is LongPressResult.Released -> longPressResult.finalUpChange
is LongPressResult.Canceled -> null
if (secondUp != null) {
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
} else {
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
* Consumes all pointer events until nothing is pressed and then returns. This method assumes that
* something is currently pressed.
private suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.consumeUntilUp() {
do {
val event = awaitPointerEvent()
event.changes.fastForEach { it.consume() }
} while (event.changes.fastAny { it.pressed })
* Waits for [ViewConfiguration.doubleTapTimeoutMillis] for a second press event. If a second press
* event is received before the time out, it is returned or `null` is returned if no second press is
* received.
private suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.awaitSecondDown(
firstUp: PointerInputChange
): PointerInputChange? =
withTimeoutOrNull(viewConfiguration.doubleTapTimeoutMillis) {
val minUptime = firstUp.uptimeMillis + viewConfiguration.doubleTapMinTimeMillis
var change: PointerInputChange
// The second tap doesn't count if it happens before DoubleTapMinTime of the first tap
do {
change = awaitFirstDown()
} while (change.uptimeMillis < minUptime)
* Shortcut for cases when we only need to get press/click logic, as for cases without long press
* and double click we don't require channelling or any other complications.
* Each function parameter receives an [Offset] representing the position relative to the containing
* element. The [Offset] can be outside the actual bounds of the element itself meaning the numbers
* can be negative or larger than the element bounds if the touch target is smaller than the
* [ViewConfiguration.minimumTouchTargetSize].
internal suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectTapAndPress(
onPress: suspend PressGestureScope.(Offset) -> Unit = NoPressGesture,
onTap: ((Offset) -> Unit)? = null
) {
val pressScope = PressGestureScopeImpl(this)
coroutineScope {
awaitEachGesture {
val resetJob =
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) { pressScope.reset() }
suspend fun awaitResetOrSkip() {
if (DetectTapGesturesEnableNewDispatchingBehavior) {
val down = awaitFirstDown().also { it.consume() }
if (onPress !== NoPressGesture) {
launch { pressScope.onPress(down.position) }
val up = waitForUpOrCancellation()
if (up == null) {
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
// tap-up was canceled
} else {
launch(start = coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior) {
"Maintained for binary compatibility. Use version with PointerEventPass instead.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.awaitFirstDown(
requireUnconsumed: Boolean = true
): PointerInputChange =
awaitFirstDown(requireUnconsumed = requireUnconsumed, pass = PointerEventPass.Main)
* Reads events until the first down is received. If [requireUnconsumed] is `true` and the first
* down is consumed in the [PointerEventPass.Main] pass, that gesture is ignored.
* If it was down caused by [PointerType.Mouse], this function reacts only on primary button.
suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.awaitFirstDown(
requireUnconsumed: Boolean = true,
pass: PointerEventPass = PointerEventPass.Main,
): PointerInputChange {
var event: PointerEvent
do {
event = awaitPointerEvent(pass)
} while (!event.isPrimaryChangedDown(requireUnconsumed))
return event.changes[0]
private fun PointerEvent.isPrimaryChangedDown(requireUnconsumed: Boolean): Boolean {
val primaryButtonCausesDown = changes.fastAll { it.type == PointerType.Mouse }
val changedToDown = changes.fastAll {
if (requireUnconsumed) it.changedToDown() else it.changedToDownIgnoreConsumed()
return changedToDown && (buttons.isPrimaryPressed || !primaryButtonCausesDown)
"Maintained for binary compatibility. Use version with PointerEventPass instead.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.waitForUpOrCancellation(): PointerInputChange? =
* Whether the event is considered a deep press, and should trigger long click before the timeout
* has been reached.
internal expect val PointerEvent.isDeepPress: Boolean
* Reads events in the given [pass] until all pointers are up or the gesture was canceled. The
* gesture is considered canceled when a pointer leaves the event region, a position change has been
* consumed or a pointer down change event was already consumed in the given pass. If the gesture
* was not canceled, the final up change is returned or `null` if the event was canceled.
suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.waitForUpOrCancellation(
pass: PointerEventPass = PointerEventPass.Main
): PointerInputChange? {
while (true) {
val event = awaitPointerEvent(pass)
if (event.changes.fastAll { it.changedToUp() }) {
// All pointers are up
return event.changes[0]
if (
event.changes.fastAny { it.isConsumed || it.isOutOfBounds(size, extendedTouchPadding) }
) {
return null // Canceled
// Check for cancel by position consumption. We can look on the Final pass of the
// existing pointer event because it comes after the pass we checked above.
val consumeCheck = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Final)
if (consumeCheck.changes.fastAny { it.isConsumed }) {
return null
* Reads events in the given [pass] until all pointers are up or the gesture was canceled. The
* gesture is considered canceled when a pointer leaves the event region, a position change has been
* consumed or a pointer down change event was already consumed in the given pass. If the gesture
* was not canceled, the final up change is returned or `null` if the event was canceled.
internal suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.waitForLongPress(
pass: PointerEventPass = PointerEventPass.Main
): LongPressResult {
var result: LongPressResult = LongPressResult.Canceled
try {
withTimeout(viewConfiguration.longPressTimeoutMillis) {
while (true) {
val event = awaitPointerEvent(pass)
if (event.changes.fastAll { it.changedToUp() }) {
// All pointers are up
result = LongPressResult.Released(event.changes[0])
if (event.isDeepPress) {
result = LongPressResult.Success
if (
event.changes.fastAny {
it.isConsumed || it.isOutOfBounds(size, extendedTouchPadding)
) {
result = LongPressResult.Canceled
// Check for cancel by position consumption. We can look on the Final pass of the
// existing pointer event because it comes after the pass we checked above.
val consumeCheck = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Final)
if (consumeCheck.changes.fastAny { it.isConsumed }) {
result = LongPressResult.Canceled
} catch (_: PointerEventTimeoutCancellationException) {
return LongPressResult.Success
return result
internal sealed class LongPressResult {
/** Long press was triggered */
object Success : LongPressResult()
/** All pointers were released without long press being triggered */
class Released(val finalUpChange: PointerInputChange) : LongPressResult()
/** The gesture was canceled */
object Canceled : LongPressResult()
@RequiresOptIn("This API feature-flags new behavior and will be removed in the future.")
annotation class ExperimentalTapGestureDetectorBehaviorApi
* Whether to use more immediate coroutine dispatching in [detectTapGestures] and
* [detectTapAndPress], true by default. This might affect some implicit timing guarantees. Please
* file a bug if this change is affecting your use case.
// This lint does not translate well to top-level declarations
var DetectTapGesturesEnableNewDispatchingBehavior = false
private val coroutineStartForCurrentDispatchBehavior
get() =
if (DetectTapGesturesEnableNewDispatchingBehavior) {
} else {
/** [detectTapGestures]'s implementation of [PressGestureScope]. */
internal class PressGestureScopeImpl(density: Density) : PressGestureScope, Density by density {
private var isReleased = false
private var isCanceled = false
private val mutex = Mutex(locked = false)
/** Called when a gesture has been canceled. */
fun cancel() {
isCanceled = true
if (mutex.isLocked) {
/** Called when all pointers are up. */
fun release() {
isReleased = true
if (mutex.isLocked) {
/** Called when a new gesture has started. */
suspend fun reset() {
isReleased = false
isCanceled = false
override suspend fun awaitRelease() {
if (!tryAwaitRelease()) {
throw GestureCancellationException("The press gesture was canceled.")
override suspend fun tryAwaitRelease(): Boolean {
if (!isReleased && !isCanceled) {
return isReleased
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