Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.runtime.SnapshotMutationPolicy
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.StateObject
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.StateRecord
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.withCurrent
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.writable
import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextLayoutInput
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextLayoutResult
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextMeasurer
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontFamily
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.KeyboardType
import androidx.compose.ui.text.intl.Locale
import androidx.compose.ui.text.intl.PlatformLocale
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
* Performs text layout lazily, on-demand for text fields with snapshot-aware caching.
* You can basically think of this as a `derivedStateOf` that combines all the inputs to text layout
* — the text itself, configuration parameters, and layout inputs — and spits out a
* [TextLayoutResult]. The [value] property will register snapshot reads for all the inputs and
* either return a cached result or re-compute the result and cache it in the current snapshot. The
* cache is snapshot aware: when a new layout is computed, it will only be cached in the current
* snapshot. When the snapshot with the new result is applied, its cache will also be visible to the
* parent snapshot.
* All the possible inputs to text layout are grouped into two groups: those that come from the
* layout system ([MeasureInputs]) and those that are passed explicitly to the text field composable
* ([NonMeasureInputs]). Each of these groups can only be updated in bulk, and each group is stored
* in an instance of a dedicated class. This means for each type of update, only one state object is
* needed.
internal class TextFieldLayoutStateCache : State, StateObject {
private var nonMeasureInputs: NonMeasureInputs? by
mutableStateOf(value = null, policy = NonMeasureInputs.mutationPolicy)
private var measureInputs: MeasureInputs? by
mutableStateOf(value = null, policy = MeasureInputs.mutationPolicy)
* Returns the [TextLayoutResult] for the current text field state and layout inputs, or null if
* the layout cannot be computed at this time.
* This method will re-calculate the text layout if the text or any of the other layout inputs
* have changed, otherwise it will return a cached value.
* [updateNonMeasureInputs] and [layoutWithNewMeasureInputs] must both be called before this to
* initialize all the inputs, or it will return null.
override val value: TextLayoutResult?
get() {
// If this is called from the global snapshot, there is technically a race between
// reading each of our input state objects. That's fine because worst case we'll just
// re-compute the layout on the next read anyway.
val nonMeasureInputs = nonMeasureInputs ?: return null
val measureInputs = measureInputs ?: return null
return getOrComputeLayout(nonMeasureInputs, measureInputs)
* Updates the inputs that aren't from the measure phase.
* If any of the inputs changed, this method will invalidate any callers of [value]. If the
* inputs did not change it will not invalidate callers of [value].
* Note: This will register a snapshot read of [TextFieldState.text] if called from a snapshot
* observer.
* @see layoutWithNewMeasureInputs
fun updateNonMeasureInputs(
textFieldState: TransformedTextFieldState,
textStyle: TextStyle,
singleLine: Boolean,
softWrap: Boolean,
keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions,
) {
nonMeasureInputs =
textFieldState = textFieldState,
textStyle = textStyle,
singleLine = singleLine,
softWrap = softWrap,
isKeyboardTypePhone = keyboardOptions.keyboardType == KeyboardType.Phone,
* Updates the inputs from the measure phase and returns the most up-to-date [TextLayoutResult].
* If any of the inputs changed, this method will invalidate any callers of [value], re-compute
* the text layout, and return the new layout result. If the inputs did not change, it will
* return a cached value without invalidating callers of [value].
* @see updateNonMeasureInputs
fun layoutWithNewMeasureInputs(
density: Density,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver,
constraints: Constraints,
): TextLayoutResult {
val measureInputs =
density = density,
layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
fontFamilyResolver = fontFamilyResolver,
constraints = constraints,
this.measureInputs = measureInputs
val nonMeasureInputs =
checkPreconditionNotNull(nonMeasureInputs) {
"Called layoutWithNewMeasureInputs before updateNonMeasureInputs"
return getOrComputeLayout(nonMeasureInputs, measureInputs)
private fun getOrComputeLayout(
nonMeasureInputs: NonMeasureInputs,
measureInputs: MeasureInputs
): TextLayoutResult {
val visualText = nonMeasureInputs.textFieldState.visualText
// Use withCurrent here so the cache itself is never reported as a read state object. It
// doesn't need to be, because it's always guaranteed to return the same value for the same
// inputs, so it's good enough to read the input states and those will invalidate the
// caller when they change.
record.withCurrent { cachedRecord ->
val cachedResult = cachedRecord.layoutResult
if (
cachedResult != null &&
cachedRecord.visualText?.contentEquals(visualText) == true &&
cachedRecord.composingAnnotations == visualText.composingAnnotations &&
cachedRecord.composition == visualText.composition &&
cachedRecord.singleLine == nonMeasureInputs.singleLine &&
cachedRecord.softWrap == nonMeasureInputs.softWrap &&
cachedRecord.layoutDirection == measureInputs.layoutDirection &&
cachedRecord.densityValue == measureInputs.density.density &&
cachedRecord.fontScale == measureInputs.density.fontScale &&
cachedRecord.constraints == measureInputs.constraints &&
cachedRecord.fontFamilyResolver == measureInputs.fontFamilyResolver &&
// one of the resolved fonts has updated, and this MultiParagraph is no longer
// valid for measure or display. This read is also a snapshot read guaranteeing
// that when the resolved font is stale, readers of text layout will be
// notified.
) {
val isLayoutAffectingSame =
) ?: false
val isDrawAffectingSame =
) ?: false
// Fast path: None of the inputs changed.
if (isLayoutAffectingSame && isDrawAffectingSame) {
return cachedResult
// Slightly slower than fast path: Layout did not change but TextLayoutInput did
if (isLayoutAffectingSame) {
return cachedResult.copy(
layoutInput =
// Slow path: Some input changed, need to re-layout.
return computeLayout(visualText, nonMeasureInputs, measureInputs).also { newResult ->
// Although the snapshot-aware cache is only updated when the current snapshot
// is writable, we still would like to cache the results of text layout
// computation since it's very likely that a follow-up access to the text layout
// result will use the same measure and non-measure inputs. Therefore, we use
// a `TextMeasurer` with a cache size of 1 to compute the text layout result.
if (newResult != cachedResult) {
updateCacheIfWritable {
this.visualText = visualText
this.composingAnnotations = visualText.composingAnnotations
this.composition = visualText.composition
this.singleLine = nonMeasureInputs.singleLine
this.softWrap = nonMeasureInputs.softWrap
this.textStyle = nonMeasureInputs.textStyle
this.layoutDirection = measureInputs.layoutDirection
this.densityValue = measureInputs.densityValue
this.fontScale = measureInputs.fontScale
this.constraints = measureInputs.constraints
this.fontFamilyResolver = measureInputs.fontFamilyResolver
this.layoutResult = newResult
private inline fun updateCacheIfWritable(block: CacheRecord.() -> Unit) {
val snapshot = Snapshot.current
// We can't write to the cache when called from a read-only snapshot.
if (!snapshot.readOnly) {
record.writable(this, snapshot, block)
private var textMeasurer: TextMeasurer? = null
* Returns a [TextMeasurer] instance, either initialized from [measureInputs] or the one
* previously created. If a cached [TextMeasurer] is returned and [measureInputs] do not match
* the attributes of previous instance, make sure to call [TextMeasurer.measure] with the
* up-to-date parameters. [TextMeasurer] will override its fallback values for
* [FontFamily.Resolver], [Density], and [LayoutDirection] when these are passed explicitly to
* the [TextMeasurer.measure] function.
private fun obtainTextMeasurer(measureInputs: MeasureInputs): TextMeasurer {
return textMeasurer
?: TextMeasurer(
defaultFontFamilyResolver = measureInputs.fontFamilyResolver,
defaultDensity = measureInputs.density,
defaultLayoutDirection = measureInputs.layoutDirection,
cacheSize = 1
.also { textMeasurer = it }
private fun computeLayout(
visualText: TextFieldCharSequence,
nonMeasureInputs: NonMeasureInputs,
measureInputs: MeasureInputs
): TextLayoutResult {
// TODO(b/294403840) Don't use TextMeasurer – it is not designed for this use case,
// optimized for re-use which we don't take a great advantage of here, and does its own
// caching checks. Maybe we can use MultiParagraphLayoutCache like BasicText?
val textMeasurer = obtainTextMeasurer(measureInputs)
val finalTextStyle =
if (nonMeasureInputs.isKeyboardTypePhone) {
val textStyle = nonMeasureInputs.textStyle
val currentLocale = textStyle.localeList?.let { it[0] } ?: Locale.current
val textDirection =
nonMeasureInputs.textStyle.merge(TextStyle(textDirection = textDirection))
} else {
return textMeasurer.measure(
text =
text = visualText.toString(),
annotations = visualText.composingAnnotations ?: emptyList()
style = finalTextStyle,
softWrap = nonMeasureInputs.softWrap,
maxLines = if (nonMeasureInputs.singleLine) 1 else Int.MAX_VALUE,
constraints = measureInputs.constraints,
layoutDirection = measureInputs.layoutDirection,
density = measureInputs.density,
fontFamilyResolver = measureInputs.fontFamilyResolver,
// region StateObject
private var record = CacheRecord()
override val firstStateRecord: StateRecord
get() = record
override fun prependStateRecord(value: StateRecord) {
this.record = value as CacheRecord
override fun mergeRecords(
previous: StateRecord,
current: StateRecord,
applied: StateRecord
): StateRecord {
// This is just a cache, so it's safe to always take the most recent record – worst case
// we'll just re-compute the layout.
// However, if we needed to, we could increase the chance of a cache hit by comparing
// property-by-property and taking the latest version of each property.
return applied
* State record that stores the cached [TextLayoutResult], as well as all the inputs used to
* generate that result.
private class CacheRecord : StateRecord() {
// Inputs. These are slightly different from the values in (Non)MeasuredInputs because they
// represent the values read from objects in the inputs that are relevant to layout, whereas
// the Inputs classes contain objects where we don't always care about the entire object.
// E.g. text layout doesn't care about TextFieldState instances, it only cares about the
// actual text. If the TFS instance changes but has the same text, we don't need to
// re-layout. Also if the TFS object _doesn't_ change but its text _does_, we do need to
// re-layout. That state read happens in getOrComputeLayout to invalidate correctly.
var visualText: CharSequence? = null
var composingAnnotations: List? = null
// We keep composition separate from visualText because we do not want to invalidate text
// layout when selection changes. Composition should invalidate the layout because it
// adds an underline span.
var composition: TextRange? = null
var textStyle: TextStyle? = null
var singleLine: Boolean = false
var softWrap: Boolean = false
var densityValue: Float = Float.NaN
var fontScale: Float = Float.NaN
var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection? = null
var fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver? = null
/** Not nullable to avoid boxing. */
var constraints: Constraints = Constraints()
// Outputs.
var layoutResult: TextLayoutResult? = null
override fun create(): StateRecord = CacheRecord()
override fun assign(value: StateRecord) {
value as CacheRecord
visualText = value.visualText
composingAnnotations = value.composingAnnotations
composition = value.composition
textStyle = value.textStyle
singleLine = value.singleLine
softWrap = value.softWrap
densityValue = value.densityValue
fontScale = value.fontScale
layoutDirection = value.layoutDirection
fontFamilyResolver = value.fontFamilyResolver
constraints = value.constraints
layoutResult = value.layoutResult
// Long string concatenation causes atomicfu plugin to be slow/hang.
// See
override fun toString(): String = buildString {
append("visualText=$visualText, ")
append("composingAnnotations=$composingAnnotations, ")
append("composition=$composition, ")
append("textStyle=$textStyle, ")
append("singleLine=$singleLine, ")
append("softWrap=$softWrap, ")
append("densityValue=$densityValue, ")
append("fontScale=$fontScale, ")
append("layoutDirection=$layoutDirection, ")
append("fontFamilyResolver=$fontFamilyResolver, ")
append("constraints=$constraints, ")
// endregion
// region Input holders
private class NonMeasureInputs(
val textFieldState: TransformedTextFieldState,
val textStyle: TextStyle,
val singleLine: Boolean,
val softWrap: Boolean,
val isKeyboardTypePhone: Boolean,
) {
override fun toString(): String =
"NonMeasureInputs(" +
"textFieldState=$textFieldState, " +
"textStyle=$textStyle, " +
"singleLine=$singleLine, " +
"softWrap=$softWrap, " +
"isKeyboardTypePhone=$isKeyboardTypePhone" +
companion object {
* Implements equivalence by comparing only the parts of [NonMeasureInputs] that may
* require re-computing text layout. Notably, it reads the [TextFieldState.text] state
* property and compares only the text (not selection). This means that when the text
* state changes it will invalidate any snapshot observer that sets this state.
val mutationPolicy =
object : SnapshotMutationPolicy {
override fun equivalent(a: NonMeasureInputs?, b: NonMeasureInputs?): Boolean =
if (a != null && b != null) {
// We don't need to compare text contents here because the text state is
// read
// by getOrComputeLayout – if the text state changes, that method will
// already
// be invalidated. The only reason to compare text here would be to
// avoid
// invalidating if the TextFieldState is a different instance but with
// the same
// text, but that is unlikely to happen.
a.textFieldState === b.textFieldState &&
a.textStyle == b.textStyle &&
a.singleLine == b.singleLine &&
a.softWrap == b.softWrap &&
a.isKeyboardTypePhone == b.isKeyboardTypePhone
} else {
!((a == null) xor (b == null))
* We store both the [Density] object, as well as its component values, because the same density
* object can report different actual densities over time so we need to be able to see when
* those values change. We still need the [Density] object to pass to [TextDelegate] though.
private class MeasureInputs(
val density: Density,
val layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
val fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver,
val constraints: Constraints,
) {
val densityValue: Float = density.density
val fontScale: Float = density.fontScale
override fun toString(): String =
"MeasureInputs(" +
"density=$density, " +
"densityValue=$densityValue, " +
"fontScale=$fontScale, " +
"layoutDirection=$layoutDirection, " +
"fontFamilyResolver=$fontFamilyResolver, " +
"constraints=$constraints" +
companion object {
val mutationPolicy =
object : SnapshotMutationPolicy {
override fun equivalent(a: MeasureInputs?, b: MeasureInputs?): Boolean =
if (a != null && b != null) {
// Don't compare density – we don't care if the density instance
// changed,
// only if the actual values used in density calculations did.
a.densityValue == b.densityValue &&
a.fontScale == b.fontScale &&
a.layoutDirection == b.layoutDirection &&
a.fontFamilyResolver == b.fontFamilyResolver &&
a.constraints == b.constraints
} else {
!((a == null) xor (b == null))
// endregion
* Returns the directionality of [locale]'s number system.
* We need to use the digit direction of the [locale] while deciding TextDirection if KeyboardType
* is configured as [KeyboardType.Phone].
internal expect fun resolveTextDirectionForKeyboardTypePhone(locale: PlatformLocale): TextDirection
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