commonMain.androidx.compose.material.ProgressIndicator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.material
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.animation.core.CubicBezierEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.LinearEasing
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.SpringSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.VectorConverter
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateValue
import androidx.compose.animation.core.infiniteRepeatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.keyframes
import androidx.compose.animation.core.rememberInfiniteTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.material.ProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndicatorBackgroundOpacity
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layout
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.offset
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastCoerceIn
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
internal fun Modifier.increaseSemanticsBounds(): Modifier {
val padding = 10.dp
return this
.layout { measurable, constraints ->
val paddingPx = padding.roundToPx()
// We need to add vertical padding to the semantics bounds in other to meet
// screenreader green box minimum size, but we also want to
// preserve a visual appearance and layout size below that minimum
// in order to maintain backwards compatibility. This custom
// layout effectively implements "negative padding".
val newConstraint = constraints.offset(0, paddingPx * 2)
val placeable = measurable.measure(newConstraint)
// But when actually placing the placeable, create the layout without additional
// space. Place the placeable where it would've been without any extra padding.
val height = placeable.height - paddingPx * 2
val width = placeable.width
layout(width, height) {, -paddingPx)
.semantics(mergeDescendants = true) {}
.padding(vertical = padding)
* Determinate Material Design linear progress indicator.
* Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
* ![Linear progress indicator image](
* By default there is no animation between [progress] values. You can use
* [ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec] as the default recommended
* [AnimationSpec] when animating progress, such as in the following example:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.LinearProgressIndicatorSample
* @param progress The progress of this progress indicator, where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0
* represents full progress. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range.
* @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
* @param color The color of the progress indicator.
* @param backgroundColor The color of the background behind the indicator, visible when the
* progress has not reached that area of the overall indicator yet.
* @param strokeCap stroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
backgroundColor: Color = color.copy(alpha = IndicatorBackgroundOpacity),
strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
) {
val coercedProgress = progress.fastCoerceIn(0f, 1f)
.size(LinearIndicatorWidth, LinearIndicatorHeight)
) {
val strokeWidth = size.height
drawLinearIndicatorBackground(backgroundColor, strokeWidth, strokeCap)
drawLinearIndicator(0f, coercedProgress, color, strokeWidth, strokeCap)
* Indeterminate Material Design linear progress indicator.
* Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
* ![Linear progress indicator image](
* @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
* @param color The color of the progress indicator.
* @param backgroundColor The color of the background behind the indicator, visible when the
* progress has not reached that area of the overall indicator yet.
* @param strokeCap stroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
backgroundColor: Color = color.copy(alpha = IndicatorBackgroundOpacity),
strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
) {
val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
// Fractional position of the 'head' and 'tail' of the two lines drawn. I.e if the head is 0.8
// and the tail is 0.2, there is a line drawn from between 20% along to 80% along the total
// width.
val firstLineHead by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = LinearAnimationDuration
0f at FirstLineHeadDelay using FirstLineHeadEasing
1f at FirstLineHeadDuration + FirstLineHeadDelay
val firstLineTail by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = LinearAnimationDuration
0f at FirstLineTailDelay using FirstLineTailEasing
1f at FirstLineTailDuration + FirstLineTailDelay
val secondLineHead by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = LinearAnimationDuration
0f at SecondLineHeadDelay using SecondLineHeadEasing
1f at SecondLineHeadDuration + SecondLineHeadDelay
val secondLineTail by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = LinearAnimationDuration
0f at SecondLineTailDelay using SecondLineTailEasing
1f at SecondLineTailDuration + SecondLineTailDelay
.size(LinearIndicatorWidth, LinearIndicatorHeight)
) {
val strokeWidth = size.height
drawLinearIndicatorBackground(backgroundColor, strokeWidth, strokeCap)
if (firstLineHead - firstLineTail > 0) {
if ((secondLineHead - secondLineTail) > 0) {
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
backgroundColor: Color = color.copy(alpha = IndicatorBackgroundOpacity)
) = LinearProgressIndicator(
strokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
backgroundColor: Color = color.copy(alpha = IndicatorBackgroundOpacity)
) = LinearProgressIndicator(
strokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
private fun DrawScope.drawLinearIndicator(
startFraction: Float,
endFraction: Float,
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float,
strokeCap: StrokeCap,
) {
val width = size.width
val height = size.height
// Start drawing from the vertical center of the stroke
val yOffset = height / 2
val isLtr = layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr
val barStart = (if (isLtr) startFraction else 1f - endFraction) * width
val barEnd = (if (isLtr) endFraction else 1f - startFraction) * width
// if there isn't enough space to draw the stroke caps, fall back to StrokeCap.Butt
if (strokeCap == StrokeCap.Butt || height > width) {
// Progress line
drawLine(color, Offset(barStart, yOffset), Offset(barEnd, yOffset), strokeWidth)
} else {
// need to adjust barStart and barEnd for the stroke caps
val strokeCapOffset = strokeWidth / 2
val coerceRange = strokeCapOffset..(width - strokeCapOffset)
val adjustedBarStart = barStart.coerceIn(coerceRange)
val adjustedBarEnd = barEnd.coerceIn(coerceRange)
if (abs(endFraction - startFraction) > 0) {
// Progress line
Offset(adjustedBarStart, yOffset),
Offset(adjustedBarEnd, yOffset),
private fun DrawScope.drawLinearIndicatorBackground(
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float,
strokeCap: StrokeCap,
) = drawLinearIndicator(0f, 1f, color, strokeWidth, strokeCap)
* Determinate Material Design circular progress indicator.
* Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
* ![Circular progress indicator image](
* By default there is no animation between [progress] values. You can use
* [ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec] as the default recommended
* [AnimationSpec] when animating progress, such as in the following example:
* @sample androidx.compose.material.samples.CircularProgressIndicatorSample
* @param progress The progress of this progress indicator, where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0
* represents full progress. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range.
* @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
* @param color The color of the progress indicator.
* @param strokeWidth The stroke width for the progress indicator.
* @param backgroundColor The color of the background behind the indicator, visible when the
* progress has not reached that area of the overall indicator yet.
* @param strokeCap stroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun CircularProgressIndicator(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
) {
val coercedProgress = progress.fastCoerceIn(0f, 1f)
val stroke = with(LocalDensity.current) {
Stroke(width = strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = strokeCap)
) {
// Start at 12 O'clock
val startAngle = 270f
val sweep = coercedProgress * 360f
drawCircularIndicatorBackground(backgroundColor, stroke)
drawDeterminateCircularIndicator(startAngle, sweep, color, stroke)
* Indeterminate Material Design circular progress indicator.
* Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
* ![Circular progress indicator image](
* @param modifier the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
* @param color The color of the progress indicator.
* @param strokeWidth The stroke width for the progress indicator.
* @param backgroundColor The color of the background behind the indicator, visible when the
* progress has not reached that area of the overall indicator yet.
* @param strokeCap stroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun CircularProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth,
backgroundColor: Color = Color.Transparent,
strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Square,
) {
val stroke = with(LocalDensity.current) {
Stroke(width = strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = strokeCap)
val transition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
// The current rotation around the circle, so we know where to start the rotation from
val currentRotation by transition.animateValue(
animation = tween(
durationMillis = RotationDuration * RotationsPerCycle,
easing = LinearEasing
// How far forward (degrees) the base point should be from the start point
val baseRotation by transition.animateFloat(
animation = tween(
durationMillis = RotationDuration,
easing = LinearEasing
// How far forward (degrees) both the head and tail should be from the base point
val endAngle by transition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration + HeadAndTailDelayDuration
0f at 0 using CircularEasing
JumpRotationAngle at HeadAndTailAnimationDuration
val startAngle by transition.animateFloat(
animation = keyframes {
durationMillis = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration + HeadAndTailDelayDuration
0f at HeadAndTailDelayDuration using CircularEasing
JumpRotationAngle at durationMillis
) {
drawCircularIndicatorBackground(backgroundColor, stroke)
val currentRotationAngleOffset = (currentRotation * RotationAngleOffset) % 360f
// How long a line to draw using the start angle as a reference point
val sweep = abs(endAngle - startAngle)
// Offset by the constant offset and the per rotation offset
val offset = StartAngleOffset + currentRotationAngleOffset + baseRotation
drawIndeterminateCircularIndicator(startAngle + offset, strokeWidth, sweep, color, stroke)
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun CircularProgressIndicator(
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth
) = CircularProgressIndicator(
backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
strokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun CircularProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
strokeWidth: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth
) = CircularProgressIndicator(
backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
strokeCap = StrokeCap.Square,
private fun DrawScope.drawCircularIndicator(
startAngle: Float,
sweep: Float,
color: Color,
stroke: Stroke
) {
// To draw this circle we need a rect with edges that line up with the midpoint of the stroke.
// To do this we need to remove half the stroke width from the total diameter for both sides.
val diameterOffset = stroke.width / 2
val arcDimen = size.width - 2 * diameterOffset
color = color,
startAngle = startAngle,
sweepAngle = sweep,
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(diameterOffset, diameterOffset),
size = Size(arcDimen, arcDimen),
style = stroke
private fun DrawScope.drawCircularIndicatorBackground(
color: Color,
stroke: Stroke
) = drawCircularIndicator(0f, 360f, color, stroke)
* Contains the default values used for [LinearProgressIndicator] and [CircularProgressIndicator].
object ProgressIndicatorDefaults {
* Default stroke width for [CircularProgressIndicator], and default height for
* [LinearProgressIndicator].
* This can be customized with the `strokeWidth` parameter on [CircularProgressIndicator],
* and by passing a layout modifier setting the height for [LinearProgressIndicator].
val StrokeWidth = 4.dp
* The default opacity applied to the indicator color to create the background color in a
* [LinearProgressIndicator].
const val IndicatorBackgroundOpacity = 0.24f
* The default [AnimationSpec] that should be used when animating between progress in a
* determinate progress indicator.
val ProgressAnimationSpec = SpringSpec(
dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
stiffness = Spring.StiffnessVeryLow,
// The default threshold is 0.01, or 1% of the overall progress range, which is quite
// large and noticeable.
visibilityThreshold = 1 / 1000f
private fun DrawScope.drawDeterminateCircularIndicator(
startAngle: Float,
sweep: Float,
color: Color,
stroke: Stroke
) = drawCircularIndicator(startAngle, sweep, color, stroke)
private fun DrawScope.drawIndeterminateCircularIndicator(
startAngle: Float,
strokeWidth: Dp,
sweep: Float,
color: Color,
stroke: Stroke
) {
val strokeCapOffset = if (stroke.cap == StrokeCap.Butt) {
} else {
// Length of arc is angle * radius
// Angle (radians) is length / radius
// The length should be the same as the stroke width for calculating the min angle
(180.0 / PI).toFloat() * (strokeWidth / (CircularIndicatorDiameter / 2)) / 2f
// Adding a stroke cap draws half the stroke width behind the start point, so we want to
// move it forward by that amount so the arc visually appears in the correct place
val adjustedStartAngle = startAngle + strokeCapOffset
// When the start and end angles are in the same place, we still want to draw a small sweep, so
// the stroke caps get added on both ends and we draw the correct minimum length arc
val adjustedSweep = max(sweep, 0.1f)
drawCircularIndicator(adjustedStartAngle, adjustedSweep, color, stroke)
// LinearProgressIndicator Material specs
// TODO: there are currently 3 fixed widths in Android, should this be flexible? Material says
// the width should be 240dp here.
private val LinearIndicatorHeight = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth
private val LinearIndicatorWidth = 240.dp
// CircularProgressIndicator Material specs
// Diameter of the indicator circle
private val CircularIndicatorDiameter = 40.dp
// Indeterminate linear indicator transition specs
// Total duration for one cycle
private const val LinearAnimationDuration = 1800
// Duration of the head and tail animations for both lines
private const val FirstLineHeadDuration = 750
private const val FirstLineTailDuration = 850
private const val SecondLineHeadDuration = 567
private const val SecondLineTailDuration = 533
// Delay before the start of the head and tail animations for both lines
private const val FirstLineHeadDelay = 0
private const val FirstLineTailDelay = 333
private const val SecondLineHeadDelay = 1000
private const val SecondLineTailDelay = 1267
private val FirstLineHeadEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0.2f, 0f, 0.8f, 1f)
private val FirstLineTailEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0.4f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
private val SecondLineHeadEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0f, 0f, 0.65f, 1f)
private val SecondLineTailEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0.1f, 0f, 0.45f, 1f)
// Indeterminate circular indicator transition specs
// The animation comprises of 5 rotations around the circle forming a 5 pointed star.
// After the 5th rotation, we are back at the beginning of the circle.
private const val RotationsPerCycle = 5
// Each rotation is 1 and 1/3 seconds, but 1332ms divides more evenly
private const val RotationDuration = 1332
// When the rotation is at its beginning (0 or 360 degrees) we want it to be drawn at 12 o clock,
// which means 270 degrees when drawing.
private const val StartAngleOffset = -90f
// How far the base point moves around the circle
private const val BaseRotationAngle = 286f
// How far the head and tail should jump forward during one rotation past the base point
private const val JumpRotationAngle = 290f
// Each rotation we want to offset the start position by this much, so we continue where
// the previous rotation ended. This is the maximum angle covered during one rotation.
private const val RotationAngleOffset = (BaseRotationAngle + JumpRotationAngle) % 360f
// The head animates for the first half of a rotation, then is static for the second half
// The tail is static for the first half and then animates for the second half
private const val HeadAndTailAnimationDuration = (RotationDuration * 0.5).toInt()
private const val HeadAndTailDelayDuration = HeadAndTailAnimationDuration
// The easing for the head and tail jump
private val CircularEasing = CubicBezierEasing(0.4f, 0f, 0.2f, 1f)
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